グラディウス ポータブル コナミ・ザ・ベスト/コナミデジタルエンタテインメント


For those of you who don't know, Gradius is one of the DEFINING shooting games in history. It is considered one of the best side-scroll shooting games made to this day. Like I just said, it's a side scroll shooter where you are in control of a fighter, the Vic Viper (yes I spelled that correctly), and you're out to destroy the evil Bacterian forces. Again, I'm not making this up. Goofy name, sure, but man is it a tough game.

What makes the series so unique is its power up system. Normally, you'd be given power ups that, if you touch them, immediately give you a corresponding power-up, such as a stronger shot or more bombs. In Gradius, you get to choose what you power up. You have a meter at the bottom of the screen, that has speed, missiles, normal shot (double shot), laser, option, and shield. Each time you get a power item, the gauge moves up one level, so from speed -> missile -> double shot -> laser and so on. When it gets to a power-up you want, you can press the powe-up button to receive the selected power-up. Using this, you can power up however you like.

Oh, and by the way, "option" gives you a shiny orange orb that has the exact same attack capabilities as your main fighter. And you can get 4 of them. It's pretty awesome.

So anyway, yeah, it's an awesome game. And Portable has the first Gradius, Gradius II, Gradius III, Gradius IV, and Gradius Gaiden. That is 5 games for about 3000 yen. I do not care WHAT your gaming life is like, that is a good deal.

To be fair, Gradius III and IV have mixed reviews. III is generally seen as too difficult, and IV is often called a simple copy-and-paste of older titles plus increased difficulty. Some of the levels have nothing to do with skill, and depend mostly on luck. Although personally, while it IS fucking hard, I do enjoy III. Like I said, mixed reviews. And for the record, I haven't even beaten the third level yet. And I beat R-TYPE, no deaths. I gotta say though, IV has good graphics and whatnot but it still does feel like a clone of older installations of the series. Plus it is even more ridiculous than III in some ways. The rest of the games are awesome, though.

If you are a shooting game fan, I'd definitely go for this. The price is reasonable, it's a great series, its most definitely a challenge, and its over all just really fun. Even minus III and IV, that is still 3 totally awesome games for less than the price of 1. Of course, each game is difficult, and if you are used to breezing through levels and mowing down enemies, I suggest you stick to HALO. Gradius is for the hardcore, the gamers who are willing to die over and over and over and OVER until they beat one level. It's a tough game, but well worth it. Give it a shot.





でも、それでもプレイする価値はある。自分は未だIIIの3面すらクリアできていないけど面の風景や敵キャラは好きだし、IVも独特の雰囲気が無い訳ではない。初代, II, 外伝はどれも名作だし、シューティングゲームの歴史を知る上でも重要なソフトだと思いますね。
