"The capital of Alhatross, the Dragon God's Miyako City, has been attacked!"

Miraiya said so. Darga and Rose couldn't help but be surprised by this shocking information.

"Oh, no!"

Both Rose and Darga were surprised.

"It's true. The Morg soldiers suddenly appeared in the air, and the capital was attacked by surprise. Instantly, the situation turned into the worst, and the capital fell."

Miraiya sat down on the carpet in the living room, followed by Rose and Darga.

"What about the five generals?"

Darga asked.

"They are now retreating and preparing their forces. I heard that the third and fifth generals lost their lives in the battle the other day."
"That's so..."
"So, we will join the operation to retake the capital tomorrow. We received word that Yanagi will join us at the port of Escodria tomorrow. Rose will join Darga's team with Yanagi."

Miraiya said that while looking at Rose.

"I feel sorry for you since you're not a military man or anything, but I decided to take part in the recapture operation as part of my graduation exam, so please understand that."
"Yes, Teacher."

Rose nodded. Darga looked at Miraiya in disbelief, wondering if she was sending this small child to war.

"Darga is the captain. Rinka and I act separately."

This is an order. He has to go prepare for battle starting tomorrow. Leaving Moi behind...

That's right, about that snake...Darga pulled something out of his pocket.

"Miss Miraiya, I want to report about the snake that attacked Miss Moi yesterday."
"I found a magic paper like this, but the snake was not there."
Darga brought out something that looked like magic paper. Miraiya took it and looked at it carefully.

"This is the magic paper used by the Morgs. And it's quite malicious."
"What do you mean?"
"This is probably the magic paper used in the previous attack. It was blown away by the wind and flew all the way here. If it is near someone with magical power, it will take that person's magical power and activate it. It's designed to do this. Once the deadly poison enters the body, it is broken and the snake disappears. It's no wonder that the capital fell because of this. Thanks for reporting it. I'll think of a countermeasure."
"It's my job."

That solved my question, Darga thought. He thought it was strange that she was bitten by a snake and the snake itself wasn't there. Instantly, Darga felt extremely angry.

His anger will subside unless he repays the Morgs who have tormented Moi.

"Um, Teacher··."

Rose asked in a small voice.

"Yes, dear?"

Miraiya looked at Rose and she nodded.

"Why does Rinka go to the battlefield, too?"
"Huh? Don't you know?"

Rose looked troubled and tilted her head to the side.

"I always act like a cat in front of her, and yeah, naturally, she doesn't know me. I'm sorry."

Rinka changed into a human form, and when Rose saw her, her mouth dropped open. Darga smiled bitterly, thinking that Rose must have been quite surprised.

"This is my true form, but I'm just a cat because it's easier to live as a cat."
"Yes, I heard from Lord Dalgodas that Miss Rinka is so beautiful, so people around her are fascinated by her beauty and have trouble getting work done."

Darga added, and Rinka exhaled through her nose, "Hmph!" Miraiya laughed, thinking that she had already become a cat.

"Well, I'll make dinner tonight. We'll be leaving on the earliest ship tomorrow, so rest early today."

When Rinka said this, Darga raised his hand.

“What about Miss Moi?”
"Tomorrow I'll ask the villagers to take care of her while I'm away."

Miraiya answered Darga's question. Well, that's safe, Darga thought.

"Okay, I'll come back later to deliver the food."
"Oh, I'll go get it."
"Oh, really? Then pick it up later."

Darga nodded. Miraiya and Linka got up and left the detached mansion.

That night, Darga and the others ate the meal Rinka had made and sorted their belongings. Darga tells Rose that since she's going to war, she should leave behind all the unnecessary things and only bring what she can wear.

It's hard to understand Miraiya's idea of taking such a small child to war and sending her out as a warrior, but it's also true that the situation is not good right now. If it is not recaptured quickly, chaos will spread and a unified counterattack will not be possible. Dalga thought that perhaps Dalgodas had moved too.

Moi hasn't been feeling well since dinner. She lays in her bed without eating the food served to her. Darga could hear her crying sometimes, but was she still in pain? Darga made a troubled face.

Darga took care of his weapons and armor and stopped thinking about Moi. However, Rose keeps watching Darga.

"What happened?"
"I have something to talk about."
"Yes, what is it?"
"It's not good here. Let's go outside for a while."

While saying that, Rose took Darga's hand and went outside. It's already dark outside. Still, Rose continues to walk further away from the mansion.

"What's wrong, Miss Rose?"
"Mr. Darga, what do you think about Moi?"

Darga was confused by the sudden question.

"What do you mean?"
"Do you like her, don’t like her, or don’t have any feelings in particular?"

How should I answer? Darga looked troubled and scratched his head.

"Does that have anything to do with her crying now?"
"Can you tell me, why?"

If you don't know the first thing, you won't know how to answer, Darga thought. Rose sighed, squats down on the ground, and answered in a low voice.

"Moi lost her fiance in the war a long time ago."

He didn't know. Darga wondered if there was such a sad past behind that smile.

"I think that's why when war breaks out, old memories, those sad memories, come back. I think she probably heard our conversation and became very sad."
"That's why··."
"I understand."
"Mr. Darga is the only one who can save Moi's heart."
"Huh? Why... me?"

Rose sighed. Darga thought he felt like he was being blamed because of his position.

"You are a dull man."

Rose looked at Darga and looked stunned.

"What does that mean?"

Darga thought it was kind of disgusting. However, that may be true.

"Why don't you notice? We're together every day, how come you don't notice that much?"
"Even as a child, I can tell that Moi likes you. But I couldn't tell you. Partly because of my position, but..."
"I don't have any experience with that, so I don't know."
"Even anyone who saw you could tell that you liked Moi. And she realized you liked her, but I also understand she can't say it out loud."

Darga was surprised when he heard Rose's words.

"Hmm, if I may be like Miss Moi. But maybe it was just a temporary feeling."
"If we continue to go to war without doing something, Moi will be broken. Sending me and you to the battlefield is too much of a burden for Moi. If she gets caught between anxiety and the past, she will no longer be the same Moi she was."

Who is this kid? Darga looks at Rose and wonders how she can say such a thing.

"I understand this thing well, Mr. Darga."
"It's hard to answer. But I think how happy would be if people had mutual feelings, and could honestly talk and respond to each other through those feelings."

Rose stood up and looked up at the dark sky.

"Unlike me and Brother Yanagi, Mr. Darga and Moi can respond through each other's hearts."

After a while, she said quietly, holding back her tears.

"I know what I think and what Brother Yanagi thinks. I know, but I can't respond. We're brothers. Even though we're not related by blood, as long as we're brothers, we are not permitted to do more than brothers. I am painfully aware that I cannot be forgiven. That is why, as brothers, I have decided to act until the day I die, through our hearts. Even though I want him to be by my side and love me, there is nothing I can do. We are doing our best to hold back and control ourselves. My brother and I both understand that. Because we are connected in our hearts. Ever since we first met, we understand that we need each other. But I always tried to think in a different direction. To self-control myself.''

That's right, Darga understood. 


Have Rose and Yanagi already recognized each other as a man and a woman? Darga thought.

"Also because I'm small, I gave up from the beginning. But he still told me that he needed me. I rely on him for emotional support, so I appreciate his presence. I need it, too. But I don't know how to answer. So I have no choice but to keep moving forward and do my best."

Seeing Rose unable to hold back her tears, Darga is speechless. This is the first time he has heard such an honest opinion. A small child, no, a small woman. Rose is just small, but she is an adult, he thought.

"Moi likes Mr. Darga. Mr. Darga also likes Moi. That's enough. Just talk to her and make her feel at ease."

Rose wiped her tears, turned to Darga, and said,

"Miss Rose, may I ask you something?"
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm just a child born as a garden doll. Nothing more, nothing less."

Darga lowers his body to meet her gaze. Even though the night is pitch black, the faint starlight makes it possible to see eyes filled with tears. 


Sad, really sad, Darga thought.

"Please excuse my rudeness."

Darga hugged Rose.

"Miss Rose, for me you are my precious, cute daughter. You are not a garden doll, nor a child of Lord Dalgodas, or anything else. You are my daughter. So, if you want to walk with the person you love, I won't blame you. As Darga's daughter, you are free to do everything."

Darga said softly, his voice hoarse.

"Thank you."
"No, I thank you very much, Miss Rose. I feel better. I'll tell Miss Moi how I feel."
"Yeah. I'll be here for a while. Let me know when you're done."
"I will."

Rose sits on a bench in the garden. Rinka the black cat, came from nowhere, said nothing, and silently sat near Rose. Seeing Rinka there, Rose hugged Rinka and cried.


Darga knocked on the door of Moi's room and entered. Moi hasn't slept yet. She is sitting on her bed crying. Darga is sorting out his feelings, and choosing his words. And to be honest, his head is a mess.

"Miss Moi, are you okay?"
"Yes, I do."
"Can I sit down?"
"Yes, please."

Darga sits on the bed and looks at Moi's face. She's pretty, but just looking at her eyes, Darga knows she's sad.

"Does your wound still hurt?"
"Ah, no, I'm fine now. Thank you for your help."
"No problem."

Darga could feel his heart beating so fast that he was nervous. He was surprised at how nervous he was just saying a few words in front of a woman as if his life was on the line in a battle.

"Miss Moi, I.., I like Miss Moi."

Calm down... calm down... that's what Darga was telling himself.

"I don't know if it's love or love, but you are an important woman to me, and I truly believe you are the person I want to fulfill my dreams."
"Mr. Darga..."

Darga took Moi's hand. He says what he thinks, and looks into Moi's eyes.

"Miss Moi, after this mission is over, I want you to spend time with me. Even if it's just slowly, I want to walk together, laugh together, and feel happy together."
"But...I'm not young anymore. I just look younger."
"I'm not young anymore either. So I think it's good for people who aren't young to support each other."
"Is this even me?"
"Yeah. Besides, I was such an abandoned cat. But I know that the jewel in front of me is precious."
"Mr. Darga."
"That's why I want you to believe me. I have to go to battle tomorrow, but there's no need to worry. I'm strong. It's strange for me to say this, but I won't die and leave behind the person I love. Miss Rose, too. Mr. Yanagi, Miss Miraiya, and of course, Miss Rinka are all strong. So please believe that we will all return safely."

Darga said with a smile.

"I see."
"If we don't get the capital city back, the war will be widespread. In that case, many people will die. That's why we have to act immediately. Even Miss Rose, who is not a warrior, will go to the front line. This is a critical situation. Do you understand?"
"Yes, but..."
"Please believe me."

Darga put Moi's hand over his mouth and kissed it.

"Mr. Darga..."
"Is it okay if I hold you?"
"You don’t need any permission."

A faint smile appeared on Moi's face.

"Then you don’t need permission either."
"Thank you, Miss Moi."

Darga hugged Moi. Darga is not sure if this indescribable feeling is the same love that Rose and Yanagi feel, or if it's love.

However, he has a certain feeling. At that moment, he felt the desire to protect this person, who was crying in his chest, with all his heart and soul.