Rocco took Rose's hand and looked for a safe place. They both found an empty house near the palace and went inside. Then Rocco sat and thought.

After a while, Rocco pulled a paper out of his pocket and started writing. He put what he had written on the ground, tapped it with the palm of his hand, and boom! , the paper disappeared.

Is it magic?! , Rose was surprised.

"Rocco, what were you doing?"
"I sent a request for cooperation to my friends."
"Is it like a magic letter?"
"Well, it's similar, isn't it? It's simpler though."
"Rocco can do magic."
"I can use some magic that is useful in actual combat."
"Amazing! Tell me next time."
"When it comes to magic, Rose is stronger."

Rocco is smiling and looking at Rose.

"But the magic like the one above is good! I'm interested in the magic of the Black Ops. I learned detection magic in Dwipa country, taught by a Black Ops officer there."
"I see. I was wondering who taught you that, but that's good."
"Huh? Did you see it when I used detection magic?"
"Yeah. While wandering around town investigating a certain person, I felt magical power above my head, and when I looked up, I saw a flying panty."

Rose laughed bitterly at the idea of a flying panty. Rocco smiled too, then continued talking.

"I thought this was no ordinary thing, so I stopped investigating and followed you, using your panty as a landmark. It was dark at night, so the white panty became an easy-to-understand landmark. Then, there was a detection spell near the top of the building. I dodged it a bit because I felt the wave. Then, Rinka suddenly started fighting, and fire attribute magic came flying from the sky, arrows came flying from below, so I moved."
"Hmm, maybe the flying panty was superfluous."
"Hahaha, shouldn’t I write that in the report?"
"No, don't do that. You said you were having trouble seeing where you were looking, but you were looking at me closely..."
"Without hesitation, I saw it. Besides, if I didn't look carefully when I had a chance to see it, I'd miss it out."
"Rocco's idiot!"

Rose pouted at him and said.

"Hahaha, sorry. I was just kidding. But thank you for showing me something good. I won't write it in the report though."
"I didn't mean to show it to you though. Hmm."
"Now then, I have something for Rose to do now."
"Yes. What should I do?"
"I want you to be a bait."
"Bait? Even if you eat me, I won't taste good, right?"
"You look delicious to me. Well, let me explain why you look delicious."
"Um, yes, please."

Rose nodded.

"I'm going to explain, so listen carefully. I knew from the beginning that the enemy was targeting Rose and the Queen. He tried to enter Rose's room but failed due to the resistance of the guards and Rinka's quick response. Strategy 1... If it fails, the next strategy will be carried out. In this case, the plan was to have Rose chase the person who ran away, and then wait elsewhere to attack. The team in charge entered the palace and decided to carry out a strategy of pretending to be soldiers. Many new soldiers were in the palace, and the people near them probably couldn't tell whether they were real soldiers. It is possible that they used the uniforms of the soldiers they killed to prepare for the invasion, or that collaborators within the palace provided the soldiers' clothes and weapons in advance."
"This is a staple of Black Ops and assassins."
"I do it sometimes, too. It's pretty easy to break in."

Rocco said with a smile.

"Rocco does such a scary job."
"Are you scared of me?"
"It's scary when you become my enemy. Now I'm your ally, so I can rely on you."
"You are a truly unusual woman. Don't worry, I will always be on Rose's side."
"Thank you, Rocco."

Rose nodded. Rose thought that Rocco was a reliable ally after all.

"Then let's continue. The person who received the message that Rose went outside will go to the next operation. It seems to be a mission to capture the Queen. Perhaps that airship flew following the movement inside the palace. That's possible. However, Rinka and Myrina rushed to the palace, and the result didn't go as planned. Also, the mission failed because we dropped that airship. That's why the assassins are inside the palace now. He must be panicking. If he doesn't leave the palace quickly, his identity will be revealed sooner or later. So when someone yells at a real soldier wearing the same clothes and says that the person is an assassin, they instantly start to suspect each other. The reason for killing each other has been established. They will flee from the palace under the cover of the chaos."
"I see. So, what should I do?"
"As I said, I'm going to use you as bait. The real soldiers will probably stop moving if Rose goes amid them. But the fake ones will take advantage of you. They'll take you hostage, or try to kill you. It's definitely going to make some kind of move. It's a perfect opportunity for an assassin. This means you look delicious. Do you understand this?"

Rose nodded.

"Yeah. Is it okay to be in the middle of the battle?"
"Yeah. And I want you to shine to stand out."
"Okay, I can put on a barrier, right?"
"Of course. If you were to get injured because I using you as bait, Myrina would definitely tear me to pieces."

Rocco laughed again.

"So please put on a gold barrier or something."
"Are you scared, Rose?"
"I'm not used to the battlefield, so it's scary. But I believe in you, Rocco. I believe you will protect me."
"Thank you. Even if you can't see me, I'll always be close to you. Since I'm from the Black Ops, I'll be your shadow and protect you."
"Then, tell the Queen and Myrina about this plan. And they won't have to say anything else."

Rose contacted Suzu and told her about Rocco's plan. Although she was quite worried at first, Myrina said she agreed. However, she added that she should be careful. Rose linked with Rocco, Suzu, and Myrina. Rinka was removed from Rose's link because she was injured.

Suddenly, several Black Ops-like people appeared outside the house. After bowing before Rocco, everyone gathered around Rocco.

Rocco gave some instructions. Some of them looked familiar. Two Black Ops members helped with Moi's birth, two who always ran with Rose, and a few who were on the roof. Rose looks at them and says they are all Rocco's subordinates. Their faces are hidden by cloth, but their vibrations are the same. One of them gave Rocco a new jacket. Rocco took off it and put on a new one. Then he put on his hood and hid his face with a cloth. The figure was exactly that of the Black Ops, stabbing Rose's neck with a needle.

Rocco organized and prepared his weapons and also gave instructions to his men. Upon receiving his instructions, his subordinates immediately left the area. Rose and Rocco returned to the two of them. Rocco saw Rose just watching from a distance without saying a word and approached her.


"Does this look familiar?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm entrusting my life to you, Rocco."
"I've kept it. I'll definitely protect you, Rose."
"Then let's go. This is an operation to retake the palace."

Rose put a gold barrier around herself. This is a high-level defensive magic that has a long effect time and a good defensive power. It can block almost all physical attacks. The drawback is that it consumes a lot of magic power.

Rose follows Rocco and successfully enters the palace. The inside of the palace is in a terrible state. Some soldiers were injured, some died.

Oh my god. Even though Guile put a lot of effort into educating them, the soldiers get confused and end up killing each other, Rose thought. 


Rose focused her power and released it. Feeling the power gathered on her forehead, her body naturally lights up. She had become a divine alien, thought Rose. Rose slowly advanced, floated into the air, and screamed loudly.

"Stop fighting!"

When the soldiers heard those words, they looked up with surprised faces.

"Princess Bara!"
"That's right, so stop fighting now."
"But we have the enemy here!"
"Those who disobey my orders will be considered traitors! Stop fighting immediately!"
"Yes, Princess!"

The soldiers who had been fighting earlier sheathed their weapons and knelt down.

"Take care of the injured."
"Yes, Princess!"

They moved immediately. She felt a little relieved when she saw that. There doesn't seem to be an assassin in this room. Rocco was not in her sight. He might be out there somewhere, but she doesn't know.

Rose entered the next room and checked the situation. The situation here is also quite bad.

"Stop fighting!"

She also screamed loudly. Then, her soldiers looked up, as did the people in the next room, and were surprised. She saw her divine and sheathed her weapon.

At that moment, one of the soldiers quickly jumped high to where Rose was and readied her weapon. This person is an assassin! , thought Rose.


With a dull thud, her attacker fell to the ground. He was already dead. Rocco is still invisible, but there is no doubt that he was the one who killed this assassin. It was a terrifying assassination technique, Rose thought.

"This person is an assassin. He's dead, but please take him to another room for investigation."
"Yes, Princess!"
"Also, treat the injured."
"Yes, Princess!"

The soldiers moved immediately. Looking at them like this, they were really well-done soldiers. However, the problem is that they are easily misled. Rose thinks she'll talk to Guile about this once the rebellion subsides.

Rose doesn't know how many assassins there are in the palace. However, there is no other way but to deal with them one after another. One by one, assassins fall into the trap. That's exactly what Rocco said. Rose is a tasty bait, he says.

When she arrived in front of the conference room, she found the door was closed. However, there were blood stains in front of the door. That's quite a lot. She stopped and ordered the soldiers who had put away their weapons to open the door. Then, the bodies of several ministers were found inside the room. It's a terrifying sight. There was also a minister who had dinner with Rose. How cruel! Rose was sad and felt angry. She cast a detection spell just in case, but there was no sign of anyone but Rocco.

Ministers appeared to have been killed by stab wounds. They may have been killed in the attack last night. This is because the wound is drying up. Rose asked the soldiers about these ministers. When she contacted Suzu, Suzu seemed quite surprised and her voice sounded very sad.

The sight Rose saw was transmitted to Suzu, she looked quite shocked. However, as expected from Suzu, she is from the Black Ops. Suzu didn't get upset and calmly instructed her which room she should go to.

Rose went to the designated rooms one after another and checked them. The fighting has subsided one after another. Of course, it was almost impossible to tell whether the kneeling soldier was an enemy or an ally. It would have been better if he hadn't attacked Rose.

When they entered the room where the throne was, they found a dead body. He is the stupid son of the lord of the Ecoria region. But why did he die here? Was this the person who started the rebellion? Rose doesn't think he's that good of a person, but since he's here, he might have something to do with it. She'll probably have to do some research on this person as well. Rose asked a nearby soldier to handle him.

Rose headed to the residential area. Guile was in front of the door. He is badly injured and is guarding the door with several guards. He told her that there were some maids and servants behind the door. In that rebellion, it was an action he took on his own judgment to protect those who were unarmed. Guile knelt down in front of Rose, but he was so injured that he collapsed. Rose cast a healing spell for first aid. Maybe this will help, Rose thought.

Rose opened the door and went inside. Moved towards his room. There are many maids and servants there. Saira was there too. Saira cried when she saw Rose and told her of Miranda's death. Rose nodded sadly, wondering if that sweet Miranda had died. Medics who rushed to help Miranda were attacked and couldn't make it in time. Sadness and anger welled up within Rose.

Finally, Rose headed to the Queen's room. She replaced the gold barrier just in case. Because she has a bad feeling about it.

To get to the Queen's room, she has to pass through several doors. However, there was no security in sight around that area. She doesn't know if he died or ran away.

Suzu told Rose once that the Queen's room had a sitting room for receiving visitors. At the room's door ahead, a study room on the left, and a multi-purpose room on the right. Suzu uses this room as a hobby room. It has a lot of personal items. However, even if Rose used detection magic, there was no one but Rose and Rocco.

Then head straight towards the door.

"Rose, be careful. I feel a murderous intent."

Rocco warned her.

"Yes, I will."

Rocco stands in front of Rose and breaks down the door. And he quickly went inside. Rose entered, but suddenly she saw a sword. Then, Rocco immediately took care of it from the side. There were several swordsmen there. From the looks, it doesn't seem like they're on Rose's side. Where did it come from? To enter this living area, they must go through the door where Guile was. Nevertheless, the fact that they are here means that they somehow got in before Guile arrived. Or maybe someone put it here.

"Fight back, Rose!"

Rose took out her whip and faced the two swordsmen. Thanks to Guile, her martial arts abilities have improved. She could feel it very much.

"Speed ​​increase enchantment! Attack power increases enchantment!"

She put it on herself. 


She cast a powerful defensive spell.

"Speed ​​increase enchantment for Rocco! Attack power enchantment!"
"It's really amazing."

Rocco said as he defeated the enemies one after another. The three swordsmen went to the open door in the foreground and fled into the Queen's bedroom. However, the windows are very narrow, making it impossible to escape. Knowing no time left, the swordsman raised his sword and attacked.

"Don't kill everyone!"
"Bind Rose!"

A powerful thorny branch came out of the ground and bound one of the three men. Branches extended to his mouth and wrapped around it so he couldn't kill himself. No matter how she looks at it, it seems painful.


The other person struggled, let out a loud voice, and fainted. At the same time, Rocco finished dealing with the other swordsmen. It was a quick and vivid movement. Somewhere in her heart, Rose felt good feelings toward Rocco. Her feelings wavered for a moment, and she felt uneasy. However, she soon decided to change her mind.

Rocco is Rose's friend. He is a dear friend.

"That's amazing, Rocco."
"Rose too."
"Are you going to make use of that?"

Rocco looked at the unconscious swordsman tied to a thorn branch and pointed.

"Yeah. I need to get some information out of it."
"That's right. Shall we interrogate him in the Black Ops?"
"How is it different from interrogations in other departments?"
"Well, I don't want to say too much, but..."
"Is it scary?"
"That's right. It's something I don't want Rose to hear."
"I see. Then I won't ask."
"That's good. We have now secured all the rooms. Please contact Myrina."

Rose contacted Myrina. Then, she was instructed to wait for someone from the Black Ops to confront this living enemy. There is a possibility that the assassin may still be among the soldiers, so they must guarantee the safety of this precious living witness. Just to be sure, she used detection magic to confirm. There was no one there, she was sure.