"Rose, are you okay?"

It was Frey's voice. Rose didn't eat her dinner and crying, so her maid Liena reported to the head maid. After receiving the report from the headmaid, Frey hurried to Rose's room.

"What happened?"

Frey sat down on Rose's bed and woke her up. She patted her head and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"If there's nothing, you won't cry."
"Did you have a fight with Yanagi?"
"Did something happen to you?"
"Did Keyaki and Yuri have a fight?"
"No, we're not fighting."
"I heard you were going to Moi’s place, but did something happen on the way?"
"There is nothing,"
"Then why are you crying? You are acting strange and everyone is worried."
"I don't understand. Is that something you can't even tell your mother?"

Rose's tears started flowing again. Her loneliness, her pain of abandoned, and the sadness of breaking up with Yanagi returned to haunt her.

"Okay, okay. You can cry until you feel better. I will sit here, next to you."

Rose cried out loud. The sadness and regret that had been hidden deep in her heart welled up. Frey just stayed silent and stroked her rose. Rose may have never cried so hard. Her feelings, which she had forbearing for so long, were now exposed like this. Even though she was embarrassed, she couldn't help but want to cry. She didn't know how long she cried, but little by little she calmed down.

"Are you feeling a little better?"

Rose nodded.

"Thank you, Mother."
"Yes. Rose, maybe it has something to do with Yanagi not returning?"

Frey asked, and she stroked Rose gently.

"He told his father that he was going on a journey."
"Didn't he tell you, Rose?"
"I was told when we returned to the mansion.''
"You must have been surprised."

In fact, Rose was helpless.

"Did Rose want to go with Yanagi?"
"But you couldn't go. You were disappointed?"
"Yeah. I felt abandoned."

Rose looked down and said in a low voice. Then Frey hugged her tightly.

"He wouldn't do something like throw you away. Yanagi cares very much about you, Rose."

Frey said kindly.

"How do you know?"
"I understand because I am his mother. Besides, since Rose had been asleep for a year, and since you woke up, when you went to Ecoria, yesterday, and this morning, how much Yanagi has cared for Rose. I saw what was going on."

Rose calmly stares at her fingers.

"Yanagi only looks so kind when he's with you."
"That child was going through a lot of trouble. He didn't show his emotions much. Even if I understood Yanagi's suffering, he might still hold a grudge against his mother who couldn't do anything to help him. That gentle smile he's never shown me is always shown to you."
"Umh, yes, maybe..."

Rose looked at Frey, and she had a difficult look.

"That's right. That's why I'm sure Yanagi is just as sad as you are right now."
"Are you sad that Yanagi is gone?"

Rose nodded.

"I understand how you feel. But you are not alone. You have me, Sumire, Rinka, and Liena, so let's enjoy each day."

Honestly, Rose thought, even with them, she wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Let's take it easy tomorrow. You don't have to go for a run in the morning. After you get some rest and your sadness has healed a little, let's get back to normal."
"So, good night, Rose."
"Good night, Mother."

Frey gently stroked Rose's head and laid her down on her bed. Frey covered Rose with blankets, and with one wave of her hand, all the lights in her room went out. She was someone with really high magical powers, Rose thought.

When she left her room, she ordered Liena, who was standing in front of her room, that she could rest tonight. Rose was tired of crying and fell asleep before she knew it.

When she woke up in the morning, the sun was already high. The sunlight came in through the gap in the window. When she pulled herself up and sat, she felt dizzy. Her head hurts. She must have cried too much yesterday, Rose thought. She doesn't have the strength to do it but wants to go to the toilet. She got off the bed and staggered. She managed to go to the bathroom and wash her face. When she looked in the mirror, she looked terrible. She has such swollen eyes.

She thought maybe she should sleep some more. However, she lost her balance and fell. The broken washbasin made a lot of noise, and the maids heard it and entered the room. They carried Rose to her bed and went out to call for a medic. At one point, there was an uproar.

"Your fever is high. Please rest today."

The medic handed the medicine to her maid Liena and gave some instructions. Frey came to check on her, and she patted Rose on the head before going outside to talk to the medic. And it gets quiet outside. Perfect, bad things keep coming, Rose thought with a sigh.

The door opened, and Liena, the maid, brought porridge and medicine. Rose refused, saying she didn't have much appetite, but when she saw the egg dish in the small bowl, she suddenly had an appetite. It was Rose's favorite egg dish. The head chef knows her favorite foods.

She finished her meal and took her medicine. She'll just go to sleep later. Liena went outside, leaving Rose alone in her room again. But Rose can't sleep right away. She got off her bed and picked up a book on her shelf to read. It was a magical book. Before she knew it, so many magical books from Miraiya were lined up on her shelf. There are also several books from the country of Dwipa. There are cooking books from Dwipa, picture books, and books about the starry sky. She didn't have it until yesterday, when did she get so many books? thought Rose, tilting her head.


When she opens the clothes shelf, she finds clothes she never seen before and even silk. There is a beautiful box, and when she opens it, she finds various jewelry she has never seen before, such as hair ornaments, necklaces, and earrings. The words engraved on the box were the emblem of the king of Dwipa. There is another slightly larger box. She finds beautiful jewelry and accessories, silk handkerchiefs, and various other small items inside it.

The box also contains a doll. A beautiful doll with eyes made of transparent blue gemstones. It was so precious. There is a letter near the doll. When she picked it up and read it, it was a letter from Prince Efergan of the Suzukinoyama Empire. It was written in very nice handwriting, she thought.

She read the letter while thinking of the prince with the cute owl feather ears. There was a note of gratitude and a request to correspond with him. He was a prince of about 15 years old and had orange eyes. He is an intelligent prince, said Ambassador Zurgun. Rose didn't know the country where the prince lived, and the war was still going on when they met, so she couldn't have a proper conversation with him. After that, she fell asleep for two months, so she couldn't meet the prince even though he visited Dwipa. The explanation was that that's why they gave such a present.

When Rose proofread the letter, she thought it was beautifully written. When Rose saw her letter, she reflected on how bad her writing was. Both Yanagi and Prince Efergan write beautiful characters. She carefully folded the letter and put it in an envelope, thinking that if she didn't study how to write letters seriously, she would be embarrassed even if she corresponded with him.

Rose takes out the doll from the box and she stares at it. It's a gorgeous doll. These blue eyes may have been made to resemble her. The doll's hair was brown, but somehow it looked similar to her. A beautiful ethnic costume made of silk fabric. The doll's clothes and hair are decorated with shiny metal and jewels. What a luxury. This doll alone must have cost a considerable amount of money. Rose wondered if she was worth receiving something so expensive.

Rose noticed that there was also a small box inside the box, so she took it and opened it. On the box was the emblem of the Suzukinoyama Empire. The contents were beautifully made pens and ink bottles. A writing set contains paper and notes, sealing wax, and a stamp for sealing letters. The stamp is in the shape of a rose flower. It was very elegantly made, and Rose was impressed. Also, inside that box was a small box the size of her palm. When she opens it, she finds some shiny candy balls inside. The prince is a serious person, Rose thought. Although she didn't know the prince, she couldn't help but smile when she received such a present.

Now Rose had no reason to refuse his correspondence. She also has to write a thank you letter. She also has to thank Jatayu. She should be grateful for receiving so many books, clothes, jewelry, etc. She doesn't know if the others have received it, but she will discuss it with Miraiya later and write the letter.

Rose who cries because losing Yanagi, receives gifts from Jatayu and Efergan, which makes her feel a little better. She picked up the doll, returned to her bed, and held it. It was a very cuddly doll and Rose liked it. Then, perhaps because the medicine had taken effect, she became so sleepy that even after dinner time passed, she continued to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Rose got hungry, so she left the room and went to the dining room by herself. The head chef was in the kitchen, so she called out to him.

"Isn't it Miss Rose? What happened? Are you okay now?"
"I'm hungry."

When Rose said this in a low voice, the head chef smiled.

"I see. I'll make something for you, so please wait over there."
"Can I watch you cook? I just don't want to disturb you."
"Good. Are you interested in cooking?"

The head chef took the frying pan and turned on the stove.

"Yeah. I want to make that egg dish that the head chef made for me."
"That’s quite difficult for a beginner."
"Yeah, I know."
"Then, do you want to try making it together?"
"Are you okay?"
"Of course. Hahaha."

The head chef brought her some eggs and butter and carefully taught her how to cook. Rose broke her egg with her unaccustomed hands, and her eggshells were scattered. The head chef laughed and taught her how to remove the shell. After wetting her hands with water, she touched the eggshells scattered in her bowl. It was easy to remove them. Such a first experience brought a smile to Rose's face.

Then, she made a simple omelet by beating eggs, adding butter and cream, and seasoning with just salt. It was still apart from the head chef's cooking, but it tasted especially good to her because she was hungry. In addition to egg dishes, she ate delicious bread and soup from the kitchen together with the head chef at the kitchen table.

"How do you feel about cooking?"
"It was difficult, but fun."
"I see. That's good."

He looked at Rose, who was munching away at the head chef, and smiled.

"I heard that the head chef has been with Father for a long time. Is that true?"
"It's true. We've been together ever since your father was young. We were even on the battlefield together."
"You've known each other for a very long time."
"That's right. Hahaha, I decided to follow Lord Dalgodas, so whether it's a battlefield, hell, or heaven,.. and even came to this world."

Rose looked at him and her eyes widened.

"Miss Rose must have been reborn into this world in respect of some kind of guidance. And we met here, so I thought this must have been God's guidance."
"Maybe so."

Rose nodded.

"How about you study cooking and become my apprentice?"
"Are you okay?"
"I welcome you."
"Thank you, Chef."
"Call me Master"
"Yes, Master."

The head chef laughed and nodded.

"But I'm strict. I'm worried if you can't handle it."
"Hmm, I'll try."

Rose nods and looks at him.

"To tell you the truth, I wanted to know if there was a way to make the animals and birds I got through hunting delicious. Someday, when I pair up with Brother Yanagi and go hunting, I can cook and eat the things I've killed. Besides, I think it's a waste not to be able to eat it because it's just a piece of meat."
"Hoho, I didn't find anyone who think about it to become my disciple. I was surprised."
"Is it strange?"

Rose asked and the head chef shook his head.

"No, no, I'm happy. Do you want to hunt with me someday and learn to cook?"
"Yes, of course!"
"Hahaha, have you suddenly become better? Miss Rose is truly a strange girl."
"Now that I have become your disciple, please call my name only, Master."
"Really? That's fine."

The head chef laughed and nodded.

"But the hardest job in this mansion is working in the kitchen. As you can see, everyone eats a lot. The work never gets done from morning until night."
"Yeah, I'm a big eater too. Master's cooking is delicious, so I can't resist eating even more."
"Hahahaha, I see. Well, starting tomorrow, you can come as soon as you feel better. Get an apron from the maid and learn how to help in the kitchen. Try not to whine."
"Yes, but I have other studies to study, is that okay?"
"Of course. You can use your free time. It's important to study other things."
"Yes, thank you!"
"Well, it's already late, so go back to your room and sleep."
"Good night, Master."
"Good night, Rose."

When Rose left the kitchen, the maid Liena was in the dining room. It seems like she has been waiting for Rose for a long time. She sent Rose to her room and gave her medicine again. Rose was excited thinking from tomorrow she would be learning how to cook. Rose held the doll from Prince Efergan and she fell asleep again.