Hello hello hello,
Sorry I've been off my blog recently, I've been busy and lazy at the same time and really could not be bothered to write anything longer than a 3 sentence e-mail.:p Such is life, I suppose.
So anyway, I'm back online, I have a little time to kill so I thought I'd put something up on my blog. Probably will be just me rambling since I don't have much to say.
Which reminds me, I was cruising around the interwebs the other day and found some pretty entertaining psychology jokes. I'm kind of a psych person, so this kind of humor amuses me to no end.

Q. How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Only one, but the light bulb needs to really WANT to change.


"Psychotics build castles in the sky, schizophrenics live in them, but psychiatrists collect the rent."

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's so true though, isn't it? How do you know psychiatrists don't drive you MORE crazy?
"Oh, you see, you're in denial about your insanity."
"No I'm not!"
"See?? You are!"

But then this raises the issue of "what is sanity?" And I fully and freely admit, I have yet to meet a single "normal" person in my life. Oh, sure, I meet plenty of "functional" people, but all of my close friends seem to have some form of crushing anxiety or obsession or inferiority complex or just plain all of the above.

Or does that say something about me more than them? No, no, that's silly. I'm PeRFectLY s4Ne.
Speaking of which, phobias are kind of a funny thing too, aren't they? They're no laughing matter for the people who HAVE them, of course, but god, to everyone else? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I mean, some phobias are just odd. For example,
Anglophobia- Fear of England or English culture, etc.

... OK? Um, I hate to break the news but England is like, the LEAST terrifying culture on the planet. What is there to be scared of, scones and tea? Oh, and a really old queen who wears silly hats. And Monty Python.

Here's another good one.
Anthropophobia- Fear of people or society.
Whoever has this is a true case of "sucks to be you." I can see this being horribly debilitating, but man. Is it ever generic. I just have this image of a guy opening his door, looking outside, screaming, and slamming it again and hiding under his bed.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have oddly specific ones too.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
I swear to god I am not making this up. Who even CLASSIFIES these phobias? And why is it so specific? Not a fear of peanuts, or peanut butter, or chocking. Of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Yeah, it's UNPLEASANT, but I don't have a nervous breakdown whenever I eat a PBJ.
"Hey Ed, you wanna have my sandwich? I need to run to a meeting and don't have time to finish it."
"Sure Bob, what kind of sandwich is it?"
"PB and J."
"Great, my favorite!" (takes a bite, chews a bit)
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" *runs out sobbing and whimpering*

Or this.
Bogyphobia- Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman.
Do we even know what the bogeyman IS? No, apparently it's separate from fear of ghosts.
That's Phasmophobia.

Oh man, now the person is just fucking with him/herself.
Phobophobia- Fear of phobias.
.... Just wow. How does... But why... it doesn't.... GAHH.
"I'm scared man, I'm afraid I have a phobia!"
"Doesn't that mean you have a phobia about phobias?"

OK, I am beginning to think Psychologists are just screwing with everyone.
Photoaugliaphobia- Fear of glaring lights.
Photophobia- Fear of light.
Is it the intensity? Is someone with Photophobia scared of ALL light? And why is someone with Photoaugliaphobia so specific? Is candle light OK? Gahh.

This has gotta make life difficult.
Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking.

And then there's this.
Rhabdophobia- Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand)
I can understand the first part, I mean nobody likes that and I can see getting severely freaked out about it. But, MAGIC. I am seeing a general theme hear of abuse and a fear of sticks.

And then:
Symbolophobia- Fear of symbolism.
These people should never, EVER read poetry. Ever.
"And my love for her is like a fire, burning brightly in my..."

Or Polyphobia- Fear of many things.
Can this get any MORE generic? I mean do they mean fear of a variety of things, or fear of things that number more than one? So like, one crayon would be OK but they'd flip out if they saw 12 crayons?

And the list goes on and on. I should read through this, it is pretty entertaining I gotta say. So many things to be afraid of! I'm not entirely sure how all of this is organized though, I found at least two separate words for "Fear of men" with no other explanation describing the difference. Very odd.
Anyway, hope that was entertaining! I'll be keeping up on my blog again from now on, I hope.:p









....調子乗りましたすいません許して下さい。ドブちゃん強いって。いきなりなんか吐いてくるし時間経つとこっち向かってくるし。い、いかん、子供の時のトラウマが... だがこれはPSP!無限コンティニューの恐ろしさを思い知れ!


そして「この調子ならR-TYPE IIも楽勝だな!」と思い早速チャレンジ!





後、R-TYPE TACTICSもプレイしてます。自分はシミュレーションはプレイしなれているのでこっちは今のところ敗北は一回だけで済んでいます。でも決して簡単ではなく、頭脳プレイが要求されます。敵の先読みや妨害なども可能なのがいい。

