CAPIYUNA2nd blog

CAPIYUNA2nd blog

I am a Japanese musician, composer, and distributor of all genres including ambient, contemporary, and electronic music.

I write behind-the-scenes information, human behavior, practice methods, etc.

For a woman in her 40s with many conditions


  • Often has abundant social experience and a well-established sense of values and lifestyle.
  • Often has clear expectations of a partner and a realistic outlook on married life.
  • Is often financially independent, making it more likely to have a marriage without placing a financial burden on the partner.


  • May feel pressured by society as she has passed the age considered ideal for marriage.
  • In the case of remarriage, there may be complex circumstances such as past romantic experiences or children.
  • There may be a generation gap with a younger partner, leading to differences in values.


For a straightforward woman in her 20s


  • A pure and straightforward personality is often appealing to men.
  • There is great potential for future growth together.
  • Often has high ideals for marriage and high expectations for married life.


  • May lack social experience and a realistic outlook on married life.
  • May not be financially independent and may place a financial burden on the partner.
  • May be immature due to her young age and may not have clear future goals.

Whether one is more likely to get married depends largely on individual circumstances and compatibility with a partner.

For example:

  • A 40-year-old woman who is financially independent and meets a gentle man is more likely to get married.
  • A 20-year-old woman who meets a sincere and promising man is more likely to get married.

The success of a marriage depends not only on age and personality but also on the following factors:

  • Opportunities to meet people: Whether or not to actively use dating parties, marriage agencies, SNS, etc.
  • Communication skills: Whether you can understand your partner's feelings and express your own.
  • Shared values: How much do your values align when building a married life together?
  • Financial capacity: How well is the financial foundation prepared to support married life?

It is important to consider what truly matters to you and build a relationship with your partner without being too caught up in age or conditions.

Using the services of a marriage consultant is also one option. Marriage consultants can introduce you to partners who meet your desired conditions and provide advice on dating.

Please gather various information and make a careful decision based on your own circumstances.

Feel free to ask if you have any specific questions.

Note: Not all apply






  • メリット:
    • 社会経験が豊富で、自分の価値観やライフスタイルが確立されていることが多い。
    • 相手に求めるものが明確で、結婚生活に対する現実的な見通しを持っていることが多い。
    • 経済的に自立している場合が多く、パートナーに経済的な負担をかけずに結婚生活を送れる可能性が高い。
  • デメリット:
    • 結婚適齢期と言われる年齢を過ぎており、周囲からのプレッシャーを感じる場合がある。
    • 再婚の場合、過去の恋愛経験や子供がいるなど、複雑な事情を抱えている可能性がある。
    • 若い相手と年齢差があり、価値観の違いからすれ違いが生じる可能性がある。





  • メリット:
    • 純粋で素直な性格は、男性から好かれることが多い。
    • 将来的に様々な可能性があり、一緒に成長していくことができる。
    • 結婚に対する理想が高く、結婚生活への期待感を持っていることが多い。
  • デメリット:
    • 社会経験が浅く、結婚生活に対する現実的な見通しがない場合がある。
    • 経済的に自立していない場合が多く、パートナーに経済的な負担をかける可能性がある。
    • 若さゆえの未熟さや、将来の目標が定まっていない場合がある。



  • 40歳の女性が、経済的に自立しており、穏やかな性格の男性と出会えた場合結婚に結びつく可能性は高いでしょう。
  • 20歳の女性が、誠実で将来性のある男性と出会えた場合結婚に結びつく可能性は高いでしょう。

    注: すべてが当てはまるわけではありません