I used to watch some YouTube channels.

The contents are about saving money, low income and temporary worker.

They sometimes complain about their job or our society.

However I don’t think they aren’t happy.

Rather, they look happy to find very small happiness.

I’m a part-time worker.
I don’t get enough money as well.

Of course I have to save money.

So I understand their feelings.

When I watched their channel, I could totally relate   them.

But I realized that I won’t look to the future with hope if I accept the current situation and our society.

I mean I’m not satisfied with my small world and I wanna try to improve a little more.

Then I choose to watch another woman’s channel.

She is independent and to works as an engineer.
Moreover she overcame illness.

I feel happy that my generation and the older generation are active.

I don’t care about small things and I wanna live with hope.