Since Jean visited Sabrina frequently, Sabrina's cloth-making was completed. When the last cloth was finished, Sabrina was happy and hugged Jean. Samarina also happily hugged Sabrina.

"But, I've finished making the cloth,...that means I have to part with you soon!"
"It's true! Waaaaaaaaaah!"

Samarina, who had been happy until just a moment ago, suddenly burst into tears, and Sabrina, who had been laughing until just a moment ago, also burst into tears.

That's right. This is because the two will marry into different families.

However, when Jean saw the two of them, he just tilted his head. The two still hugged each other and cried until Jean returned home.

"I don’t really understand."

Jean tilted his head again and walked out. When Ibrahim saw this, he didn't say anything and just smiled.

Ibrahim wondered if it was too early for children. He went back to his room after picking some grapes with Jean.

Two weeks have passed since that day, and the Ameen family visits the Tareq family. Rashad Ameen, the eldest son of the Ameen family planning to marry Sabrina, was also seen and greeted Zaid and the others with great joy. When he saw Jean, he greeted him politely and complimented him. He said he was impressed when he saw that match. Then, Jean politely thanked him and bowed.

"He's a really polite kid."

When the head of the Ameen family said this, Zaid smiled. The two families then talked about their wedding day while having a meal in a peaceful atmosphere. As the conversation between the heads of the family began, Jean and Sabadda, who were still minors, ate a little further away and talked with other members of the Ameen family. Perhaps because they learned about the Irshad family's rudeness, the Ameen family was very polite.

Sabadda spoke highly of the Ameen family, saying they always had smiles and friendly conversations. And as expected, Sabrina's wedding date was set.

"It’s going to be tough from now on."

Sabadda said as he saw off the Ameen family, and Jean tilted his head.

"Sabrina is getting married, right? The preparations are a lot of work. It will be a big feast, so we need a lot of sheep."
"Is she going to have a wedding surrounded by sheep?"
"Huh? Hahaha, no, no."

Sabadda laughed and shook his head in denial.

"We have to cut the sheep and make it into food. The Ameen and the Tareq family are in the same village, so we must figure out how many sheep each should prepare. So it's going to be difficult from now on."

Sabadda explained to Jean, and Jean nodded.

"Is sheep all you need?"
"It's a wedding, so it's not just the sheep. There are also gifts from the man's house to the woman's. The woman also has to prepare her own things. On the day the woman marries, they put all these things together. Since she will take them, we must calculate how many camels we'll need."

Jean blinked.

"Depending on the situation, there may be items that need to be transported on a cargo platform, so factor that in as well."
"It's difficult."

Jean said, and Sabadda laughed and nodded. That should be it. Since Sabrina and Samarina are twins, both will get married in the same year. Magraf Village is a small village, so there aren't many sheep. This time, Sabrina's wedding date to the Ameen family has been decided, and next time there will be discussions with the Jazar family, so Zaid's head is full of various details.

Two weeks after that day, the Jazar family visited the Tareq family. Jenal happily took his fifth son and introduced him to Zaid.

He's a man with shifty eyes, Zaid thought as he looked at Jenal's fifth son. His behavior is similar to Jenal's. He was definitely Jenal's son, Zaid thought. However, when he introduced himself, he was very polite and soft-spoken. Zaid then smiled and welcomed him.

His name is Ashhari Jazar.

The two families talked in a calm atmosphere and decided on a date for the wedding. The first problem is the number of sheep. The Tareq have two weddings in a row, so they won't have enough sheep. However, when Zaid said that Samarina would be pitiful if she continued to do so, Jenal thought about it.

"Wouldn't it be better if we did it on the same day? That way, the burden on the Tareq family will be reduced a little. We'll do the cooking, ceremony, etc. all at once."

Ashhari says and everyone looks at him.

"Then let's talk to the Ameen family."

Jenal said and Zaid nodded. If Sabrina and Samarina's wedding were held on the same day, the burden on the Tareq family would be a little lighter. Above all, it allows them to secure sheep.

"In that case, I will ask the Ameen family later."
"Please do."

Jenal said and Zaid bowed his head. Then they talked for a while again and drank the wine that was served to them.

"Oh, Ashhari. Let me introduce you. This is my grandson, Jean."

Jenal said and Ashhari nodded. When his name was called, Jean stood up and greeted politely.

"I heard the rumors. I'm Ashhari. Nice to meet you, Jean."
"Thank you very much."

Ashhari looks at Jean with a smile. It was a creepy smile, Jean thought with a startle.

"The sauce from the skewers is on your mouth and cheeks..."

Ashhari squatted down and said in a low voice in Jean's ear, and Jean hurriedly wiped his face. But instead of disappearing, it spread wide. Ashhari laughed, took a handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped the drippings from Jean's face. Sabadda rushed over in a hurry and wiped Jean's hand while apologizing.

Ashhari simply smiled and nodded and returned to his seat. Surprisingly, he might be a good person, thought Sabadda as he made Jean step back.

"Jean is the grandson of my cousin's cousin. For some reason, he is currently in the Tareq family."

Jenal said as he poured wine into Ashhari's glass.

"You should marry Samarina and settle down a little here."
"Yes, I will."

Ashhari answered briefly and continued to drink the wine.

"Ashhari, when you get married, there is something I want you to do first."

Jenal said to Ashhari while picking at the grapes.

Is it work? , Ashhari listened and shifted his gaze to Jenal.

"What should I do?"

Ashhari takes another sip of wine and waits for Jenal's words.

"Give me a grandchild."

Ashhari couldn't help but gush. Zaad, sitting nearby, couldn't help but laugh and held out his handkerchief. Zaid smiled and handed a napkin to Jenal, who was soaking wet. Jenal grumbled as he wiped his face and hands.

"Listen, Ashhari. I want a grandchild. A grandchild of a cute boy. Understood? So, once you get married, you should concentrate on having children."
"··I'll do my best."

Jenal said, and Ashhari just nodded. Zaid smiled bitterly and decided to eat.

A few days later, a letter was received from the Jazar family addressed to the Tareq family. The message said that the Ameen family had accepted the Jazar family's proposal. At the request of the Jazar family, the wedding will take place one month from today's date. It was earlier than planned. This means that if the preparation doesn't start now, they won't be able to make it in time. Naturally, the wives of Za'ad and Safid were devoted to the two brides. Since they are twins who lost their mother five years ago, they are now being taken care of by their brothers' wives.

Just like the busy Tareq family, Jahir and Amir are also busy. They must go to town to buy large quantities of rice, beans, sugar, and dried grapes. At Jenal's request that they needed big supplies for weddings and banquets, the vice chief head Jahir accepted the job. Members of the third unit from the Tareq family decided to go with them on camels.

"Then let's go!"

Jahir said to Safid, and Safid nodded. Jean is riding a camel next to Sabadda, shaking his hand.

"Which town are we going to this time?"
"It's the city of Ishmaya."

When Jean asked, Jahir answered. Jean thought he had heard the name of Ishmaya somewhere.

"It's a port town in the southeast."

Sabadda said, and Jean tilted his head to one side.

"Did Jean come from the port of Ishmaya?"
"I don't remember. Before I knew it, I got off the ship and rode on the horse."
"So, you didn't know what's in the town?"
"No, I didn't."

Jean nodded.

"But, my grandfather did say the name Ishmaya to the sailors many times. I don't know what it means, but..."
"Wasn't it Archian or Urdan language?"
"No. It was a word I didn't know."

Jean said as he recalled the incident in lookback. Sabadda looks at Jean, then back to the front.

"Your grandfather is a man who can speak many languages."
"Yes, he is."

Amir said and Jean nodded.

"Languages ​​and dialects of other countries are important to assassins. You can also ask Jean to teach you the languages ​​of other countries."
"Yes, Sir!"

When Jahir said this, Amir and the others responded together. Amir, who will become an adult next year, has already given this answer. Since he chooses 'the back' side, he is learning the knowledge and work related to that.

"Jean, please teach me Ircandian next time."
"Oh, okay."

Amir said and Jean nodded.

"But why?"

Amir laughed.

"I want to study Ircandian first, and then learn other languages."
"Can you speak Tux?"
"Of course. I can speak Tux. My mother was a Tux's slave, so she learned a lot of things when she was little."

Amir says this while staring ahead.

"Then, instead, please teach me the Tux language."
"Good. Hahaha, I'll be your teacher, hahaha."

When Amir laughed, Jahir and the others laughed too. Jahir thought teaching each other was a good thing.

They continued south for a while. Then they had lunch at a large oasis and headed east. On the way to the east, they stayed in an oasis village. Since it was a small oasis, they decided to camp near it.

"Go to bed, Jean."
"Yes... good night..."

When Jahir said this, Jean, who was already sleepy, nodded and went straight into his sleeping bag. Sabadda laughed and placed another thick cloth over Jean's sleeping bag. After talking for a while, Jahir and the others got into their sleeping bags. Today's watch will be taken by the Third Division of the Tareq family, so Jahir and his friends can sleep in peace.

Jean and his friends got up early, had breakfast, and left early. Today, just like yesterday, they stopped at one oasis after another and stayed at another oasis in the evening. Jaheel and the Tareq family's third unit, who chose the safest route this time, are well aware of the reason.

The goal is to prevent Jean's name from spreading any further. It doesn't matter how long it takes, Zaid said thoughtfully before they departed.

After a journey like this for five days, they finally arrived at a port town.

It's a port town called Ishmaya.

Jean looks around on the camel's back. It's a place he doesn't remember. Apparently, he landed in a different port than this place. Jahir and his friends are walking to a busy port town, pulling the camel's rope. They could see several large ships stopping at the quay and unloading their cargo.

However, Jean froze when he saw a big cargo ship.

"What up?"

Jahir noticed Jean's condition and asked.

"That ship at the very end."
"What happened to that ship?"
"It's an Ircandian ship."
"How did you know? There's nothing written on the ship, right?"
"There were three colors on the side. That's a characteristic of Ircandian ships."

When Jean answered that, Jahir and the others looked at the ship solemnly. And then they left as if nothing had happened.