Moi and Darga's mansion is a decent size, and although the building is old, it is in good condition. When they unloaded their luggage from the carriage and called Moi's name at the entrance, Moi appeared. With a happy look, she ushered Rose and Yanagi inside.

When Rose gave her a wedding gift, Moi looked happy. Darga was out and Moi explained that he had to go due to various formalities and work.

"I have received so much from you. Thank you very much."
"I'm grateful too. If it weren't for Moi and Mr. Darga, I might not have grown this far."
"It was our job, so we just did our best."
"I received a lot of love beyond it. I will never forget it."
"Miss Rose..."
"Ah, when you went to Ecoria, was your salary okay?"
"Yes, we received a full year's compensation. By the way, this mansion has a complete set of furniture, and when I entered this mansion last night, I thought it belonged to someone else, but the person in charge of the carriage told me that... said it was our mansion. We were both so surprised that we didn't get much sleep."

Moi said shyly.

"Ahaha. I guess you were surprised by Father's gift."
"Yes, it was the entire mansion. By the way, there is a small garden in the back. I'm planning to grow vegetables when Honey is at work."
"That's amazing. Mr. Darga is called as 'honey'..."
"Oh, um, yes··."

Moi with an embarrassed face is cute. What a loving newlywed she was, thought Rose.

"But you shouldn't get too tired. You have a baby."
"Yes, that's what Lady Frey told me yesterday. Lord Dalgodas saw through it very well. I was surprised."
"Father is an amazing person. He must have sensed some sort of life vibration."

Rose said and Yanagi nodded as well.

"That's right."
"Yeah. I'm sure Mr. Darga will understand Moi a little more from now on. Father got furious at him yesterday."

Rose said with a laugh, which surprised Moi.

"Yeah. I wonder why he didn't notice even though he was by your side... But now that he's reflected on it, I'm sure he'll cherish Moi even more from now on."
"There are really not enough words to express my gratitude."
"Well, I'm looking forward to it. Can I come over once in a while?"
"Of course."

Moi nodded happily.

"When Moi's child is born, I'll go to see what kind of child it is. Will it have Moi's face and a long tail? Will it be a boy? Or will it be a girl?"
"Whichever would be the best thing for me if it was born healthy and without inconveniences."
"Yeah. That's right."

Rose nodded.

"Ah, here the flower tea. Please have it."

Rose and Yanagi drank delicious flower tea and talked for a while, then said goodbye to Moi and left the mansion. Yanagi told Rose that a former feudal lord's mansion was near the mansion, but no one lived there. This was the mansion where Frey used to live, and it was very spacious. However, the size didn't suit Dalgodas, so he built a new mansion.

As Rose and the others were walking home, Yanagi suddenly became quiet. He wanted to take a short detour, so he took Rose on his arm and went to a small lake outside the village walls. It's a beautiful place.

"It's beautiful"
"Yeah. This is my favorite place."
“Do you come here often?”
"Yeah. Especially when I don't feel well, somehow calms me down by coming here."
"This is outside the wall?"
"Yeah. But I was always alone, so no one noticed when I went outside the wall."

Yanagi just nodded.

"Can I kiss you?"
"Yeah, but are you okay with self-control?"
"Yes, no problem."

Rose closed her eyes. Yanagi put his hand around her, and his other hand touched Rose's face, supported her head, and kissed her gently. He was very slow, but Rose could feel his passion.

"I want you, Rose."

Yanagi spoke slowly. He is trying his best to control himself and catch his breath.

"I want everything about you."
"But I can't protect you right now."
"What do you want to say?"

Hearing Rose's question, Yanagi hugged her.

"Sorry, Rose."
"I can't stay here."
"What does it mean?"
"I learned I had to become much stronger than I am now to protect you, Rose."
"Did you mean that happened during the battle of Ooramorg?"
"Yeah. The opponent's ability was much higher than mine. I knew that if things continued like this, I wouldn't be able to protect you even if I took you with me."
"Are you leaving me here alone?"

Rose said in a trembling voice.

"You're not alone. Father, Rinka, and everyone else are here. Father promised me that he would protect you."
"But I like you, Yanagi."
"Please understand, Rose."
"I want to take you with's hard for me too."
"You liar, Yanagi!"
"I'm sorry, Rose."

Rose cried as hard as she could. She felt she had brought together her disappointment, anger, and sadness. All the fun of today disappeared in an instant. Yanagi just hugged her tightly. He realized more than anyone else that he couldn't protect her unless he conquered his weaknesses. Even though he understands this, he doesn't want to break up with her.

Rose wants to be with Yanagi forever if possible. She was planning on going out with him during training. But that puts a huge burden on Yanagi. Miraiya said that the Morg people would come after her someday. He made this decision knowing that if the time came, he would be incapable of protecting her.

"What are you going to do now?"
"I don't know. Stretch my legs and go far."
"Until when?"
"I don't know."
"What if someone attacks me in the meantime?"
"Father will protect you."
"What if a marriage proposal comes?"
"As Rose wishes..."

Yanagi said in a small voice.

"Are you serious?"
"I'd be lying if I said I was serious. I love you, Rose. You are my reason for living. I love you with all my heart. This feeling will never change."
"But why...?"
"Because I believe in Rose. I'd be happy if you believed in me, but I can't bind your heart. So I let you do what you want."
"Rose, I'm going to be strong for you. I'm going to work harder than ever before. Please stay healthy until we meet again someday."

Yanagi said as he stroked Rose. He smiled, but his heart was in shreds.

"Yanagi must never die either. You are always acting recklessly."
"I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die to return to you, Rose. So please stay healthy, too."
"Can you send me a letter?"
"Oh, I'll do what I can."
"Are you sure?"

Yanagi hugged Rose tightly again. Rose felt the tears on her face. These are the tears of a man she met for the first time. Rose thinks the tears came because his feelings were mixed up with her regrets and thoughts about the future, and she couldn't sort them all out.

More than that, Rose's tears might make him feel worse than anyone else. Yanagi thought that it was painful to his heart.

On the way back to the mansion, Rose and Yanagi became silent. Yanagi kissed Rose on the head before parting ways. Then, when he saw Rose silently crying in the background, he turned to see her and started walking, leaving the village.

Rose's maid Liena doesn't know what happened. However, she saw Rose crying all night, and she was distressed.