ランジェリー撮影 Lingerie shoot

ランジェリー撮影/lingerie shoot

 私の王子様と馬車/my prince with my carriage

Black Forrest cake/ブラックフォレストケーキ

 Divorce and Freedom: Finding Joy in 
Independence and Modeling

I always thought divorce was an awful word, 
dripping with stigma and whispered in hushed 
tones at dinner parties. But now that I'm divorced, 
I've come to realize there's an incredible world 
of wonderful men out there—kind, funny, 
protective, and real. It's like discovering a hidden 
treasure trove of humanity.

During my marriage, I was, to put it mildly, quite 
naive. Let's just call it dumb. I supported my entire
 family, paid for everything, worked constantly, 
and believed every tall tale spun my way. After 
being sued and robbed of everything, I was left 
shell-shocked, convinced that all men were only 
after my money and were pathological liars. 
But guess what? I was wrong.

Now, I'm enjoying my single life and meeting 
men from all over the world. Divorced is not a 
dirty word—it's a badge of freedom. I've shed the 
trauma of my first marriage and feel more 
liberated than ever. Life is beautiful, and while 
I might never completely settle down, I am relishing the journey to find my prince charming. Maybe 
I haven't met him yet, but I'm loving the search 
for my prince with the white horses. Lol.

And let's talk about my modeling career—it's been 
an absolute blast. The recent lingerie shoot was 
a classic, old-school affair, but utterly fascinating. 
Working with photographers across the globe is 
an incredible experience, and I have a soft spot 
for European lingerie. Europeans truly understand 
how a woman wants to feel—sexy, alive, and 
feminine at any age. They see women as fine 
wine, improving with age, and I love that they 
respect women so deeply.

The consideration and kindness I encounter at 
these shoots are heartwarming. I feel so lucky 
and grateful for the life I lead. As I travel the world, the search for my prince continues. But in the 
meantime, I'm reveling in my job and my newfound 
freedom. Life is an adventure, and I'm living it to 
the fullest. 
Love you





