Several months have passed since Rose made up with Dalgodas.

Although her ban on going out has been lifted, she still has to bring a maid, a bodyguard, and two Anbu members required when she visits Moi. Dalgodas has become extremely overprotective due to his promise to Yanagi to protect Rose.

Her Black Ops tries to stay out of her sight as much as possible. This may be a bit of a concern. Those around her are unusually concerned about her, fearing that if Rose becomes irritated, she will quarrel with Dalgodas again. However, to tell the truth, the fact that they care too much is one of the causes of irritation for her. She wants them to act normal. That's fine with it, she thought sometimes.

The carriage arrived at Moi's mansion, and Rose got out and called Moi's name. However, there was no reply. She became worried, went inside, and found Moi sitting there looking like she was in pain.

"Moi, are you okay?"

Rose asked, and Moi shook her head. And she looked hurt again.

"By any chance, are you going to give birth?!"

Rose rushed over and came next to her moi. She doesn't know much about birth, so she can't say anything about it. However, the situation may have become really dire.

Thinking something was wrong with her, Rose quickly ordered her bodyguard, Orgens, to call the doctor or midwife.

"Black Ops outside, help me."

When Rose shouted out loud, two male Black Ops members appeared.

"What happened?"

One of them asked.

"Moi is giving birth! Orgens called a medical doctor. You guys hurry up and let Mr. Darga know!"

Rose said and the two looked at each other.

"You boil the water. I'll look for Darga!"
"Roger that!"

Rose returned in, and the other Black Ops member went straight to the kitchen. Now they all have to act as a team and help Moi.

Rose rubbed Moi's back and cast a healing spell on her. But it still looks painful. Giving birth causes a lot of pain for a woman. In terms of pain, it was said to be about the same pain as if dozens of her bones were broken at the same time, and Rose remembered that she had heard of such stories in her previous life. There were large beads of sweat on Moi's face, and Liena wiped them with a handkerchief.

When Rose casually looked at Moi, she saw something liquid coming out from between her legs. If amniotic fluid has come out, does that mean childbirth is about to happen?! Is there a midwife or medical doctor yet? , Rose panicked.

When Rose looked confused, Moi grabbed her hand and told her it was okay.

No, no, it's not okay, Moi. Why are you so calm? , Rose looked at Moi with a worried look on her face.

A few minutes later, the bodyguard Orgens and the medic arrived. The medical doctor checked Moi's condition and said they would prepare her for delivery. The Black Ops boiled water and put it in the basin. He searched the house for a basin and towels. He also ordered the bodyguard, Orgens, to help in the kitchen. While the two men were busy in the kitchen with unfamiliar hands, Rose and Liena were helping the medical doctor.

The medical doctor instructed Moi to breathe and say, 'Hiihiifuu ~'. Involuntarily, Rose was breathing in the same pattern. As she sends recovery magic, she slowly drains Moi's strength little by little, hoping that she will gain even a little bit of her strength.


Moi is holding Rose's hand tightly in pain. It looks painful. When Rose asked if even recovery magic could alleviate the pain, the medical doctor answered her question by saying that it would be difficult.

Rose gasped, wondering if she had to go through such a painful experience before she met her sweet baby. The medic again asked her to steady her breathing. Looks like it will still take a while.

They heard Darga's voice outside. Have you come! As expected of Black Ops, Rose nodded, saying he had found Darga well.

When Darga entered the room, the doctor Darga could attend the birth, but he should come clean and change his clothes first. That's because Darga's body is full of sweat and dust. Rose tells Darga to hurry up and wash his body. Darga ran and immediately went to the water place. One of the Black Ops members prepared a clean towel and handed it to Darga.

The other Black Ops brought hot water from the kitchen to the front of the room. Rose returned to the room and her maid Liena brought hot water.

After his body was cleaned and changed, Darga entered the room. Moi smiled a little because Darga had arrived. However, she still seems to be in pain. Darga sits next to Moi and holds her hand.

"Yes, come on..."

Moi burst into tears and a baby was born in the hands of the doctor. When the doctor held its legs and slapped the butt, the baby cried, "Meow!". How cute! , Rose was surprised.

The doctor prepares its navel, cleans it in warm water, and wraps it in a clean towel. From here on, Liena would do the work. Because it seems that there is still a baby in Moi's tummy.

"There's not enough hot water. Please make more water!"

Liena asked the Black Ops and Orgens outside. She said to take the used tub outside and replace it with clean water. The three of them quickly headed to the kitchen. Maybe they are getting used to it a little, thought Rose.

Neighbors have also come over and Rose can hear the voices of several people outside. Rose nodded happily, thinking they all needed to help each other, especially in this situation.

When the hot water was ready, their second child was born. The doctor said one was still there. How many babies are there? , Rose tilted her head.

The water boiler team immediately returned to the kitchen to boil new water, looking extremely surprised. Rose casts recovery magic on Moi. Darga also silently held Moi's hand while wiping her sweat.

"This child is the last."

The medical doctor happily took out the third baby and Rose heard that cute cry again.


It looked like a cat, Rose thought. Darga's race is the wildcat race, so naturally, his children have that gen.

Moi is a flower spirit race, so her body is basically no different from a normal person. However, the spirit race basically maintains its life with magical power. In other words, life cannot be sustained when they lose their magical power.

In short, death.

Individuals have a lifespan, but the spirit type is a long-lived race. However, when she gives birth, her magical powers completely disappear. Therefore, the doctor said that sending as much magical power to Moi as possible is important.

The doctor removed the child's navel and disposed of the placenta. Rose thought that it was difficult for Moi, who gave birth to three babies by herself, but it was also difficult for the doctor who maintained them.

The three babies were born as wildcat people. As expected of the children of Darga, all have long tails. The first one is a boy, and his face resembles Moi. The color of the animal's fur was similar to that of a darga, with yellow and black stripes. The second one is a girl, and she also looks like Moi. The animal's fur is white and yellow with slightly thin black stripes. The body is small and very cute. The third person is a boy, and his face also resembles Moi. After all, they are triplets, so they all look similar to Moi. The color of his beast's fur is brown with black stripes.

Everyone is cute! The babies are about the same size as the children of regular people. The only difference is the length of the tail.

Rose went outside and reported to Orgens and her two Black Ops members that Moi had given birth safely. Then, the people present looked happy. They seemed to be interested in them, as expected, and they were as joyful as if they were their own relatives, Rose thought as she looked at them.

After a while, the women in the neighborhood came inside the house to help with various things. They brought simple meals and distributed them to the people present.

The doctor wrote several documents to Darga and handed them to him. Now he can register his children, he said. As a warrior, Darga must register the child's name immediately. This is because military personnel work in close contact with danger daily. Just in case, he'll probably need that, Rose thought.

Rose returned to the room and looked at the cute Moi children. She felt kind of like an older sister, she thought. The smile never disappears from Darga's face. Rose wondered if his cheeks would hurt.

"Moi, now I'm a big sister."
"That's right. You have three younger brothers and sisters."
"I’m kind of happy."
"Me too. I'm horrified what will happen if Miss Rose doesn't come."
"I’m sure this is also God’s guidance."
"Yes, indeed."

Moi nodded. Rose smiled and touched her baby's hand again.

"Congratulations, Mr. Darga. It will be tough from now on, but please help Moi properly."
"Hahaha, of course. Just to be safe, I decided to hire two servants from today. I asked a neighbor this morning to come over this afternoon."
"Yeah, please do that. As expected, since you have triplets, it would be difficult for Moi to be alone. This will make the house lively all at once."
"Yes. Thank you for all your help."
"What? I'm Darga's father's daughter, so I did what was expected."

When Rose imitated Darga's tone, Darga laughed.

"I'm happy to have a reliable daughter."

Darga bowed and thanked her.

"Yeah. I'm happy too. I'd like to go to Escodoria with everyone someday and eat venison stew."
"That's right. These kids will eat a lot, so until then I have to save up."
"That's right. As expected of my younger brothers and sisters. I'm looking forward to it."

When Rose and Darga were laughing, Moi was laughing too. Darga said he would tell the children's names later when he reported to Dargodas. 

Rose decided to take a short break and clean up before returning to the mansion. Rose didn't know the two Black Ops' names, but she thanked them and got into the carriage. Rose thought that she would have to report to her father and mother today's activities of the two Black Ops members, her bodyguard Orgens, and her maid Liena.

For Rose, the Black Ops is a scary group. However, after today, she felt like she didn't have to think so fearfully about the Black Ops members. The joyful smiles on their faces made a huge impression on her. It looks like she'll be dealing with the Black Ops for a long time to come, so it might be a good idea to try and not hate them as much as possible, Rose thought as she looked out the window of the carriage.