[txt] Destiny Grimoire Anthology  Volume V Legions Adrift Full Pages






Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume V: Legions Adrift

Author : Bungie
Pages : 176
Language :eng
Release Date :2023-1-7
ISBN :195772109X
Publisher :Bungie Inc.

Bungie presents the Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol V: Legions Adrift, a must-have collectible lore compendium designed and assembled for Destiny’s devoted and enlightened scholars and lore lovers, as well as fans of fantasy and science fiction storytelling.Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume V: Legions Adrift is a curated look at the history of one of humanity's greatest enemies, and now perhaps, potential allies: the Cabal. These stories follow an ancient empire through a time of great change--from the hedonism of Emperor Calus to the ambition of Dominus Ghaul to the vision of Empress Caiatl. What does it mean to be Cabal--to eat the mountains and drink the seas? And with their homeworld lost, what will the Cabal become?Includes a download code printed on card. Until now, the myths, mysteries, and machinations of the Destiny universe were found hidden throughout the worlds – enticing threads that hinted at a greater tapestry. The Destiny Grimoire Anthology weaves tales from multiple sources together for the first time, casting new light on Destiny’s most legendary heroes, infamous villains, and their greatest moments of triumph and tragedy.

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