Where is my diary??

I wrote my diary yesterday but it disappeared ガーン
because of bad network connection アセアセ maybe.

I try it again !

Yesterday, I trained how to care for patients for new staff of a nursing home .

The new staff listened to me carefully.

I felt happy to meet such a motivated staff キラキラ

By the way, I always don’t know what I should say at the end of training.

“ Good luck!” ?

If I’m in the new staff’s situation, I will feel under pressure .

Because they are already nervous.

So I try to say “ Let’s try our best together!”

I mean It’s not just you but me.

Some people don’t like the word “ 頑張って!”

It might sound to be somebody else’s problem.

But I also have to overcome my problems .

So I wanna say “ It’s hard for each other but let’s do our best !”グッ

“ 頑張りましょうね!”