Heyaaaaa it's me ;) I'm back after a hiatus of 10 days!!

Tbh the past week has been busy as my uni preparation proceeded. I can't believe my 4-month long holiday is coming to an end in about 10 days 😭😭😭 *cries a river* I'll miss being a potato at home soooo muchhhhh. 

A brief (or so I thought) description of what I've been up to:

I applied for my student visa, and yes after that my passport got lost in the middle of courier items. Thank goodness I realized sth was wrong when it didn't arrive for about 1 week and tracked my shipment online only to find that it had been returned to the post office. I won't outline what exactly was wrong here, but it is due to some procedural errors on their part. 

2. PACKING. And more packing
I have 60kg baggage allowance when travelling so weight is not the problem here, but then there's a limited number of baggage you can carry ;____; tbh I just wanna bring my whole wardrobe and cupboards of stuffs alright!! I wish I could hire a porter to carry my stuffs to London lol smh 

3. Socializing
I'm free and single ready to mingle! 😄😄😄 I joined several group chats from the university (e.g. halls of residence, course, country specific groups) and met some amazing bunch of people from there. I'm glad to know that most of my course mates are some crazy, wild but warm and welcoming bunch of people ;) Physics people rocks!!

4. And some other hassles of studying abroad...
Like opening a student bank account. And paying the fees and worrying about living expenses AND MONEY TO PARTY (priority, tsk tsk). I'll be attending a few parties and social events in London, some in my uni and also some external ones. I'm so hyped up!! Lol but it's London, everything is expensive there so I'll have to spend wisely 😂 oh and, I'm also shopping for some uni essentials cuz ya know, it's always cheaper to buy stuffs in your home country😉

5. Revising math 😅
Ok so to spoil the fun of freshers week by a tad bit, we have a math test in Week 1 to gauge the level the students are at. It doesn't count towards anything really, but rather it is to give some students extra classes since we all followed different curriculums in high school. I've been revising my IB materials and also learning a bit of A level stuffs which I haven't learned, just to check that my brain hasn't completely frazzled up yet. (Which I found out it has--what's 5+9 again?) honestly though, I don't plan on spending too much time revising during freshers week (or simply YOLO and not revise at all HAHAHA) because freshers week is the time to go out, have fun and meet lots of new people. I probably will be holed up in the 24-hour library for a big chunk of my time once the term starts anyways. 

Anyways I was hoping to make a post about foooood, but since I was up to quite a lot i thought i would just write about it for now. Yes I'm definitely feeling the freshers hype!! One good thing about UK is that the legal drinking age is 18 so... Here's to more partying! 😄