"Captain! Suzu! Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Rose ran closer.

"Are you feeling okay, Rose?"
"Yes, I do!"
"Okay, it looks like the enemy has noticed our location. Let's head over and shoot!"
"Yes, Sir!"

As Darga said, multiple Morg soldiers are climbing the hill, aiming for their place. There were dozens of them. The Morg people look like normal people but have markings on their backs. Their eyes are red. However, compared to the Demon God, it was a different color of red. The Demon God's eyes were bright red, but Morg's were red-brown.

Those soldiers had some varieties of weapons, but most of the ones that tried to attack Rose and the others were things like bows and swords. Rose and the others must protect Suzu and support Yanagi and the others safely into the palace. It's quite a difficult job.

"Rose, leave me the left!"
"Yes, Sir!"

Meanwhile, Suzu is communicating with Miraiya and instructs her to destroy the stone-generating magic circle carved into the ground from above. Meanwhile, Rinka is dropping airships one after another. Jatayu's quick movements and Rinka's efficient movements led to tremendous results, and four planes had already fallen to the ground. The remaining one is desperately resisting. Although it desperately tried to intercept it, it was no match for Rinka's speed and crashed into the ground. On the other hand, Miraiya, who fired area magic many times from Jatayu's back, switched places with Rinka, who returned to Jatayu's back again. Miraiya, sitting in front of Rinka, fired magic over a wide area, destroying the enemy's magic circle one after another.

(Suzu, now!)

When Miraiya gave instructions, Suzu nodded.

"All armies, start assaulting!"

At Suzu's command, all of the allies moved together. The moment they hear their dignified voices, they let out a loud voice, and the voices of allied forces are heard throughout, attacking the enemy forces. Rose could hear the sounds of weapons clashing, screams, and cries.

Meanwhile, enemy forces surrounding Rose also appear. Apparently, she thought, this was where the commander was. The captain took on more than a dozen enemy troops without any problems. Since Suzu can't protect herself while using her ability, it falls to Rose to protect Suzu.


Rose then summoned her own whip full of thorns. This is Rose's second time dealing with a "person", but she has never killed one. She doesn't want to kill anyone if possible, but if she didn't resist she would be killed. She has to turn her heart into evil and protect the lives she needs to protect. Besides, this is a battlefield, so it's not a kind place. 


Thinking that the Morg soldiers were monkeys, Rose attacked them with a combination of area magic and whip, then annihilated the attacking enemies. The soldiers who came after were skewered from below the ground with a long-range rose branch, preventing them from getting close to Suzu. Looking at Suzu, Rose sees that even in this situation, she still gives instructions and communicates information. Rose thinks she's an amazing person after all.

"Rose, it's time to support Kagemaru and the others. They're almost in sight of the palace."
"Yes, Sir!"

Darga said that as he came next to Rose and took a stance. Rose nodded, but she didn't know how.

She wondered if thinking strongly about Yanagi would be a good idea if things were like that time. 


Yanagi...Kagemaru...I feel strongly...strongly...I think from the bottom of my heart.., Rose thought.


Rose heard Yanagi's voice in her head. Strangely enough, she can see what Yanagi sees in her head, perhaps it's the scenery he is looking at now.


Rose said happily.

"We are linked!"

(Oh, Rose. This is Kagemaru. I was able to link you.)

Link! The second link was successful, too! Moreover, they are both connected. Yay!, Rose gained confidence.

However, this is still the best it can do, but compared to a bell that communicates with dozens, maybe hundreds, of people, it's nowhere near as good. That's what Rose thought as she looked at Suzu for a moment.

"How are you there?"

(No problem. But there is a strange barrier around the palace. If we don't remove it, we can't go inside.)
"Let me see, Brother."
(How to do it?)

What Yanagi sees enters Rose's head. As she looked, it felt like something she had seen before. It was in the book, she thought. Maybe a magician is hiding nearby. That technique was applied from outside.

"Brother, there's definitely someone hiding nearby. That's a spell cast from outside. It could be a trap, so be careful."
(Ah. Thank you, Rose)

Then, Kagemaru heard it and activated his detector magic. This is to expose those who are hiding. As if he had discovered something, he quickly moved to the suspicious place and killed an enemy magician. Then, the barrier was lifted and the gate to the palace was visible.


Rose activated the spell while thinking of them, and it was successful.

(That's amazing. She also put up a barrier)
(Yeah. I don't feel like losing with this battle, Kagemaru)

Yanagi said happily.

(Yeah, she's a reliable little sister. Please join the Black Ops...)

Before Kagemaru finished speaking, he felt something coming.

"Both of you, let's talk about that later. The enemy is coming."

Rose warned, and Kagemaru nodded.

(Right. Let's go, Yanagi)

The two of them cut through one enemy after another and approached the entrance to the palace. Rose could see the bodies of enemy soldiers who had been slashed to death. However, their movements were really vivid. As expected of two high-ranking warriors.


Rose healed two people and also put up barriers. The two entered through the entrance and saw a view of the palace. It's quiet and there are no enemies. There were no vassals, maids, or servants working in the palace. There are no enemy soldiers either. Something is wrong. Even though there were so many soldiers outside, not any of the enemy soldiers were inside the palace. Rose was wary, thinking it might be a trap.

"Be careful, Brother. It could be a trap."
(Yeah. That's creepy. Is there really a general here?)

Yanagi said this as he moved forward.

(Applies detection magic)

Kagemaru activated his magic but found that there were no ambush soldiers.

(As expected, there are no enemies in this room.)
(Let's move on to the next room!)

At that moment, enemy soldiers appeared near Rose. The link broke instantly, and she thought of moving to defense, but Darga was faster.

"Continue support! I'll protect this place! Concentrate on them!"
"Yes, Sir"

When Rose glanced at Suzu, she saw that her face had not changed, and she didn't move. Rose thinks it's an incredible amount of concentration.

She regained her composure and sent a link to Yanagi and Kagemaru.

(What happened, Rose?)

Yanagi asked worriedly.

"Sorry, I was attacked, but the captain protected me. There's no problem now. Let's continue."
(Okay. I'm heading to the king's hall now)

Yanagi said with a relieved look.

(Yanagi, wait. There is someone there.)

Kagemaru quickly stopped moving. He readied himself and began to move towards what appeared to be a figure. In the middle of the hall were three palace servants. Their hands and feet were bound, and their mouth was stuffed with cloth. They were still alive and trying their hardest to make a case for something. As Yanagi and Kagemaru approached carefully, they noticed something.

In the next moment, everything around them exploded, and all three of them who were tied up probably lost their life. What a cruel thing! , Rose felt angry.

Meanwhile, Yanagi and Kagemaru escape from the explosion. However, unfortunately, they landed on a floor full of traps. Also, magic circles were set up tightly around it.

(This isn't good)
(Oh, if we make a mistake, we will explode, too)

The two seemed to be in trouble.

(There are many ways to disable it)
(Wouldn't the magic activate if I put something on top of it? How about ice?)
(That's a possibility. But I can't use water attribute magic.)
(I can't either)

Yanagi and Kagemaru looked around and considered various things.

"I can."

Rose thought that if support magic could be delivered, attack magic might also be delivered. Concentrate and notice the room, Rose thought. The room that Yanagi saw was an actual room. She recognized the space in the room and thought to herself, imagining some ice magic on that floor. 


But she needs water.

“Brother, is there any water there?”
(I don't have it at hand, but there is a fountain nearby)

Yanagi answered, moving slowly.

"Look at that fountain properly. It will activate from there, so be careful. When it activates, jump high. It may take a while to harden, so please wait a bit in the air."

Rose is giving instructions and thinking about various things.

(Roger that)
"I've never done it before, so if I fail, I'm sorry."

Rose thought that if she apologized first, the feeling of apologizing would be completely different if she made a mistake.

(Oh, no problem)
"Let's go."

Rose cast a spell. She became acutely aware of the room where Yanagi was in her head.


Fountains, water flowing...she tries to feel the vibrations. She can feel the great magical power coming from every corner of her body, flowing through her thoughts. 


Uncontrollable magical power along with her spell, transcended her dimensions and rode her thoughts into the palace.

Normally, it would turn to ice, but even if you think it's reckless to cast magic somewhere else over a long distance, it's necessary right now. The image that Yanagi saw entered her head, and she imagined the floor of the room was covered in ice. Rose thinks that she must at least create a path that can be seen from here to the throne room, and continues to use her magic with all her strength.

(That's amazing, Rose)
(Oh, that's really amazing)
(Now I have a foothold! Thank you, Rose!)

Rose heard Kagemaru's voice sounding happy. At the same time, Rose became exhausted and could no longer see her surroundings. She could faintly hear Darga's voice and Suzu's voice. However, it was a white and empty space. It's completely white, Rose thought.

"Where is here?"

It feels like that time. But this time, Rose knows what she is doing. But apart from herself, there is nothing and no one around. If she listened closely, she could hear Suzu. She could also hear Darga's voice. However, she couldn't hear Yanagi's voice.

She could hear the sounds of battle all around her. She could hear the clash of weapons, the sounds of explosions, the cries of those who had lost their lives, and the voices of those who had taken their lives. This is a battlefield. And Rose knows what she is doing here.

"I have to go back."
"To where?"

Rose heard a strange voice.

"To everyone."
"Because there are people who need me."
"Why do you think so?"
"Brother Yanagi said he needed me. He said he believed in me. That's why I have to go back to him."
"What can you do?"
"I want to protect the people I care about. No matter what, I'm told I can do it. It doesn't make sense, but I want to put everything I have into my thoughts and protect them."
"Is he the child of the Demon God?"
"Yes, he is."
"In that case, go daughter of the Dragon God. I'll see you again when the time comes."

With those words, Rose returned to her original world. It looks like she fell down near Suzu. Darga rushed over to see Rose.

"Is she okay? She suddenly fell down, and I saw lights all over her body, so I wondered what had happened."


Suzu feels worried.

(That's an awakening.)

Rose heard Miraiya's voice from inside the mirror.

"What?! She's having an awakening in a place like this?!"

Suzu communicated with Miraiya.

(Yes, it seems like that. If there are no problems, please continue to monitor the situation on the battlefield.)

Suzu looked at Rose and confirmed. Then she took her breath and returned to concentration.

"It's okay... Captain..."

Rose thought her voice sounded strange.

Her body is strange too.

It's very light...and dazzling.

Darga watches her silently. However, Rose cannot afford to worry about such things. She linked to Yanagi and Kagemaru again. She closed her eyes and decided to think hard. For some reason, it went much smoother this time. She can create a link right away just by thinking about it, and it's fast. When she opened her eyes, those two were right near her.

What Rose saw was Yanagi and Kagemaru fighting something big on the throne. Even if the two worked together to attack, their attack had no effect.

The enemy is a human-like creature with what looks like a lizard's tail attached to its back. The feet were also shaped like animals, and Rose thought they looked like the feet of a dinosaur she had seen in her previous life. It also has large claws on its hands, making it a very creepy creature. Moreover, it can shoot magic from its mouth, making it a strong enemy.

The two struggling men tried various techniques but to no avail. It may have a high defense against physical attacks or a strong barrier.

One swing of its tail hit Kagemaru and slammed him against the wall. Kagemaru collapses in an instant. When he tried to sit up quickly, a large amount of blood came out of his mouth. It was internal bleeding, Rose realized instantly.


Rose cast a recovery spell on Kagemaru. Stop the bleeding and let the healing energy flow. Meanwhile, Yanagi is desperately fighting alone.


She noticed. Now, the image shows Yanagi, but it's different. She can see Kagemaru, and clearly see Yanagi as well. By the way, she can see the entire room, 360 degrees. What a strange feeling, thought Rose. It's like she's in this palace with these two.

She managed to stop the bleeding for now. She cast a recovery spell and attached a barrier. Kagemaru's pained face returned to normal again. His eyes open and he looks at Rose, his mouth opening in shock.

"Rose...? Why are you here? What happened to your body?"

What is he saying? She's bound to help, she thought, tilting her head.

"Assist you."

The voice is still strange. Rose thought she might have used too much force and caught a cold.

Now that Kagemaru is feeling better, she must support Yanagi, who is having a tough time, Rose looked at Yanagi and extended her hand.

"Barrier! ”

When she cast that spell, Yanagi looked surprised. However, at that moment, the enemy attacked.

Rose said it's no good to look elsewhere while fighting and cast 'Barrier' again to support Yanagi.

But the enemy will come again. Involuntarily, Rose also took a stance and protected Yanagi. However, the enemy's attacks don't hurt her at all. Why is everyone struggling with such a weak enemy? , Rose tilted her head again, moving towards her front.

"Rose? Rose, why are you here?"
"Yanagi, leave that behind! The enemy will unleash another spell!"

Kagemaru has arrived. Meanwhile, Rose put up a big barrier. She recovered Yanagi's body, injecting her energy and making him healthy again.


The enemy's magic was repelled by Rose's barrier magic, destroying the roof and walls of the palace. However, perhaps because it interfered with her recovery, Rose felt disgusted. She got angry and cast a large fireball spell.

"Fire Ball!"

When she released her magic, the enemy broke through the wall and was sent out of the palace. Rose flew after it.

She felt like her body was so light.

She feels like she is flying. 


No, she might be flying. Wow, how real it felt, Rose thought.

Huh? Yanagi and Kagemaru are also behind her. So whose video is this? , Rose tilted her head.

She doesn't know if she saw it herself or if it was someone else's footage.

She doesn't know, but she has to defeat that big guy anyway, Rose thought.

She looks up at the sky and can see Jatayu which Rinka and Miraiya are riding on. When she looks down, she can see enemies and allies. Both friends and foes looked up, their faces filled with fear and surprise. 


Are they still scared of this monster? Rose thought. 


Its tail moved from side to side, sweeping away many soldiers and trampling them with its feet. It was dangerous, Rose thought, and she had to stop him.

Even the enemy forces are being sacrificed. The enemy probably never thought they would be sacrificed by that 'something' they had summoned. Anyway, she has to stop it. Rose lands and puts her hands on the ground.

"Bind Rose."

It's still a strange voice. She'll see the doctor later, she thought. Multiple large branches emerged from the ground and quickly grabbed the prey, binding them by digging into them. Painful thorns pierce the creature's body, stopping its resistance.

"Bloody Rose."

Rose unleashed her most powerful Rose Branch technique, pacifying her opponent. Large, sharp thorns pierced its body, and blood rained like scattered red rose petals. However, it was still alive and was releasing a magic beam from its mouth. What a strong enemy. Seeing this, both enemy and allied soldiers ran away.

"Brother...the final blow..."

Yanagi understood Rose's words and stood close to Rose, releasing powers with all his might.

It was the moment when Yanagi became a Demon God.

A tremendous force enveloped the area, and the Morg soldiers fled from the area, realizing that they had no chance of winning. Some of the soldiers were faced with such a terrifying scene that they gave up and ran away. Some people shouted that it was the Dragon God's haunting, and the battlefield became chaotic. The villagers followed Suzu's orders and distanced themselves from Rose and Yanagi. Rose could hear Suzu's commands faintly in her head.

"Everyone evacuate! Hurry!"

Suzu strongly ordered. Rinka and Miraiya also left the scene. With this, she can deal the final blow to her heart's content. Rose thought she should pray that none of her friends would get caught up in this.

Kagemaru followed Suzu's instructions and quickly evacuated. He kept looking at Rose and Yanagi with the same expressionless face. This must be an unusual sight, Rose thought.

Yanagi tried to release a power so great that Rose couldn't express it in words, but something was missing. Rose thought Yanagi needed more power than this and flew towards him. Rose thought it was probably because he used too much power in the last battle. Rose touched Yanagi's shoulders with both hands and entrusted all her strength to him.

I want to help, I want to fight together, my body and soul are with Yanagi! Rose thought.


The power of the Demon God was released with tremendous energy. The ground was shaking and the pressure was probably felt by everyone there. Some people even fainted due to the tremendous force. Yanagi became a Demon God and his green eyes turned to bright-red eyes. He looked at Rose and smiled. Then he ran towards the monster stuck in the rose branch and climbed up at high speed. Then he jumped high near the top and drew his sword. Channeling all his energy into his sword, he readied himself to deliver the final blow to his enemy.


"Let's go!"

As if resonating with the two voices released simultaneously, many voices from their allies could also be heard.

Yanagi's sword pierced the giant monster's head, then cut it in two with tremendous force!


The joy of victory could be heard on the field. The defeated Morg soldiers threw down their weapons, placed their hands on their heads, and surrendered. Some allied soldiers began to dance as if to express their joy. Before she knew it, the head of what appeared to be the enemy general was in Kagemaru's hands. 


The Black Ops. is scary after all, thought Rose. She had no idea when he took that head off. It may be that when the general tried to run away under the cover of the crowd, Kagemaru noticed and cut him down.

Exhausted, Rose sat down on the ground. Then, Yanagi rushed to Rose, picked her up, and hugged her gently.

It's Yanagi with a normal face. He had those gentle green eyes. He smiled kindly. Rose looked at her favorite Yanagi with a smile.

"You did it...Brother."

Her voice still sounds weird. Her body still seems to be glowing.

"Thanks to you, Rose."

Yanagi answered kindly and looked at Rose's face.

"Did I... pass... as a pair?"

Rose's voice returned to normal.

"You have already passed the exam."
"So, it was good··."

Yanagi kissed Rose on the cheek. And in that moment, Rose lost all her strength. Her body felt heavy, things looked blurry, and her eyelids became heavy. Rose closed her eyes on Yanagi's chest. She could hear his heartbeat and she felt very comfortable. And then, she fell asleep.