パグ、9歳半でお空へ。ママ「もっと早く気づいてあげられたら、、、」ママさんへのお返事は? | 自分の仔への愛が止まらないあなたへ。
































犬生としては長くはなかったかもしれないけど、魂の学びは達成したから、全く後悔がない。亡くなった後もすぐに成仏できたらしいです。家の中には最初の 2 日くらいはいたかもしれないけど、早い段階で成仏して天国に昇ったとのことでした。

































I'd like to share the story of Pal whom I spoke to about a month ago.

She is a female pug, passed away about 5 years ago at the age of 9 and a half虹


I've got a feedback from her mom so pls read though till the very endキューン

It was about 30mins session, below is the only a part of it.

(Q represents her mom's questions that she sent me prior to the session, 犬indicates Pal.)





Me: Your mom is regretting that she should've taken to your vet and watched you more closely. What do you think about it?

犬This was my fate. It's no one's fault. I actually had a bad omen. My time was coming close but I wasn't feeling sick at all.


She knew her time was close. However, she wasn't sick so her mom could't tell anything wrong with her is normal. 

It wasn't that she knew "when" she'd go, she just had a hunch telling her that her time on earth is coming to the end soon and he was feeling sad about it.



Here, her mom said "When I look back, I noticed that she wasn't able to jump up onto the sofa as usual and there was a slight change in her appetite."

I told Pal about that. She was surprised that her mom actually noticed these subtle changes. Pal thought she wasn't showing anything on the outside.


This must be an evidence of Pal and her mom being connected always. But for that, her mom feels guilty as she didn't do anything about it.



Q, Were you happy?

犬I was happy! I was loved so much and treated like a baby in this family. I have no regret.


This is her best memorable feeling that she was a baby in this household and being treated like a baby all the time. 

It might not be a long life, but she had accomplished all her learnings her soul needed in this life so she has no regret. She became at peace very quickly after her passing, she might have been in the house for the first 2 days or so, but she quickly went to heaven after.



Pal's passing was very sudden. One morning, she did not wake up. She always slept in her crate in her mom's bedroom. In the middle of the night her mom heard rattle sounds from her crate which happened sometimes so her mom thought nothing of it and fell back asleep till the next morning. When she realized, Pal was already gone...


Me: Why did you choose that way to go?

犬Mom was so busy at that time. I didn't want to be her burden so I decided to go quickly.

Me: What do you think made you go?

犬Maybe a heart ataack.


My first thoughts as a nurse when I heard about rattle sounds was a seizure. But Pal thinks it was a heart attack.


According to her mom, both of her kids were still small at that time and " My plate was so full and my hands were tied" at that time.

Also, she thinks it must have been a heart attack.



Feed back


"I'm relieved. I was feeling guilty of not detecting her sickness and ignoring her condition. I feel better as she said it was not my fault."

"You (me) said her favorite treat was gneeny. You reminded me that it's true! I though her favorite was apples. She was always excited about apples, she couldn't contain her excitement when we're peeling apples for her. That was one of my vivid memories with her."

"The messages for me and my kids were convincing. The message for my husband wasn't what I was expecting."

"Pal was really really my doll. I was always telling her how cute she was. I'm so happy to hear that she knows it and feel happy about it."



I am happy that I was able ot eliminate her mom's feeling of guilt through this session. Pal never thought she was at fault one bit! It was my real pleasure to convey that messages to her mom.


AC is greatびっくりマーク