Rose closed her eyes at the sight. But she noticed a different flow of wind touching her skin. She was in the middle of a battlefield when she opened her eyes. Surrounded by burning fire and black smoke, the smell of blood and burnt debris mingled with it.

Rose was instantly transported from the island she'd been there to this island. And she's floating in the air. She floats in the sky without any discomfort.

When she looked around, she saw that monster right in front of her. And then there's that great-looking guy.

“Rose, why are you here?!”

She heard Jatayu's voice. He is in human form, flapping his wings and flying through the sky. His wings are flapping around on his back. Miraiya is on the ground, examining Yanagi and the others.

"It's okay! They're alive! Both of them!"
"Recover them, Miraiya!"

Jatayu gave instructions to Miraiya. "It's good", Rose said, looking relieved.

"Why are you here? We have to defeat it."
"I don't know. But I'm thinking the same thing."

Jatayu agreed with the answer. Anyway, he has to do something about that monster.

"I want some distance to that central park. If not, Yanagi and the others below will get caught up in it."

Rose said while looking around.

"It would be better if it took about 10 steps back."
"Well, I guess that's about it... Barrier!"

The monster waved its hand and tried to attack Rose and the others. Rose made a barrier with one hand and quickly deflected the monster's attack.

"Okay, let's go!"

Jatayu hit the monster several times with his bare hands at high speed. Rose spoke the words of her contract and produced a whip in her right hand. This time, she is channeling her anger, so the quality of her thorns is different than usual.


A dry sound rang out. The target is that great-looking guy who puts up a barrier against the monster.

Along with Jatayu's attack, Rose attacked the person sitting on the monster's shoulder. He was repelled by the barrier, but she knew he couldn't restretch the barrier if she kept attacking him.

The monster resisted fiercely, but Rose, who was as small as a fly, wouldn't hit him so easily, so she hit the whip hard while exchanging blows.

The target is the shoulder!

Jatayu attacks the monster's stomach and legs with his bare hands. Rose thought that Jatayu really was an amazing person, despite appearances. 


The monster took two steps back.


Rose tried hitting the monster's ear with magic. Then she sets her whip against her opponent again. At this distance, a whip can reach better than a sword. Rose thought that her opponent's barrier effect would soon disappear.

Rose enchanted the whip with a fire attribute. A whip hits the opponent strongly and quickly with burning thorns shining in the night sky.

That great-looking guy on the monster's shoulder tried to cast a spell. He has a magic stone in his hand.

I won't let him! , Rose moved quickly.


She used lightning magic to interrupt the spell. And at the same time, Jatayu's attack entered the monster's stomach.


With a strong shock, that monster took another step back.

"Fire Sword!"

Rose adjusted her whip to the length and stiffness of her sword and approached her opponent's ear. The opponent also brought out a dagger-like weapon. He seemed to have given up on casting magic spells. Now the opponent cannot put up a barrier. However, the same situation occurred here, but it would be fine if it didn't hit. But, it might be better to enchant it a little, thought Rose.

"Barrier! Speed increase enchantment! Attack power increases enchantment!"

Rose quickly applied it to herself. And charge! However, at that moment, the opponent also cast Barrier, but before it could be cast against the monster, her attack interrupted it.

Rose isn't good at close-range combat, but that's the only option. She needs to get this guy down before he cast the spell, Rose thought. However, the enemy is also quite good at using weapons. The sound of weapons clashing echoed.

Suddenly Rose saw something. That was wind cutter magic, she realized. Her opponent used a technique from another hand, but Rose was saved because of her barrier and armor. The armor was dented, but Rose was unharmed. His bangs were just cut a little. Rose pulled away and changed the sword form back into a whip. Since the opponent used wind attributes, she thought they were probably weak against fire attributes. 


This is because, in the game, the weak point of the wind attribute is the fire attribute. She enchanted the whip with fire again.

"Fire Ball!"

She threw the entire fireball spell at the monster's face. And then, she quickly attacked that great-looking guy with her whip. The person lost his balance but got back on his feet. He tries to attack her and Jatayu with the monster's hand, but Jatayu is very fast and has a high evasion rate. Moreover, Jatayu's every blow is heavy, and he continues to attack the enemy with his bare hands. 


The monster took a step back. Only 6 steps left!


Rose caught her opponent's neck with her whip as she drew the dagger at her waist. It looks like the opponent's barrier has broken. Rose stabbed her opponent in the right hand, causing her opponent to drop his weapon.

In fact, she is not good at fighting enemies at such close range. However, at this distance, a headbutt is possible! , thought Rose.

"Damn it!"

The rose flower on Rose's head scattered, and the wound on that guy's head was visible. It looks like he was seriously injured by the thorns.

"Let’s go!"

Then, with the whip in her right hand, she pulled the opponent off the monster's shoulder. Pulling her whip downwards, Rose falls to the ground past Jatayu. She dragged that guy to the ground as she pulled down her whip.


It was the sound of him hitting the ground. Rose landed just in the nick of time. She sheathed her dagger and touched the ground with her left hand.

"Bind Rose!"

A few thorny branches came out of the ground and quickly tied him up. The branches dug into the man so tightly that they tied him up from his legs to his mouth so he couldn't even cast a spell.


This guy looks like a boss so she can't let him die, she thought as she checked the branch to tie him up with. She decided to let him live to get out some information. She cut off the thorny branches from the ground and ordered a nearby soldier to take him somewhere alive. The soldier saw the prickly thorny branches, pulling him in fear, and evacuated. When Rose looked behind, she saw Darga had already woken up and sat down. Miraiya is still using recovery magic on Yanagi. It seems like he hasn't regained consciousness yet.

Rose went up again and was at about the height next to Jatayu. 


Apparently, if she wants to fly, her body will float normally. She can't help but wonder how suspicious she is. If someone asked her if any creature that glows and flies through the air is a monster, she probably wouldn't be able to answer that either, Rose thought.

"If it takes about 6 more steps back, I can use great magic. You can also deliver the finishing blow."
"I see. Let's do it quickly, Rose."
"Okay! We're a team now!"
"I like it! Urya!"

While saying this, Jatayu attacked the enemy's chest and stomach again at high speed.

"Heal to Jatayu! Barrier! Speed increase enchantment! Attack power increases enchantment!"

A smile appeared on Jatayu's face the moment the enchantment arrived. She has definitely improved his abilities.

Rose went to the monster's head. It moved its hand quickly to shake off Rose and Jatayu. Then its mouth opened and tried to do that high-energy attack.

Oh no! Yanagi below will get caught up! thought Rose.

Rose enchanted her whip with fire attributes and struck her opponent in the face. She won't let it open its mouth. But there's no water here, and she wants to use ice magic. However, since the island is surrounded by the ocean, she thought maybe there was moisture in the air.

Besides, this burnt-out town is pretty hot. All-or-nothing, relying on the moisture in the air...


A block of ice formed in her left hand. And then she thrust it into that open mouth!

"Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice!"

Rose continuously put ice blocks into the monster's mouth. 


Put in as much as you can! Eat some ice cream too! , Rose desperately put a large ice cube into its mouth.

The monster took two steps back. 4 more steps left!

The monster tried hard to spit out the ice from its mouth, but Rose wouldn't allow it. She keeps hitting its mouth with her whip.


Another powerful attack from Jatayu came in. The unsteady monster took another step back. Rose saw that there were only three steps left. Central Park is also visible. There, she can keep a safe distance from Yanagi and the others.

"Three more steps left!"

Jatayu said and looked into the distance. Rose also squeezed her strength again and looked at that monster's face. Its mouth was full of ice and its face had numerous scratches. It was a wound caused by Rose's whip. That's because those thorns scrape its skin. 


To be honest, it's not a good view. Rose thought she was going to lose her appetite. But there are still three steps left. If it takes three more steps, she can end this battle. Not wanting to cause any more soldiers to die, Rose gripped the whip again and began to strike.

A monster is swinging its tail behind him. However, the surviving soldiers have already moved to a safe location. What Rose heard was the crackling sound of burning rubble. The smell was too strong, Rose attacked the monster while hiding her nose with her arm. She felt nauseous.

"Barrier to Jatayu! Heal! Speed increase enchantment! Attack power increases enchantment!"

And she did it to herself too. It's the last time, she thought. A lot of her magic power is being consumed. She has to settle things quickly, she says.

"Ring of fire!"

Rose heard Rinka's voice from behind. A large ring of fire flew from behind. Jatayu quickly evaded her magic.


A big shock occurred. The enemy took another step back. Two steps left!

Rinka went to Miraiya. She was safe. Good, Rose looked at Rinka and shook her hand. But Yanagi is still lying there. Rose was worried Yanagi got hit on the wrong spot, but she focused on attacking the monster again.

That strong Yanagi became unable to fight... Darga also seems to be using recovery magic on Yanagi, cried Rose in her heart.

Rose enchanted the whip with fire again. But this time it was different, the magic she cast was five times stronger. Naturally, it was a difficult decision for her as she didn't have much magical power left. However, if she doesn't do this, she will run out of energy after two steps. Her magic has increased five times, so her whip is blazing with fire.

Rose gave the monster another hard whack with her whip on the monster's face and neck. This time it worked. Every time it hits, the thorns and fire seem to hurt it. An incomprehensible scream could be heard coming from a mouth full of ice. Rose's arm hurts because the whip is heavy, but she can't stop yet.

The whip also became five times heavier since she enchanted it with five times the fire attribute. Every time she swings it around, it puts a lot of strain on her shoulders. However, this will definitely cause pain and damage to monsters. It was getting hard to use one hand, so she decided to hold the whip with both hands. Although the attack speed and number of attacks have decreased, heavy damage is still inflicted on each blow.

Another step back!

"Jatayu, just one more step!"

Jatayu hit it continuously with great force. Then, with a deadly blow, the monster blasted and entered the central park.

"Alright! Go, Rose!"

Rose fell to the ground.


The ground became a swamp. Immobilize the opponent's legs.

"Giga Bind Rose!"

A very thick thorny branch suddenly came out from under the ground. The thorns also look frighteningly sharp. The branches wrapped around the monster's body and bit into it.

"Thunder Storm!"

It started to go wild, so she cast a spell on it. It seems like the lightning has left it a bit paralyzed. But its tail was still moving, trying to sweep Rose away. Rose kept her distance just in case.

"Giga Bloody Rose!"

Thorns appeared from the rose branches, piercing the monster's body. Blood rains down on like scattered red rose petals. However, in such a situation, the moaning can still be heard.

"Giga Fire!"

This is the end. That monster suddenly stopped moving. Somehow the battle ended. The only thing left is Yanagi...


Rose called Yanagi and tried to go to him. He seems to have finally woken up. Although Rose didn't have much magic power left, she decided to give up all the magic power she had left, if only for healing him.


However, Rose's power suddenly disappeared; the last thing she saw was Jatayu's face. Everything went dark, and the last thing she heard in the darkness was Jatayu's voice.
