Two days have passed since the friendly match.

Rose hasn't seen Efergan at all since then. She thinks he's still in the capital, but might be busy with political discussions.

Rose's life returned to normal. She regularly exercised and practiced hard in the morning, took lessons during the day, and in the afternoon, she had some free time to draw or fish in the pond. Of course, it's catch and release. She recorded the size of the fish she caught and threw it back. Suzu would probably get mad at her if she cooked them without permission.

At night, she is on the roof, as usual. Even though she's close to him, she can't see him. Thinking about it makes her feel lonely. Rose is a troublesome person, but she is also very lonely.

Thinking about Efergan, Rose somehow wants to meet him. Rose doesn't even understand why she cares about Efergan. She is drawn to something about Efergan. The more she freaks out about herself, the more it bothers her. She wondered if her heart was wavering, overcome by her mere loneliness. She can't understand whether she is attracted to Efergan's power.

Unlike a pen pal, when he is here, in front of her, she can't help but be curious. Something in her heart that she can't control is making her logic go haywire. What does she want from him? She is troubled, not knowing her answer. After that friendly match, she still thinks there's something wrong with herself. She thinks about him so much that she's restless tonight.


She called that name in her head.


That's what she realized. Looks like she put the link up.

(Is it Rose who just spoke to me in my head?)

Even though she thought it was awkward, she answered his question.

(That's amazing. Where are you now?)
"I'm on the roof."
(Even if I wanted to meet you, I can't go there. It's inside the palace complex.)

There was an answer from Efergan.

"Where is Efergan now?"
(At the inn.)
"Near the palace?"
(It's a little far away. It's an inn called Hanazono. But what happened?)
"Well, I guess I want to meet you somehow."
(I also wanted to meet you, but Her Majesty did not allow me to. She told me you were tired from the match, so you were taking a break to care for yourself.)
(It's difficult.)

Suzu didn't give her permission after all, Rose thought.

"I think there is a round-shaped park in the capital."
(It's right in front of me. I can see it from my window.)
"I've never tried it, but..."

Rose closed her eyes. She felt the breeze, calming her mind. She knew there was a Black Ops around her. Tentatively she got off and went back to her bedroom.

She opened the bedroom window and closed her eyes again, consolidating the image.


She moved quickly in combat, but she had never moved outside of combat. So she wants to try it. She wonders if she can go to that park...


When she opened her eyes, Efergan was right in front of her. He spread his wings and he was right in front of her.

"Good evening, Efergan."
"Good evening, Rose."
"For some reason, I wanted to meet you."
"I wanted to meet you too."
"And then we met..."

Rose is smiling and looking at him.

"I see. I was already getting ready for bed."
"Ah. That's why you are in your pajamas."
"Hahaha, that's right. Do you feel cold?"
"I guess it’s a bit chilly."

Hear Rose say that, Efergan removed the cloth from his shoulders and draped it over Rose's shoulders.

"Efergan is also cold, right?"
"It's fine here. Suzukinoyama is just as cool at night."
"I see, thank you."
"No. I never thought you would really appear. Rose is truly a celestial maiden."
"You’re exaggerating."

When Efergan laughed, Rose also laughed.

"Now, what should I do? I flew here without thinking. There's no bodyguard either."
"Yeah. I didn't think anything of it either. I just wanted to see you...I guess I bothered you."
"No. I just walked into the room and was thinking about Rose."

Efergan said as he took Rose's hand.

"Maybe I should fly. But people will stare at me if I stand out too much."

Rose suggested and Efergan looked at her with concern.

"Is your magic okay after flying this far?"
"Yes. I have the magic power to return to my room."
"Then, it would be best not to push yourself too hard here."
"Did you realize my ability to fly depends on magic?"
"Somehow, though. I've heard many about Rose, so that's probably the case."
"What's the story?"

Rose tilted her head.

"I heard that you suddenly disappeared from the command room during the battle of Ooramorg. After the fierce battle in Ooramorg, you slept for two months, right?"
"I think that was because the magical power in your body had disappeared, so only the bare minimum functions were operating to maintain life. I was worried and went to Dwipa to visit you. But they refused me to meet you."
"At that time?"


Efergan nodded.

"I returned to Suzukinoyama without being able to express my gratitude properly, but when I returned to Dwipa, I was told you had already returned to Alhatross."

Efergan said that, and he was holding Rose's hand.

"That's right. Sorry."
"It's not for Rose to apologize. But I'm glad I came to Alhatross. I'm glad I met you here."
"Me too."
"Would you like to fly with me?"
"Yeah. But are you okay?"
"It's okay, I'll cover you with a cloth so people won't find out."
"Yeah. I'm kind of nervous."
"Me too. I feel like I've kidnapped a country's princess."

When Efergan said this in a low voice, Rose laughed lightly.

"It's okay because I will disappear by teleportation before that happens."
"What a reliable princess."

Efergan covered Rose with a cloth, took her in his arms, spread her wings, and flew into the sky. He flew high and high, showing off the beautiful night view of the city. Then he perched on a large tree, set her down, and told her to sit. The night view from the top of the tree is beautiful. Efergan sits next to Rose.

"This is the place I found on the night I first arrived at Alhatross. I enjoyed the night view, which was very different from Suzukinoyama."
"It's very rural here, isn't it?"
"Compared to the capital of Suzukinoyama, it certainly has a smaller population. But it's not a rural area. It's the capital of a proper country."

Rose laughed.

"I heard this isn't where Rose grew up. Is that true?"
"Yeah. It's a region called Aotake Village. It's a region with far fewer people than here."
"Is your father from that region?"
"Yeah, he's the lord. He's big and strong."
"I'd like to go see him once. If I can't talk to Her Majesty, maybe Rose's father will understand."
"Do you mean permission to go out?"

Rose tilted her head.

"No, I'm talking about inviting Rose to Suzukinoyama. He might understand if your purpose is to study abroad, not just sightseeing. I'd like you to attend the school, learn, understand how it works, and work together. It's not a bad thing for this country if you live here. It's also a mutually beneficial opportunity for Suzukinoyama and getting to know the country of Alhatross."

Efergan said this while staring at Rose's face.

"I want to go."
"I want to invite Rose too."
"Hey, I have a suggestion."
"Let me hear it."
"Father and the Queen would be interested in accepting some exchange students from Alhatross each year. Ah, but studying abroad costs money, right?"
"I wonder if it will be possible for Suzukinoyama to pay the full amount."

Efergan said and Rose looked like she couldn't believe him.

"It's a pretty rich country, isn't it?"
"Not really, but I heard we have enough budget for education. We also accept international students from surrounding countries. So, if we include Alhatross in that frame, we'll be fine."
"Thank you for the good suggestion."
"You're welcome."

Efergan spread his wings and let one wing cover Rose's body.

"The feathers are warm."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Is Efergan born from an egg after all?"

Efergan froze for a moment. And he burst out laughing.


" stomach is painful...hahaha."
"I see. So, Rose didn't know?"
"Just to be clear, I'm a 4-year-old, I don't understand anything."

Rose complained, pouting her lips.

"It's been four years since you landed in this world. Is it natural that there are still things you don't know? It may be completely different from the Dragon God's world."
"In this world, it changes depending on the woman's race. Humanoid and spirit races give birth to children. Bird race women generally lay one egg, keep it warm for a year, and protect it. In short, if a bird race man marries a humanoid or spirit woman, the child will be born as a child. On the other hand, if a humanoid or spirit man marries a birdman woman, the child will be born as an egg."
"I see. I'm from the Dragon God race, so I don't understand."
"Since you're humanoid, you might give birth normally."
"Maybe. I felt like it was like that in my was a long time ago."

As Rose said this, she tried to remember things from the distant past.

"What kind of world is the world of the Dragon God?"
"I don't remember that very well. My memory is incomplete and there are many things I can't remember..."
"I think the Dragon God probably wishes you to blend into the current world more than the one you were in before. I'm sure Rose was called here by the Dragon God to fulfill some kind of role."
"Hmm, I don't really understand that. Maybe I'll ask the Dragon God next time I meet him."

Rose said somehow.

"Can you meet?"
"I met the Wingdragon in Dwipa country, so I think I'll probably meet him again."
"That's amazing. Rose was the Princess of the Dragon God tribe after all."
"I don't really understand that either. I still don't really understand myself."
"It's only been four years since you came to this world, so I don't think it's strange. But Rose is not a four-year-old."

Efergan denied it.

"My body is small."
"Even though you are small, you are a fine adult woman."
"I noticed it when I held you just now. Besides, your nightgown is... thin."

When Efergan said in a low voice, Rose looked down in embarrassment.

"At Suzukinoyama, there are people like you. There are a few small bird races."
"That's why, at Suzukinoyama, a small woman is a very natural presence. At Alhatross, you may be treated like a child, but at Suzukinoyama, you will be treated as an adult woman, even if you are small."

Rose looks at Efergan with sparkling eyes.

"It is wrong to lump you in with other races because Rose is a Dragon God' Princess. They are a completely different species from the ones that do."
"I think so."
"Ah, but I don't know much about the Dragon God tribe, so I'm sorry if I made a mistake in saying that."

Rose shook her head.

"No, it's okay. I don't know either. So what Efergan said might be true."
"Then, it was good."
"As expected, Efergan is just as Mr. Zurgun said. You are an intelligent person."
"Zurgun, huh? He's always protecting and caring for me. But he sometimes praises me too much, so I am worried when he says it too much."

Efergan said with a laugh.

"You like Mr. Zurgun, don't you?"
"For me, he is a benefactor, an ally, and a mentor."
"I see. Well, I have to get along with Mr. Zurgun too. He's an important person to Efergan, so it's important to get him on my side."
"Zurgun is already on Rose's side. When it comes to Rose, he can go on and on for hours."
"Well, it's a big deal if he talks about me so much."
"Hahaha. I heard rumors and stories from various regions. Whenever there was a new story, he would come to me and tell me."
"I'm curious about what topic he was talking about."
"He said you eat well, that you're good at swimming, that you're great at analyzing things, and...and that you like sparkling jewels."

Rose was confused.

"That's why Efergan often gifts me with sparkling jewels."
"That's right. It was all Zurgun's suggestion, and when I asked him what you liked, he told me that you liked sparkly things."
"Hmm. I'm sure the source of this information may have been the hair ornament that Prince Jatayu bought for me at the jewelry store when I went shopping in Dwipa."
"That's right. Until last year, Zurgun was the ambassador of the Suzukinoyama Empire in Dwipa."


Rose thinking.

"Did you hate jewelry?"
"Not really. I quite like it. But I like things that are casual, beautiful, and easy to wear, not flashy ones."
"Let's remember that. Next time I'll ask a craftsman to make something like that."
"No, you don't have to force it. Besides, I liked the doll from Efergan. But the doll was left in the mansion in the village. I don't know how long I will be in the capital, so if I lose it... I didn't bring any other jewelry because I thought it would be a problem. I left all the paintings and clothes that Efergan had given me and came to the capital. But in fact, I moved here. Sometimes I wish I had brought it here."

Rose looked down and Efergan kept staring at her.

"I thought your parents have no blood relationship with you."
"Yes. Do you know that too?"
“No, now that I think about it. Rose is a member of the Dragon God race. There is no doubt about this, and I am certain of it. Rose did not deny what I had said 'since you came to this world'. Normally, we would use the word 'born', but in Rose's case, I used the word 'came'. This means that Rose is not a child born directly to your parents in the village. I came to the conclusion that"

Efergan said as he searched for Rose's face.

"I am the lord's adopted daughter. You can understand that the current Queen has no blood relation to me."
"I can tell from Her Majesty the Queen at a glance. Her Majesty is from the Snake Race, and Rose is from the Dragon God Race. Even though both of you said sisters, both of you have a different atmosphere somehow."
"However, I don't think it's right to call you an adopted daughter. Since you are the Princess of the Dragon God, you were taken into temporary custody and given a family register. Rather than keeping you in the temple, you were raised in the family. I think it helps you to understand people better."
"To understand people?"
"Maybe it’s to fulfill your role as a person."
"I see. I don't know what purpose I came to this world for, but I have no choice but to try to live for now."
"There's also a Holy Dragon temple in Suzukinoyama."
"Holy Dragon...I want to go see him."

Rose is staring at the sky again. She's beautiful, Efergan said to himself, blinking at Rose.

"I'll talk to Her Majesty the Queen tomorrow."
"I hope it goes well."
"The conversation we just had here, has become an important trump card for me. I will use it to make Rose's wish come true."
"Efergan is truly an intelligent person. I would be scared if you made me your enemy."

Rose laughed bitterly. However, Efergan's eyes were serious.

"I think I said it before."
"This life was given to me by you, so I want to use it for you."
"Well, I think I said that's an exaggeration."
"Rose is someone important to me. I will spare no effort to make you smile."
"Thank you."

Efergan took Rose's hand and kissed it.

"When I see Rose illuminated by the moonlight, I want to carry you away somewhere."
"If that happens, there will be a war."
"Hahaha. That's right. But really. You are beautiful. If I had the tools, I'd make a picture of it."
"If you can take me to Suzukinoyama, you can draw me a picture under the moonlight."
"Then I have to try my best."

Rose smiled as Efergan said that.

"I'd like to spend more time with you, but it's already late tonight. I need to rest."
"Yes. Thank you for being with me for so long, Efergan."
"No. I'm glad I met you, Rose. I want your voice inside my head again before I go to bed."
"Then, I'll take you somewhere near the palace. If it's close, I don't think it will consume much magic power for teleportation."

Efergan held Rose in his arms. Then he supported her back and legs with his hands and took off into the air. He stopped in the air until she could barely see the palace.


Rose took her room as her coordinates and went back inside her room. Then she closes her window gently. She found Efergan shoulder cloth was still draped over her shoulders when she wanted to sleep.

"The cloth..."
(Take it. May you dream of flying in the sky with me tonight...)
(Good night, Rose)
"Good night, Efergan."

Queen Suzu orders Rose to study abroad at the Suzukinoyama Empire three days later. Her term will be two years, and she will be accompanied by her black cat, Rinka. She will also be accompanied by other ambassadors from Alhatross. The Susukinoyama Empire officially became an ally of the Alhatross Kingdom and expressed its support for the partnership. There were also discussions about a system for accepting talented young people to study abroad at Suzukinoyama starting the following year.