McDonalds Japan
Limited Edition!!!
"ハロウィン 魔女 ポテト"
"Halloween Witchcraft Fries"


ハワイ に 住んでた時 は 良く マックドナルド 食べてましたけど 日本に来てから ダイエット 頑張って  一回 も 食べてなかった〜!と言う事は 1年7ヶ月 マック ガマンしてました!でも インスタグラム の フォロアー からの リクエスト で、この 日本 マック 限定 ポテト 食べに行きました〜!

While living in Hawaii, I would eat McDonalds all the time!! However, since moving to Tokyo, I have not once eaten at McDonalds due to my dieting efforts... That means 1 year and 7 months without McDonalds!!  
I finally gave in after a recent request from one of my Instagram followers to go and try these fries for him. Apparently these Halloween limited edition fries were exclusive to Japan McDonalds.
They offered 2 flavor options; Purple Potato/Chocolate and Pumpkin/Chocolate.... Ofcourse I had to go with my favorite Purple Potato!!  It was.... Interesting.... Not bad, not amazing....I'm sure if I was a huge fan of chocolate, I would've been all about it!  In the end, I'm really glad I tried it!!

せっかく マック に来てたので 大好きな ハンバーグ と チキンナゲットも 注文 しました。アジは アメリカ の マック と いっしょ でした。 
I decided to have a cheat day and let myself go all out since I held out eating McDonalds for sooo long!! I went right back to ordering my usual Hamburger and Chicken Nuggets! It tasted just like the ones in America! Many people claim that Japan McDonalds tastes different from U.S. McDonalds.... I think if I ordered other items on the menu, it would be easier to distinguish the differences in taste...

Hmmmm.... I wonder how long I can go without McDonalds again...🤔