You are not alone  | CAPIYUNA2nd blog

CAPIYUNA2nd blog

I am a Japanese musician, composer, and distributor of all genres including ambient, contemporary, and electronic music.

I write behind-the-scenes information, human behavior, practice methods, etc.

Humans who cannot understand the reality beyond self -understanding, regardless of internal, cause ideological riots



Even if you put it in the LGBTQ turmoil, it is only a reality that has LGBTQ.



Personal emotions, common sense, and theories have no meaning in this fact



Common sense is just a manual for suspension of ideology, which is created by your own beliefs as a source.






If you make an example and write it easily


[The main purpose of school education is to teach the ecology of sitting in a seat for several hours a day, not the content of the class].



Those who understand this understand that the common people are now economical, physical, realistic, experimental materials, livestock, food, and gears.


If you think about it with objective and reality, LDBTQ exists, war, and nuclear weapons.  

It exists regardless of personal preference

This reality cannot be changed by emotion


It is important that humanity is not involved, but it is important for mankind to clarify what the purpose is.


You need to make a decision first

The means will be good later 



Humans are creatures to learn from mistakes 

It's time to liquidate past mistakes 


You are not alone


I keep making a relaxing song 




Blessing God to all humanity  人類に平和と神の祝福を