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レッスンクラスは、今思えば 他の中学のお兄ちゃんとおなじクラスでややレベルが高かったのですが、




外国人のおじさんが 友達みたいに会話してくれて 試験も、いつものレッスン通りに会話できたんです。







進学塾と並行してでも カリフォルニアベアへ通うことはとても良いことだと思います。


英語は 今 得意ではないです。 そんな僕ですが、みなさんに、伝えたいことがあります。

この春、大学四年 日本化学学会で研究発表をさせていただきました。






🔺Golden gate 



















🔺ball Park サンフランシスコジャイアンツ イチロー選手が背番号で見えます












































サンフランシスコに家族で4/1〜5 行ってきました。











母より サンフランシスコの旅































Score Evaluation

8-13    Excellent!  Good Job!!

         London calling to you!!



4-7     Average! You are Londoner!! 

Let’s do cycling in the London city by Boris Bikes!!


0-3     Poor!

         Elementary, My Dear Watson. Why can’t you just think?

         You should learn from elementary things.

         Use the force Lu… sorry, Use your little grey cells!!


And now for something completely different. 


British people decided leaving EU.

What’s happened!! 

Everybody, Calm down!!

UK’s Progressive Rock masterpiece for you

Starless by the Unthanks



Finally, I present you next UK song.

Half of the population is in favor, half are against.

I’m not sure which is correct.

But British people are said to be a practical people.

They will be able to deal with the difficult problem.

I think they may be singing this song


‘Always look on the bright side of life’

When the destroyer HMS Sheffield was struck by an Exocet cruise missile

on 4 May 1982 in the Falklands War,

her crew sang it while waiting to be rescued from their sinking ship,

as did the crew of HMS Coventry.



Some things in life are bad  

They can really make you mad  

Other things just make you swear and curse. 

When you're chewing on life's gristle 

Don't grumble. Give a whistle  

And this'll help things turn out for the best. 


Always look on the bright side of life. 





London calling to you……

  So how can you tell me you’re lonely

  And say for you that the sun don’t shine

Let me take you by the hand and

  Lead you through the streets of London

  I’ll show you a spell

  To make you change your mind


  Expecto patronum!!!



 Stop! This is the end of the test……..



Answer1:   221B Baker Street          I ate Sharlock Wrap!!




Answer2:   Hercule Poirot’s Residence


Answer3:   Legendary late Zaha Hadid


                   If her designed stadium had been built in Japan,

it would have become a world heritage site!

                  Alternatively it may have become New Sagrada Familia.


Answer4:   Celebration of Her Majesty's 90th Birthday

                  She has two birthdays.

                 1.  April:  She was born on 21 April in 1926.

                 2.The second Saturday in June:

Official King’s and Queen’s birthday from 1748 by George


Answer5:   (b) or (c).  Off course, California Bear is also correct!!

                 This is bonus quiz!!


Answer6:  (d) Hitachi


Answer7:  (b) Freddie Mercury




Answer8:  (c)  The Beatles didn’t play here


桜が丘高校 軽音部様(けいおん) ate breakfast at the outside table.

Their photo is posted on the window in the pub!!!!


Answer9:  MI6(Secret Intelligence Service (SIS))

           Good Evening, Mr. Bond




Answer10:  (b)   This is Thames Barrier. The purpose is to prevent flood.


Amazing, It’s like a Thunderbirds base

Answer11:  Battersea Power Station.




              It's passed on! It’s no more!

It has ceased to be! 

It's expired and gone to meet it's maker! 

This is a late Power Station! It's a stiff! 
      Bereft of life, it rests in peace! 

It's run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible!! 
        THIS IS AN EX-Power Station!!


Answer12: (a) Tower bridge

         Westminster Bridge is below.

                           London Bridge is below   

             London Bridge is very simple bridge. But it has the longest history

            It first built in AD 46.

             It was falling down many times and built many times.

             Very Scary!!


             and previous London Bridge was moved to USA!!


             and there is another last lyrics.

             Let’s sing!!

                        Yankee Doodle keep it up  

Keep it up, keep it up   

Yankee Doodle keep it up  

                            My fair Lady.                                                                         

Answer13:  (d)  Britain Exit (Leaving EU)  Now , Brexit became Bregret and Regrexit these days!!

           The battle of the Thames  Sir Bob Geldof VS Nigel Farage





           The ‘IN’ Crowd(by Brian Ferry) was played at full volume!!

           Let’s play at full volume!!


           Sir Bob Geldof, who was a Rock musician and was nominated the Nobel Peace Prize,

And founded the charity group Band Aid and it came down to We Are the World(He also took part)



To be continued

Unforgettable Singapore



 I went on a three day trip to Singapore in April, 2016. It was my second time to visit southeast Asia, after Cambodia. Singapore has many famous sightseeing spots such as the Merlion, Night Safari and Gardens by the Bay, however, I am going tell you about other memorable events of my trip. There were two unforgettable moments during my journey.

First, I was delighted by the Koon Seng Road in the Katong area of the East Region. Katong is well-known for Peranakan culture. Rich Peranakan residents used to live in this area and many pretty houses remain. It is characteristic of Peranakan houses to have rich door and wall fretwork. I walked around the neighborhood a long time although it was hot and humid. I appreciated to beautiful decorative design of the houses.

Second, I very much enjoyed Sentosa. The island lies among the Southern Islands in the Central Region of Singapore. I went there by subway and monorail. In the “Mega Adventure” field, I tried a very thrilling attraction, called the “Mega Zip.” After the staff attached a safety belt to my waist, I slid sharply down from atop a 450 meter mountain to the beach at a speed of 60 kilometers an hour. I was really frightened when I looked down but it gave me a good thrill!

 Singapore is the cleanest and safest country that I have ever visited. I think the memory of these happy days will last forever.


Asuka S.


London River by Fairport Convention



I took a walk along River Thames.

I found a strange building near Vauxhall Bridge.

Q9  What is this building?

  Hint:1  The gentleman works here for Her Majesty.

       2  The building was blown up 4 years ago(followed photo), and completely destroyed last year by SPECTRE.

But when I visited this time, it had been perfectly rebuilt.

         Amazing!!  UK’s technology!!  Great!!

I continued to walk along River Thames and found it.


Q10  What is this on the River Thames?

     (a)  SPECTRE’s secret base

     (b)  Barrier

     (c)  Nuclear shelter


I found construction site by the river.

It is under construction a large commercial facilities.

The building was previously very famous in the world.

Q11  What was the building previously?

     Hint 1 It had four chimneys.  Now there is only one.

         2 It was used Music CD’s cover

         2 A pig floated above it!


and I reached to this bridge


Q12  What is the name of this bridge?

   (a) Tower Bridge

   (b) Westminster Bridge

   (c) London Bridge


At that time, The battle of the Thames has started.

There are so many boats and ships on the River Thames. What’s happened?


 Q13   What does Brexit mean?

  1. Brick Exit

  2. Breakfast Exit(the entrance of breakfast venue)

  3. Bright Exit

  4. Britain Exit

To be continued




Mind the gap between the train and the platform!!

What!   Oh no!  I overslept.   I’ll get off get off!


Opening Song Dirty Old Town(written by Ewan MacColl) 



June 2016.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Now I am in London.

I’m going to visit many sightseeing spots.

I introduce you very maniac spots of London in quiz format.


London Quiz!!


Let’s try, Everybody!!  It’s little difficult!!

Make your answer on your answer sheet.


Streets and Buildings in the city centre

The streets of London  by Ralph McTell 


    Let me take you by the hand and

   lead you through the streets of London


I went coffee shop for Lunch.

I ate special Wrap of this shop.

Q1  What is the address of this shop?

Hint:1  It is the most famous address in London(not 10 Downing street).

         2  This is the same place’s photo in 1880’s (Victorian era).

           There is carriage on the street.

I walk around barbican station.

There is a very famous residence near the station.

Q2  Whose residence is this building?


     Hint:1 It called Whitehaven mansions.

          2  Famous private detective lived here.

          3  He happened to come across to murder on the Orient Express.


I reached to Hyde Park.

Q3  Who designed this building?


 Hint 1 This is a restraint located in the Park.

         2 Most Japanese know the designer’s name.


I walked around Regent Street. So surprise!

There were so many Union Jacks.

Q4  What was happened?

I went to Paddington station for trip to Torquay.

There is a bear in the station!!  Bear with us!!!

Q5  Who is he?

    (a) Ted Bear

    (b) Paddington Bear

    (c) California Bear

    (d) Winnie the Pooh

I visited Canterbury from St. Pancras International Station by High- speed train ‘Javelin’.

It operated by Southeastern Rail.

   Southeastern Rail                          Great Western Rail(coming soon)

Q6  Which Japanese company manufactured this train

  1. Sharpe

  2. Softbank

  3. Seven - Eleven

  4. Hitachi                                                                                                                        

Break Time

   Meet me on the corner by Lindisfarne 




I walked around the neighbourhood my hotel in Earl’s Court(west London)

It takes only few minutes from my hotel, there is the house.

Q7  Whose residence was this house.


     Hint:1 It has been strictly defended

         :2 There are so many graffiti.

             “We miss you Freddie always in our heart.”

            “Freddie me and dad love you and your music  Julia

             “Freddie, It’s a beautiful day, I’m sure you can see!”

             “Dear Freddie thank you very much 嘉奈子from Japan

     Which is answer?

(a)  Freddy of a Nightmare on Elm Street

(b)  Freddie Mercury of Queen


  I ate breakfast at the famous music pub “Troubadour” near my hotel.

  (It is not related with another famous USA’s Troubadour).


  Q8  Which is wrong about this Pub?

  1.  Bob Dylan, Paul Simon played here

  2.  Jimi Hendrix played here

  3.  The Beatles played here

  4.  桜が丘高校 軽音部様 visited here

  5.  Led Zeppelin played here

To be continued.                                                                                                                     


Second Life in Australia


BGM  “I am Australian”


Good day, mate!!! I went to Melbourne and Sydney for 10 days in April, 2016.

I retired last year, and am now enjoying my second life. Here’s my story:


Arrival at Sydney Airport

Sydney Passport control introduced a facial recognition system, called SmartGate.

I was worried about it because I stopped dyeing my hair after retirement and lost weight and my face is different from the passport photo. I stood in front of the gate and looked at the camera but the gate didn’t open. I tried many times, until finally the gate opened, I shouted “Yes!!!”.

After that I transferred to Qantas Airlines for Melbourne.




Melbourne was named the “world’s most livable city” by the Economist.

There are many parks and gardens so it’s called the garden city.

I went to the State Library of Victoria. It was selected one of the “Top 15 Libraries to visit before you die by Trip Advisor.”

This library is very spacious and beautiful and displays many artworks.




Melbourne is also known as the gourmet city. There are many ethnic cuisines including Italian, Greek, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese … and JAPANESE!!

I ate the local dish at an old pub, the kangaroo burger!!

It’s Kangaroo meat and tastes delicious like teriyaki chicken.




Australian Coffee

I’m a big fan of coffee (see ep.4 Shanghai Sharks). Australia coffee culture is very unique. Can you tell the differences between Australian Coffees? (see the Australian coffee guide.)



It’s very complex, so I was very confused and always ordered Cappuccino.

I drank many cappuccinos.



I enjoyed my stay in Sydney. Sydney has 2 historical structures: the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.


This is the famous Harbour Bridge.



Oh! Is there something on top of the bridge?


Oh my gosh! People are walking on the top of the bridge!!!

I went to a seafood restaurant. It is located on a cape near downtown Sydney.

We have to take a ferry to get to the beachside restaurant.

I walked around the many beautiful points, beaches, and luxury houses.

I think reading signs is useful for learning English.

I always read signs in shops and sightseeing spots.

For example:


But, I didn’t understand this beach’s sign.


Todd, Can I ask you?

What does “Nudity permitted on beach only” mean?

Todd’s reply: The sign means you can walk around the beach without any clothes on, but don’t forget to put them on after leaving the beach. (unless you want to be arrested.)


Departing Sydney Airport

At the Departure gate I encountered the SmartGate again. I tried again many times but the gate didn’t open. This time, I was taken to a manned gate.

A Very beautiful young woman officer compared my face with the passport photo, gave a little chuckle and opened the gate.

My Australia trip was over….


Ending music..

“I still call Australia home” from Qantas.

I’ve been to cities that never close down,

From New York to Rio and old London town, 

But no matter how far or how wide I roam,

I still call Australia home.

I’m always trav’lin’, And I love being free, 

And so I keep leaving the sun and the sea, 

But my heart lies waiting over the foam. 

I still call Australia home. 

All the sons and daughters spinning ’round the world,

Away from their families and friends, 

But as the world gets older and colder and colder 

It’s good to know where your journey ends. 

But someday we’ll all be together once more,

When all of the ships come back to the shore, 

I realize something I’ve always known, 

I still call Australia home. 



I studied English abroad in Santa Monica,California for six months. It was a good experience for me.
I’d like to introduce to you 3 of my favorite beaches: first, Malibu Beach. I watched the sunset there, and it was super beautiful. I think it’s the best L.A. beach, and so many famous people live there, including Justin Bieber, Brad Pitt, and Paris Hilton.

Second, Venice Beach. It has a huge skatepark where a lot of skaters go every day. I used to watch them. If you like skateboarding, you have to go there. It also has canals like Venice, Italy, but smaller. You can go shopping along the Venice Beach boardwalk, too.

Third, Santa Monica Beach. It’s at the end of Route 66 and has a long famous pier popular with tourists. The surfing, fishing, and beach are great and there is an amusement park on the pier. These are only my L.A. favorite, but California has so many beautiful beaches, it’s too hard to count. San Diego is even more famous for its beaches, the only way to know the beauty of California beaches is to visit them yourself.

Hi everyone. I am a midwife. I help mothers to give birth. Sometimes I meet foreign mothers in the hospital, so I started thinking that I want to support them and became interested in English. After working 1 year, I quit my job, then I left for a working holiday in Canada. It was my first time to go abroad alone, so it was so exciting!
First I did a homestay in Vancouver for 3 months. Then I really wanted to snowboard, so I moved to Whistler which is the biggest snow resort of Canada. I got a job in a Japanese restaurant even though I couldn’t speak English, and I went to work and snowboarded every day after work for a half a year.I really loved it. I miss those days.

After that, I moved to Sydney, Australia where I have Aussie friends who I met
snowboarding in Whistler. They invited me to their home. They showed me great hospitality. They knew I didn’t have much money, so they always helped me. We spent time together every day in their home. I enjoyed a second working holiday there.

Naturally, I spoke English every day, thanks to my friends, I was really motivated to speak more with them, simply for conversation. Communication in English made me happy.

Fortunately, I was able to find work in a coffee shop, kebab restaurant, and hotel housekeeper. I spent 1 year in Australia.

After my working holidays, I still keep in touch with my Aussie, Korean, Taiwanese, Canadian friends and of course Japanese.
Sometimes we meet and travel together. I'm enjoying my life with friends.

I recommend you go abroad. Don't hesitate to go to abroad.
Do you know what American city our teacher Todd grew up in…?
It is San Diego! I went on a road trip there during the last week of 2015 with my husband. While I was taking CBEC classes about 2 years ago, Todd taught me about San Diego and I thought I wanted to visit there someday because it sounded like one of the most beautiful cities in the U.S.A. Our road trip was so fascinating and my expectations about San Diego were completely true.

We live in San Jose, California. The distance between our city and San Diego is about 750 km; it takes 8 hours by car. It is soooo far. However we purposely chose to go there by car not by plane because we wanted to experience a long California road trip enjoying some places along the route to the destination, like the locals do. We packed a big suitcase, food and water in our car, and then our trip started in the morning on the day after Christmas. On the route, we had a fun time seeing the spectacles such as a huge farm against the beautiful green, brilliant Pacific Ocean and small, charming towns with beautiful houses which were built on the seashore. We took turns driving every 2 hours while taking breaks in the small towns. In the evening, we finally arrived at our first destination, Santa Barbara, where we stayed one night before going to San Diego. Santa Barbara is famous for its nice beaches and historical church.

When we arrived there, we could see the awesome sunset at the beach. We were moved and it helped to relieve our fatigue after a long drive. We left the city the next afternoon, and we finally got to San Diego at night.

San Diego is one of the top 10 most populated cities in the U.S.A, including New York and Los Angeles, however I felt that the atmosphere and the streetscape are totally different from them; it was very clean, comfortable and relaxing with a huge sky and ocean. We stayed four nights at a hotel which was close to the downtown and visited some spots we were interested in and enjoyed them so much. Additionally, I could find something out about the city that I’ll never forget… the delicious raw seafood! I love to eat seafood but I didn’t think I could find tastier and fresher raw seafood in the U.S.A than that in Japan, yet we did! We could encounter authentic Japanese sushi taste at a restaurant on our first night in San Diego. The restaurant was established by a Japanese sushi chef who moved to San Diego and opened the restaurant because he felt the local sea urchin (uni )is the best tasting he had ever had. The restaurant was very busy with many local people and they seemed to be enjoying the food so much. We could also find many kinds of seafood at other restaurants, bars and supermarkets. We had missed tasty raw fish since moving to the U.S.A, so we admired the taste so much and we ate seafood every night.

Our first California road trip was memorable, and San Diego is a place we recommend you visit and we want to visit again.