The news that Queen Alhatross had ascended the throne became a hot topic throughout the countries. Moreover, the queen was from the village of Aotake and was a subordinate of Lord Dalgodas.

Various opinions are expressed on why the Dragon God chose his subordinate Suzu, a young girl, as the new ruler instead of Dalgodas, who was summoned from another world. However, since this country is the country of the Dragon God, no one can argue that the gods decided this. The oracle is absolute.

Since Suzu became the queen, her work in the Black Ops, pairing with Kagemaru, and registration in Aotake Village were all erased. That's what happens when a person becomes a divine being. All human connections are erased. Queen Suzu has become a divine being and is no longer ordinary. She became a being, just like God, she is immortal.

Queen Suzu is in the capital's palace and is trying to rebuild the country. Rose thinks Suzu can do it because she's smart. Dalgodas has also become extremely busy due to this. From early morning until late at night, he holds meetings with people from various fields of expertise, works in his office, and reads materials. Dalgodas assumes the role of Queen Suzu's keystone and provides full cooperation to the country. Dalgodas said during today's dinner that the most difficult time now is how to rebuild this dying country.

News of the queen's accession to the throne also spread overseas. Numerous ambassadors from surrounding and faraway countries come to the capital to greet her on her accession to the throne. Dalgodas and Frey also went to the capital during the coronation ceremony.

After that attack, the city was almost completely destroyed, but with everyone's efforts, they restored it to its original form. Rose thought she couldn't imagine how much money and effort had gone into it over a year. Dalgodas said the village's excellent technical department has worked hard in the capital for the past year. He was very proud and praised the craftsmen. As the city continues to rebuild, the work of craftsmen will continue to play an important role.

One day, Liena came to Rose's room where she was studying art, and told her to go to Dalgodas office immediately. There is paint on her face and clothes because she was in the middle of painting, but she didn't have time to change. If she is told 'immediately', she must stop what she is doing and go immediately.

When she arrived at the office, she was signaled by the guard at the door to enter. When she entered the office, she saw Dalgodas and an unknown man. Rose greeted, and for some reason, they both stared at her and froze for a moment before they burst into laughter. She must be looking very unseemly. She regretted that she should have washed her face.

"No, no, I'm sorry. You have a cute young lady, Lord Dalgodas."
"Hahaha, forgive me, Minister Ohgi. My daughter is studying right now, and looking at her like this, I saw that she was in the middle of drawing a picture."

Dalgodas laughed and said to the man named Ohgi.

"Um, sorry. I'm going to wash my face."

Rose looked troubled and apologized.

"No problem."
"It seems."

When Ohgi said that, Dalgodas also nodded.

"Rose, tomorrow morning, after breakfast, I order you to go to the capital with this Mr. Ohgi. This is Her Majesty's order."
"Yes. Am I alone?"
"Of course, you will also bring someone to accompany you. The maid will be prepared in the capital, so you don't need to bring Liena. I will prepare two people to act as bodyguards."
"Yes, Father."

She wondered if she was going to travel again.

"What should I bring?"
"You'll only need something to protect yourself and the clothes you'll use during your journey. I heard that the capital will provide you with clothes, and since you'll be staying there for a while, you might want to bring a few books to read. We will prepare souvenirs for you here."

Dalgodas ordered so.

"How long is a while?"
"I don't know. It's up to Her Majesty."
"Oh, I see."
"I'll be sad that I won't be able to see your face for a while, but please go as the village's representative. Do your best so you don't embarrass yourself."
"Yes. Now, please excuse me while I prepare."

Rose nodded.

"Ah, that's right, Rose. That red color suits your nose very well."
"Hahaha, well, it’s okay to step back."

Rose bowed and left the room. When she rubs her face with the sleeve of her dress, there is a red color. She's kind of embarrassed. She had a red nose and came face to face with someone from the capital. It's not like she was alone with Dalgodas, but she had met someone she was meeting for the first time like this...

However, Rose wondered if she would go to the capital. She wonders why Dalgodas accepted the Queen's orders so easily.

After all, the Queen is superior in position, so he obeys her. Rose didn't even have permission to go out to the village's artisan district but doubted that he would let her go so easily to the Dragon God's capital, which would take several days by horse-drawn carriage. But, Rose thought, her father must have an idea.

Rose returned to her room and told the art teacher and his maid Liena about Dalgodas' orders. The teacher said that's all for today's study and went home. Her next study began after she returned from the capital.

Liena, the maid, spoke with her head maid, and they decided which clothes she would bring. Rose decided to take care of her weapons and armor. Rose thinks it's because her armor has gotten tighter lately and her breasts have gotten bigger. However, she cannot tell Dargodas that she wants him to make new armor. A little adjustment of the belt might help. She also took care of the dagger and polished it nicely.

Prepare a few books for her to take with her. She remembered Darga's habit of fitting everything into one bag. She thinks it's best to travel light, so she doesn't bring too many thick books. The rest is the box of candy she received from Prince Efergan and the brooch from Yanagi, which she shouldn't forget. Rose thought that she must not forget this brooch. This brooch is more important to her than any number of jewelry or ornaments. This is a brooch that Keyaki made with all his heart, using the thunderbird stone that Yanagi risked his life to obtain. It is Rose's precious amulet.

She decided to leave the doll she received from Prince Efergan in this room. If she loses it, she'll be in trouble. Besides, she'll have to carry a lot of luggage. Although she liked the doll very much, Rose thought it was time to say goodbye for a while.

Dalgodas and Ohgi were to eat in the VIP room. After dinner, Rose told the head chef about tomorrow and said she would make a lunch box and some baked goods for the trip. Rose thanked him, saying that her master's chef was very kind, and then returned to her room.

All she had to do now, she thought, was to report it to Rocco. She has been talking with Rocco from Black Ops and feels very close to him recently. But since he is from the Black Ops, this must be his mission.

When she returned, Liena and the headmaid prepared her clothes. After adding armor and books, she asked them to make adjustments, but they said she should reduce the number of books. Rose reluctantly decided to cut down on a few books.

She must bring her protective gear. The reason is that there may be an emergency. Underwear is also important. Because her size isn't sold anywhere. All she needed was her nightgown and a few other clothes. She made a set of simple adjustments. Now it's all in one bag.

Rose got ready for bed and the lights were turned off. When no one left, she grabbed a blanket and flew to the roof. She goes to the roof and finds Rocco already waiting for her. Unusual, she thought. Moreover, the Black Ops of these two were nowhere to be seen today. She doesn't know if they disappeared or off for a while.

"Good evening, Rose."
"Good evening, Rocco. You came earlier than me today, which is unusual."

Rose said as she pulled her blanket over her shoulders.

"I came early because I thought Rose would oversleep tomorrow if we were late tonight."

Rocco said, nodding.

"Did you always expect me to come here?"
"Yeah. Besides, I thought Rose would come. You really came."
"Did you hear about tomorrow from someone above you?"

Rose asked, staring at Rocco, and Rocco nodded.

"Yes. I have received an order that said I will be removed from guard duty for a while because you will go to the capital."
"Oh, then Rocco isn't going with me."

Rose asked and Rocco shook his head.

"I was told  it was 10 years too early to escort you to the capital."
"But Rocco is strong."
"I'm not that strong. Compared to the above, I am no match for them."

Rocco said, taking Rose's hand and telling her to sit closer. Rose nods and she sits next to Rocco.

"Really? Because Rocco was able to take me down in an instant. I think Rocco is strong."
"What are you talking about?"

Rocco asked, tilting his head.

"Look, when that giant thunderbird attacked, Rocco was the one who pulled me down from the top of the thunderbird and subdued me, right? I'm unsure because the person hid the face, but I think he was you."

Rocco was shocked and felt like he was frozen for a moment.

"...Why did you think that?"

He asked. He really wants to know.

"The vibrations back then and yours now are the same."
"I hope you don't get mad at me. I understand that Rocco stuck a needle in my neck. It couldn't be helped because it was a mission. But it was a very vivid movement and didn't hurt much. Rocco really has a real skill."
"I'm sorry. Since I've been found out, I can't go in front of Rose anymore."

Rocco said.

"Are there other Black Ops' out there now? I don't see any sign of them though."
"I’m the only one today."
"Then it's no problem. It'll be a secret between you and me."

Rose looked at Rocco and smiled.

"Aren’t you scared of me?"
"Why should I?"
"Because I got you in my hands."

Rocco said and Rose shook his head.

"You asked me to forgive your rudeness, right? And I forgave you, so there's no problem. Besides, you needed it to stop me from floundering, right? I understand. I was surprised, but recently I can think about it calmly."

Rose said it matter-of-factly.

"I have never felt such a sense of defeat."

Rocco sighed and looked at the starry sky.

"We're not competing, Rocco. We're just talking as friends."
"Rose is a truly unusual woman."
"I am a normal three-year-old."
"Huh? Do you?"
"Well, I am actually three years old. I am also small."
"If I don't think about your body, I feel like you're just a normal adult woman."

That's true, Rose said with a wry smile.

"I guess I’m not a cute child after all."
"You look cute."
"But what's inside might be scary."
"I think so too. Sometimes I think I don't know anything about me, and I'm scared of myself."

As Rose said this, she looked at Rocco. Rocco shifted his gaze to her as well.

"I finally realized why Yanagi cares so much about you. I might feel the same way now."

Rocco says this while looking at Rose's face. She looks beautiful illuminated by the moon.

"Well, I'm just trying to be normal. I'm sorry I scared you when I finally had someone to talk to, Rocco."

Rose said and Rocco shook his head.

"No, we have a secret just for the two of us, and I won't be Rose's bodyguard anymore from tomorrow, so there's no problem. Well then, let's talk a little tonight."
"But aren't you afraid of me, Rose?"

Rocco confirmed persistently.

"I don't know the specific work of the Black Ops. That's why I thought the Black Ops was a scary group. There is Kagemaru who is expressionless, but there are also Black Ops who are not. I was helped by two Black Ops members I didn't know, and they laughed with me when the babies were born. Also, even though it was a cold night, the Black Ops members around me guarded a child like me. Even Rocco came for me and talked to me. Although it was a mission, I knew that they were all loyal people. I understand that."
"But I like both Rocco. As a friend and as a Black Ops."

Rose smiled.

"What can I say, apart from the feelings of love between men and women, Rocco is easy to talk to. You are very knowledgeable and have taught me a lot. We can talk for hours on end. You are a great asset to me."
"What about me as the Black Ops?"
"You are an excellent Black Ops. If you were ordered to eliminate me, you would do it without hesitation. It would be painless and in an instant."

Rose said without hiding it. When Rocco heard that, he was speechless for a moment. A normal child wouldn't think about eliminating herself.

"Rose can't be given such an order. You are one of the most important people in the village. Besides, I can't kill Rose. It's because I want to protect you now."

Rocco said, looking at Rose. This woman was an adult, he was sure.

"If you say that, won't that disqualify you from the Black Ops?"
"If I get fired from Black Ops, I’ll work as a bodyguard. Hahaha."

Rocco smiles and looks at Rose.

"I see. Can I ask you something?"
"Rocco, are you scared of me?"
"If I say you are scary, yeah, it's scary. If I say you are not scary, it's not scary."
"Which one?"
"Both. Rose said something beyond my imagination without hesitation. After knowing everything, you accepted me and even had a normal conversation with me. When asked if you were scared of me, the answer surprised me. I don't know how to react when someone tells me she likes me after these things happen. That's scary to me."
"I don't really understand. Please use words that a 3-year-old can understand."

When Rose said this with a shocked look, Rocco laughed.

"Hahaha, even I don't know what I'm talking about."
"What a troubled person. So, aren't you scared of me?"
"It feels so good to have you by my side. For the past few months, I've been here every night, talking about the starry sky and the seasons, and it feels so good. Although it's a mission, I feel so much more than might have happened."

He can't say it now. That feeling is forbidden to Rocco.

"I feel the same way. Rocco was a good friend and I think you're great."
"That’s scary for me."
"I am not allowed to reveal my personal feelings during the mission to the Black Ops. No matter how happy I am, it is still a mission, so I trained to separate myself from my emotions. The mission where I monitored Yanagi and when I received the mission to be Rose's talking partner. Similarly, I recognized it as a normal mission."
"Since it’s a Black Ops, wouldn’t it be strange if there was a mission like that?"
"Yes, it was like that at first. But Rose took off my mask one by one. Even the things I tried to hide became known."
"I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."
"No, that's fine. Rose is the only one who knows me as I am."

Rocco is smiling and looking at her.

"I still don't know anything about Rocco. Partly because of my position, you are still a mystery to me. But I think the Rocco you showed me now is an important friend to me."
"Rose, maybe I want to be your friend in the real sense right now."

Maybe he wanted to be more than friends, Rocco thought. But even that didn't come out in words.

"Strange Rocco. We're friends now, right?"
"Even though you know it's a mission, do you still think so?"
"Yeah. That's what I decided to do, so I did it."
"I see. We're friends, so I'll talk about myself next time. I'm looking forward to the day we can meet again, even if it's unrelated to a mission."

Rose smiled and Rocco smiled too. That was the moment her smile entered Rocco's heart.

"Well, tomorrow is early and will be a long journey, so you should get some rest early today."
"Yeah. Good night, Rocco."
"Good night, Rose. May we meet again."

Rose climbed down from the roof and went into her room. She felt great today as she talked with her dear friends. Looking ahead to tomorrow, she decided to go to bed early tonight.