Next morning.

Rose departed for the capital on the royal carriage bound for the capital. Ohgi who works as an assistant to Her Majesty, and Rinka in human form were riding in the same carriage with Rose. And there's a woman named Myrina. Myrina is the commander-in-chief of the Black Ops and the top of the village's Black Ops. Her warrior level is SS. Myrina is a snake race, and her black scales are a mixture of red, green, and blue scales. Her hair is long, down to her waist, in beautiful black waves and tied back. Her face is very pretty, she wears red lipstick, and her eyelids are double, giving her the vibe of a sexy adult woman. However, she is very dignified and good-looking. It seems like there are many snake people on the Black Ops, and when she asked Myrina about it, she answered that it's because the snake people are familiar with poison. Of course, there are other races, but when it comes to poison, most of the snake people are born with poison, so they naturally adapt to dark side work. Myrina is not sitting in the carriage, but outside the carriage, next to the driver.

Rose wears clothes that are easy to move in when traveling. She was wearing a long red silk dress jacket with wine-colored pants inside. Her clothes are beautifully decorated with embroidery made by Yuri. The flowers are very bright with pink and white roses. She also casually attached a brooch from Yanagi to her chest. She wears a leather belt and a dagger around her waist. Rinka's uniform was her black clothes. She is wearing simple armor and a weapon on her arm. Myrina seems to be from the Black Ops and wears black clothes, light equipment, and a red scarf. There is a sword attached diagonally around her waist.

The trip is progressing smoothly, and they all eat lunch together during the lunch break. Rose heard from Rinka that the head chef even made lunch boxes for the soldiers. It was a simple portable meal, but it was very delicious. The dessert was steamed bread with sweet fruit flavor, and it was exquisite. Rose thought it was a waste to have a piece of bread stuck to her finger, so she put her finger in her mouth. Ohgi laughed, picked up a piece of bread with his finger, and ate it. Delicious food is delicious, he said with a laugh. Rinka, Myrina, and even the soldiers ate their lunch neatly, leaving no food behind. 


Chef, thank you for the meal!

When they continued the journey, they were on the road for a while. On the way, Myrina instructed the driver to drive the carriage through a certain magic circle and they arrived at the capital in no time.

Rose realized that the capital she felt when she first saw it was completely different from the city she saw now. The first time she saw the capital was when it was being attacked by the Morgs, and there were broken buildings and black smoke everywhere. However, it is now clean and many new buildings are being built. The palace has been cleaned up, and even the roof and walls destroyed by that monster have been repaired. As expected, the technical department at Aotake Village is amazing. The work is fast and clean. Rose thought that her father's proud praise was understandable.

The carriage arrived at the palace, and Rose and the others were led inside. Some fountains and rooms looked familiar. At that time, there were no more tragic scenes left. Everything was cleaned up and it became a beautiful palace.

They were guided to the Queen's Room where Her Majesty the Queen was waiting. When the door opened, Ohgi motioned for her to go inside. When she enters, she finds Queen Suzu sitting on the throne. It was so divine, that Rose was confused for a moment. She is dressed in a beautiful dress and has a shining crown on her head. Perhaps because Suzu has become a god, her aura is divine and glows faintly. She has a red bruise on her forehead, just like Rose's. Rose realized that it was the Dragon God's emblem. However, Suzu is beautiful.

"Thank you for your hard work, Ohgi. And welcome, Rose, Rinka, and Myrina."

She welcomed Rose and the others in a dignified voice. Rose and the others knelt before the Queen, paying homage to her and greeting her.

"Rose, you are the only one with the same Gold ability as me."
"Yes, Your Highness."
"You will be my sister. Your title is 'Princess'. Please stay here for a while as my sister."

Rose tilted her head at Suzu's words.

"It's just as I said. I've prepared your room, your clothes, and your maids. I'll also have teachers to teach you etiquette and lessons as usual. But don't worry, you don't have to study embroidery you hate."

Suzu said with a smile, and Rose looked relieved.

"Hmm, can I study martial arts?"
"If you want, you'll have it."
"Yes, please. But why am I here?"

In the first place, she thought it was strange to make her a 'Princess'.

"Rose is pretty and smart, so I'm sure some lords want to marry you. Since you are not a warrior, I think it's hard to find a reason to refuse a marriage proposal or an arranged marriage. It's even more so when you're in the position of the lord's third daughter. If you become my sister, they won't be able to proceed with the marriage proposal so easily."
"I'm only 3 years old when you're talking about marriage, right? Isn't it too early?"

Suzu laughed when she heard Rose's words. Suzu thought that even though she was only three years old, she spoke like an adult.

"Even at the age of three, a marriage is a marriage. There are some people in this world whose marriages are decided immediately after birth. It is common among nobles. You haven't heard anything from your father, have you?"
"About what...?"

Rose tilted her head.

"Oh. I've heard that you've received a lot of marriage offers."
"Looking at this situation, it seems Lord Dalgodas has refused everything."
"Well, in any case, please stay here and be my little sister for a while. Since you're my little sister, you don't need to use honorific language. And Rinka, you can spend your time as you feel comfortable, either as a cat or a person."

When Suzu said that, Rinka nodded.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Rinka answered.

"I have a little task for Myrina. Ohgi, please show Rose and Rinka their room and around the palace. You must be tired, but please come to my office when you're done."
"Yes, Your Highness."
"Then you can step back."
"Excuse me"

Rose and Rinka bowed and left the room. A very young and beautiful queen has a difficult job on her shoulders. Rose doesn't know what kind of work Suzu will assign to Myrina. However, although the former boss and subordinate are now in opposite positions, the two will probably continue to have the same trust in each other.

Ohgi happily gave a tour of the palace. Rose was given a room in the corner of her quarters where the Queen lived. It's a spacious and clean room. There is a large courtyard in front of the room and the queen's room can be seen from the courtyard. The previous king lived with his family and had many rooms. However, the current queen is single, so she has extra rooms. By the way, since she has become a divine being, she will effectively be single for the rest of her life. Since she has taken the same position as God, she will not marry, she will not grow old, she will not get sick, and above all, she will not die normally. Of course, she eats, sleeps, and rests normally, but she can survive without doing any of them.

Ohgi guided Rose to her room and went back to the queen. Rose was told that since she was the Queen's sister, she could call him without any honorific attribute, but she didn't dare to do so.

When she entered the room, there were three maids. Arnetta, the head maid, introduced herself, and she introduced the other two maids. Arnetta wore glasses, was large, and she was about middle-aged. Her race is a tree spirit race, just like Rose's mother. The first of the two maids is Saira, a grass spirit race, the same with Moi. Her hair is short and cute, and she has straight brown hair. She looks very young. The second person is Miranda, who is a little older than Saira. Her race was a grass spirit race. Her body was larger than Saira's, and her hair was wave and short, but the color was reddish brown. Saira will be Rose's caretaker, and Miranda will be her outside support. For example, Miranda's role is to bring tea and snacks from the kitchen to the room. In short, Rose doesn't have to leave her residential area. She was also told that if she wanted to go out, she could take one of the three soldiers standing in front of the room with her.

Rinka and Myrina were given a room next to Rose's bedroom. Rinka's and Rose's bedrooms are connected with a door, allowing them to enter and exit from each other's room at any time. It's very convenient. Also, they cannot go directly from the bedrooms to the courtyard. There is a spacious room in front of the bedrooms, which is used as a living room. The study room is located in the living room next to it. There are desks and bookshelves for studying. There are also fluffy carpets in the living room and study room. It's a beautiful and comfortable room. There is a smaller room near the living room. This is the place where guests come to visit. There are doors on the left and right of that room, and there are simple kitchen, water space, and the maids' rooms. Additionally, a bath is basically installed in each bedroom. There is a door from the guest room, and three guards are standing behind the door.

A door leads to the courtyard from the hallway where the guard is standing. The hallway also has large windows at regular intervals. It was a beautiful hallway. Perhaps the next room has the same structure.

The queen's room will be on the opposite side of the courtyard. Rose saw that it was a much larger room compared to this one. From that room comes the palace's queen's room and office. There is a path from the courtyard to the room where the queen lives, surrounded by large fences. A small door was installed at it with a guard. It's not easy to go to the queen's room even in the same residential area. Doors are routinely closed. As expected, guards are standing everywhere.

Worried that little Rose might be tired from the long journey, the maids Saira and Miranda make a delicious flower tea for Rose. Those two were surprised when Rinka transformed into a black cat, but they understood. Rose told those maids that Rinka should recognize her as Rose's 'pet' daily. That way, she won't be alarmed and security will be easier. Of course, since it's a cat, it can easily enter and exit the room from anywhere, from the window or door. Rose informed the three bodyguards in front of the door about the existence of the black cat Rinka and told them to recognize her as her pet.


The maid Miranda read out today's schedule. She'll basically rest today until snack time. After the snack, Rose unpacked her things, bathed, and had dinner.

Today Rose will have dinner with the Queen and some of her subordinates. Tomorrow she will go to the Dragon God's temple and perform the ceremony to become the queen's sister. An unveiling party will then be held. Naturally, ambassadors and lords from all over the world, as well as aristocrats and high-ranking military figures from abroad, are scheduled to attend. The young and beautiful Queen will not marry because of her divine status. It is predicted many people will aim at her younger sister Rose and want to arrange a marriage with her. Moreover, Rose didn't know Dalgodas received so many marriage offers just because of her Gold's ability. Rose now understood this was also why her range of movement was so restricted in her village.

Because she could have been kidnapped. 


This is because she is being targeted not only by the Morgs but also by ordinary countries. It seems that she is also an oracle from various Dragon temples. Ohgi explained to her when she showed him around the palace during the day the oracle had said that Rose was the daughter of the Dragon God. As the queen, Suzu didn't want Rose to marry overseas, so she made her younger sister. It all started when Rose was corresponding with Prince Efergan of Suzukinoyama when they met in Dalgodas's office. She's talking about men and women, so if love develops from their correspondence she's probably worried that Rose will marry Prince Efergan of Suzukinoyama.

Rose thought Suzu was thinking a little too much. She is only one meter tall, so no matter how hard she tries, she won't be able to marry Prince Efergan, who is so big. In the first place, Yanagi would never forgive her... But where is Yanagi? I miss you, Rose thought of him again.

After her snack time, it was time to unpack, but her maids were surprised at how little Rose had packed. She was told things in her luggage were too little, but she replied that she had heard everything was prepared here, so there was no need to bring too much. Rose told her maids about the situation regarding her underwear. Her maids will consult with the headmaid and make some more. By the way, she was told to prepare some accessories and clothes. It seems the colors for the clothes and accessories for the ceremony and reception tomorrow will be chosen in consultation with the queen's ladies-in-waiting. The adjustments are made so that clothes and decorations are not the same color. Rose thinks that the royal palace is such a troublesome place.

After the dinner preparations, Rose followed Miranda to where she would dine with the Queen. Of course, a bodyguard follows behind her. She thought it was a bit intimidating, but she was told it was necessary for her safety since it was a palace. She thinks it's a safe area since it's a palace, but it isn't.

Because it was a palace, many people were coming and going. In short, both friends and enemies will enter the palace. By the way, Myrina hasn't come back yet. She may be doing some work from the Queen.

Rose entered her dining room in a loose blue dress. A queen was wearing a white dress. She is standing as if she is waiting for Rose. When Rose entered the room, the Queen happily greeted her. She introduced Rose while taking her hand in front of the ministers and retainers present.

"This is my sister Rose."

After those words, they introduced themselves one after another. However, unless Rose is someone who has a strong impression on her, most people won't remember her name the first time they meet her. From tomorrow, Rose's official name will be 'Princess Bara Dalgodas'."

She was informed that her name Rose could only be used inside the palace. Therefore, in official situations, she is called 'Princess Bara'. It is a bit strange, but it can't be helped since it's her official name.

Luxurious dishes were brought out one after another for dinner. The dishes are exquisite, with both aroma and appearance stimulating the appetite. Suddenly, a link from the Queen came into her head. Although she didn't say it out loud, her words were clearly conveyed to her.

(Feel free to take it all.)

Rose looked at her and saw her smiling at him. Rose also answered, 'Yes', out of her thoughts. It is a 'conversation' that the two with Gold abilities can have, such as Rose and Suzu.

Several of the retainers saw the surprised look on Rose's face as she ate up one dish after another. Despite his small size, it seemed strange that he ate well. Moreover, even if she eats a lot, it doesn't appear in her stomach. That's because Rose is thin and doesn't look like someone who eats a lot. Rose wants to know what's going on with her stomach, whether her intestines are properly digesting food, and where the nutrients she digests go.

After her meal, she had some light conversation, and several people thanked Rose for her help. When she asked what he meant, she learned that they were the people who had been turned into magic stones during the attack on that capital. They explained to her they were saved because Rose defeated that big monster. The story of the Shining Girl and the Demon circulated as rumors in the capital. However, the sources of the rumors and those who spread them were identified, and punished by the generals.

Even though there was an oracle that Rose was the daughter of the Dragon God, the priests did not announce it. Those priests were also warned. She could also understand the priests because they were in a difficult situation. Ohgi said, the rumor was made because the person just trying to have fun, or was he embarrassed by Yanagi's 'haki' and harbored a grudge against him. Either way, it was considered a disrespectful act against Rose and Yanagi who had saved the city. It was subject to punishment according to the law. If Yanagi hears about this, he will definitely feel better.

The next day, Rose and Suzu visited the Dragon God Temple. It was exactly the same as when Rose slept there after the battle. She and the Queen entered the Dragon God's oracle room, where she prayed. The Queen said she wanted to gain the Dragon God's forgiveness to make Rose her sister. When they both left the oracle room, their whole bodies glowed divinely, and the priests and people around them knelt down and touched their heads to the ground.

However, Rose had very mixed feelings. She somehow felt like she was an alien visiting Earth, Rose thought.

"Smile to the people!"

Hearing the Queen's words, Rose returned to the palace in a palanquin carried by her servants with a slightly unnatural smile. The palanquin is beautifully decorated, giving it a festival-like feel. When Rose's palanquin was seen following the Queen, the people knelt down and put their heads on the ground, which was a strange sight from this side. Most people in the capital had never seen Rose's shining appearance. Moreover, most residents were turned into magic stones in that battle. The soldiers and volunteers around her in the action may have seen her. She must have been very suspicious.

Rose rested for a while and then changed her costume when she returned to the palace. She has become a formal aristocratic costume to match the queen. Her light has subsided, but the color of the bruise on her forehead looks more vivid than yesterday. People can see it even if it's hidden by her hair. The Queen is still the same, and she has a faint glow.

Rose walks next to the Queen in the unveiling venue. She thought it was heavy with all the decorations on her head. She complained, but her maids told her to hold back for a moment, as this was formal attire. Rose said with a sigh that she thought the royal palace was a troublesome place.

When Rose was introduced as 'Princess Bara', ambassadors, feudal lords, and warriors introduced themselves to her one after another. By the way, Dalgodas did not come. The only one of Dargodas's aides who came was the person in charge of reconstruction support in the capital.

After greeting many people, she thought she could finally rest by herself, but this time a group of young men swarmed her. Rose looked at them and wondered if they were the sons of some noble or lord. Their clothes were very luxurious. After some casual conversation, Rose managed to escape from the scene. She feels a palace is an uncomfortable place.

What they are looking for is Rose's abilities or Rose's status. None of them would even think of her as a woman. The vibrations of those wearing masks feel very dark.

If Yanagi had been there now, he might have taken Rose and gone somewhere. Rose hates gatherings like this. Unlike a place like a village diner where she can laugh, this is a place where politics and power play. She doesn't feel at ease because it's a place where there are so many different things going on. Rose thought that Prince Jatayu and Prince Efergan probably had similar experiences.

Lunch was held buffet style at the reception. They entertain guests from all over the world with luxurious meals. Rose also took the dish she was interested in, put it on her own plate, went to her table, and sat down to eat. Delicious. The cuisine here is unlike the village's and has a nonspicy taste, but the ingredients are the best quality, so it is delicious in its own way. She thought of eating slowly by herself, but more and more people gathered around her. There was also someone who called himself the son of the lord of the Ecoria region who didn't even have a proper job. He was so persistent that Rose became very uncomfortable.

"Rather than worrying about me, please take care of the security of Ecoria."

Apparently when she said that, he went home with a red face. Seeing Rose in a bad mood, the men around her gradually left. Rose said with a feeling of victory because she was such an uncute princess.

The tiring event of several hours was finally over. Now that she has officially become the princess of Alhatross, she decides to rest, sighing that there will be difficult days ahead. Myrina didn't come home tonight either.