With the decision to form an alliance with the Swa Kingdom, some surrounding countries also approached similar topics.

The strength of the village's top warriors is highly reputed. There were many invitations to recruit people who went to work as mercenaries in various places. However, this is still a highlight of the strength of the village's unity. Some people leave the Village, while others return. Rose heard from Suzu that many people wish to be dispatched to other countries as expatriates while belonging to the Village. Naturally, to avoid sending out too many soldiers and neglecting domestic defense, a system was established in which they were moved every few years. The number of allies is increasing, information is being exchanged, defense treaties are being concluded, and multilateral cooperation is steadily progressing. As expected, many countries agreed with her ideas, and cooperative organizations gradually spread across the continent. The common thread of the Kingdom of Morg is a country that no country would want to deal with on its own. Moreover, the Kingdom of Morg's ambition was to expand its territories by force making many countries worried. In short, wars could break out at any time.

Meanwhile, Rose received news that a guest came from the south today. Rose dresses up like a princess and greets the guests with Suzu. She stands next to the throne and waits.

When the door opened, she couldn't believe her eyes. Rose thinks she must have seen it wrong and closes her eyes, then opens them wide again. He is that person after all. He was Prince Efergan of the Suzukinoyama Empire.

Rose is a pen pal with Efergan and they are very close. He always writes letters with his vivid words and sends them to her. Sometimes he sends paintings and candies. She thought she hadn't received any letters lately, but never expected they would meet like this. A huge smile appeared on Rose's face.

Efergan appeared, his upper body wrapped in a shining stole. His wheat-colored skin matches the color of the stole. After all, in southern countries, men are usually shirtless. This was also the case with Jatayu in Dwipa. Instead, a fine cloth was placed over his shoulders. They wear necklaces or chest ornaments. The vividness of the colors shows the high status of the person who uses them. The lower half of his body uses half-pants with long under the knees. It is made of high-quality fabric that can be seen at a glance. He wears sandals instead of shoes on his feet. As expected, the shape of the feet was different from that of a normal humanoid, but more like a bird's foot. Like Jatayu, Efergan has claws on his heels.

Ambassador Zurgun was visible behind Prince Efergan. Rose thought it was the first time she had seen Zurgun since Efergan's kidnapping incident. To be honest, Rose doesn't remember Efergan's face very well. After all, she had only met him shortly, so she had trouble remembering his appearance. What was most impressive about him were his orange eyes. Another characteristic of the long-eared owl is the feathered ears on his head. That was so cute, thought Rose.

The prince and the ambassador politely greeted Queen Suzu. As expected from Suzukinoyama, the great empire of the southern seas, everything is on another level. By the way, Efergan's official title was Crown Prince. When Ambassador Zurgun was in the kingdom of Dwipa, he hid Efergan's title and revealed only his title of prince. It seems that he was trying to hide his high status as the heir to His Majesty the Emperor of the Suzukinoyama Empire, but Rose doesn't know why Zurgun did this.

Two years have passed since the Ooramorg incident. The prince has grown into a very dignified young man. But Rose is still small...

Efergan is handsome, intelligent, and has high magical powers. It was explained that he was currently training as the crown prince. And he has been looking at Rose from the beginning and showing her a wonderful smile.

Many souvenirs were brought from the Suzukinoyama Empire. They were luxurious gifts such as gold and silver, jewelry, ornaments, and silk as proof of friendship. A personal letter from Emperor Suzukinoyama was also given to the Queen.

Suzu gave her welcome words and asked about the purpose of his visit. Ambassador Zurgun stated the purpose of the talks regarding friendly relations, economic and trade relations, and a defense treaty between the two countries. He also said that the letter contained a proposal from His Majesty the Emperor. Suzu read the letter and she replied that she would return it later. For the time being, she allowed him to stay so they could recover from the fatigue of the long journey.

Efergan asked Suzu for permission to visit Rose's Palace. Suzu hesitated but gave permission. What Suzu fears most is the relationship between Rose and Efergan. If Rose falls in love with him, she might marry him to Suzukinoyama. If that happens, it will be a huge loss for Alhatross.

For Suzu, the country's top leader, this was a situation that she could not let down her guard. When a prince from another country visits a princess's room for personal reasons, it shows their close relationship with those around them. Relationships between men and women influence the royal family and political interactions.

A welcome party is being held, and the ministers and generals are having a light meal and talking with the Crown Prince's party. Efergan saw Rose, who had been waiting for an opportunity to speak to him, and she approached him. He's grown so much, thought Rose. The Crown Prince has grown as tall as Rocco in just two years.

Efergan knelt before Rose took her hand, and kissed it. He expressed his joy at seeing her again after such a long time. He expressed his feelings and Rose was happy for him as well. Those orange eyes that never change. He has pretty eyes. The feathered ears on his head were still cute, Rose thought again.

Efergan said he had a souvenir for Rose and took out a small box from his pocket. He handed the box to her and asked her to open it. When Rose opened the box, she found a beautifully made rose hair ornament. It was a beautiful shining jewel and a bright red rose flower. Efergan laughed when he saw Rose, who couldn't find the words to say because of its beauty. Then he took the hair ornament and inserted it into Rose's hair. Efergan handed the box to the maid, took Rose's hand, and escorted her to dinner.

That was actually her role, but Rose doesn't know why she ended up being the one being escorted.

"It's been two years, but Princess Bara has become so beautiful."
"Hmm, please call me Rose. If it's difficult for you to call me Rose, please just call me Princess."

Rose said that while looking at Efergan. Efergan nods and sits in front of her.

"It's the same as back then. I heard from Zurgun that you prefer the name Rose to your formal name. You even signed the letters with the name 'Rose'."
"Yes, I do."
"If you don't mind me asking, what does that name mean?"
"It means a flower, 'Bara flower'."
"Is that a word from the Dragon God tribe?"
"Hmm, that's what it feels like."

Rose can't say that's the name she had before she died.

"Alright. I'll call you Princess Rose. Tomorrow, when I visit, can I just call you Rose?"
"Yes, I feel more comfortable that way."
"Then please stop calling me Crown Prince. Just Efergan."
"That would be disrespectful to our guest, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."
"Aren't we friends?"

Rose was confused. Certainly, they are friends.

"We always had fun talking when we corresponded, but when we met, we became awkward, which makes me sad."

Indeed, Rose thought.

"Hmm, I'll take your word for it and call you Efergan. But for now, since it's an official place, I'll call you His Highness the Crown Prince."
"You don't need honorifics, Princess Rose. You didn't always use honorifics in your letters, did you?"
"Well, I'm bad at reading and writing. There were still many things I didn't understand."
"I don't mind. I think what's important is the sincerity in those words."

He looks at Rose with a gentle smile.

"Some people line up beautiful words and betray when they see a chance. That's why I like Princess Rose's words as they are. When I read the letters, it was so much fun. And I feel like I'm close to you."
"I also like reading His Royal Highness Crown Prince Efergan's letters. They are written in such beautiful handwriting that I can imagine the beauty of the country of Suzukinoyama."

Rose said with a smile.

"However, lately I haven't received any letters from Princess Rose. Are you really busy since you moved to the capital?"
"I've sent it about twice since then. But I never received a reply, so maybe His Highness Efergan was busy."
"That's strange. I guess there was a misunderstanding somewhere. I haven't heard from Princess Rose, so I was worried and sent you some letters."

That meant the letter was missing somewhere, Rose thought as she tried to explore various possibilities.

"Well, when I asked the maid, she replied that she had given it to the person in charge of sending letters, and the person in charge of letters also replied that they had sent it...I was also told that no letter was addressed to me. Hmm..."
"That's strange."
"I guess it didn't arrive because my handwriting was so bad..."
"Then that doesn't explain why my letter didn't arrive."

Rose thought.

"Then, next time, how about we correspond with each other using magic letters?"
"Can it reach me even if it's far away?"
"It will take some time because it's far away, but I'm sure it will reach you. Suzukinoyama is not inside the barrier, so I think it will reach you."
"Well, I've never done it, but I'll try."
"There's a way to send it sooner, but I'll let you know tomorrow."
"Huh? Is that okay?"
"Of course. Since I haven't received a letter from Princess Rose, I'm in trouble too. Princess Rose is my dearest friend."

Efergan showed a wonderful smile. When Rose saw it, she smiled and she nodded.

"Yes, please."
"If the alliance agreement goes well, Zurgun will remain an ambassador here in Alhatross. If you have any letters or gifts addressed to me, send them to Zurgun, he will definitely receive them."
"But I can't travel freely. Ambassador Zurgun can't visit me either. I have to get permission from the Queen for everything."
"Princess Rose looks like a caged bird."

Efergan looked at her and said without hiding.

"Because I'm being targeted. They say I had no choice but to do it for my safety. There was a time when I lost five guards and maids at once, and things got tough."

Rose's voice changed a little. Efergan guessed what it was.

"When you say you lost them, did you mean they were killed?"
"Yes, they were."
"That's difficult. Just like Suzukinoyama, it was also difficult for Alhatross."
"Yes, indeed."

Rose nodded.

"I have experience as well. That night, when I was trapped, three of my bodyguards also died in the line of duty. That's why I understand how Princess Rose feels."
"Is that so..."
"Ah, sorry, this is a sad story...I didn't mean to make you sad, but..."
"No, it's okay."
"It's an official occasion, so try to smile as much as possible."

Rose smiled.

"As expected, a smile suits Princess Rose."
"I don't lie. May I draw a picture of Princess Rose?"

"A picture?"

Rose asked, tilting her head.

"I brought the proper tools, so I want to draw it when I visit tomorrow."
"Good, but..."

Rose answered with confusion.

"I've never done it before. I guess it's embarrassing."

Efergan smiled when he heard Rose's answer.

"It's okay. I won't take that long. Even if it looks like this, I'm good at drawing."
"Yes, I think so after looking at the picture you gave me a long time ago."
"I'll send it again next time. I think it will arrive via Zurgun."
"By the way, do you like the candy I sent you? It may seem childish, but it's my favorite."
"Yes, it's very delicious and I'm eating it carefully. I still have about three pieces left."

Efergan called for his attendant. Then his attendant took a small box from his bag and handed it to Efergan. Efergan signaled to his attendant and he stepped back. Efergan then sat down in front of Rose again.

"I'll give this to Princess Rose. It's my candy..."
"No, you can't..."
"Don't worry, I'll bring it tomorrow too. I have another souvenir for Princess Rose."
"Hmm, are you sure it's good?"
"Yes. If you're worried about poison, I'll eat it first."

Efergan opened the box, took one, and put it in his mouth.

"Look, it's okay. Yes, Princess Rose, what color candy would you like?"
"Hmm, maybe red?"
"Here you are."
"Thank you. It's delicious."

Rose said, putting her candy in her mouth.

"Good. Well, I'll give this to Princess Rose."
"Thank you."
"Welcome. It was really nice to meet you, Princess Rose."
"Me too."

The two looked at each other and laughed. The two only know their friends through correspondence, so they are nervous when they meet. However, Rose thought Efergan was a very kind person. This is probably just etiquette, but Rose is happy.

"Oh, have His Highness Efergan and Princess Rose has known each other for a long time?"

A minister approached them. Efergan got up from his seat and explained carefully. He briefly explained what happened at Ooramorg, and said that Rose's help was just like God's help. The minister looked surprised and looked at Rose several times. Rose wished Efergan didn't have to make such a big deal of it, but it would be rude to interrupt Efergan's conversation, so Rose remained still and held back. After a while, that minister bowed to Efergan and went elsewhere. Efergan called his attendant, ordered two drinks, and returned to Rose.

"Thank you for waiting, Princess Rose."
"Welcome home. Your Highness, please don't exaggerate too much. However, I'm treated as a femme fatale here, so I'd be in trouble if there were any strange rumors."

When Rose said this, Efergan was surprised.

"Has there been that many rumors?"
"That's right. Such as I destroyed an entire southern country by myself."

Rose sighed and said it like it was.

"Hahaha, that's interesting."
"It's no laughing matter."
"But what I said is true. To me, Princess Rose was a blessing from God. Without you, I wouldn't be here."
"When you say that, I don’t know how to react."
"I think it's okay just to smile."
"Besides, Princess Rose is so beautiful when smiling."
"Hmm. Well then. I'll do that next time."
"I see. Yes, please have a drink. I also asked one for Princess Rose."
"Thank you."
"No, no."

The two drank the drinks and looked at each other again.

"Your Highness, this is actually my role...but I am the one who has to entertain Your Highness..."
"Hahaha. Is that so? Well then, I'll have you entertain me in Princess Rose's Palace tomorrow."
"Yes, I will."

For some reason, Rose thought this seventeen-year-old Prince seemed very used to treating women. She wondered what kind of education he received. She was also curious if the man she knew from his letters was the same in front of her now. Rose heard from Ambassador Zurgun that he is intelligent, but she doesn't know if this is a political maneuver, if he is sincere, or if he is plotting something.

"Excuse me. Princess Bara, it's almost time to return to your palace."

Her bodyguard came closer to her.


Rose was about to stand up, but Efergan stood before her, moved her chair back a little, and took her hand. She was surprised at what a gentleman he was.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. Apparently, that's all for tonight. See you tomorrow."
"Yes. See you tomorrow. Good night, Princess Rose."

Efergan took her hand and kissed her. Even Rose would be embarrassed if someone treated her so kindly.

"Thank you and have a good night, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Efergan."

Rose bowed her head and said goodbye. She also greeted Suzu and left the room. She returned to her palace, holding the candy box tightly.

Next morning.

At the appointed time Efergan and Zurgun arrived at the garden gate. There were several bodyguards and servants, but only Efergan, Zurgun, and two bodyguards were allowed inside.

When Rose showed them around the garden, Efergan and Zurgun looked at Rose's "room" with curious eyes. When the pond came into view, the two exclaimed in surprise, "Wow!" This creation may have been rare. Rose showed Efergan around the living room on the first floor. Efergan complimented her on how beautiful the scenery and the harmony of the rooms. After enjoying the view, Zurgun bid farewell said he had plans to meet Suzu, and left the Garden Palace.

As promised, they decided to call each other out. Efergan said it would be easier that way. Actually, Rose is really excited. After all, her maids shook her head and warned her over and over again.

When Efergan asked which part of the room she liked best, she answered without hesitation that it was on the roof.

"Why are you on the roof?"
"Because it’s the most relaxing place here."
"I feel like I understand somehow."

When Rose answered, Efergan smiled.

"Does Efergan like being on the roof too?"
"I don’t go there often though."

Efergan replied.

"But I guess I like pretty high places."
"That's because you are the bird race, right?"
"That’s one thing, but I think it’s good to see so many different places.”
"Oh, I see."
"How does Rose get on the roof? A ladder?"
"No. Just fly away."
"Can you fly?"
"That's amazing. I wonder if you'll fly with me next time."
"It's fine, but if I fly too flashy here, everyone will be scared."

Rose said with a complicated look on her face.

"Is that so?"
"Yeah. I'm not used to it. Besides, everyone just fell down when they saw me shining."
"You don't seem very happy."

Efergan was immediately recognized by Rose's complexion.

"Yeah. I don't feel good when people are scared of me."
"I'd laugh it off."
"If you worry about what others think, you'll just get tired."

Efergan laughed as he said that.

"Yeah. I mean, other people don't think deeply about Rose, do they? I don't think the person who made the rumors thought about Rose's feelings. He just does it. It's almost like that."


Rose nodded.

"Hey, let's go upstairs. I want to see Rose smiling naturally."
"I still think I'm natural."
"No, not yet. Your face will look different when you feel released."
"Why do you think so?"
"It's my hunch."
"I want to draw a picture of Rose. But I also want a more refreshing face."
"I could see the confusion on your face when you said 'Umh..'."
"See? The light in your eyes is different."

Efergan pointed that out and smiled.

"I think you're right."
"Then let's go upstairs. If you're worried about everyone, I'll take you and fly away."

Difficult, thought Rose. Rose tries as much as possible to hide the fact that she flies in the sky when the sun is bright. When the rebellion broke out, she did it in a flashy way at Rocco's suggestion, but she was usually quiet. Those on the Black Ops probably know. Because she climbs onto the roof every night.

"If you're that worried, I'll take you with me. That way, there won't be any rumors about Rose."

Efergan spreads the wings on his back. Then, supporting Rose's back and legs with both hands, he flapped his wings and flew through the open window.

"What do you think, Rose? Shall we fly higher than the roof?"
“Hold on tight!”

Efergan flew high and high, then stopped with a fluttering of wings to show off the view. Rose saw a beautiful view from there. The roof of Rose's room looks very small.

"At this height, no one can see you even if you fly in the sky."
"I've only flown this high once. It was at night."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. It was when I dropped the Morg airship."

Rose smiled bitterly and nodded.


"You can't see the scenery during battle."
"Yeah. When exchanging lives, I only look at the enemy's movements, weapons, and numbers."
"I see. What should we do now? Try flying? You can leave it as is."
"It's a little scary, but I'll try to let go."
"It's okay because I'm here."

Rose wished she could fly. She can feel the power gathering in the bruise on her forehead. She gradually let go of Efergan. Efergan then slowly removed his hand from Rose's leg. Efergan took Rose's hands and smiled.

"Rose is definitely a celestial maiden."
"Honestly, I’m happy."

Efergan complained to her with a smile.

"I mean, that’s too much praise."
"What’s wrong with praising something beautiful?"
"But I'm still embarrassed. I'm not beautiful or anything. I'm just a strange person with a flower growing on my head."
"Why do you deny your own beauty?"

Efergan tilted his head.

"In my eyes, Rose is beautiful. That's why I want to record your beauty in my paintings."
"Are you going to draw this strange pattern on this face too?"
"That's right. That's what Rose looks like."
"Don't you think it's strange?"
"Having a pattern on your face...isn't it dirty?"

Rose said with her head down, and Efergan shook his head.

"I don't think so at all. I think you are beautiful the way you are. If you think of the pattern as just a part of yours, you don't have to worry about it. Besides, Rose is Rose."
"Thank you, Efergan."

A smile appeared on Rose's face.

"No, no. Your face right now is the most beautiful. That's because you have accepted yourself as you are."
"Thanks to you."
"I'm glad to hear that."
"I also feel like what I've been doing until now is ridiculous."
"Isn't it? I think it's strange to constantly ask others to understand that you are like this or you are like that. After all, some people won't accept you no matter what you do. Some people will accept you as is, no matter what you do. I accept you as you are. And I also accept anything about you."
"You're a surprisingly simple person."
"Maybe, but it's easier that way."

Efergan smiled.

"Is that something you learned in your daily life?"
"That's right. A lot is happening around me, and human relationships are complicated, and just thinking about it makes me tired. But my intuition is sensitive, and it's quite useful when figuring out what's wrong."
"Even when you were trapped that night."
"That's right. But I couldn't prevent it. The one who trapped me was..."

Efergan tried to speak for a moment.

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to. If it's painful..."

Rose said and he shook his head.

"I'll tell you, Rose. I decided to use this life that you gave me for you. I want Rose to know everything about me."
"It's that 'Umh' again."
"You’re exaggerating."

When Rose said that, Efergan smiled.

"I'll tell you. The culprit was my younger brother. He's my younger brother from the same mother."

Rose was surprised and couldn't believe her ears.

"You were surprised, weren't you? I was too. But when you think about it, even brothers can become enemies."
"It's sad when that happens."
"I don't even feel that way anymore. That's what happens when it comes to power."
"I see. How many brothers does Efergan have?"
"How many..., hmm?"
"Why don't you know how many siblings you have?"

Rose tilted her head at him.

"Because my father has many wives and concubines. My mother is the empress, so naturally, I became the crown prince. But my brothers from the other wives and concubines become ordinary princes. As long as I'm around, they will remain. They can't become the Emperor's successor. The status of the woman who gives birth to His Majesty's child determines the child's future, so it's normal for brothers to kill each other."
"That’s kind of sad."
"That's my daily life."
"Do you also kill your own brother?"
"I don't do it much. But the people around me erase the people who wanted to kill me one by one."

When Efergan said this with a calm face, Rose tilted her head.

"That's scary too."
"Once you get used to it, that feeling goes away."
"I always think..."
"Efergan, who can draw beautiful pictures, must be very kind-hearted."
"Rose might be the only one who thinks that way."

Efergan heard her words and looked at her.

"I guess Efergan is actually very lonely."
"Might be so."
"Is there anyone you can talk to about anything from the heart and freely?"
"Right now, the only person I can freely talk to is Rose."

Efergan is smiling and looking at Rose.

"It hurts just thinking about it."
"It's okay. Whenever I receive a letter from you, I feel very relieved."
"Every time I read Efergan's letter, I feel like I escape from this birdcage. I feel like I can see the landscape that Efergan saw."

Rose smiled and she nodded.

"We are similar."
"Maybe so."
"Let's go down now. Otherwise, everyone will worry because the princess flies through the sky and never returns."
"Ahaha. That's right."

Efergan takes Rose's hand and goes down little by little. Rose can hear the rustling of wings. When she reached the roof, the Black Ops appeared.

"It's okay. I was just enjoying the sky. I'm sorry for worrying you."
"I'm glad you're safe. Now, please excuse me."

The Black Ops descended from the roof and returned to guard duty. Other security guards who were contacted also returned to their posts.

"Now, let's draw a picture of Rose."
"What should I do?"
"Hmm, wait a minute, I'll go get some painting supplies."

Efergan took his bag and went to the roof to prepare the painting. Then he looked at Rose and checked her angle. He asked her to turn left, right, etc. and gave detailed instructions while watching the sunlight. Then he continued to draw her for several hours without saying anything.


That embarrassing sound came out from Rose's belly. The time is very accurate.

"Um, sorry."
"Ah, it's already time for lunch. I always forget the time when I draw."
"You like drawing, don't you?"
"That's right. Because I can be innocent."
"I see. When you finish your drawing, can you show it to me?"
"Of course."

After a while, Efergan told Rose the painting was completed and showed it to her. Rose was surprised to see the painting. It looks much fresher than her own face in the mirror. Rose doesn't know if she has this face. It might be because of the light, or because Rose herself has accepted herself.

The two had lunch together and talking various things until the painting was dry. Suzukinoyama is a faraway country that Rose doesn't know about. It was interesting to hear many stories about nature. After lunch, Efergan presented Rose with the souvenirs he had brought. She found a beautiful necklace and simple hair accessories. Rose was practicing her martial arts, which she had previously written in a letter, so she was presented with some hair ties to keep her hair out of the way during strenuous exercise. It also includes a beautiful pen and ink set. She also had some of those boxes of candy in there.

"Thank you very much for the gift, it's very nice. But I received a lot of things."
"It's a gift from me, so I'd be happy if you accepted it honestly."
"But I have not prepared anything in return."
"I already got it, so it's okay."
"Huh? I haven’t given you anything yet, have I?"

Rose shook her head.

"I got Rose's smile."
"It doesn’t seem worth it."
"To me, that's more precious than jewelry."
"Then, is that okay?"
"Yes, it is."

Efergan laughed and she nodded.

"Do you want to see my drawing? I'm not very good at it."
"Show me."

When Rose showed her the unique drawings, Efergan smiled widely.

"Hmm, I guess I’m not good at it after all."
"No, it's very fresh. Can I have one?"
"Okay, choose whatever you like and as many as you like."

Efergan looked at Rose's pictures one by one and chose two of them. It was a picture of a flower and a building in the middle of a pond.

"I'll get these."
"Please. Are you sure that's okay?"
"Yes, Rose's drawings feel very fresh."
"This is also a talent, so please have confidence."

Efergan wrapped the picture with a satisfied look on his face. And he taught Rose all sorts of things, including how to send magical letters. Time passed quickly, the sun was setting, and the surroundings were getting dark. Rose invited Efergan to dinner, but Zurgun came into view, so he said he would excuse himself. He carefully placed the still-dry painting into the carriage. A friendly match between the warriors of both countries will be held tomorrow morning. Apparently, Efergan will also attend it. 


I'm looking forward! Rose thought happily.