Word quickly spread throughout the village that Jean was being challenged to a duel by Ishak, the second son of the Irshad family.

Ishak, who challenged the 4-year-old to a duel, is an experienced assassin. Most women in the village who heard the two men's story are against the duel. They are worried about Jean, saying there is no way a four-year-old can defeat an assassin.

Men in the village are also worried.

They wonder if Ishak is sane.

Even if he wins, his opponent is a 4-year-old. He has no honor and only earns resentment from the Tareq family. On the other hand, if he loses, the name of the Irshad family will be ruined.

Win or lose, both have disadvantages for the Irshad family.

"I'm against it!"

Jenal grumbled and sighed.

"Jean is my grandson. If his grandfather finds out, he will blame me. He left me yatim's grandson alone and ended up having a duel. My face is crushed."
"I don't want him to duel either."

When Jenal said that, Zaid sighed.

"Can't we do something?"

Jahir said and Zaid shook his head.

"Ishak laughed loudly at Jean and said that Jean had lied and made things up about killing the bandits. He insulted Jean in front of many people and said Jean was a liar. It's completely unacceptable. It's so disrespectful that even I can't stand it."

Zaid said and Jahir sighed. He thought this would happen someday, but he never expected it to happen so quickly.

"How's Jean doing?"
"It's just like usual. I don't know if he knows the meaning of a duel, but he seems to understand the term practice match."

Zaid answered Jahir's question calmly.

"In that case, we have no choice but to have it in the form of a practice match. Jean is only a four-year-old, so we'll allow wood-made weapons. Ishak is an adult, so he won't have any weapons. Also, they can't kill each other. Even if one of them loses,  they may not hold any grudges. Is that okay?"

Jenal said and Zaid nodded.

"So, what will happen to Samarina’s marriage?"
"Once he challenged Jean to a duel, the marriage proposal disappeared. He made enemies with my 4-year-old son, so I can't leave my daughter to them. I don't know what they'll do to her, so just thinking about it makes me lose my mind, it hurts."

Zaid sighed.

"How's Samarina doing?"
"She just replied, 'Okay!', in a matter-of-fact manner."
"She really looks like you, Zaid."
"Hahaha, is that so?"

When Jenal said this in an astonished manner, Zaid laughed.

"If the marriage deal doesn't work out, give her to me. My fifth son is 19 years old and still single. He just returned from work recently and will be here for a while. Isn't that a good time?"
"I'll think about it."
"It would be helpful if you could reply as soon as possible. My fifth son won't sit still, so I'm sure he'll be quieter if he has a wife."
"Hahaha, just like you, Mr. Jenal."

When Zaid said that, Jenal laughed.

"So, back to the topic, when will Jean and Ishak have their practice match?"
"I'll leave it to you. Jean said it's always okay."
"Is he really okay?"
"If you're worried, ask Mr. Jahir to check on him. I'd also welcome special lessons on dueling preparation."

Zaid answered Jenal's question while looking at Jahir.

"I'll do it. Please let me meet Jean."

Zaid nodded.

"Then, let Jahir decide the place and time."

Zaid nodded after hearing Jenal's words.

"Okay then."

As Zaid stood up, Jenal nodded and signaled to Jahir. Jahir nodded, stood up, and went outside with Zaid.

For some reason, since Jean is Jenal's grandson, everyone gets nervous talking about that duel. It's a good thing, Jahir thought, that Sabir Efrad isn't here. If he were here, Ishak wouldn't be able to survive.

In the end, the practice match was decided a week later. The location is in the village square, near Jenal's tent. Jahir drew a big circle with a stick and prepared the place. One by one, the people of the village gathered around the circle and looked at it worriedly. Naturally, Jenal is in a bad mood. Even when the head of the Irshad family spoke to him, Jenal did not answer.

Meanwhile, Ishak has already entered the circle. He could kill people even with his hands empty, and his attitude was that there was no way he could lose to a four-year-old. However, his attitude aroused resentment from the women in the village. Jean and Zaid appeared amidst boos and curses for Ishak.

When Zaid appeared holding Jean in his arms, the angry people from earlier became quiet.

No matter how you look at him, he's a 4-year-old child. 


People look at him worriedly, wondering if he is serious about fighting Ishak.

"Are you okay, Jean?"
"Yes, Father."

Jean looked at Zaid and nodded. Zaid showed his gentle face and kissed Jean's forehead.

"Jean Tareq, show him that the Tareq family is brave in any situation."
"Yes! I'll do my best, Father!"

Jean replied in a loud voice. Zaid then put Jean down and gestured to his circle. Jean nodded looked at Jenal and bowed. Then he looked at Jahir and bowed again. Jenal and Jahir nodded silently. Jean exhaled slowly and stepped into the circle without hesitation.

"Jean Tareq, I'm here!"

Jean said out loud, and Jenal nodded again. The women were looking at Jean with anxious eyes and were making noises. Zaid is sitting on the chair provided and looking at Jean. Zaad was also standing near Zaid, looking at Jean solemnly.

If Jean dies in this battle, Zaad will enter the circle to kill Ishak. This is a tradition of the Tareq family and is generally known. Amir and the others sit near Jahir and look at Jean with concern.

"Are you okay, Jean?"
"Yes, I am."

When the man who was selected by the referee asked, Jean nodded.

"Now, let me tell you the rules! One, only Jean Tareq is allowed to use a weapon. The weapon must made from wood. Show me your weapon, Jean Tareq!"

When the referee said, Jean revealed a wooden dagger from his pocket. After the judge inspected the dagger, he handed it back to Jean. The judge noticed that the dagger was made of the hardest wood. Although the wood was harder than metal, the referee thought it was fine since the rules only said 'made from wood'.

"Two, don't kill your opponent. This is just a practice match. Do you both understand?"

When the referee said that, Jean and Ishak replied, "Yes."

"Three. The referee can stop the match anytime when necessary. Or, the match ends when one person becomes incapacitated. Do you both understand?"

The referee said and Jean and Ishak nodded.

"Okay, let’s get started!"

When the referee's words rang out, Jean looked straight at Ishak. He just stands there, watching Ishak's movements.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Ishak said with a laugh, but Jean didn't say anything. However, he just held a dagger and watched silently.

"Come on! I'm empty-handed, right?"

Even when provoked, Jean does not move. Despite being provoked several times, Jean did not move. Shocked, Ishak started hurling abusive language. Then Jean tilted his head.

"Why should I go first?"

Ishak was surprised when Jean suddenly asked a question.

"Isn't it already decided? I want to fight you, and I left you empty-handed! And yet, you're not coming!"
"I don't really understand that logic. If Mr. Ishak wants to know my power, you should just come, right?"

Ishak was taken aback by Jean's provocation.

"If you say that, I have no choice but to go! Don't regret it!"

When Ishak attacked Jean with tremendous speed, Jean lightly jumped upwards and suddenly spun around in the air. Then, with great speed, he aimed for Ishak's neck and attacked. However, Ishak noticed and hurriedly blocked it with his hands.

Jean landed and suddenly attacked again. Ishak desperately fought back against the attack from below. Then, when Ishak's kick hit Jean's body, Jean fell back.

Seeing Jean fall back, Ishak doesn't waste his chance.

However, Jean also saw this movement and immediately started to move. With a vivid movement, as if riding on the wind, he quickly evaded Ishak's attack and counterattacked. Jean attacks Ishak's arm and hits him. At that, Ishak took a few steps back with a grim expression.

There's numbness in his hands... Ishak touched his left hand, wondering if Jean aimed for his vital point.

When Ishak thought he couldn't use his strength, Jean began to move. Ishak threw a kick that was difficult to block, but it didn't do much damage. The kick wasn't very effective after all, thought Jean, as he spun backward. When Jean landed, Ishak moved again and fired a series of special moves at Jean. However, the attack was evaded once again. Finally, the dagger struck him again in the right arm.

"Are you really a 4-year-old?!"

When Ishak said this angrily, Jean didn't answer. Jean then moved straight forward and attacked the enraged Ishak. Ishak, who had no strength in his hands, struggled and fought back Jean's attacks. However, this time he felt a dagger thrust into his thigh. As Ishak screamed out in pain, a dagger struck his side.

It was a spectacular blow, everyone onlookers thought.

The dagger moved directly from the thigh it stabbed to the lower left, then immediately moved to the upper right, hitting Ishak directly in the side.

Everyone thought if the dagger was real, Ishak would already be dead. And Zaid smiled. At this point, he was convinced that Jean was stronger than Ishak.

"Do you still want to continue?"

Jean stepped back, crouched down, and asked Ishak, whose left leg was weak.


When Jean said this, Ishak readied himself. Ishak thought he would definitely attack the next leg.

But it was different.

It wasn't Jean's dagger that hit him, but the sand. Jean moved quickly, scattering sand. Sand got in his eyes, so Ishak hurriedly rubbed his eyes.

It was at that time.

Jean's kick hit Ishak directly in the jaw. Not stopping there, Jean spun backward, and the moment he hit the ground, he used the explosive power of his legs to launch himself and stab Ishak in the neck with his dagger. Ishak was sent flying backward and fell to the ground.

When the referee decided Ishak couldn't fight, the onlookers shouted joyfully. However, Jean was startled when he suddenly heard a loud voice and started crying. Then, the referee was surprised to see Jean burst into tears and hurriedly approached him. Zaid laughed and signaled Zaad, who immediately entered the circle and picked up the crying Jean.

"Well done!"
"Are you surprised?"

Jean cried and nodded. Zaad smiles and pats Jean on the head before looking at Jenal.

Jenal nodded with a big smile on his face.

"Did you see?! My grandson won! Hahaha!"


When Jenal said this, the head of the Irshad family bowed deeply, looked at Ishak who had lost consciousness in the circle, and then left.

The abandoned Ishak remains unconscious in the circle. Several members of the Irshad family retrieved his body and returned without a word.

It was clear from the moment he challenged Jean to a duel that this fight had no benefit. There were more disadvantages than advantages. That's why the head of the family really wanted to stop this fight. However, Ishak was stubborn and did not quit. In the end, he lost to a four-year-old and lost his honor.

"Are you okay, Jean?"
"(sob, sob) Yes (sob, sob)"
"Hahaha, don't cry."
"(sob) Yes (sob, sob)"
"Good boy."

When Zaid said this, Zaad laughed and looked at Jahir and the others who rushed over. When Zaad explains that Jean was shocked and cried, Jahir and the others look relieved.

"You got kicked in the stomach earlier, are you okay?"

Jahir asked, and Jean, who had stopped crying, tilted his head to the side. When Sabadda lifted Jean's clothes, he saw a faint bruise on his stomach. Jahir gasped when he saw the bruise. Ishak's foot should have been able to reach him cleanly, but the fact that the bruise was only a light one, meant he was being protected by some kind of force. If it is the power of the wind, then Sabir Efrad is right. Jean is a descendant of the legendary northerners.

"Is it hurt?"

Jahir asked and Jean shook his head.

"But let's go home and treat him. If it gets any worse, we'll be in trouble."
"Let's do so."

Sabadda said and Zaad nodded. On their way home, the women and children of the village happily shouted out his name.

"Jean is more popular than me."

Abu said, and Sabadda laughed. That's right, Sabadda said, and Amir laughed. Jean, who doesn't really understand the situation, just looks around, clinging to Zaad's neck and sucking his finger. Zaad noticed this and gently took Jean's hand with a smile, holding Jean's hand all the way home.