That night, when Rocco saw Rose covered in blood in the courtyard of the living quarters of the palace, his heart almost stopped.

It was a dark courtyard, but he could tell, there was an unusual atmosphere and the smell of blood. Rose was on the ground, and a lot of blood was flowing from her mouth. When he looked around to see what had happened, Rose's maid was there and asked for help. There were no guards around, so he thought it was another attack.

Judging by the smell of Rose's blood and her appearance, he thought it was probably caused by poison. Rocco is a Snake race, so he was born with poison in his body. Naturally, he was familiar with poison, having grown up with it. Just to be sure, he needs to check the type of poison on Rose's finger. He cut Rose's thumb with a knife and sucked it, he discovered that it was highly poisonous. However, Rocco is so distracted by Rose that he forgets that Rose's maid is behind him. She stabbed him in the back with a knife.

However, this knife was also coated with poison. Because of the deadly poison, severe pain ran through his body. But that wasn't the case right now. Since she stabbed him, this maid was the culprit. Rocco left Rose behind to deal with the maid.

If Rose is not detoxified quickly, she will die. However, even if he ran to where the medical doctor was, he would not be able to make it in time. Her breathing was already weak.

Or rather, she was already sustaining her life almost solely through magical power. Rocco couldn't let Rose die. That was because Rose had become the most important person to him. He really has to help, thought Rocco.

Rocco's saliva can be used as a detoxifier. Poison is neutralized when it collides with another poison. Detoxification basically works like this. Therefore, if the poison and saliva in Rocco's body have the opposite properties to the poison in Rose's body, it will be neutralized. However, this work requires a considerable amount of magical power. If he doesn't do something about the knife stuck in his back, he's going to be in a bad state. But for now, he decided to prioritize Rose.

He told Rose about the saliva and she agreed. Since he didn't have time, he used mouth-to-mouth to get the saliva into Rose's mouth. Because of his job, he's used to kissing and relationships between men and women. But when it comes to Rose, it's a different story. This girl is the only one he is restraining himself from touching. But that night, he didn't have time to think about it. In desperation, he placed the antidote on his saliva, put his lips on Rose's, opened her mouth, and let his antidote flow. Rocco is relieved that Rose took the antidote, but the knife stuck in his back poisons his body. The tremendous pain took away the nerves in his body, and he tried to fight back, but he couldn't do it in time. Before he knew it, he was in the hospital room.

Rocco didn't know how long he had been unconscious. It's been decades since he made a mistake like this. It was understandable when he was still a newbie, but it was impossible for him now. Despite that, all he could see that night was Rose. He keeps his private affairs separate. But he doesn't know why he's so anxious. Maybe it was more that he didn't want to lose her. Rocco thought he should now think about what Rose meant to him.

"Even if you have a secret, you are still Rocco. The Rocco right in front of me is my dearest friend."

That's what Rose said to him the night that rebellion subsided. No woman around him could express that clearly. She understood him and said those words without hesitation. Those words resonated in Rocco's heart.


As long as they're friends, he thinks he'll still be able to handle it. Since they are friends, he can control himself. This is because when it comes to friends, there are lines that men and women must not cross. Because they are friends, he can create a wall in his heart that prevents him from wishing for more. Because they're friends, he can prioritize reason over emotion. And this worked. 


Until that night.

Rose probably doesn't know how happy he was as a friend. The presence of Rose, who fills the void in his heart, is already a part of Rocco. Just talking with Rose makes Rocco's heart happy. He felt a peace he had never felt before.

That little princess...

Even though she's only half his height, why does she have such a big presence? When he hears her laughter, he can't help but laugh too. Rose sometimes said strange things, but Rocco was always surprised every time.

When Rose mentions that Rocco was the one who put the needle in her neck, Rocco pauses for a moment. However, she forgave him. She said she understood. And she said she would keep it a secret.

Rocco had been working in the Black Ops for over ten years and had never been told something like this. He's used to hateful and abusive language, but this was the first time he'd heard anyone say 'forgave' and 'understood'. On top of that, she even gave him the word 'friend'.

However, Rocco has no concept of friends. Because there was no one he could call a friend. It's all a matter of duty. Yanagi was one of them. He played his friend and kept an eye on him for several years. The members of the Black Ops who act together can be subordinates, superiors, colleagues, or subordinates. In particular, no one cares enough. He was fine as long as he did his job well. There is no emotion beyond that. He had no specific emotions when he was tasked with talking to that girl. Being someone to speak with a 3-year-old was a ridiculous mission, he thought. However, Dalgodas' words caught his attention.

"I think you can have a conversation with Rose. She's not like a normal kid, she has a very different way of thinking. She's lonely because she doesn't have anyone around her who's worthy of her."

And there she was on her roof that night. She was reported to be crying alone all the time, but she was actually rolling around on the roof in the middle of the night, all alone, wrapped in a blanket. When Rocco talked to her, she guessed his existence, the existence of his subordinates, and his level.

For the first time, Rocco realized that this girl was no ordinary 3-year-old. Her body had also become an adult woman; her breasts, hips, and facial features were all that of an adult woman. She was just smaller overall. Rocco was surprised that her thoughts were those of an adult woman.

After talking daily for several months, her heart will naturally open up. Both Rocco and Rose realize they need each other. However, the report states that she likes Yanagi. She thought it was a normal brotherhood, but Rocco realized something was different. Those two were not related by blood. So it's no surprise that they are attracted to each other. It was also clear that both of them had abilities that were different from others.

When Rocco saw that battle in the capital, he became convinced. There was a rumor that she had destroyed a country called Ooramorg, so Rocco investigated it. He also learned that she is worshiped as the Daughter of the Dragon God in the southern island nations.

Also, when the father and son had that fight in the village, almost all of the village's high-ranking warriors and members of the Black Ops saw those two fights. After all, the Black Ops headquarters was involved and was half destroyed. It became known throughout the village that the Lord's daughter was no ordinary little girl.

However, when Rocco talked to Rose, the conversation went very natural. She seemed to be crying a lot because she thought about Yanagi, who was missing. But Rocco heard from the supervisor that after she talked to Rocco, she started smiling more. It seems like Rose needs Rocco as well.

However, before he knew it, Rocco started looking for Rose's smile. For the sake of her smile, he even started reading books that he never read before. Whenever he had free time, he studied various things. To create a buzz, he generously cut down on his sleeping time. He worked hard for her smile.

When it was decided that Rose would move to the capital, Rocco was quite shaken. When Rocco heard he would be removed as Rose's bodyguard, he felt despair. He decided to spend the last day alone with her and removed the other members from their duties. Rose seemed to think she would return to the village again, but the information he received said otherwise. The queen purposely summons her to her capital to protect her abilities and makes her a sister. Because she is the princess of a country, the Queen can restrict her relationships and marriage opportunities. 


For this reason, because of Rocco's low status, he will no longer have the opportunity to meet her. So on the night, they broke up, after she went into her bedroom, Rocco couldn't remember how much he drank. Even though they had promised to meet again, Rocco was overwhelmed by the anxiety of not knowing when they would be able to meet again. It's a feeling he has never had before.

After several months, Rocco finally started to feel better. He got busy and completed his duties, making the sad feeling of losing Rose fade. Rocco never shows his feelings in front of others, so his feelings for Rose go unnoticed. Only in front of Rose could he be honest. While harboring nostalgic feelings for her, he decided to move forward.

However, while on a mission that night, he saw Rose flying through the sky. Thinking he had seen it wrong, he looked again and again.

Without a doubt, it was Rose.

As Rocco followed behind her, he saw Rinka being attacked and fighting. When he was about to join the battle, Rose shot out a spell from the roof and joined the battle. However, she did not notice the flying arrow from below her. Rocco quickly moved to save Rose. He was able to meet the dangerous girl he wanted to meet. After all, she was involved in something serious.

When Rose says she is being attacked, Rocco can't keep quiet. He decided to suspend all his duties and fully cooperate with the girl. When his boss asks for a reason, Rocco thinks that since Rose is the Princess, he should help and give her full support.

But in Rocco's heart, Rose is his friend. Since she is his friend, it's only natural that he helps her.

In effect, Rose is Rocco's "dear" friend.

Amid the chaos, Rose took Rocco. And he followed her to chase an airship. Rocco never expected that Rose would fly so high into the sky. If Rocco was seen screaming like that by other members, it would surely become a hot topic. Rocco thought it was embarrassing to remember. However, he could fly through the sky with Rose, sneak into the airship, and even receive an enchantment, which was a new experience in his life. After all, whenever he is with her, he is always surprised.

Amazing. My Rose is amazing! , Rocco smiled as he remembered this.

It was also his first experience piloting an airship. To be honest, Rocco was prepared to die. As long as he was with Rose, he thought, that was enough. Even though he said he didn't want to die, the probability of dying was still greater.

However, thanks to Rose's promise of a meal, Rocco decided to live. And somehow, he was still alive. Even though Rose's magic power was empty, Rocco was happy to see Rose's worried face about him. Rocco didn't know how long he stared at her sleeping face as she fell asleep near him. She is a little princess who genuinely considers Rocco a friend.

Rose reveals her secret to Rocco. She is actually a grown woman. In other words, she was a grown woman trapped in a small body. If she is a grown woman, he won't be confused anymore. Rocco thought that since he knew she was an adult, he should contact her as one. The hesitation he had before disappeared somewhere.

Somehow the rebellion subsided and everything calmed down. Rocco can understand the sadness of losing someone. So instead of Rose, Rocco took her enemy. Because he can't afford to get Rose's hands dirty and can't let those beautiful eyes get cloudy.

But that night, Rose's voice came into his head, pleading for help. Rocco rushed over and found her lying on the ground covered in blood.

My Rose..., Rocco thought again, remembering the events of that night.


But somehow it worked out. However, Rocco is in trouble right now. The feel of those lips still burns in his heart. His heart won't stop beating just by remembering it. It's a feeling he has never had before. He has occasionally hugged women at work, but never felt anything like this.

Rocco no longer recognizes Rose as a friend. He has already gotten over that feeling. Right now, more than the pain in his back, he has to do something about this tightening pain in his chest. Otherwise, Rocco won't be able to recover when he breaks up with Rose again.

This is hard.


Yanagi may have felt this feeling. Rocco wonders if that girl feels the same pain. So that's why Rose was crying alone on the roof. The tears were meant to comfort her as she felt this pain and felt helpless. But Rocco doesn't know anything about love. He doesn't know, but where is the destination of this uncontrollable feeling? Rocco closed his eyes again, wondering if he could bear this pain.

Someone entered the room.

Rocco felt Rose's presence. Rocco wondered if she was feeling better. He's glad the detox worked. With that kiss... Rocco tried his best to hide what he was thinking. He thought he could hear the heartbeat again.


Rose's gentle magic spread throughout his body. He can hide this feeling by pretending to be asleep.

Myrina has arrived. Rose spoke honestly about her feelings. Myrina must have been surprised. Rose still has something that other women don't have. Rocco's heart is filled with thoughts of her. Everything about Rose fills the void in Rocco's heart.

"Rocco, you're not sleeping, are you?"
"How do you find out?"

Myrina saw through his pretending to be asleep. Rocco reluctantly decided to get up. Rose has already returned to her room.

"She's a strange girl, isn't she?"
"I heard the rumors, but they were true. She was the target of your surveillance, right?"
"That's right. I was also tasked with being her talking partner."
"She's an intelligent girl."
"It's not just about being intelligent. That kind of thinking is like no other."
"Do you get attracted to her?"
"I don't know. How should I react when she says she'll cry for me?"

Rocco asked, and Myrina was deep in thought.

"That's right. I was surprised too."
"The members outside are also crying. Their wavelength has been disrupted for a while now."
"Well, isn't it okay? I want to cry too..."

When Myrina said that, Rocco smiled bitterly.

"You're already crying, Myrina."
“This is...sweat.”
"I see. Sweat, huh?"

Rocco looked taken aback, and he nodded.

"Rocco, once you are diagnosed with a full recovery, I will give you a mission to have lunch with Princess Rose."

And then the day came. When he was informed that she had moved room, Rocco wondered what her room would be like. He was guided by a servant and stopped in front of a large door, even though he was told that she was there...

"Rocco! It's here!"

The door opened. Rose came dressed in beautiful clothes to pick up Rocco.

"Is this Rose's room?"
"Yeah. My older sister told me I could use it."
"Excuse me?"
"Please come in. I asked everybody out so we were left alone."

Rose smiled, took his hand, and walked inside.

"Isn’t this a garden?"
"You think so, don’t you?"
"I'll show you. But before that, I must put a barrier so no one can enter."

Rose cast a spell. It's amazing. Rocco thought it was amazing that she had cast a spell over this large garden. Now, nobody can enter or exit unless it is released. Where on earth did this kind of magic come from?

"Are you surprised? This is magic that Teacher Miraiya often uses. When Mr. Darga and I were playing with a dangerous class beast, she put it on to prevent it from escaping. If the beast escaped, the villagers would be scared, right?"
"Playing with a dangerous class...I don't think the villagers are at a level where they would be scared."
"Ahaha, is that so?"

Rose laughed.

"That’s why I surround it like this."
"Am I also a beast?"
"Hehehe, that's funny Rocco. I did it so we wouldn't be eavesdropped."
"Are you planning something?"
"Not really. But if it's just the two of us, we can speak about various things without worrying about those around us, right?"

Rose said as she walked through the pretty garden. I see, Rocco nodded.

"Right. So, where does Rose live? I don't think you are camping out here, right?"
"No way? Follow me! I'll show you!"

Rose took Rocco by the hand and ran down the path. At the end of the path was a big building in the middle of a large pond.

"That's amazing."
"Right? It's my room, including this garden and everything!"


Actually, it's a palace, Rocco thought.

"It's not at the level of being amazing."
"What will you do if you are attacked by the enemy? There are not enough footholds."
"In that case, use water attribute magic to deal with it. There's a lot of water here, so I can use ice-based attack magic as much as I want."

Rose said as she opened the door.

"That's amazing. I can't use water attributes."
"I can use everything, so there's no problem."
"Rose is amazing after all."
"But Rocco is amazing too."

Rose looked at Rocco and smiled.

"I want to learn more about poison. Is there a better way?"
"Let's stop talking about such disturbing things before lunch."
"It's okay. There's no poison in the food, I guess."
"Just kidding. It's not in there."
"It's always the Black Ops that doesn't believe you when you say that."

Rose looked troubled and thought.

"Hahaha. But even if it's in there, I'll gladly eat Rose's poison."
"I have mixed feelings when people say things like that."
"I see, hahaha."

Rose entered the building and pulled his hand. What a beautiful building, Rocco thought. The surrounding scenery is also wonderful. The inside of the building is also gorgeous. However, when she opened the window and looked at the outside scenery and the window frame, it turned into wonderful scenery. When they went to the balcony on the second floor, the scenery was more beautiful.

"Which one do you like? First floor? Second floor? Rocco chooses."
"The second floor is better."
"Then let's eat there."

Rose grabbed a large bento box and laid it out on the carpet. All of the dishes had a homemade feel to them. Although it wasn't particularly pretty, this bento was probably something Rose had made herself.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at cooking. My sister taught me a lot, but I couldn't cook it properly."

Rose apologized and added chopsticks to his plate.

"But you made this dish just for me, right?"
"Yeah. If the taste is bad, you can throw it away."
"I won't do such a wasteful thing. I'll eat them all."
"Really? I'll eat too."
"Let's eat!"

The two decided to eat her cooking together. Rocco felt the love in every dish, thinking they were cooked only for him. Unlike the food he had eaten at the restaurant, he felt warmth in his heart. When Rocco saw Rose eating with a smile next to him, he couldn't even describe how happy he felt.

"Rose's cooking was delicious."
"It was great. Actually, it was my first time making something like this."
"Have you ever treated Yanagi to food like this?"
"No, never did."
"So, it’s your first time?"

Somewhere in Rocco's heart, he was happy. He feels like he is a special person.

"Hey, Rocco."
"About what?"
"About detoxification..."

Rocco's heart reacted strongly again. The kiss from that night came to mind.

"If Rocco didn't come to save me, I might have died."
"Ah, yeah, I'm glad I made it in time."

Rocco stares at Rose for a while and then calls out to her.

"Rose, can I ask you something?"
"Does Rose like Yanagi?"
"Not as brother and sister, but as man and woman."

He really has to listen, Rocco thought. To find out his position...

"Did Rocco even notice that much? To be honest, I might have liked him."
"A past tense, huh?"
"I was abandoned. I was left alone without any news. I think has grown to hate me."
"Yanagi I knew was a vindictive man."
"Is that so?"
"Especially when it comes to Rose."
"Hmm, I guess so? He made a decision without asking me how I felt. Even though he said he loved me, he didn't come back. Even though he said he wanted me, he left. Even though he said he believed in me, he told me to do whatever I wanted and went away. I don't know what to do, do I? He didn't even write to me."

Rocco heard Rose's words and nodded.

"That's true."
"So, he doesn't need me anymore, that's fine. Yanagi... no, maybe it's love to set my brother free."
"I see."

Rose looked down and sighed.

"Rose, can I sit closer to you?"

Rocco sat near Rose. He thought that his heartbeat could be heard so loudly.

"Is it okay if I hold your hand?"

Rocco placed his hand on top of Rose's small one. He was surrounded by an indescribable feeling, like lightning running through his body.

"I feel like I have to tell you."
"I now have to return to my mission. It's an important mission..."
"It's also a dangerous mission."
"We are not allowed to send any messages or contact other than our team during the mission because it is a life-threatening act."
"I don't know when the mission will end. Everything changes depending on the flow."
"Are you worried?"

Rose is in tears. Her small hands are balled into fists. Rocco grabbed the small hand and unclenched it into a fist between his fingers. 


They are small fingers, Rocco thought.

"I'll come back alive, so you don't have to worry."
"If I lose Rocco, I..."
"I decided not to die so easily."

Her blue eyes filled with tears look like sparkling jewels. However, it is sad and heartbreaking. Rocco would rather see this girl smile than cry.

"Would you please laugh for me?"
"It's impossible."

It was answered immediately.

"That's a problem."
"I'll tell you one secret."

Rocco whispers in a low voice into Rose's ear.

"I'll tell you my real name."

Then Rocco said his name in a low voice in Rose's ear.


Rose said and Rocco nodded.

"Rose is the second person to know that name. Please cherish it."
"Who was the first one?"
"It's Lord Dalgodas."
"Why me?"
"Because Rose is important to me. If you give me an order using that name, I will make it a priority of the mission over any Black Ops missions. I will put everything on the line."
"And with that name, I'm better than this Rocco."
"Multiple personalities?"
"I'm not surprised if you say that, but this is also a job. I have to save the last trump card for the last minute of the last game."

Rocco is smiling and looking at her.

"But I can't reveal what kind of work I do yet."

Rocco said, looking at Rose and nodding.

"So, is Rocco a fake name?"
"Although most Black Ops members don't reveal their real names. It's probably safe to assume that everyone has a fake name."
"Sister too?"
"Yes, she is."
"I only reveal my real name to the people I care about."

Rocco nodded.

"Is Felto always stronger than Rocco?"
"May I ask what the levels are?"
"I'll tell you if you keep it a secret."

Rose nodded.

"It’s SSS."
"Do you feel relieved?"
"Then, it was good."

Rose stands up and she meets his gaze, she's staring straight at him. Then she puts her hands around Rocco's neck.

"Felto, I command you."
"Yes, my Princess."

Rocco's voice changed.

"Please complete your mission and return to me safely, alive, and in good health."
"I got it."
"And let's eat some more."
"Understood. But now it's my turn to treat you."

An absolute mission has been issued to Rocco. He decided that he would definitely come to see her again.

"Thank you for the lunch today."
“Are you going now?”
"Yes. My men are waiting in front of the garden gate."
"Will you laugh for me?"

Rose shook her head. However, she gave Rocco a beautiful smile. And she gently hugged Rocco.

She smelled like roses. It has a very gentle scent. After a while, Rose let go of Rocco. Rocco kissed Rose's hand.

"I'll give my laugh when you get back."
"Be careful."
"Yes, I will. Well, I have to go now."
"Be safe, Rocco and Felto."

Rocco smiled. His feelings were decided. From now on, he decided to live for this little princess.

I'm going, Rose. I'll see you again! , Rocco thought as he shook his hand.