ドキドキドキドキ Outfit for マトリョシカドキドキドキドキ
ワンピースBlue Hoodie: $10 (??)
ワンピースSkit: $?? (Bodyline)
ワンピースPants: $35 (Hollister)
ワンピースGreen Striped Camie: $5 (Victoria's Secret) (Can't see it in the picture)
くつBlack Ugg Botts: $?? (My aunt)


Today my family an I are going to my cousin's house to eat my birthday cake ケーキ
My favorite kind of cake is ice cream cake but my dad got me a chocolate cake ソフトクリーム
I just like being around my family. Seeing my mom and my half sisters ラブラブ


Time to think of a new dance to do... ドキドキ

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*
