The starry sky tonight is beautiful. There wasn't a single cloud, and the full moons were shining all around it.

Rose is on the roof today as usual. And as always, she is alone. Her guards from Black Ops are close to her but don't show. Rose felt that they were more like surveillance persons than security guards. She must be being watched after all, she thought.

It has been several months since she separated from Rocco. It's been two years since she broke up with Yanagi. Both are important people to Rose. Rose thought that she missed the days when she couldn't see them. Sometimes she couldn't bear the loneliness and she cried on the roof.

Even though she's lonely at night, Rose has been busy in the morning and afternoon lately. She finds Guile with his men waiting for her in front of the garden gate every morning, and they are supposed to accompany her to the training center. Lately, the third general has been willing to be her sword partner. The third general, Elgazer, always visits the training center and helps Guile with his work. Although the general is very busy, he understands the hardships that Guile is going through as he works hard to rebuild the army, and he cooperates with him.

This country was on the verge of destruction, but now, along with Queen Suzu, the people are desperately trying to stand up again. Suzu said earlier that rebuilding a country is difficult, but if everyone does it, it can be done. Rose and Suzu are sisters who are not related by blood, but the only thing they have in common is their ability of 'Gold'. That's right, Rose and Suzu are the rare people with golden abilities in this world. Gold's ability is the ability to put one's thoughts on another person and enable long-distance conversations and magical support. 


Moreover, it is useful as it can be used against multiple opponents simultaneously. Also, by borrowing the other person's eyes, they can get a scenery of what the other person is currently looking at, and give appropriate instructions and support. Many countries are fascinated by this specialization ability and desire it. To protect Rose, Suzu went out of her way to move from the village to the capital and officially announced her as her sister. So Rose became the Princess and now stays in the palace. Of course, because she is a Princess, she is not allowed to go out freely. Ever since she lived in this capital, the only time she went out was to go to the temple. Aside from that night of rebellion, she has lived a life that has rarely gone beyond the palace's walls. Even though she is in the capital, she knows nothing about it.

The place that is said to be Rose's room is a spacious garden. There is a place where she lives in the middle of a pond surrounded by a garden. The palace offers beautiful views every day. Also, since there are a lot of fish in this pond, she sometimes goes fishing without the eyes of her maids. The guards from Black Ops and soldiers watched her and searched for the earthworms that would become bait for her occasional fishing trips. Good people, Rose laughed at the worms. She would suffocate if she had to do all her lessons and training every day. In effect, she is a caged bird. She has no freedom. So by looking at the stars every night, she is temporarily relieved of her suffocation.

Every morning, after hard training, she returns to her room and bathes. After bathing and getting ready in the morning, she eats lunch. After taking a break, the teachers will come in turn. This is her daily routine.

She recently decided to share her breakfast with the soldiers at the training ground. Because it's easier that way. It's quite a distance from her room to the training ground, so going back every time makes her even more tired. That's why she eats next to the Third General. The third general, Elgazer, is a big man. To be more specific, he's a bear tribe. He has a large, well-built muscular physique. His face looked middle-aged, but Rose personally thought the bear ears on his head were surprisingly cute. His fangs stick out from the gap in his mouth, but his eyes are very round, brown, and sparkling. He's indeed cute, Rose thought once again. He just gets really loud when he gets fired up. After all, he's a bear, so she can hear "Gaoooooooo!"

On the training field, General Elgazer does not hold back when dealing with a young girl. Rose was kicked over and over again by him. Moreover, its power was incredible. If Rose doesn't use the golden barrier magic, she might already pass away to the afterlife. However, thanks to him, her martial arts skills have improved considerably. Her small body and General Elgazer's large body now can fight evenly. At this time, many spectators gather. What does she look like in their eyes? , Rose worries sometimes. She probably doesn't look like a graceful princess, but a ferocious little princess. She's the kind of princess people wouldn't want to appear in a fantasy story, she's sure.

After completing her daily routine, she finally had some free time. Lately, she has been obsessed with drawing, and someday Rose would like to draw a picture like Suzukinoyama's Prince Efergan. However, the art teacher always compliments her whenever he sees her drawings.

"It's a very unique picture."

Maybe she's terrible at it. This is probably a matter of taste or talent. In that case, she will take the criticism that she is unique as a compliment, saying it is a picture she can draw.

After she finished painting, she cleaned up the paint with her maid, Mina, when Kona, another maid, appeared. She brought news that a visitor came from Aotake Village. It is said that her guest has already met the queen and obtained permission to meet her.

Yes, there is an unusual rule that those who wish to meet her must obtain permission from Suzu.

Since a guest was coming from the village, Rose thought the person was Dalgodas's errand, so she tried to go straight to meet the person. But she was stopped by Mina. Mina said Rose was a princess and needed to dress properly, so Rose had no choice but to change into clean clothes. Her hair was braided normally and she wore a simple hair ornament. She thought she shouldn't keep her guests waiting too long, so she hurriedly got ready. She was told that her guest was waiting for her in the garden, and when she tried to run to meet her, she was scolded.

"Be graceful Princess..."

That's annoying, Rose thought. Living in a palace with so many rules can sometimes be so troublesome that she doesn't like it. When she appears, two women bow and politely greet her. When she looks closely, it's her mother and Yuri! , Rose was so surprised that she couldn't help but run.

"It's been a while, Princess Rose."
"Hey, Mother, Sister Yuri! It's been a while! How are you?"

Rose said and her maid coughed. 

The etiquette teacher would be angry if she saw such a careless princess.

"Hmm. I'm sorry. But I'm meeting my mother today, so it's okay, right?"
"Okay. Now, let me show you the way inside."
"No. I'll show them around. You can out now."
"Yes, Princess. Now, please excuse me."

The maids returned to the pond building. Rose bowed and told Yuri to raise her head. Even though they are a parent and child, it's such an aloof atmosphere.

"How are you doing, Princess Rose?"
"M-mother, call me Rose."
"This is a palace, so that can’t happen."
"Maybe that's because you are an aristocrat, but I'm the daughter of an ordinary warrior."
"You are now the Princess of Alhatross."
"I'm still your daughter. If you don't call me Rose, I'll cry! I'll cry loudly."

When Frey looked surprised, Yuri laughed.

"Ahaha, excuse me. Now, Rose!"
"Ha! Sister Yuri laughed."
"Looks like you're okay, Rose. How are you doing?"
"Yeah. I missed you so much. Mother, sister."

Yuri hugged Rose tightly. Frey then held Rose and patted her head. It's been a long time since Rose met her.

She showed Frey and Yuri around her garden, and when they saw her place in the middle of a pond, they cried out in surprise. Frey complimented her saying the palace was beautiful.

Preparations for Frey and Yuri were made in the living room. The servants are also busy carrying luggage from the village. At Suzu's suggestion, Frey and the others decided to stay in the room next to her for two nights tonight. At the same time, beds and bedding are being prepared. Rose leaves that to her maids. 

Frey brought baked goods made by the head chef as a souvenir for Rose. Rose burst into tears as she tasted the taste of her hometown for the first time in a while. It's very delicious and has a gentle flavor. To her surprise, she also received a book written by the head chef. Surprisingly, this recipe book is currently on sale. It is said that experts and lords from all over the country who visited the village during Suzu's accession to the throne and the cooperation system were unable to forget the deliciousness of the head chef's cooking and received many inquiries. The head chef, annoyed because these inquiries interfered with his work, took a surprising action. Apparently, he wrote a recipe book and commissioned it from a publisher in the village. he sent it to the lords and other important people in the country who wanted it, and it became a hot topic. Orders came in from all over the country in no time, and now there is a waiting list for several months even for reservations.

In addition to the unexpected economic effect, local specialty foods and seasonings are sold simultaneously. As a result, locally-made cooking utensils are also sold like hotcakes. Frey said it would have a good economic effect on the village, and Dalgodas would be very happy. By the way, Suzu also gets the same recipe book with the head chef's signature. Now she can enjoy the chef's taste even in the capital. Happy! , Rose nodded as she ate the sweets.

Yuri also gave her some beautifully embroidered clothes. The clothes are so gorgeous that Rose has trouble deciding what to wear. Rose also received a beautiful hair ornament and a mirror from Keyaki. Rose was surprised at how beautiful Keyaki's work was, thinking his skills had improved. It was gorgeous before, but now the finish has surpassed that level. She thought, that craftsmanship improves the more he does it and it's wonderful.

Sumire can now run. So far, Frey said she hasn't seen any demonic abilities, but she heard Sumire has a powerful body and stamina. People around her said that even if she wasn't a demon, she had the qualities of a warrior. Dalgodas seems to have said it's up to Sumire which path she would take, so let her be free.

Frey said Dalgodas would sometimes climb on the roof that Rose used to climb alone at night to look at the stars. He seemed quite lonely since Rose left, but he seems to be doing well and keeping busy with his daily official duties. Hearing that, Rose said that she would like to meet him again if there is a chance. 

Tonight's dinner was extravagant with the reception in Rose's palace. The three enjoyed dinner happily.





Next morning.

When Rose was about to exercise, the maid Mina informed her that today's schedule had been adjusted to allow her to spend time with Frey and Yuri. They are allowed to go sightseeing and shopping in the capital. Of course, all of them are escorted. It was Rose's first tour of the capital, and she was happy. The three enjoyed shopping with the carriage and escorts provided. Yuri bought a lot of thread. She also went to the bookstore and bought a book on embroidery and about the capital, looking very satisfied. Frey also shopped and bought souvenirs for Keyaki, Sumire, and Dalgodas. Rose thinks she should buy one of Miyako City's cookbooks and give it to the head chef as a present. Rose doesn't have any money, so she just shows her the royal emblem and all the bills will be sent to the palace. In short, it was like a credit card.

Rose and her friends entered the restaurant they were guided to and enjoyed lunch. This place was also reserved in advance and was reserved for private use. Since they were visiting the store as an important person (VIPs) for the country, Black Ops members and guards were standing here and there. It was a lively atmosphere.

The food was delicious, but Rose was unsatisfied. She still wants to eat at a regular restaurant just like in Escordia. Yuri has the same opinion.

Tired from sightseeing, they returned to the palace. Actually, the situation made Rose couldn't rest. When Rocco returns, Rose wants to calm down and walk around the capital. But she doesn't know when Rocco will return. Looks like she'll just have to hold out until his mission is done, Rose thought.

Yuri is painting a picture using her own tools in the garden. It's a beautiful landscape, so Rose can understand why she wants to paint it. In this world where photographs are unavailable, paintings play an important role. Frey couldn't help but laugh when she saw Rose's unique painting, but she chose the best one and wrapped it as a souvenir for Dalgodas.

Tonight's dinner was also a sumptuous meal. And as always, it was Rose who ate every last bit. However, when Frey saw Rose's thin body, she became worried. She was asked if she drank milk properly every morning. Frey was surprised when Rose said she eats breakfast with the soldiers who train with her every morning. Of course, milk was prepared daily for her to build up her strength and body, and even though she said she drank it without fail, Frey still looked in disbelief. As expected, the life that Frey imagines her to have as a princess and the life she leads seems different. Times have changed, Frey said in a low voice.

That may be true. Frey was the only surviving nobleman of the Alhatross royal family. This is because everyone except Frey died in the war. It's sad, but true.

That night, the three enjoyed conversation until late, thinking it would be better if they didn't have to say goodbye tomorrow morning. But Rose was happy, and greatly helped emotionally by Frey and Yuri's visit.