From that day on, Jean stays with the Tareq family for a while. Although he was told he didn't need to tend the sheep, he didn't know what to do, so he decided to train with Sabadda. Instead of Sabadda teaching Jean how to use the Shamshir, Jean decides to teach Sabadda the art of throwing knives. It was valuable training for Sabadda, especially throwing knives while running and practicing in the dark. Seeing this, Zaid smiled, looked at the target Sabadda had thrown, and nodded.

"The knife thrown by Jean still lacks depth."

Zaid said and Jean nodded.

"If you don't use poison, the target won't die."
"Yes, Father."

Jean nodded.

"But I don't know what to do. Brother Safid said that daily life is the best practice, but when I'm here, I don't have to take care of the sheep..."

Zaid looked at Jean's arm and thought.

"Just do push-ups every day. Sabadda will be with you."

When Zaid said this, Sabadda turned around in shock.

"About 50 times when you wake up, and 50 times before breakfast. After that, drink sheep's milk and eat a big breakfast."
"Is that all?"
"Try that first. If you think it's light, double it."
"Yes, Father!"

When Jean replied, Zaid smiled. Then, seeing Sabadda, he smiled and went inside.

"It can not be helped."

Sabadda lay on his stomach and began doing push-ups.

"Here, do it now. I'll join you."
"Yes, Brother!"

In the end, the two of them did push-ups. When Jean said he was tired, Sabadda just laughed. After exercising, the two quickly changed clothes and ate breakfast. As Zaid ordered, there was enough sheep's milk for two people served.

After breakfast, it was time to study. Sabadda carefully taught him the script of Urda. Jean is working hard to learn how to write and read. After studying reading and writing, it's time to play outside. However, this time they decided to play with the horse and feather hats that Zaid had prepared.

"Bananas are hard to find here, so let's use a feather hat instead."

Zaid said with a laugh. Then he called some of his grandchildren and told them to wear those hats.

"Jean doesn't know you all yet, so everyone, introduce yourselves to Jean."

When Zaid gave the order, they all stood up and each of them introduced themselves. There were Zaad's sons, Safid's son, and two grandchildren from Zaid's daughter who had returned. Samad was the only person Jean knew. All of them are older than Jean.

"Jean is your uncle. So, treat him with respect."

Zaid said, and they nodded and glanced at Jean. The girls gather on the balcony on the second floor, watching the events below with great interest. When Zaid mentioned today's competition, his grandchildren tilted their heads.

"Everyone get on your horse and take the feathers from each other's heads. Of course, protect yours so they don't get taken. Anyone who gets their feathers taken loses and goes to see a chamberlain standing there. You can use any method you like to steal the feathers. You can steal them, jump in, and kick or punch the opponent. However, you must not kill them."

Zaid says and they look at each other. Safid and his friends rushed to see Jean and the children next to Sabadda, curiously watching.

"What will happen if we fell off our horse and got seriously injured?"

When one of the children asked, Zaid thought about it for a while.

"I'll treat you, but if you die, that's how long you'll live."

When Zaid said that, their faces turned grim. However, Zaid didn't change his face and motioned them to start. One of the chamberlains put Jean on his horse and explained the easy course to run. Jean nods, lines up the horses, and waits for the signal.


The chamberlain lowered his hand, and the children hurried forward, reaching for each other's feathers. But they desperately resisted because they didn't want anyone to take it. Samad, who is still not used to running horses, also struggled. Older children were seen trying to grab the feathers of smaller children.

And Jean is also a target of their attacks. However, Jean skillfully ran the horse and made a big turn. Safid and his attendants become amused and cheer them on. Sabadda also loudly cheered for Jean, and Zaid smiled when he saw that.

This competition is good. Zaid thought that if you want to develop your strength, playing or competing quickly is the best way. Punching, kicking, falling off horses, that's all training. The children's fathers and teachers will be thinking about how to prevent them from getting seriously injured even if they fall from a horse. Zaid smiles and tells them to face the children seriously.

One by one, another one fell out. Jean still held out and glanced at the people who had dropped out one after another. The rest are three children. They rode up to Jean's horse and reached out their hands. However, Jean quickly grabbed his hand and jumped away. Then he took the feather from his head and jumped onto a nearby horse. It happened so quickly, that Zaid and the others were surprised. The one who was more surprised than anyone else was the child whose horse was jumped by Jean. When Jean took the hat off his head, he was startled, lost his balance, and almost fell off the fast-running horse. But Jean quickly reached out and pulled him by the hand, sitting on the saddle. The other children riding the horses rushed over and immediately helped, stopping the horses that Jean and the others were riding.

"Are you okay?"

Jean asked and he nodded. The children and attendants looked relieved as they helped him off his horse. And Zaid raised his hand. That means it's over.

"This was your first time, so you were probably not used to it. Everyone didn't have any serious injuries, so well done."

When Zaid said this, the adults clapped. The two winners got to eat lunch next to Zaid. While the servants prepared the meal, the children changed their clothes. The still-excited adults chatted with Zaid, and when someone suggested a play for adult competition, Zaid smiled and nodded. They talked about Jean's technique they had seen earlier and exchanged opinions on how he would do it.


The child who had won the competition earlier called out to Jean. He is Zaad's third son Salman, 9 years old.


Jean, walking with Sabadda by the hand, stopped and turned around. And he sees Salman, who is bigger than he is.

"Thank you for helping Sabri earlier."
"Oh, no problem at all."

The boy was Sabri, Salman's younger brother, who almost fell off the horse earlier. He is 7 years old.

"Is Sabri okay?"
"Yes, he is fine."

Salman nodded.

"How did Uncle do it?"
"Hmm? Do what?"
"Jumping from horse to horse."

The three of them talked while walking side by side.

"Hmm, basically it's the same thing as jumping from roof to roof."
"How do you do that?"
"Well, um, how to say..."

Jean looked confused and tilted his head.

"You can show it to him later. It's almost time to eat."
"Yes, Brother."

Sabadda said and Jean nodded. Salman also nodded and entered the room. Salman and Jean bowed to Zaid and sat on either side of him. In the Tareq family, this is a great honor. Other grandchildren and relatives look at them with envy and sit at a distance. Sabadda also sat at a distance and ate with the other men. Safid, who had arrived late, sat near Sabadda and snacked on his food while they talked. As expected, the topic was the competition they watched earlier.

"I heard from Jafar that Jean used that technique to slash the bandit."

When Safid asked, Sabadda mumbled his head and nodded.

"He didn't fall off his horse well in the dark."

One of the men said, and Sabadda nodded again.

"When Salman asked him how to do it, he seemed at a loss as to how to explain it."
"So, after dinner, Jean will show him the trick."
"Let's see then."

Sabadda said, and they turned their attention to Jean. No matter how they look at him, he's just a normal 4-year-old.

Of course, such a plan also reached Zaid's ears. After eating, he decided to go to the training center with Jean and the others. The children were disappointed when Sabadda said asking Jean to explain things was difficult since he was only 4 years old.

"Jean, can you jump from one roof to another?"

Zaid asked, and Jean nodded.

"Then, can you show me?"
"Yes, Father."

Jean nodded and looked around. Then he quickly climbed a nearby date palm tree and jumped from one roof to another. Finally, he jumped onto a nearby balcony and looked down.

"Ah! Sorry!"

When Jean noticed that there were two girls on the balcony and apologized, they just looked at him and nodded.


Jean waved to them and then jumped down. When they looked down, Jean had already run toward Zaid and the others.

"I'm sorry. I got off by mistake."

When Jean apologizes, Zaid smiles at the two girls on the balcony.

"They are your sisters. Ask Sabadda to introduce you to them later."
"Yes, Father."

Jean nodded.

"Still, it's a wonderfully nimble move."

When Zaid said this, Safid and the others also nodded.

"That's an advanced technique. How did you learn it?"

Zaid asked, and Jean thought about it.

"It's like the feeling you get when you step on your foot when jumping from the top of a coconut tree. Just like that!"

When Jean explained, Zaid smiled.

The rumors seemed to be true, Zaid thought.

"It's difficult to explain in words, so could you show me with that date palm?"
"Yes. Ah, but can I cut a leaf?"
"That's ok."
"Thank you."

When Jean said that, Zaid just smiled. Jean continued to climb the date palm tree to the top. The date palm trees are about 25 meters tall, so Safid and his friends stare over little Jean with fear.

Jean pulled out a dagger and cut one of the leaves. Then he rode on the leaves and felt the wind. Kicking the top of the tree with his foot, he flies away, and the wind sends him spiraling around the date palm tree, slowly falling.

Seeing this, Zaid couldn't help but smile.

That's why Sabir Efrad wanted Jean, Zaid thought. The technique that Jean just showed is a technique of the legendary people of the north. Jean is the jewel Sabir was looking for.

The people from the north, and the descendants of the royal family.

At the point when Jean was able to control the wind, the hypothesis in Zaid's mind became a certainty.


When Zaid said this, Safid and the others also nodded.

"That's certainly hard to explain."

When Zaid said this, Safid and the others also nodded. They thought it couldn't be helped.

"By the way, Jean, Mr. Jahir won't return to the village for a while, so I'll teach you various things in his place for a while."
"Oh? Is that okay?"

Jean tilted his head and Zaid smiled.

"Of course."
"Thank you, Father! Yay♪"

Zaid laughed and patted Jean on the head. Then he looked at Safid, nodded, and returned to his house. Safid, who was left in charge, looked at Jean and thought. Jean is on a different level than the kids here. Safid thought Jean was as good as Sabadda, or maybe even better.

Jean can now learn advanced assassination techniques. The proof is that his father declared that he would teach him, Safid thought as he looked at Jean, held in Sabadda's arms.