It turned into a little surprise party during dinner time. The first prince, his wife, and their sons came to celebrate Rose's birthday. One of the princes lent Rose his armor and talked to her a lot. Since he was a child, Rose couldn't really understand what he was saying. On the contrary, Rose was able to tell him a lot of interesting stories. They had a great time with great food, music, singing, and dancing. 


Rose was born into this world, and this was her first birthday party. And she is joyful with it.


After her birthday party was over and everything was being cleaned up, Rose took a bath. After a bath, she went to the courtyard alone and rested for a while. She heard from Miraiya a while ago that since Rose had woken up, she was diagnosed with no health problems and would return to Alhatross tomorrow. She's been here for over two months, so it's probably time to go home because Miraiya's work has piled up.


Miraiya thought Rose had to get her father's forgiveness quickly since she also had something to do with Moi and Darga. Also, when Rose told Miraiya that Rose and Yanagi would pair up and do some hunting and training, Miraiya smiled and wished them to have fun.


Jatayu told her that the armor he ordered would be delivered to Alhatross once it was ready, so she had no choice but to wait. She thought to herself while drinking hot milk. Moi and Darga are already in the room and say they will pack their things.


After a while, Yanagi came with a cup in his hand. His long hair has been cut short. Rose doesn't know when he cut it.


"You cut your hair."

"Oh, I just had it cut short."

"Just to tidy it?"



Yanagi sat next to Rose, holding his cup to his mouth.


"Yanagi, did you pack your things?"

"I did. I also asked the maid to take care of your luggage."

"Ah, that's kind of annoying."

"Don't worry. They can take it easy."

"Thank you."

"No problem."


Yanagi drank hot water again.


"So, we'll be a pair when we get back?"

"I would like to, but I must talk to Father first."



Rose nodded.


"Thank you, Rose."


"Thank you for helping me in that battle."

"No, I'm sorry for not being able to provide proper support."

"No, Rose wasn't to blame. Because I was weak, that Morg swordsman seriously injured me, and in the end, I lost to that monster."

"That was an unusual strength. Even I was scared."

"I wasn't even able to help you. I was disappointed."

"I just need to get stronger from now on. I'll accompany you in your training."

"That's right."


Yanagi nodded.


"I want to defeat an S-class beast. Please be sure to take me with you, Yanagi."

"If we can find it. S-class beasts like that don't normally wander around."



Indeed, Rose thought if it wandered around normally, the village would be destroyed.




"Can I listen to your heartbeat?"


Without saying anything, Yanagi put his arm around her shoulder. It's a comfortable time.


A while passed. they heard a voice from inside the next room. It was Miraiya and Jatayu. The two might not have known that Rose and Yanagi were here. They can see the silhouettes of two people on the floor.


"Are you leaving here after all, Miraiya?"

"Yes, there are still things to do. If I don't care for those things, I won't be able to come to you in peace."

"Can't you do that with me?"

"I can't. This is my own problem."


Miraiya shook her head.


"I see. I'm going to miss you, Miraiya."

“Me, too.”


Jatayu's shadow approached Miraiya's shadow. Are those two really in love with each other?




"I wish I could spend some time with you tonight..."

"I would be happy if you said that to me. But my pride won't allow it."

"Even if I... wish so?"

"That's it."


"Even if we spend the night together, you will still leave my side, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I don't like that. I'm not satisfied with just one night. I'm a greedy man."

"Hmm, unfortunate."


They are hugging each other and she is probably...kissing him. It looked like that in silhouette. Rose and Yanagi watched them silently.




Just looking at it made Rose and Yanagi gasp, wondering why they were so excited. Yanagi's heartbeat was also becoming faster.


"When you return there, I'd like you to send me a letter. You don't have to have a reason to want to meet me. I'll fly out to see you."

"Yes, I will."

"Of course, I'll accompany you on the battlefield or wherever you go. Feel free to contact me."

"When you need a magician, please summon me. I will be of help."

"I don't want to summon you as a magician. I want to welcome you as my queen."

"What a selfish man."

"That's right. I'm selfish. Especially when it comes to you, Miraiya. I'll give you everything."

"Once everything is cleared up, I'll come here, and give birth to your babies. I promise."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it. I have a big heart, so I like all the children with the red tail, the demon child, and the bird child. I'm looking forward to seeing all the combinations."

"But it's still a long way off."

"Ah, that's right. I won't sneak in tonight, so don't worry, and get some rest. It's going to be a long journey tomorrow."



Their shadows loomed over each other for a while. Without making a sound, Rose and Yanagi reluctantly decided to leave and return to their rooms by a different route. Somewhere in Rose's heart, she wished that time would stop as the two of them exchanged promises to meet again.