Several months have passed since Rose came to the capital.

She has managed to get used to life in the capital. She sent a letter to Dalgodas and received a reply a few days later. As ordered, he sent Rose's books and some baked goods from the head chef. She ate the baked goods that arrived from her village with the Queen, whom she had recently become close friends with, like her sisters. Of course, she also shared it with Rinka and her maids, Saira and Miranda. Myrina still doesn't come back. When Rose asked Suzu, her answer was just to ask her to do some jobs.

Myrina hasn't come back for several months. Rose wondered what kind of job she was doing. However, her job is such that the Queen directly asks the commander of the Black Ops for a job, so it must be important.

She also sent a letter to Prince Efergan but has not yet received a reply. Suzukinoyama is a faraway country across the southern sea, so she understands it will take some time. Besides, the prince must be busy too, so Rose waited patiently. By the way, the paper and envelope used for the letter Rose sent contained the emblem of the Alhatross royal family.

She still can't roam around as freely in the palace. There are areas she was allowed to enter and areas she was not allowed to enter. She doesn't understand why this happens. But when she leaves the residential area, she has to take her maid and bodyguard along. But she doesn't have to take the maid with her during morning exercise.

In the morning, her exercise teacher, Guile, always comes to pick her up. Guile is a military officer who educates the kingdom's soldiers and is a strong person. He always waits outside the door to the residential area. When Rose comes into view with one of his bodyguards, he walks with her to the soldiers' training ground.

At the palace, Rose will undergo training with her senior soldiers. There are junior, intermediate, and senior training centers here. If the person is a lower rank, this is the training that ordinary soldiers receive. The main training is building physical strength, and learning how to use simple weapons. Basic training will also be provided. Intermediate soldiers undergo slightly harder training than lower-class soldiers. The distance covered will be longer, and the person will be able to practice using a variety of weapons. They also conduct communication training and special training. Intermediate soldiers mainly serve as platoon leaders and escort ships for important facilities. Finally, advanced training involves training for high-ranking military officers and high-ranking soldiers. Special weapons and some magic are also trained. High-ranking military officers mainly hold positions at the captain level, while high-ranking soldiers work as guards within the palace or in elite units of the regular army.

Many soldiers lost their lives in the attack on the capital, and Guile is currently focusing on rebuilding the regular army. That's why so many new soldiers are coming for training. However, in Rose's case, there was a matter with the capital and Ooramorg, so she was classified as a higher-ranking person concerning ability. That's why she has to run outside the palace every morning with the larger military officers. This is quite difficult. Because the palace is spacious.

After running, Rose takes a short break to drink water and practice her grappling techniques and weapons. In Rose's case, she is an amateur in types of equipment. There are many weapons she's never seen before, and she doesn't know how to use them. Guile will teach her how to use it while giving detailed explanations. Recently, she did a mock battle using practice weapons, and now she can fight evenly without magic. Even Rose, who is only 1 meter tall, can't lose to a large military officer. Of course, they don't go easy on each other either.

After a hard morning's training, Rose has lunch and begins her afternoon studies. She learns manners, especially for the princess to act and behave. She also studies politics, society, etc. Moreover, she learned how to sew, and studied about the women's behaviors in the royal palace.

The teacher said that when there are only women in a gathering, it becomes a battlefield for women. She must actually experience how to manipulate words, how to be sarcastic, and in other words, how to bring down another person through conversation and words, and learn how to do it, including countermeasures. It's difficult, Rose said, struggling here.

Of course, she also collects information and learns about psychology by listening to various stories. Rose sometimes falls asleep thinking it's a hassle. She hates things like this. It would be easier for her to defeat the beast than beat others with words. But in the world of nobility and politics, she learned that force was not the only solution. Rose thought that if possible, she would like to stay with a warrior or an ordinary person for the rest of her life.

Today was another day. Every day is hectic, and the sun has already set. It was time for dinner. She's always alone at dinner. Sometimes Rinka sits nearby and eats with her, but she usually eats alone. Meals are brought from the kitchen to her room. There is a place to eat in her room, so she always eats there.

Once in a while, Suzu invites her to dinner. Guided by the maid, she goes to Suzu's room and eats together. Like sisters, they talk about various things and have fun eating together.

When Rose was told that Suzu had liked Kagemaru during her Black Ops days, she was surprised. Suzu was a pair, so it was no wonder she felt that way, Rose thought. However, when she saw Kagemaru, who was always expressionless, Suzu said she had those feelings but was unsure what to do. She gave up without being able to convey those feelings. So now that she has become divine, she has decided not to think about love anymore. She decided to put her people first and give her all. Rose thought once again that Suzu was very determined. Suzu didn't seem to know about Kagemaru's restless state. She's not going to say that to Rose either. The two are hopelessly separated. So Rose is going to face her feelings honestly. The problem is that the other person, Yanagi, doesn't know where she is right now.

At night, Rose went into her bedroom getting ready for bed. Since she came to the capital, she hasn't had a chance to climb onto the roof. She must pass through her maids and guards to go into the courtyard. Rose's room has a window, but it's inconvenient to open it. Bedroom windows are generally not large. They are made small in case an assassin sneaks in.

Lying alone on the bed, Rose closed her eyes. But suddenly a scream was heard. Rose panicked, got up, and took her dagger, she went outside and heard Saira crying. No one in her living room, so she quickly went to the room in front of her. Saira was crying next to Miranda, who was lying there.

"What's going on?"

Saira didn't answer, shaking her head. Rose thought this might be an emergency and sent a link to Rinka. However, there was no reply. She feels Miranda's pulse and finds that she is still alive. Just to be sure, she pulled her inside the room.

She quickly called the Queen and told her that there was an emergency. Somehow, she succeeded on the first try. When she stepped out of the room with the dagger strapped to her waist, she found all three guards had fallen. Unfortunately, two of the fallen guards were already dead. One person is still alive but unconscious. She carefully looked around and cast a detection spell. There's no one around. Just to be safe, she dragged the guard into her room too. She then ordered Saira to close the door. She saw someone fighting when going out to the courtyard.

It's Rinka.

Rose prepared to join the fight, but another figure appeared from a different direction. The figure suddenly attacked Rose.

Rose immediately brought out her whip. She is at a huge disadvantage without armor but doesn't have that luxury. Since she was attacked, she has no choice but to fight back.

Queen Suzu's room is on the other side of the fence in the courtyard, but she seems safe. Suzu received the message and ordered the guards and military officers to go to the courtyard. The dark courtyard suddenly became brighter.

Apparently, Rinka defeated her attacker. Guards and military officers are gathering around Rose. Rose's attacker seemed to think he may be lost, so he tried to run away. However, Rose's whip was faster. She caught her opponent's leg and dropped him.

"Bind Rose!"

A rose branch came out from under the ground, blocking its movement. Just as she thought she had captured him alive, an arrow from an unknown source came flying and struck the enemy in the neck while Rose was holding the rose branch. Unfortunately, the bound enemy died from the attack of his companions.

Rose used her detection magic, but there were so many people that she couldn't see them. Just in case, she cast a barrier spell on herself.

The assassin clearly targets Rose's room. When her maid, Saira, screamed, Rinka noticed, and she started fighting the person who had snuck in. However, something bothers her. Something is wrong. But Rose doesn't understand what it is.

The commotion subsided when the guards and military officers came to the courtyard. She decided to link with Rinka just in case. She entered the room with several military officers and cast a healing spell on the unconscious guard and Miranda. The medics came and she decided to continue with them.

Rose quickly put on her armor and headed outside again. When Ohgi came into sight, Rose asked him to check the situation. Rose says that the person who fired the arrow has not been caught yet, and asks him to concentrate on protecting Suzu, as there is a possibility that he is hiding somewhere.

Curious about where he was hiding, Rose climbed onto the roof while everyone else was away. Still unsure, she climbed higher to the top of the palace's watchtower. From there, she applied her detective skills. This time it's a wider range. She felt a suspicious presence. He would run away, Rose thought, and it was suspicious. However, this may also be a trap. Perhaps her enemies are trying to lure her out. Just to be sure, Rose contacted Rinka and Suzu.

Rinka didn't want Rose to go after him alone. Rose waits for Rinka and the two chase after that suspicious presence. The direction is towards town. She can roughly tell where the target runs at this height, but it's dark at night. No matter how good her eyesight is, she is still at a disadvantage when it comes to dark nights.

"I'll chase after you, so you will fly high and measure your safety distance."
"Yes, please be careful."
"Rose, please don't be so reckless."
"Yes, I will."
"Okay, let's go."

Rinka chases after the person who seems to be running away. Rose flies from above, measures her safe distance, and informs Rinka.

"Barrier for Rinka! Speed ​​increase enchantment!"

After flying for a while, three more signs appeared above an area with many buildings.

"Rinka, three suspicious bodies have increased. Please be careful."
"Attack power increase enchantment for Rinka!"

As predicted, the three were friends of the escapee. They protect their comrades who run away, and the three attack Rinka. Then, Rose attacked one person from above with magic.

"Fire Ball."

A round ball-like fireball magic hit one enemy. The opponent turned into a ball of fire and struggled on the ground, unable to move. It was a scary sight, Rose thought. And it was definitely something no good for children to see.

As she was about to aim at the other one, she landed on the roof of a building, poised at her steady feet.

But suddenly an arrow came flying at me. Rose noticed, but she was too late!

She can't avoid it!

It will hit! - She tried to dodge but was suddenly hit with a strong force. Her balance was lost and she was about to fall when she suddenly felt a hand supporting her body. Someone grabbed Rose and she was safe.

"You are really dangerous, Rose."

It's a voice she has heard before.


Rose looked at him and she was surprised.

"How do you do, Rose."

Rocco looked at Rose and smiled. Rose nodded and got off Rocco's hand.

(Rose, are you okay?)

Rinka was worried and asked Rose.

"Yes, it's okay. I'm with Rocco from the Black Ops right now."
(Then, good. Stay there.)

Rinka finished off the remaining opponents, and the person who fired the arrow was also rendered incapacitated by a single blow.

(Rose, contact the Queen and interrogate these guys. Since they were captured alive, we can get the information.)


Rose contacted the Queen and received a reply saying that she would direct the nearby soldiers. Rinka took a moment to check on the captured enemy. She watches them to confirm they don't harm themselves or run away. Meanwhile, Rose and Rocco moved onto the roof of a nearby building.

"Why is Rocco here?"
"I'm on a mission. What is Rose doing wandering around in a nightgown at this hour of the night?"

Rocco said as he looked at Rose.

"I'm not wandering around. I'm just chasing a suspicious person who tried to enter my room."
"Did someone sneak into Rose's bedroom? That sounds disturbing. Is it a night visit?"

When Rocco asked, Rose couldn't help but smile bitterly. However, after that, she became sad.

"It wasn't a night visit. It was an assassination attempt. Two guards were also killed."
"It's true."
"But that doesn't mean I want you to act in your nightgown. Please don't fly in the sky. No matter how dark it is at night, I have good eyesight. I saw something attractive fly above me and had trouble finding where to look."

Rocco said in shock, and Rose's face turned red.

"Got it?"
"So, are you hurt?"
"No, it's okay."

Rose looked around her and felt her unnatural flow of energy. As she looked up at the night sky, she realized the cause.

"Hey, Rocco. Can your mission be temporarily suspended?"
"Well, the mission was interrupted by the arrow earlier."

The attempt to kill Rose stands as more than enough reason. Rocco thought as he nodded.

"I'm sorry, but this time we have an emergency."
"Explain it."
"There's no explanation. That's what it is."

Rose pointed to the sky. An airship is flying there. The enemy is attacking.

"Rocco, team up with me."
"Aye, Rose."
"I'll link you now."

Rocco nodded.

"Queen, I'm sorry, but can I call you Suzu? There's an emergency."
(Suzu is fine. What happened?)
"I saw an airship. The number is yet to be confirmed. We'll investigate. I'm currently teaming up with Rocco from Black Ops and Rinka."
(Okay, thanks for the info.)

Rose contacted Suzu.

"I'm sorry, Rinka, but I might have to call you later."
(Okay, but I can't fly, so I'll do something on the ground.)

Rinka nodded from a distance.

"Rocco and I will look into it."
(Be careful.)
"Yes, I will."

Rose grabbed Rocco's hand.

"Rocco, hold me tight."
"Don't think anything strange."

Rose said and Rocco laughed.

"Yes, is this okay?"
"Hmm, I want you to be a little stronger. My hands are small, so I can't support you. I want you to hold me firmly."
"Like this?"

Rose nodded.

"Okay, let's go!"
"Huh? Where are you going?!"
"I don't mind if you look under my nightgown, just don't fall."

Rose flew into the sky. This is his first time flying with someone. She's actually embarrassed that her underwear is showing, but now is not the time to worry about such things. Now the capital is being attacked again. Linking what she saw to Suzu, she saw a large airship flying near her.

"Rocco, hold on a little longer!"

Rose ascended upwards at great speed. This is probably the first time Rocco has ever flown this high, Rose thought. Having no choice, Rose activated her vines and pinned Rocco's body in place.

"There's only one airship. That's strange. It's going to land."

Rose and the others landed on top of the airship. Rocco landed his feet on the airship and he froze for a moment. Maybe he's thinking about what's going on right now, Rose thought.

However, this flow is strange. The Morgs should understand that if they want to attack the capital, one airship is a reckless thing to do. Even five airships were easily dropped. Moreover, the enemy even sent assassins to the palace to break into her room. Then one person escapes and three are ambushed. 


No, wait. Then what is their real goal if they try to lure her out? , Rose thought.

"Rinka, hurry to the palace and get to Suzu, urgently! She's in danger!"

Rose also contacted Suzu.

"Suzu, gather around yourself. I think the enemy is probably already around the palace. Or maybe they are already inside. The target is you!"
(Eh! Understood!)

Rose has something Rocco needs to do. Because this airship cannot be dropped here.

"Rocco, are you okay now?"

Rose removed the vines from Rocco's body and her own.


It looks like Rocco's eyes are still rolling.

"Should be fine."

Rocco slapped his face and returned to his steady eyes. Rose smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to go inside this airship. I want everyone to clear out except for the pilot."
"Rose, you really are a scary woman."
"I don't care what you say. I can't let this airship go all the way to the palace. Many people will die if I drop it down here. So we'll kill the enemies inside this airship and move the airship to somewhere far away. The casualty will be smaller if we do that."
"I see."

Rocco nodded.

"Rocco, just like before, hold me tightly and don't let go."

Rose is concentrating, her whole body glowing.

"Trust me, Rocco."
"I believe you, Rose."
"Yeah. Let's go!"

Close her eyes, set the coordinates, and land inside the airship!



Rose and Rocco went inside the airship. The Morg soldiers inside were surprised by their appearance.

"Go, Rocco!"

Rocco moved. With a very light body, he moved quickly and killed enemy soldiers one after another. Every movement is efficient. Every swing of his weapon killed an enemy. It has very vivid movements. This is the true power of the highly poisonous Rocco, Black Ops Level 6.

Rose moved to the front of the airship, looking for the pilot. She thinks she can't move like Rocco, so she'll just use the whip and move on. However, with his quick movements, Rocco pulls her out from behind and defeats the enemies in front of her one after another.

"Barrier to Rocco! Speed ​​increase enchantment! Attack power increases enchantment!"

Then, Rocco's movements became several times faster. It was frightening, like a god of death moving at the speed of the wind.


Rose heard Rocco mutter. Rose moved forward until she could see the entrance to the control room. There were several people on the other side of the door.

When Rose entered, several people had drawn swords and were about to slash her, but they were no match for Rocco, who was in top form. They were easily dismissed.

In fact, even the pilot was killed. 


"What should I do?" 


Rose looked at Rocco with a shocked expression on her face. She has never piloted an airship both in her previous and current life.

"What's wrong, Rose?"

Rocco stopped and listened. There are no enemies left.

"Even the pilot was killed, so I'm wondering what to do."
"Did I do it?"

That was the moment Rocco knew he had failed.

"Yeah. So I'm thinking about what to do now."
"Is that really bad?"

The two of them are still watching the operation of the airship.

"I have no choice but to do something."
"I see, haha, let’s think about it together."
"Rocco, you're actually a very resilient person. Now I know that side of you."
"Maybe so. Basically, I don't want to die. Now, what should I do?"

Rocco nods, watching the airship equipment.

"Well, first we need to understand how this airship works."
"It's like piloting a ship."
"Can you pilot the ship?"
"I've only read about it in books. I've never actually done it."
"Well, now it's time for the actual battle. Do your best, Captain!"

When Rose said this, Rocco smiled bitterly.

"So, where should I take it?"

Rocco asks, and Rose looks outside.

"Anywhere other than the town is fine. Even on top of that mountain is fine."
"I've never piloted an airship, so I don't think it would be possible to land safely."
"I've never piloted one either. I'll have to leave it to you, Rocco."

Rose said and nodded.

"Besides, we flew through the sky and teleported, and I consumed much magic power. I am so exhausted that I don't know if we'll be able to teleport again."
"Moreover, we can't drop this airship here, so we want to get it as far away as possible. The lives of the people and our lives depend on your piloting skills."
"That's a big responsibility. Huh! It turned to the wrong direction. Oops, this is the other way around. I guess this is okay, maybe, hmm, what do you think?"

Rocco took the controls and realized his mistake. The ship is headed in a strange direction.

"Stay strong, Rocco! I don't want to die yet."
"I don't want to die either, so it's okay."
"It's heading towards the mountains far away from town."

Looks like he has managed to fix it, Rose thought.

"Hey, aren't it getting faster?"
"Now, I don't remember what I touched earlier."
"That's not good. It's too fast."

Rocco touched something again. The speed of the airship increased again.

"Hey, Rocco."
"If the town is safe, we are safe, the Queen and Rinka are safe, and everything goes well, then let's have lunch together somewhere."
"Good. This is the first time a woman has invited me to lunch."

Rocco said with a smile.

"Do you always call the woman first?"

When Rose asked, Rocco gave a wry smile.

"That's a question about whether it's better to answer or not answer."
"Well, don't worry about it. We're almost on the outskirts of town. But this isn't going to crush into the mountains, right?"
"Come on..."

They were both silent for a while. Rocco desperately grabs his control and directs the airship toward the mountain. However, approaching it at great speed is scary enough.

"Hey, Rocco, it's nice to be your friend."

Rose is curled up at Rocco's feet.

"Me too, Rose. It was fun."
"We're about to land. Hold on!"

Rocco grabbed the controls and moved them to the left and right to avoid hitting the mountain. When the ship touched the ground, Rocco let go of the controls and hugged Rose. There was a violent impact, and the airship broke in two making Rose and Rocco thrown outside.
