Now the decision is in your court to choose  a method that suits your lifestyle.Here underneath are some ideas and facts that help you to make a decisionBlow-drying dangers You must have probably heard that the heat makes your hair damaged. It can be a lengthy process and even make damages to your hair. Each hair strand of yours will be covered with shingled-like structures called the cuticles. For that many styling equipments are being available in the markets.. Blow-drying provides faster drying, but at the same time can damage your hair. With hair dryers you can blow-dry your hair. If you air-dry it will protect your hair from all the tangles without doing over-brushing. Blow drying and air drying are those two techniques. When you want to make your hair dry decide whether you have got the time to blow-dry your hair carefully or if you could afford to have the wet hair while it can air dries.Some misconceptions about the Air-Drying It's very true that the air-drying can be a better option for your overall hair, but some little dangers are also there by letting your hair dry slowly. Cordless hair dryers come between that. So surely this can be the next big thing. Overall its recommended to dry and wash your hair less frequently. They are the protein layers that protect your hair from all damages.Blow-drying and Air drying For your hair the blow-drying can give a more controlled hair style. Convenient air drying can make your hair to dry naturally. While wet, combing your hair can stretch your hair strands causing splits and damages while hair will be in its more delicate condition.Some recommendations to take care of your hair You must make a decision on daily routine, whats best for your hair.Today hair styling has become a trend among both men and women. Blow-drying can create more split-ends. Finally, when you make your hair wet the fibers will swell and when drys it quickly, fibers will contract causing the cuticles to get cracked. Heat can break down the cuticle and can make your hair dull and rough more prone to get damaged. Rubbing your hair with a towel can strip, rip, snap, fry and pop your hair within no time.But on the other hand Air-drying is very healthy, but it can leave your hair wet for hours. But the way you use, can sometimes break or make your hair styling successful. Overheating is the main cause of damage to your hair. So air-drying is better, according to me than blow-drying. For terrific hair styling many hair-drying methods are available that holds your hair the whole day until at late nights. So better give a break to your blow dryer and let the air-dried hair be the next big thing for you. So while choosing to blow-dry better dont try overheating. In addition to that heat low down your hair moisture very fast that getting reabsorbed from the hair leaving it very brittle