"Wow! It's the ocean!"

Yes! It's the sea.

Rose is on the back of Jatayu's men with Yanagi. The operation to recapture the Dragon God's capital was a success, so as a thank-you party and reward for their hard work, Miraiya gave them a trip overseas.

There are overseas trips in this world too, Rose thought as she looked around. However, traveling abroad was not the norm in this world. The average person can't travel abroad easily because the means of transportation are not well-developed.

"Rose! If you move too much, you'll fall. Hold on tight."

Rose, who was warned by Yanagi, smiled and nodded. Immediately after that battle, she heard from Moi that she apparently fell asleep in Yanagi's arms. After all, Yanagi was a powerful Demon God, so some people said  Rose might have collapsed under that influence.

However, in reality, she had just awakened. Miraiya then explained that she had used up all her power in the battle. The priest of the Dragon God's temple said that because she was small, using that much magical power would put a lot of strain on her body. Since the capital and palace were completely destroyed, they slept in the temple for a while.

However, Rose didn't wake up for a week after that and stayed in bed. When Rose finally woke up, Moi happily cried out to Rose. Yanagi, Darga, the black cat Rinka, and Miraiya were all happy. Rose was relieved that her body was no longer shiny. Her voice also returned to normal. However, a red, oval-shaped bruise appeared on her forehead. No matter what she does, it won't disappear, Moi said.

Come to think of it, what did she feel during the fight? Although she doesn't remember it well, Rose knew it was her body, not anyone else.

She was flying, and Rose thought she was linking to Yanagi and Kagemaru, but actually, she was teleporting. In short, Rose was moved from the top of the hill into the palace instantly. According to Darga, he was surprised when Rose suddenly disappeared. Besides, he was surprised again when Rose suddenly burst through the palace and fought that large mysterious creature.

Darga was the one who told Suzu to give evacuation orders when Rose performed the Bloody Rose technique, dyed the city red with blood rain, and when Yanagi released its power.

Well, it seems like it was difficult. Rose listened as if it were just another person, but in the end, she laughed when Darga patted her head.

Although the capital has been retaken, what will happen to this country that has also lost two generals? Since there is no king, there would be no new general. 


Dragon God, please give us a new king as soon as possible, Rose prayed in her heart thinking the Morg might attack again.

By the way, Darga told her that the five airships Rinka and Miraiya dropped are currently being analyzed by the analysis team, technology team, and Black Ops. She heard from Suzu that Miraiya will probably receive a research request shortly. Also, Kagemaru thanked Rose. He said he could complete his mission because she helped him during the battle.

As expected, the enemy's head in Kagemaru's hands was a Morg general. He seems to have thought of escaping in an airship and getting through the palace, but when all of his planes were dropped by Rinka, he tried to sneak away. However, Rose also heard that he was found by Kagemaru who activated his detector magic and beheaded him. Kagemaru is a high-ranking member of the Black Ops., so it would be almost impossible for the general to escape. He was also told Yanagi if they wanted to join the Black Ops., they could come anytime. However, Yanagi flatly refused. Rose wondered if the Black Ops. were a scary place after all.

By the way, the Black Ops. headquarters is right next to Dalgodas' mansion. Her morning running course always passed by this Black Ops. headquarters. It was quiet and Rose doesn't remember it being a scary place. But, Rose thought again, it would probably feel different from now on.

Rose heard from Moi that the vassals and maids of the palace and the residents of the capital who were turned into magic stones were saved by Miraiya. They were trapped alive, so they came back once the seals were destroyed.

The Black Ops. and the regular armies are currently in the capital searching for enemy forces who have fled and hidden to restore order. Miraiya said she was checking to see if the enemy was still there. The Aotake village's military forces are still on standby throughout the capital.

And there are all kinds of rumors, some of which she doesn't want Rose to hear. Rose doesn't know the details either. So, just in case, Rose and the others go abroad to relieve their fatigue and relax until the rumors subside, Miraiya said. She suggested that all of the Darga team's members go together, but Suzu and Kagemaru, the Black Ops., were very busy, so they declined. So the six people traveling are Rose and Yanagi, Darga and Moi, and Rinka and Miraiya. The destination is the country of Jatayu, a country of islands in the south, the kingdom of Dwipa.

"This is my first time overseas."

Yanagi said in a happyly voice. That's right. Because he was finally able to get out of the village. Under the village rules, freedom is restricted until you reach level 5. So, to meet Rose who was far away, Yanagi desperately climbed from level 3 to level 5 in a short period. He said that even Darga was surprised by his unusual speed. By the way, Darga, who is used to traveling, is happily chatting with Moi on the back of the bird, near Rose and Yanagi's bird. To prevent Moi from falling, Darga firmly supports Moi from behind with his body. Apparently, those two will get engaged after this mission is over. Congratulations!, Rose watches them from a distance.

It was a long journey, so Yanagi talked about many things. In particular, the story about the first time he ate a thunderbird was so funny that Rose almost fell from laughing so hard. Jatayu's subordinate Rey, who carried Rose and Yanagi on his back, also laughed and shook a lot.

Just in case, as a basic knowledge, birds are basically carnivores. Although many birds eat fruits and nuts, most are carnivores. By the way, Jatayu and others are bird people and eat meat.

"Can you see it?"

Rey looked in the direction he was going and saw a large island. It was a beautiful island, with a white sand beach. The sea is so blue and beautiful.

Miraiya suggested that Rose and the others go shopping around there. After the last battle, Rose had somehow grown taller, and her clothes had become tighter. She is now about 1 meter. A year ago, she was only about 40 cm. However, Rose thought she was still a long way off because Yanagi was higher. She secretly wished that she could at least grow to Moi's height. Moi was the smallest among maids in Dalgodas' mansion, standing at about 160 cm. The head maid probably decided she would be a good match for little Rose.

By the way, Darga and Moi went to get the luggage from Miraiya's mansion. They said they brought everything. The two realized they would never return to that mansion again, so they cleaned the room well. By the way, it seems Yanagi left his bag with Moi before the battle. Moi returned the book Rose borrowed to Miraiya's library. Rinka said Rose could borrow it again if she needed it.

By the way, Rose has been training with Miraiya for less than a year, so Miraiya said that if Rose can't move into her parent's house, she should just live in Miraiya's mansion. There is also Miraiya's mother's mansion in the village. Although it was completely abandoned, it seems to be quite spacious. Yanagi also said he would just take Rose on his journey unless Rose was allowed into her parent's house. Rose herself doesn't care about any of it.

But I'm traveling now, so let's enjoy it! , she said, laughing and having fun. 


When Rose said she wanted to go to the capital of Dwipa and get some clothes, Yanagi nodded. The clothes she's wearing now are the shrine maiden clothes she wears in the temple, so it's difficult to move. Since the capital was burnt, not a single store was safe. Therefore, since she had no other clothes, she had no choice but to wear what she had. The clothes she brought were unusable, so they were all disposed of on Miraiya's orders. The lighter her load, the better, she was told.

Rose and the others landed on Padi Island, the capital of the Kingdom of Dwipa. Rose was surprised when the Jatayu and the others changed into human forms. His appearance was almost the same as that of a normal person. However, their heels and feet are shaped like birds. Jatayu is a very dignified, handsome man with a wild appearance. He has a brightly colored breastplate on his chest. By the looks of it, Rose thought he was a man of considerable status. His upper body is unclothed; he wears shorts and a cloth around his waist. The three subordinates were dressed similarly but without any flashy decorations. However, they are wearing necklaces. Rey, who carried Rose and the others, was also still young.

Rose was grateful to Rey for letting her ride on his back for a few hours. Thank you, Rey! said Rose in a cheerful voice. Ray laughed and nodded.

Jatayu decided to have lunch with 10 people, so he decided to go to a restaurant. At that place, they can enjoy a meal while enjoying the beautiful scenery, surrounded by the beautiful sea. Because it's by the sea, they can eat a lot of seafood, and for Moi, who doesn't eat much meat, some exquisite dishes use plenty of nuts and fruits.

The dishes that were brought out one after another all looked very delicious. Even Moi's eyes widened at the tropical fruit and nut dishes served, and she began eating with a surprised look. The food and drinks are very brightly colored and fill the desk.

"We eat with our hands here."

Jatayu taught Rose and the others the manners of the country. Rose thought it was a similar method since she often ate by bare hand at the Dalgodas' mansion. She washed her hands as instructed and then sat down.

"Let's eat!"

Rose put a large shrimp in her hands and ate it. Very delicious! It was so plump, she said as she ate it with sparkling eyes.

"Is it delicious?"

When Jatayu asked her, she answered, "Yes!". Jatayu smiled happily and nodded.

Moi also seems to be eating very deliciously and sometimes checks the ingredients of the food in detail. She looks like she wants to make one herself someday. She savores each bite, and when she puts it into her mouth, she looks happy. Darga couldn't help but laugh when he saw this.

Yanagi also looks delicious as he eats grilled fish wrapped in leaves. The dish looks very spicy, but give Rose a bite to taste it. He placed a large fish on Rose's plate. Spicy!, said Rose. She got some spice around her mouth, and Willow laughed as he cleaned it up.

This grilled fish was very delicious. Although it was spicy, it wasn't too spicy. Rey said that you can adjust the spiciness. A red paste-like substance was on the desk, and Rose was told it was used to adjust the spiciness. Miraiya suggested Rose put it on when she wanted it to be spicier. When Rose tried a little of the paste, her mouth became so hot that tears came to her eyes. She hurriedly drank the cold juice to wash away the spiciness on her tongue.

After a pleasant meal, they went out into town. Yes, the purpose was to buy clothes. She said that if she didn't have the perfect size, Jatayu could have his maids make one. He further explained that the maids were usually free because he lived alone.

When they went to the lively downtown area, there were so many different shops that Rose and Moi couldn't believe their eyes. Escodria also has lively places like this, but this one is even more lively than Escodria. It's safe, the town is clean, and every corner is well-maintained.

Their first priority was to buy clothes for Rose, and after going to various stores, they finally found one that Rose liked. Some of Dwipa's bird people are small in stature, so they have quite a variety of clothes of that type. The colors ranged from bright to elegant hues, and it took her quite a while to choose. While the women shop, the men take a break at a nearby store and have various conversations. Shopping for women takes time no matter where you are in the world. It usually takes more than an hour to finish shopping.

After shopping for Rose's clothes, Miraiya said she wanted to buy a swimsuit. Since none of Rose and the other six had swimsuits, they decided to go to a store recommended by Miraiya. Rose and Moi were surprised to see many swimsuits, ranging from plain to extreme styles.

Darga seems to be concerned about which swimsuit Moi will choose, but he ends up being dragged by Yanagi to the men's section. Apparently, the women's swimwear section was too stimulating for Darga.

Rose's breasts weren't very developed, so she wore a cute swimsuit. She doesn't look childish but is blue with frills and a white ribbon on her chest looks good on her. White stripes around her waist gave her a slightly more mature look. Apparently, Miraiya and Rinka are in the bikini section. Moi also received a lot of advice from Miraiya before she chose a swimsuit. Rose said she was looking forward to seeing what swimsuits everyone bought, as she put her favorite swimsuits into the shopping cart.

They decided to stay at Jatayu's mansion that afternoon. Jatayu said they were going to their destination tomorrow, but it would be dangerous because it would be very dark after sunset. Jatayu's mansion is spacious and the garden is large. Rey and the others were living in a building near the mansion. Apparently, Jatayu is the second prince of this country's royal family. Those three people usually serve as the prince's attendants and bodyguards. It is their role to work with the prince every day. That's a lot of work, Rose thought as she looked at them. It must have been their duty to come to the battlefield. Rose learned from Rinka that Jatayu is a close friend of Miraiya and her from a long time ago. But Rose thought he was too close to Miraiya and worried about Rinka's sighing words, saying he was a source of trouble for her.

When they enter the mansion, they see very high ceilings and colorful decorations on the walls. However, it has an excellent color and is beautiful. The maids brought Rose and others warm water and washed their feet. In this country, a tradition forbids people to put shoes inside buildings. That's why there is a place at the entrance where they can leave their shoes and wash their feet.

After washing their feet, they were led into a hall. A carpet is spread in the hall. There were some large pillow-like things on the carpet. Maybe that's a place to sit, Rose thought. There was a low table in the middle. There are vases containing flowers around the sitting area. Also, the light in this mansion was a magic lamp invented by Miraiya.

"No matter how you look at it, Rose is just a child."

Jatayu looked at Rose with a smile.


Rose looked at Jatayu and tilted her head.

"Huh? So you say you are not a child?"
"I don't understand the meaning."

Rose shook her head.

"Well, isn't that fine? Rose is Rose."

Miraiya laughed while looking at Rose who was confused.

"In terms of age, it's almost your second birthday."

Rinka also participated in the discussion.

"Two years old, you're still young."

Jatayu said, looking directly at Rose. When Jatayu thought about it, it was impossible.

"Although she's young, she's definitely capable and strong. She can see through that object, an airship, which made the battle easier."

Rinka said as she took the drink from the table.

"She has good analytical skills. If Rose wants to join the analysis team, I'm sure she'll get a seat for her right away."
"That's amazing. If she were a little older, I could give her a job as my aide..."

Jatayu said with a laugh at Miraiya's words.


Yanagi answered immediately.

"Oh, she has a scary older brother, so please don’t say too much about Rose, Jatayu."
"Right. Sorry, Rose."

Jatayu apologized and Rose nodded.

"Ah, no. It's okay."

When Rose said that, Yanagi put his arm around Rose's back. It was as if he were claiming that Rose was his.

"Let's have dinner soon!"

Jatayu clapped his hands and gave orders to prepare food. After a while, the kitchen staff and maids brought out various dishes. A large table was set up for them and a sumptuous meal was prepared. Also, a delicious-looking vegetable and nut dish was prepared for Moi, which was different from the daytime one. The table was full of grilled meat, fish, bread, and fruit, all of which looked delicious.

"Well, once again, welcome to the Kingdom of Dwipa! Cheers to friendship!"

Jatayu raised his glass and everyone celebrated. Liquor and juice were served one after another, making for a hilarious dinner that kept everyone laughing. Also, Darga doesn't miss Moi's happy face. Moi is eating the food with relish, savoring every bite.

Rose is still eating as much as ever. The sauce got all over her face, so Yanagi had to clean her face.

After the meal, they relaxed and listened to live music in the courtyard.

Rose realized that she hadn't listened to much music since she came into this world. She couldn't help but wonder if music was developed differently depending on the region.

While she was listening to music, a maid appeared and said her bath was ready. Rose and the others were led to a large bathroom. There are women's and men's rooms, each with a different design. It feels so good to be in the warm water. Seeing the nice bodies of the adults in front of her, Rose secretly wished that someday she too would have a nice body like theirs.

Moi and Miraiya have quite large breasts. Compared to Miraiya, Rinka has a slightly smaller chest but a well-balanced slender body. As expected, her body has been trained well.

"Rose, what are you looking at?"
"Hmm, you have big breasts, Teacher. I was jealous."
"Ah, Rose, what a cute girl♪ Eventually, you will grow up too. Just drink milk every day."
"Does milk make your breasts bigger?"
"That's right. Well, I think I'll record your growth data in detail. As a research subject..."

Miraiya is laughing and looking at Rose's face.

"Miraiya, stop it. Yanagi will kill you."
"That stone head..."

When Rinka said this, Miraiya also nodded.

"Umm...is Brother really that scary?"
"Well, it depends. If someone attacks him, no mercy will be given."

When Rinka answered, Miraiya also nodded.

"Does he get attacked often?"
"He has a lot of struggles, like people wanting to test his skills because he’s strong and people jealous at a higher level's man."
"Oh, Brother is in trouble."
"But now there will be no one to fight with."

Rinka said as she poured hot water over her body.

"Yanagi only looks so happy when he's with Rose."
"Um, but he seems happy even with Brother Keyaki."
"Well, they're close brothers. But they're still different."
"I see."
"But I can only say this. For Yanagi's sake, Rose, you need to hone your skills even more. If something happened to you while Yanagi was gone, it would be a big problem."
"I could still handle him until about a year ago, but now that he has become a complete Demon God, I wonder if I can stop him..."

As Rinka said this, she got up from the bathtub and sat on the edge of it.

"That's right. In that battle, I realized clearly. The strength of a Demon God is incredible."

Miraiya said while pouring hot water on her body.

"Who is stronger, Father or Brother?"
"Well, they're about the same, aren't they? They're parent and child."

When Miraiya said this, Rinka also nodded.

"Yanagi is younger in age, so he has more physical strength. But Lord Dalgodas, who has more experience, is much better."
"But Rose is also strong, so if you want to pair up with Yanagi, I think you can do it."
"Do I have to have a level appraisal before becoming a pair?"
"I don't know, normally people take an appraisal. But they can partner with anyone as long as they're level 5 or higher. Also, women aren't required to take an appraisal that much. Those who become warriors were different, they need an appraisal.''
"That's right."
"Rose, do you want to become a warrior?"
"Hmm, I don't know."
"You should think about it slowly."
"Yes, I will."
"By the way, I think it's time to go up. Moi's face is already turning red."

When Moi fell into the hot water, Miraiya hurriedly called the maid and asked for water to rehydrate her. When Moi recovered, they changed into what appeared to be ethnic costumes and left the bathroom.

When the female group left the bathroom, they joined the male group. They are already relaxing in the large living room, enjoying drinks. The conversation was lively in the peaceful atmosphere, and laughter could sometimes be heard. When Rose and the others enter the living room, Yanagi, Darga, and Jatayu wear matching outfits in different colors. Surprisingly, Rose thought it looked great on them. The barley skin of Yanagi looks very tropical. Come to think of it, this was the first time Rose had seen Yanagi's naked upper body. Rose glanced at Yanagi, hoping he wouldn't notice her.

"Rose, are you okay?"

Yanagi noticed and called out to Rose.

"Ah, no. When I see you dressed differently, I sometimes think you are really my brother or not."

When Rose said this in a panic, Yanagi laughed.

"Rose is cute, too. Even in a flower-print clothes."
"Thank you. Brother looks good too."

Yanagi reached out and took her hand, making her sit near him. Darga was so mesmerized by Moi's appearance that he couldn't even blink or say a word for a while. Darga froze for a long time until he was called out to by Moi. What an easy-to-understand man he is, Rose looked at Darga with an astonished face.

Miraiya sat next to Jatayu, and Rinka sat next to Miraiya. A maid offered Rose hot milk. Rose drank slowly and she felt her body warm up.

Adults are talking about adults. Apparently, Jatayu was bitten by Rinka in the form of a cat. He snuck into Miraiya's room in the middle of the night and hilariously told them he was exterminated by Rinka, who was sleeping on Miraiya's bed. Oh well, he said with a laugh. It was still a long night for the adults, but Rose had reached the limit of her sleepiness and after drinking all the milk, she fell asleep next to Yanagi.