This year Rose turned 3 years old.

This refers to the years since Rose was reincarnated and received her new body. Her 'real' age is unknown because her growth, body, and language are completely different from other races.

A birthday party was held for the two of them, coinciding with the birthday of the second daughter of the Dalgodas family, Sumire, who was born around the same time as Rose. Rose had very mixed feelings.

Sumire, now three years old, was cute and ran around. She finally became good at speaking. Sumire was a little shorter but wasn't much different from Rose. Rose, in question, did not grow at all. She remains at 1 meter.

Unlike Sumire's body, Rose's body is thin. The medical doctor said there was no problem. However, Frey is quite concerned. Even though she drank milk daily, her breasts grew a little bigger.

She was in trouble.

There was something wrong with a three-year-old having breasts like a grown woman's, Rose thought. She definitely looks like an adult. However, her body size is small.

However, when she thought about it, Rose realized that even though her body was three years old, her soul was probably around twenty. She was a high school student before she died, so she thought she was around 17 years old, and three years have passed since she was reborn in this world. In that case, she would be around 20 years old. She is having a lot of trouble with her soul and body not being in sync.

By the way, that day for women only came this year. Rose wondered what was going on with her body.

After all, her magical powers don't adjust properly when it comes to 'that day'. Magic is also unstable and cannot be controlled. If that's the case, Miraiya told Dalgodas that it would be better for her to learn martial arts. When it came to martial arts, Rose was always rejected by Dalgodas. However, when Miraiya said so, she was easily granted permission. She looked astonished, wondering what the difference was. After all, Miraiya, who has the title of Great Magician, is probably more persuasive.

So, recently Rose was able to use the level 5 ground in the morning. She practices for about two hours every day. Of course, the martial arts teacher and the Black Ops also come along. When Rose cannot use a whip, she tries to learn various weapons such as daggers and spears. Also, to build her stamina, she had to run on a separate course with the level 0 children every morning with her bodyguard Orgens, and the two Black Ops members. The Black Ops members change every time, so Rose can't figure out them. Everyone had clothes covering their noses and mouths, so it was hard to see their faces. However, Rose tried to memorize their characteristics, especially their eyes and voices. Most of the Black Ops members around Rose are males, and from the sounds of their voices, it seems like the majority are relatively young. Occasionally there are women, but like the male members, she doesn't recognize their faces.

Orgens, the bodyguard, is young. He's solid and he looks strong. He also has a long tail with brown and striped colors. He's actually strong, Rose thinks. Since he is young and has good physical strength, he has the physical strength to run for several kilometers while wearing that heavy armor. The clothes of the Black Ops members are the opposite. They looked very light. It is easy to move and has light armor. They carry weapons on their waists or backs. From what Rose remembers from her previous life, they looked like people called ninjas who existed in Eastern countries. However, she doesn't know exactly what kind of work Black Ops does. It seems like there are a lot of secrets.

Orgens was a very cheerful person, and he often talked to Rose. The warrior's level is 8, the same as Darga. His main job is guarding the mansion, but lately, he's mostly acting as Rose's bodyguard. Dalgodas told her, she should go out with Orgens. Being strong and loyal, Dalgodas has a lot of trust in him.

Rose's daily routine consists of running several kilometers every morning, practicing martial arts, and practicing aura, followed by a lunch break and then regular study time. Sometimes she would get so tired that she would fall asleep during class, but the head chef's special spicy ginger tea would wash away her drowsiness. While Sumire, who is also three years old, is taking a nap, she has to study sewing and social studies. When Rose complained that even she sometimes wanted to nap, Dalgodas laughed at her. Dalgodas said if she took a nap, she would stay up all night on the roof. That's why he tries to make Rose as tired as possible during the day.

When Rose asked Miraiya how to send a magic letter, she happily taught her. However, her magical letter did not reach Yanagi easily. It seems he is in a very far place, it will take several days for it to arrive. Also, if the person is inside a barrier or in a special place, the letter will not reach. Miraiya said Yanagi doesn't seem dead, but not in Alhatross. Rose hasn't heard anything for a year and gets worried. She hopes Yanagi's okay. But every night when she thinks about Yanagi, she cries. 


It is often said that time heals the pain of separation, but that was not the case with Rose. When she's alone, she still thinks about Yanagi.

Rose thought that since she didn't know much about the outside situation, the Morgs could attack at any time. However, no one is willing to talk to her about that. When Rose asked Prince Efergan, he told her that he lived in the southern countries that there had been no major conflicts since the incident with Ooramorg, and that it was peaceful. However, this peace is likely to be temporary. She thinks the people of Morg are definitely preparing something. That's why she's worried. Most of all, Rose is also concerned about Alhatross. Because Alhatross is a country without a king. Two generals lost their lives in the attack on the capital last year, so the only defense now is the three generals and the country's regular army.

Of course, the power of the warriors of Aotake Village is also important, but Aotake Village is just one region of Alhatross. Aotake Village is surrounded by trees, far from the word rich, but not poor. Dalgodas said it was just right. Dalgodas told Rose that most of the tax is spent on the children's education, health, and security. They work together to protect the village and its way of life.

Regarding security, the village is probably safer than anywhere else in Alhatross. There are no thieves, robbers, or bandits around it. If there was a thief, he would be arrested immediately. It's said that you'll be lucky if the security forces catch you. But if you're caught by the Black Ops, your life will be numbered. The Black Ops is a group that follows orders and shows no mercy.

Rose is watched every day by these people. Recently, Rose has somehow become able to tell where the Black Ops members are hiding. When she practiced aura, she was able to read their vibrations. Even though she can't read Rinka's waves yet, she can detect a normal Black Ops member around her. Rinka is very good at killing presence, so if she were to hide, she would be hard to find. That person is a level S warrior, so her quality is different.

Rose doesn't sleep well tonight either, so she climbs onto the roof and looks at the stars. The moon is new and has a very nice shape. She wrapped herself in a blanket and lay on her back on the roof, looking up. Because of her small body, she should lie down with only one blanket and then lie on her back. She will be reasonably warm if she wraps her body with the remaining blanket.

She stares at the stars in silence. When she closes her eyes, she feels a presence on each side. Black Ops? She sometimes deplores the Black Ops members who look after such a child like her. However, it can't be helped since it's an order.

Suddenly, she felt the presence of a third person. But the two Black Ops members didn't move, so they must be friends, she thought. That presence approached Rose. When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face.


Rose smiled, pulled herself up, and sat down. Rocco was taller than when she first met him. His hair wasn't messy brown either, it was short and dark brown. His face changed slightly, but Rose was sure he was Rocco.

"Hello, Miss. How do you do?"
"Fine, thank you. How do you do? It's been a while."

Rocco spoke as he knelt near Rose.

"Yes, it's been two years, huh?"
"That's about it. Mr. Rocco is a Black Ops too, right?"
"Rocco is fine. Who told you that I'm a Black Ops?"
"My brother said so."
"Yanagi? He can see through everything."
"Well, I guess. But even if my brother doesn't say it, I know Rocco is a Black Ops."
"Huh? How is that?"
"It's because the other Black Ops members didn't move. That's why I think you're their friends."
"That's amazing, Miss."


Rocco smiled. However, there is a feeling of discomfort in his heart.

"Rose is fine."
"If I call you away, he'll get mad at me."
"We should keep it a secret between us."

Rose smiled and Rocco smiled bitterly.

"I'm scared, young lady. I can't believe it's a secret."

When Rocco said that, Rose laughed.

"You went from looking after my brother to a normal mission, and now you’re going to look after me?"
"Hey, you understand that much."

Rocco was surprised. However, he tries not to show it on his face. This child, he thought, was no ordinary child.

"Well, I guess I'm not that cute."
"How should I answer that? I'm at a loss."
"Well, whatever you want is fine. I don't think you need to push yourself too hard. I won't run away from here, so you can take some rest."
"That's right. I was relieved to hear that, but I think it's normal to feel a little worried when a young lady is looking at the sky on the roof and looking absent-minded. I don't mind dating her as long as she's someone to talk to, Miss."
"Call me Rose."

Rose said her name firmly.

"Yes, Rose. Is this okay?"
"Shall I tell you something?"
"Come with me and roll next to me. Ah, but the roof is cold."
"It's okay. I'm fine with this. Is this okay?"

Rocco lies on his back next to Rose, and Rose laughs as they roll together on the roof. Both of them are looking at the sky.

"I'm looking at the starry sky right now."
"Hey, are you interested in celestial bodies?"
"Yeah. I read about it in a book, but I'm trying to figure out where it's located, but can't find it."
"Shall I teach you?"
"Does Rocco understand the starry sky?"
"I understand. There is such education in the Black Ops. I am quite knowledgeable."

Rocco said with a smile.

"As expected of the Black Ops of level 5. No, I think you're about level 6 now."
"Rose might be a surprisingly scary person."
"Why? I'm a normal three-year-old."
"Hahaha, that's crazy. Can a normal 3-year-old even understand my level?"

Rocco laughed bitterly.

"Well, I'm just a weird kid. Don't worry about it too much."
"If I say yes here, Yanagi will probably kill me later. He's scary when it comes to Rose."
"It's okay. My brother isn't here right now. And even if he were, I won't tell him about it. Just keep it a dark secret between me, Rocco, and the two of them."
"You like secrets, Rose."

Rocco said, glancing at Rose next to him.

"Sometimes I feel like that. Ah, yes, tell me about the starry sky."

Rocco laughed. He explained the story of the starry sky in an easy-to-understand manner while pointing. There are still many things she wants to hear. But it's getting late at night and she's feeling sleepy.

"I'm sleepy. Can you tell me the story again next time?"
"If it’s okay with me, anytime."
"Yeah. Looks like I'll be able to get along well with you, Rocco."
"That's my pleasure."


Rocco smiled.

"I'm going back to my room."
"Shall I send you?"
"No, I can do it myself."

Seeing Rose start walking zigzag, Rocco took her hand.

"I'll send you anyway. You walk dangerously."
"Thank you."
"No, no."

Rocco grabbed Rose, picked up the blanket, and went down to the roof. He was in front of Rose's room and opened the door.

"Okay, that's it. Good night, Rose."
"Good night, Rocco."

Since that day, Rocco has often come to the roof to talk. Perhaps this is also a mission, Rose thought. The Black Ops is busy, so other missions are more important than dealing with her. But thanks to Rocco, she feels a little less lonely.

As the days continued to be fulfilling, a package arrived from the Suzukinoyama Empire. It was from Prince Efergan. A picture drawn by the prince was sent to Rose as a birthday gift. The landscape was painted in beautiful colors and was magnificent. Rose stared at the painting without getting bored, thinking the prince had such talent. It's a very different landscape from here, with stunning mountains and the sea depicted. Rose is learning to draw, but can't draw pictures like this yet. Besides the picture, there is also a small box with candy inside. His first gift also included this candy. She took one and put it in her mouth, wondering if it was the prince's favorite flavor. Apparently, he sent it again because she wrote before that it was very delicious.

Rose had to write a thank you note and when she entered the room she noticed that she was out of paper and ink. Rose took the bottle of ink and went to Dalgodas' office. The door is open, so when she looks inside, she sees Dalgodas sitting and working. Dalgodas noticed Rose and he motioned her to come inside.

"What's wrong, Rose?"

Dalgodas asked, and Rose showed him the bottle of ink.

"I want to write you a letter, but I don't have paper or ink. I would like you to share some with me."
"I see. Give me the bottle and I'll share my ink with you."

She handed Dalgodas a bottle of ink. Dalgodas opens his ink bottle and pours it into Rose's bottle. At that moment, she heard a voice from outside. Suzu and Kagemaru from the Black Ops.

"Here you are, Suzu. Come in, wait a minute. I'll talk to you once Rose's ink is finished, so I called for you."
"Yes, Sir."
"Kagemaru please wait outside for a moment."

Rose looked at Suzu and smiled.

"Hello, Miss Suzu."
"Hello, Miss Rose. Do you want to get some ink and write something down?"
"I want to write a letter."
"Oh, to who?"
"To a friend."
"Are you doing correspondence?"
"Is the other person a boy or a girl?"
"A boy. His name is Prince Efergan of Suzukinoyama."
"That's good. Miss Rose is smart and cute, so I'm sure that prince likes you."
"Hmm, I don't know. But I admire you."

When Rose said this, Suzu was surprised.

"Me? Why?"
"You are pretty, smart, and have amazing abilities. Even with the same Gold ability, Miss Suzu can connect with dozens or hundreds of people, but I can only connect three people."
"Miss Rose is amazing too. I heard from Kagemaru that you can do long-distance support and attack, which is amazing. I can't do that."

Suzu said as she looked at Rose.

"Even if it's the same Gold, it's different."
"Yeah, so I'm sure this is God's guidance. I think we get along well and are here to protect everyone."
"We're like sisters."


Suzu smiled.

"Having an older sister like Miss Suzu would be amazing."
"Having a cute little sister like Miss Rose would be great."

"Sisters with the same Gold ability."
"Yes, we are the only two sisters in this country."

Suzu took Rose's hands and said happily.

"Yes, Rose. I've got the ink. How much paper do you want?"

Dalgodas closed the lid of Rose's ink bottle and handed it to Rose.

"Hmm, I'd like about 2-3 pieces of paper. I'm sure I'll make some mistakes."
"Hmm, I see. I'll give you a bundle. It also comes with the envelopes. They have the emblem of Aotake Village on it, so it's really cool."

Dalgodas opened his desk drawer and pulled out a stack of papers and envelopes, which he handed Rose.

"Thank you. Now, please excuse me."

Rose left her office, carrying papers, envelopes, and the ink. After that, the door closed and she couldn't hear the conversation inside. When she passed through the living room, she saw Kagemaru sitting. Kagemaru is the vice-captain of the Black Ops. He's young, strong, and good-looking. However, he is almost expressionless. Rose doesn't know what he's really thinking.

But this time it's different. He doesn't look very calm. What a rare thing, Rose thought. Rose greeted and he replied with a little smile of his own. However, the atmosphere made it difficult to talk to him, so Rose didn't speak much and headed straight to her room.

After a while, a soldier's voice was heard saying that a carriage from the capital had arrived. When she left the room and looked through the doorway in the side courtyard, she saw several soldiers and vassals from the capital. Dalgodas, Suzu, and Kagemaru went outside. Suzu and Kagemaru then got on the carriage and left the mansion.

A few days later, an oracle was announced throughout the land. A new 'ruler' has been born in Alhatross. 


The name is 'Queen Suzu'.