The ship arrived at its destination, Melilia Island. This island is entirely a private villa island owned by Jatayu. The island is medium in size and has four buildings. Looking from the quay where the ship is parked, there is a simple building near the quay. This is accommodation for servants and bodyguards. 


Climb up the hill from there and there is a large building. It's a tropical-style building, located with a great view and surrounded by a beautiful garden. Jatayu, the owner of the island, apparently stays in that building when he visits the island. 


Not far from that building, there is a small river with a bridge on it. Beyond the river, there is a small building of a different shape. It is also a tropical-style building. It has one bedroom and a water fountain. Surrounded by flowers, it is a very private place. 


Then, there is another building down the hill near the sea. It is a beautiful view as it is built on the white beach. Rose thought she could spend the whole day relaxing here, surrounded by white sand. This building also has a tropical style, equipped with one bedroom and a water fountain. The room is furnished with very nice colored furniture and has a calm atmosphere.

"Me, Miraiya, and Rinka will stay in that big building."

Jatayu points to a large building.

"Darga and Moi will be in the building on top of the hill, and Yanagi and Rose will be in the building on the beach."

I'm so excited and happy! said Rose, nodding happily.

"We have time until dinner, so let’s play in the sea!"

Miraiya got excited and immediately ran on her feet along the beautiful beach and began to take off her clothes on the bench prepared by the servant. What audacity! Jatayu also laughed and entered the changing room built near the bench.

Rinka had already changed her clothes and ran to the beach with a large ball. Rose just laughed because she didn't know when Rinka changed her clothes. She was surprised to see how Rinka looked so excited on the beach. Her swimsuit is a black bikini with a ribbon on her chest, making her look cute. The black color goes well with her fair skin. Her black tail surprisingly looks like it's part of her swimsuit.

Darga, Moi, Rose, and Yanagi are slowly walking barefoot to the beach. Miraiya is wearing a very sexy bikini and is playing ball with Rinka and Jatayu. They are laughing and having fun. 


Darga and Yanagi changed into their swimsuits and stepped into the sea. Yanagi told Rose, this was his first time at the sea. This is because there is no sea in Alhatross. It's mostly mountains, so even if there was a ship, it was for crossing the lake.

Darga is used to traveling, so it's not his first time at the beach, but he hasn't had a chance to play since he's been traveling all over to work. For Rose, this is Rose's first time going to the ocean of this world, but she still remembers some times in her previous life.

And Moi also appeared... Oh my god! Rose thought that this must be Miraiya's wisdom. Darga froze when he saw Moi appear with a cloth wrapped around her waist. Then, she removed it... revealing a bold white bikini. Rose said with a wry smile that she had actually seen something interesting. This is the second time she's seen Darga so frozen. He looked as if he had fallen under a spell of petrification. Rose, who noticed this strange situation, pulled Yanagi's hand and made him move away from those two. The annoying insects should disappear.

Rose and Yanagi entered the circle to join Rinka and the others playing ball. The balls thrown by Rinka and the others hit her directly in the face many times. It was tough, but she couldn't stop laughing. Even when she tripped and fell in the sand, she kept laughing. It was a lot of fun, Rose said. This may be the first time she's had this much fun since she's been here. After laughing so much that she got tired and took a break, she reached for the drink the servant had brought to rehydrate herself. Yanagi also sat on the sand and took a break with her.

"This is the first time I've seen Rose smile like that."
"This is my first time playing like this."

Yanagi looked at Rose and smiled.

"Do you ever play together like this?"
"It happened when I was little. But that was it. Ever since I first became a Demon God, I've never had one until today."
"Oh, I see."
"So today might be the most fun day of my life."

Yanagi reached out his hand and touched Rose's hair.

"That's too sad. But I think we can make lots of fun memories together from now on."
"Every day is fun with you."
"I also enjoy being with you."


An embarrassing sound came from inside her stomach.

"Are you hungry?"
"Well, let's go up now. The sun is going to set soon."

Yanagi stood up and held out her hand.


Yanagi called out as Rose took his hand.

"That swimsuit suits you very well."
"You look good too, brother."
"I see. Good."

Yanagi smiles and pulls Rose towards Jatayu and the others grilling fish on the beach.

Rinka and Jatayu are happily grilling fish. The octopus that Rose wanted to eat came out as a separate dish. Surprisingly, tonight's dinner was all homemade by Rinka. Actually, Rinka's cooking skill is level 10. However, she doesn't usually cook because she is very lazy. That's because she loves spending time in cat form, she said herself. But Rose wasn't sure what the relationship between cats and cooking was.

Darga and Moi were a little late for dinner. Moi seemed a little sleepy, but she was smiling and eating the food she recommended. Yes, Moi doesn't eat much meat, so Jatayu went out of his way to pack a boat full of nuts, vegetables, and fruits for Moi from Padi Island. Now, Moi can enjoy meals with others without worry.

Yanagi and Rose are eating delicious fish dishes. Jatayu was surprised to see that little Rose eating so much fish. He tilted his head, wondering where she was going to get in.

Yanagi said that in Alhatross, where there is no sea, seafood is expensive and cannot be eaten normally. In fact, Rose has never eaten seafood in Alhatross. She usually ate river fish and meat, but there was no seafood. She thought it tasted different and delicious.

Miraiya is drinking alcohol brought by the servant. She is in her usual mood and enjoys her drink while savoring Rinka's food. It has a very adult atmosphere. After Darga and Moi finished eating, they said they would return to their room. Rose was worried because Moi seemed sleepy, and Miraiya told Moi to rest early. Somehow, Rose felt like she understood. This was an adult matter anyway. She thinks it's fine as long as those two are happy.

Yanagi laughed as he looked at Rose who had eaten almost everything she wanted. Rose returned to the room with Yanagi, but Miraiya and the others said they still wanted to enjoy the night sea for a while.

"Will Prince Jatayu sneak into Teacher Miraiya’s room again tonight?"

Rose casually asked a question.

"I think he'll sneak in."
"Why? Isn't that a crime?"
"It's not a crime here. It's etiquette, especially between nobles."
"It's kind of strange. What kind of etiquette is it?"
"|It's called a 'night visit'. In this country, a man sneaks into an unmarried woman's room in the middle of the night and fulfills their dreams. I read somewhere that if he succeeds, he can ask her to marry him."
"It's such a troublesome manner. What do you do if women don't like it? Isn't it a disadvantage to women?"
"Not really. Sometimes the woman's family desperately resists. It seems they even have guards and watchdogs in their homes."

Yanagi said as he walked, holding Rose in his arms.

"In Miraiya's case, she kept Rinka by her side."
"Oh, I see. So she's subtly resisting."

Yanagi nodded.

"But earlier, you said they were nobles, right?"
"That's right."
"Is Teacher Miraiya a nobleman? Is she also a nobleman because she's your cousin?"
"Miraiya is an undeniable aristocrat. Her mother is Father's younger sister, and her father was the fourth prince of the Red Fox's royal family. It's in the southwest area, but due to various reasons, she is living in Alhatross. She's registered in the family register as Father's relative."
"I'm not a noble, at least that's what I think of myself. My father is a military man, so he doesn't become a noble. There used to be a noble rank for my father, but he doesn't use it much. My mother is noble, but for women... according to Alhatross tradition, she can't give the rank of nobility to her children. Besides, there are no other nobles in Alhatross anymore, because the royal family all died in the war."
"I see, the country will be in trouble from now on."
"That's right. Once a new king is born, I think the country will be able to manage. It all depends on the Dragon God."

When Rose entered the room, the bathtub was already ready. Jatayu has servants who work well, and the room is stocked with drinks, nightwear, towels, etc. Apparently, if they leave their swimsuits outside the room, a servant will come and pick them up later and wash them. The swimsuits will be clean and ready for use tomorrow morning. They are good servants.

There were two beds in the bedroom, both of which were large. Rose lay down on the bed and seemed to fall asleep immediately. However, she woke up in the middle of the night because of a strange dream. She noticed that Yanagi was not in the bed nearby. However, all the lights were off and it was pitch black. It was cold, so Rose wrapped a blanket over her shoulders and went outside. She saw a lone figure sitting on the sand facing the sea. She thought it looked like Yanagi, so she decided to get closer.

"Rose? Are you awake?"

Rose tried to sit next to Yanagi, but Yanagi pulled Rose onto his lap and made her sit. Her blanket was wrapped around her back and her front. She felt warm.

"What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking at the ocean. The moon is beautiful and I'm just looking at it."

The moon? Come to think of it, there are two moons in this world. Not only the size, but the location is also slightly different. A lot of stars could be seen in the cloudless night sky. It's a beautiful night view. Rose laid her head on Yanagi's chest and listened to his heartbeat. She likes the sound of this heartbeat. Just listen to it and all her worries will disappear.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

Yanagi called out to her kindly.

"It's okay. If it's just a dream, don't be scared."

She looked at the sea in silence for a while and remembered her dream. It was a dream about an event in the capital of Alhatross, and many rumors were going around about them. It was a dream, so Rose had no idea if it was real, but it seemed very real. 

"I'm sorry, Brother."
"Huh? What's the matter? Apologize all of a sudden."
"Because of me, Brother turned into a Demon again in front of many people."

Suddenly, the sound of his heart became stronger. Rose wondered if he was surprised.

"I'm sorry, but it seems that's caused another rumor...I'm really sorry."

Rose burst into tears. She did not finish off the monster summoned by the Morgs, so Yanagi had no choice but to turn into a Demon God and defeat it. Demon Gods are strong but also feared by people because of their strength. Yanagi, who can turn into the form of a Demon God from an early age, had to endure countless hardships.

Yanagi hugged Rose tightly. He sighed and patted Rose's crying head.

"Did you cry for me?"
"I don't care what rumors are about me. I don't care anymore."

Yanagi takes a deep breath to calm himself down.

"But I can't stand that Rose is being talked about all sorts of strange rumors. Miraiya, Mr. Darga, Moi, and Prince Jatayu all knew and tried to do something about it."

Yanagi said in a gentle tone as he wrapped his arms around Rose.

"That's why they brought us here as soon as you woke up."
"I see."
"I don't want to see your sad face. The fact that you cried for me hurts me more than anything... It hurts, Rose."
"I'm sorry."
"No. It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize."

In the dream, people were gossiping. It was the monster's brother who exterminated the Morg's monster. The older brother is a Demon God who is powerful like a monster, and his younger sister is a shining monster girl who dyed the city with blood rain. But the truth is, Rose may really have been a monster. She doesn't know who she is. She is a mysterious creature that does not fit into any race. She also thinks this 'Rose' is 'something' in the shape of a human. And because of her, Yanagi, who doesn't like being a demon in public, became a demon. 


As Rose looked at Yanagi, she said in a low voice.

"Am I a monster?"

Yanagi shocked.

"Who said that?"

Listening to Yanagi's voice, Rose feels extremely murderous. Without a doubt, this was Yanagi's murderous intent, Rose blinked. Her body was shaking from the murderous intent.

"No, that's what I thought sometimes."

The murderous spirit became calmer. It disappears nicely.

"Rose is not a monster. If someone said that, I wouldn't forgive that person."
"Um, yes."
"Don't think about that anymore. Rose is Rose. My dear Rose."
"··Yes, Brother."
"Rose, if we don't have a place to belong, the only way is for the two of us to find a place where nobody knows...where no one knows us..."
"So don't cry anymore, I won't be able to stand it."
"Um, yes."

Rose curled into a ball and wrapped her arms around Yanagi's body, who hugged her tightly. She wants to wash away her painful feelings with her tears. After a while, her anxiety started to subside. She could hear the gentle sound of his heartbeat.

"Have you calmed down?"
"Okay, Rose, we're a pair from now on, so you can call me by my name."

"Huh? Brother Yanagi?"
"Yanagi... is fine."

Yanagi nodded.

"But in front of Father, he'll get angry if I don't include your name with 'Brother'. I have to respect you as my brother."
"In that case, call me 'Brother' in front of other people. When it's just us, call me 'Yanagi'."

Rose laughed.

"Something doesn't feel right."
"Once you get used to it, it won't feel strange."
"Hmm, big brother does say some crazy things after all."
"It's not big brother, it's Yanagi."
"I'm sorry, Yanagi."

Rose smiled.

"Can I kiss you?"


Rose asked.

"Kiss you.. on the lips..."
"If that's what Rose wants...but..."
"If I do that, I won't be able to control myself."
"That's bad."
"Right. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight just thinking about that question."
"We are in trouble. I need to find a healthy solution..."
"A healthy solution, huh..?"

Yanagi smiled bitterly.

"That's right. Let's have a fight. I'll use my whip without the thorns so you don't get hurt."
"I'll win, you know that."
"I won't lose, Yanagi."
"Then challenge me, Rose."
"Whatever you want!"

This was strange, but this is all for a good night's sleep!

Rose moved a few meters away. She took out her whip and tried to keep the dense thorns from coming out. Because she is a rose tree, it is natural to have thorns. Her whip with many thorns is highly lethal. On the other hand, Yanagi's whip is just like a willow tree, supple and heavy. It is so powerful that it can shatter bones if it hits the target properly.

"Come on, Rose!"

Yanagi said as he took out his whip and pointed it at Rose. Rose lowered her whip, and at the same time, Yanagi responded. The sound of whips clashing echoed. It was supposed to be pitch black, but with only the moonlight, they could see the movement of the whip. The sound of the waves drowned out the dry sound of the whips.

Rose spun around while diving and tried to wrap around Yanagi's whip, but Yanagi was still better than her. His hands were also longer on that side, making it almost impossible for her to get close to him. However, somehow, it seems like he's trying to hold back. Otherwise, Rose would be long dead. Still, she didn't want to lose and stiffened her whip into the shape of a club.

If you use a club, you might be able to wrap it around that whip and stop it from moving, Rose thought.


Rose, who doesn't know much about her weapons, has already challenged Yanagi, a level 5 warrior, to a match. In fact, she has no chance of winning. Still, she won't know until she tries. For her own sake, if Yanagi is there to teach her how to fight, she has no choice but to try it!


Rose jumps high and challenges the whirlpool of the whip. Then, Yanagi moved his whip in waves, moving from top to bottom, left to right, leaving no gap.


She enchanted herself. It's too risky since she's wearing a nightgown, but if she doesn't get close to Yanagi, she won't be able to win. So she needs to shorten the distance.


The whip hit her directly. Good thing she had a barrier on. If she doesn't, she'll die. It hurts, a burning pain that shoots from her ribs to back. Even if he cuts back, he won't show mercy. Rinka is right. Yanagi is a well-trained warrior who moves without hesitation.

"Heal! Barrier!"

Rose managed to get back on her feet. Still, she has to rush in!

There was a momentary gap. However, it might be a trap. Still, she thought that was the only option, so she jumped high. While moving, she momentarily brought out another whip with her left hand and quickly hit it, but it was dodged. She's waiting for that move! She shortened the club in her right hand and used it as a sword. Rose's sword-shaped whip was so fast that she thought it would hit Yanagi directly in the head, but...

"Too bad, Rose."

Yanagi blocked Rose's attack with his arm. Rose felt great energy wrap around her arms.


Yanagi stopped his attack and quickly moved his arm to grab her wrist. Then he quickly moved his body forward and placed her other hand on his left hand, causing her to drop her weapon. He moved towards her and quickly hugged her tight. They looked at each other.

"Hmm. I lost."
"I win, right?"
"But you've gotten better at fighting. It's all thanks to Mr. Darga, Rose."
"Yeah. But you are strong."
"You are also strong. If you use magic, I don't know if I can win."

Rose laughs and Yanagi laughs, too.

"Does your back still hurt?"
"A little bit."
"No, it's okay, I added a barrier and recovery magic, so I'll be cured tomorrow."
"I hope it doesn't leave any bruises..."
"If it has bruises, it would be no problem."
"If I damage a woman's skin, people will say a lot of things about me."
"You've already drawn graffiti on my face. What are you going to say now? It's fine as long as it doesn't hurt."
"When you say that, I can’t say anything."

Yanagi smiled bitterly.

"Okay, what are you guys doing here in the middle of the night?"

Rose was startled by the sudden voice. There was Rinka in the form of a cat. Darga was also coming.

"Oh, sorry, I couldn't sleep, so I had to do a training..."
"Well, I was surprised. I suddenly felt a fighting spirit, and when I hurried to see who was fighting, I didn't realize it was Miss Rose and Mr. Yanagi..."
"Ahaha, I’m sorry, Mr. Darga."
"Well, you'll be able to sleep well now, right? It's already midnight, so go to sleep now."
"Keep your responses short and don't stretch them out!"
"Yes, Sir!"
"Okay. Good night."

Darga yawned, lifted his head, and headed back to his room. 


Sorry for disturbing your sleep! Rose thought.

"Now, take a rest."

Rinka said this, but the next moment she turned to the building where Miraiya and Jatayu were staying.

"Oh, no! Miraiya!"

Rinka ran toward the building at high speed and disappeared in a blink.

"What's wrong with Rinka?"
"That must be Prince Jatayu's night visit."
"Oh, I see."

I hope you make it in time, Rinka, Rose thought.

"Okay, let's go to bed."
"Yeah. The blanket is covered in sand. Is that okay?"
"You can use my blanket."

Yanagi put Rose down, picked up the blanket that had fallen on the ground, and brushed off the sand.

"Now, it's all worked out!"

That night, Rose, tired from the battle, slept soundly until morning. Rose doesn't know if Yanagi will be able to sleep or not.

Meanwhile, Jatayu entered Miraiya's room.

"Why are you awake, Miraiya?"

When Jatayu said this, Miraiya was smiling.

"Yes, because it's so noisy, Jatayu."

Jatayu went to the window, looked out the window, and laughed.

"Your cousins are interesting."
"Those two are courageous."
"Yeah, that's right."

Jatayu looked at Miraiya and he smiled. He took a close look at Miraiya's figure illuminated by the moonlight.

"Miraiya, tonight I win. Isn't it okay for you to entrust yourself to me now?"
"Do you believe so?"
"Then do your best, I won't let you sleep until tomorrow...Ouch! It hurts!"


"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Why did you come back, you black cat!"
"I get it! I get it! Don't bite me hurts!"

Jatayu hurriedly left Miraiya's room.

"Oh, that was dangerous."

The black cat Rinka stares at Miraiya with a shocked expression on her face.

"Miraiya, get dressed. You're going to catch a cold."

When Rinka saw Miraiya naked, she was stunned.

"Hehehe, good night."
"Huh, good night."

Jatayu's attempt tonight was also broken due to Rinka's work.