メッチャ 暑くて この スターバックス フラパチーノ 飲みたい〜❗️ コーヒージェリー は  7月 に あった 限定フレーバーでした。 とっても美味しくて、今も欲しいけどもうないー!えーん
It's so hot today I'm totally craving an ice cold frappucinno from Starbucks!  "Coffee Jelly" was their limited edition flavor back in June/July.  It was sooo delicious; I want to drink it again but it has come and gone... Currently, their limited edition flavor is Crushed Orange, which I have yet to try.  I petition; BRING BACK "COFFEE JELLY"!!!!!!!!



自分の SNAPCHAT アカウント に のせた写真!SNAPCHAT やって人たちもぜひぜひ Follow して下さいね〜❗️ 
Here's the pic I had posted on my snapchat that day! Are you following me on Snap?!!

Username: carolyn_miki
