"Yay! Escodria!"

Rose looks happy as she frolics on the ship. She is running around on the deck of a ship, wearing a frilly dress made by Moi. 

"Hey, Rose! If you run too much, you'll fall out. So be careful."

Darga warned her in a fatherly tone. They believe that by playing the roles of parents and children in Escodria, they can act more easily without attracting suspicion.

Escodria is a big town in this area, but not a safe town. If someone notices Moi and Rose have a certain status, they may be kidnapped for ransom. In that case, if Rose and Moi were to play the role of the family of an ordinary mercenary, it is human psychology that no one would want anything to do with her strong-looking father.

People connected with the ship continued to treat Darga as a hero and contacted him politely. When Darga tried to pay the fare for three people, the ticket seller refused to accept it. The Dargas were also given a room with the best view while crossing the lake. They can go out onto the deck from this room.

The lake of Ecoria is so large that it takes several hours to cross it to the port of Escodria.

"The ship is very nice."
"Yes. Moi, is this your second time on a ship like this?"

Darga and Moi are having a conversation while enjoying the boat.

"Yes. I've always lived in the village, so I've never been to a place like this. This is my second time. Escodria is the first time I've been away. It has a very different atmosphere than the village."

Moi said with a smile, and Darga nodded with a smile. too.

"I see. Next time you have a chance, let's go to another area. There are many interesting places, and I'll show you around."

Rose, who was eavesdropping on Darga and Moi's conversation, couldn't help but smile. Is it an invitation to a date? Hehe, Rose casually showed her face.

"Ah, of course, the three of us, parents and child."

Dalga noticed the grin on Rose's face and hurriedly added another word. He scratched his head with his fingers, as was his habit.

"Yes! I'd love to!"

Moi, who didn't realize what was going on, answered happily. These two have been getting along well lately, and they've been talking a lot and it feels like they're family. There are times when Rose goes to bed and doesn't fall asleep right away, so she can sometimes hear the conversation between them. They use the space in front of Rose's room as their living room. There is a carpet in the living room, so they eat and study in this living room. Every day Darga always takes care of his armor and weapons in the living room, and Moi also repairs Rose and Darga's clothes there, too. In short, the living room is the center of activity in their home. They are truly enjoying the heartwarming days. By the way, the black cat Rinka always stays at Miraiya's mansion.

"Let's have some tea!"

Moi calls Rose and sits on the bench prepared on her deck. She took out three small cups from her bag and poured some flower tea into a thermos she had. By the way, this thermos flask was also invented by Miraiya and uses magic to keep tea hot for several hours. According to Rose's memories from her previous life, the thermos flask was unlike her current life.  It was a product that didn't use any magical power at all.

"As expected, Moi’s flower tea tastes delicious."
"Thank you, Mr. Darga."
"Please stop using such honorific language, Moi. We are a couple, so we should use normal conversation."
"Ah, yes. Sorry, sweetheart."

This time it was Darga who had spilled the tea.

"(cough, cough)..."
"Dad, are you okay?"

Rose, half taken aback, said something while tasting her tea. He is such a strange person that he demands normal conversation between husband and wife, but coughs at the mere mention of "sweetheart".

"No, I'm fine. Hahaha, I just got hit by the wind."

Darga's face turned bright red and looked incredibly cute. Moi didn't say anything but just laughed. Then she took out her handkerchief and gave it to Darga. No matter who saw it, it looked like a normal family interaction. Rose thought that maybe happiness could be found in a place like this.

The ship finally arrived at the port of Escodria. She bowed to the ship's officials and got off the ship. The Darga became so famous that when they arrived at the port, there were people who greeted them here and there.

Ever since the Thunderbird's attack incident, Darga and the mysterious woman who fought bravely have become a hot topic of discussion. But since the true identity of the mysterious woman is still unknown, she has been forgotten. Darga's true identity was revealed by the diner's owner and the ship's officials. He is said to be a brave mercenary who lives with his wife and child on the outskirts of the village across the lake.

"There's a place I want to go to first before having a meal."

Darga put Rose on her arm and started walking into the lively town. He was heading to a street with many small factories and stopped in front of one. It's a workshop specializing in armor. Some armor and shoulder pads were placed in front of the workshop.

"Oh? Isn't that Mr. Darga?"

A middle-aged man appeared from inside the workshop. His beard grows thickly under his nose, and buffalo horns on his head make him look very strong.

"Hello, master. It's been a while."
"I see. It's been a while. Oh? Are you bringing your family today?"
"Yes. This is my daughter Rose and my wife Moi."

Darga introduced Rose and Moi.

“This is Master Berg, my good friend.”

When Darga introduced the craftsman, Rose greeted him. That's great, Berg said, patting Rose on the head. Then he led them inside.

"What's going on today?"

Berg asked Darga.

"I want you to make armor."

Master Berg raised his eyebrows at Darga's words.

"I think that armor is still good, but is there something bad about it?"
"No, it's not mine. I want durable and light armor to suit my daughter."
"This girl’s?"
"Yes. Well, she has started practicing martial arts. So, just in case, I thought she'd need some armor."
"Huh, as expected of Mr. Darga. The daughter of a warrior is a warrior after all. Your wife must be in trouble."

When Moi heard Berg said, she smiled and didn't say anything. This is because she has no idea what training Rose and Darga are practicing. If she found out, she might faint.

"Okay. Now, young lady, come over here for a moment. I'll take your measurements."

Rose nodded and she stood in front of him.

"Well, you're small. Even though your father is this big, I'm sure, you'll grow up."

He was talking to Rose while carefully measuring her body shape.

"I want a material that can be magically enchanted. Also, I would be happy if you could decorate it with cute roses. Hahaha."
"Mr. Darga’s unexpected parent-foolish behavior will become a hot topic."

Master Berg laughed and added it to the order form.

"However, when it comes to materials for magic enchantments, it's a bit expensive..."
"The price doesn't matter. The most important thing is it should be durable and light. I'll remake it again when she's grown up, so I want something that fits her current body. After all, she is my precious daughter."

Darga said that while looking at Rose.

"If you think she is precious, it’s normal not to let her carry a sword, right?"
"No, it's the opposite. I think it's important to teach how to protect herself. Since this is the only thing I can do as a parent, I guess it is the best way to express my love. Hahaha."
"I understand. Now, let's choose the materials. Then, decide what kind of armor we need."

The master enters the workshop with Darga and talks about more details. Rose and Moi are sitting quietly waiting. After a while, Rose got up and saw that the armor displayed outside the workshop was shiny. She decided to take a look closer and went outside. It was beautifully made armor. This street is lined with not only armor and personal equipment, but also weapons, tools, decorations, and everyday tools. There are also craftsmen making clothes near the workshop. They also make a lot of durable-looking pants and shirts. When Moi saw Rose wandering outside, she got worried and went outside the workshop.

"It's dangerous, so don't wander around too much."

Moi warned her, but it was too late. Rose fell and hit a stranger's foot.

"Are you okay?"

It was a voice she had heard somewhere. Rose blinked and looked at the person's face.


No way? , Rose looked at him with a surprised expression. She was frozen.

"Mr. Yanagi?"

Moi was also surprised and called out to Rose while checking who was in sight of her.

"Moi? Why are you both here?"

He was also surprised and called out.

"Brother Yanagi? Really?"
"Yes, I am."
"Wow! It's Brother Yanagi!"

Rose was so happy that she couldn't help but scream.

"Rose! Rose, right?"
"Yes, Brother."
"Wow. It's Rose!"

Yanagi lifted Rose, who had fallen to the ground, up into the air with both hands. It was Yanagi, with his green eyes, wheat-brown skin, and long black hair still neatly tied back, he was Yanagi whom Rose knew. However, his body seemed much taller and stronger than before. 

It looks cool! , she thought.

"Rose! I missed you. How are you doing?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. How about you, brother?"
"Oh, I'm fine."

Yanagi looked at her happily and hugged her tightly again. This smell was familiar, Rose thought as she smelled him. It's Yanagi's scent. Rose also reached out to wrap her arms around his neck and bury her face in his. 

She was so happy so she didn't know what to do.

"I missed you, Rose."
"Yeah, I missed you, too."
"Rose, my Rose."

Rose and Yanagi were silent for a while. They are savoring the joy of being reunited.

"Mr. Yanagi? Why are you here?"

After Darga finished ordering, he noticed Rose and Moi were not in the workshop and rushed over.

"Ah, Mr. Darga, it's been a while. I came to this town for another work. I thought I'd buy some clothes, so I came here."

Yanagi placed Rose on his arm and walked closer to Darga and Moi.

"What a surprise! Have you reached a level where you can leave the village now? Congratulations!"

Darga said and Yanagi nodded.

"Thank you. I've finally reached Level 5. To gain experience, I imitated you and am currently working as an escort. I'm still a chick, though."

Yanagi said as he nodded.

"Hahaha, I see. Mr. Yanagi has become my junior."
"Yes. Thank you for your guidance, Senior."

The two laughed happily. Rose sees Yanagi's shirt is very tattered and she is playing with a piece of cloth.

"That's right. Do you know any shops that sell good clothes, Mr. Darga?"

When asked by Yanagi, Darga looked around and was guided to the clothes shop. Most of the talk between the two was about the village or work-related topics. Rose is cradled in Yanagi's arms, her hands around Yanagi's neck, touching his hair and shoulder pads, and resting her face on his shoulder.

Rose is so happy that she doesn't know what to do. Moi was watching her constantly, and Rose could feel Moi's eyes on her. However, Rose didn't say anything and Moi also didn't say anything.

In front of the shop, Yanagi dropped off and handed Rose over to Moi. It appears to be a supply store for adventurers, warriors, and travelers. They sell a lot of durable clothes, shoes, belts, etc. Yanagi tried on several clothes and chose the one Rose liked best. Yanagi, slender and tall, wears a simple long leather jacket. The length of the jacket reached around his knees. Underneath the jacket, he wears a cloth shirt and leather pants.

When Rose said the clothes looked good, Yanagi bought them without hesitation. Even though the price was high, he didn't mind it and went for it. He put on the armor he had removed, put on his belt, sword, and dagger, and put on his familiar leather shoes again. Then he bought a few simple medium shirts and put them in his bag. After checking the pockets of his tattered clothes, he asked the store to dispose of them.

Darga also bought two new pairs of leather pants. Surprisingly, it even has a hole for the tail. He also bought some shirts. Almost all of them were the same color. His shirts were pale yellow and his pants were reddish brown. Maybe he likes that color, thought Rose.

After Yanagi finished shopping, Darga bought leather shoes to match Rose's feet. Even children need durable leather shoes when traveling, Darga said. In a world where transportation methods were not developed, traveling was quite a difficult thing to do.

For Moi, Darga bought a sturdy shopping bag. Moi wondered for a while and chose a blue bag with a floral pattern. After making a payment, Darga put all the things into his bag. Yanagi put Rose on his arm again and they left the shop.

"Weapon shop."
"To take care of those swords?"

Yanagi asked, and Darga shook his head.

"No, I want to buy a weapon for Rose."

Darga hurriedly explained his situation to Yanagi. He explained in a low voice that he wasn't being disrespectful by calling her names, but he was doing it on purpose. Yanagi couldn't help but laugh when he heard they were playing family now for safety reasons.

"I see."

Yanagi nodded.

"What kind of weapon does fit Rose?"
"I'd like a regular sword or a dagger. The children's swords sold in the village are fragile and break when enchanted."

Darga replied.

"Children don't use enchantments. However, adult swords are too big for Rose."

As Yanagi said this, he set Rose down, removed the dagger he always wore from his belt, and attached it to Rose's waist.

"I'll give this to Rose. I think it's the perfect size. It's a durable dagger that won't break even when enchanted."
"But this is the dagger Father gave you, right? I don't want such an important dagger."
"I don't care. Father won't complain if he thinks it can become a weapon to protect you instead of me."

Yanagi smiled and stroked Rose's hair.

"Thank you, brother."
"You're welcome."

Yanagi smiled.

"Oh, the brooch on your chest is the one I sent you."
"Yeah. It's sparkling and beautiful."
"It suits you very well. Next time when I see Keyaki, I will tell him the brooch is gorgeous and suits you well."
"Yes. When you meet Brother Keyaki, please convey my gratitude to him."
"Ah, he said he was worried about you, Rose. So am I. I heard that when Rocco went to see you, he couldn’t meet you, because you seemed to be in training, so I was worried. But... After that, I received a letter from you, which made me feel relieved."

Yanagi said with a smile.

"Yeah. Tell Rocco I'm sorry I couldn't meet him even though he came to see me."
"Oh, alright. But I think he's busy right now. I don't get to see him often. I won't return to the village for the time being, either. I'm going to be traveling to various towns for work."

Yanagi placed Rose on his arm again and nodded.

"I won't be able to see you easily. If I don't know where you are, I won't be able to send you a letter. I'll feel lonely."
"It's okay. I'll send you a letter via Miraiya. I'll write about various towns, I promise."

Rose couldn't help but hug Yanagi again. It's sad, Rose thought.


Suddenly Rose heard that embarrassing sound. It means she was hungry. Darga laughed and suggested a meal.

The promised venison stew restaurant!

Rose headed to that stew shop while being held in Yanagi's arms. She asked Darga to hold her on the way to avoid arousing suspicion. 

Let's start playing family!

"Hey! Welcome, Mr. Darga! And what a cute daughter! Hello to Mrs. Darga as well. And, um, who is this young man?"

The cheerful clerk ushered Rose and the others inside and arranged the chairs. However, Rose still doesn't like children's chairs. And the worst thing is she can't reach the table with a regular chair. Yanagi noticed, put his bag on Rose's chair, and made her sit on it.

"Here you are, now you can eat comfortably."
"Thank you."

Yanagi sits in front of Rose, and Darga sits next to him. Moi sits next to Rose.

"This person is my junior. He's like a relative. We're in the same escort business. If he ever comes here again, I'd like your help."

Darga introduced Yanagi to the clerk.

"I'm Yanagi. Nice to meet you."
"Yes. Please leave it to me. If you are a relative of Mr. Darga, I will give it to you cheaply. Mr. Darga is the hero of this town."

The clerk said happily.

"No, no, I didn't do anything big."
"Aww, you are so humble. Thanks to Mr. Darga, dozens of people saved their lives. No ordinary person could have defeated four of those ferocious thunderbirds."

Darga scratched his head. Maybe it is a sign that he needs help soon. 

“Dad, I’m hungry!”

After hearing Rose's words, the clerk immediately prepares an order form and asks for the order.

"So, what should we have?"
"Venison stew!"

Rose ordered it without hesitation. 

Yes, without hesitation! 

She said with a big voice because she wanted to eat it.

"Is it delicious?"

When Yanagi asked Rose about it, the staff member said it was their signature dish.

"Then give me that, too."

When Yanagi said this, Darga also ordered the same dish. Moi asked for another dish, but she asked to taste a little stew in a small bowl. Moi can't eat a lot of meat.

"It's my treat today, so feel free to eat it."

When Darga said that, Yanagi laughed.

"If you say that, you'll go bankrupt."
"Why is that?"
"Because Rose is a bigger eater than me."

Hmmmm... Rose looks at Yanagi and says she has a bad feeling.

"No...um...I mean...umm."
"Hahaha. It's okay. All wildcat people are big eaters, so it's okay. Feel free to eat until you're satisfied. Mr. Yanagi and Moi, please order various dishes until you feel satisfied. It’s good."

What a bold father, Rose blinked as she looked at Darga. 

"I'm not a big eater, sweetheart..."
"(cough, cough)..."

When Darga took a sip of the drink served to him, Moi's words made him cough.

Yanagi couldn't help but laugh when he saw Darga's panic. 

This is the first time Rose has seen Yanagi smile so much. Rose just blinked when she saw Yanagi laughing hard.

Moi held out her handkerchief to wipe Darga hands. Embarrassed, Darga took the handkerchief and wiped his face and hands. Rose imitated Moi and offered her handkerchief to Yanagi.

"It's to wipe your tears."
"Thank you, Rose. It's probably the first time in my life that I've laughed this much."

Yanagi wiped his tears and nodded.

"No, no, I showed you something embarrassing."

When Darga said this, Moi just laughed without saying anything.

"Ah, Moi...uh...Moi, I'm borrowing this handkerchief for a while."
"Yes, dear."

Moi smiled and replied.

After a while, the waiters came with the food. Rose was told that some staff members couldn't help but laugh when they heard the conversation. 

This will be a new rumor that Darga, the town hero, is lost to his wife.

Yanagi, the first to finish his meal, kept staring at Rose while drinking. She was worried that something strange had gotten on her face, so she wiped her mouth with the napkin.

"Have you finished eating yet?"
"No, I'm still eating."
"I see. Since you suddenly wiped your mouth, I thought you had finished eating. I thought it was unusual for you to leave so much food behind."
"Because I've been seeing it for a while now. I thought there was something strange attached to my face."

When Rose complained, Yanagi laughed.

"I like watching you eating food. Looks so delicious..."
"Because this is delicious. It's a dish I can finally eat after struggling so hard."
"What did you do?"
"Is it magic training?"
"Yeah, but..."
"Go on!"

Suddenly, Darga coughed. It was a signal that it would be bad if Moi found out. Rose understood that.

"How to use techniques, take in energy, etc."

Rose isn't lying, but she isn't telling the truth either. However, Yanagi noticed this.

"Can I watch your training tomorrow?"
"I can't say. You have to ask Teacher Miraiya."
"Then, let's ask Teacher Miraiya. Besides, I'll ask her permission to stay overnight. I also need to buy some souvenirs for her."
"Are you coming to stay over tonight?"
"Yeah, if she's okay, I would. Besides, there's something I'd like to talk to her about. It's a little important, though. Mr. Darga, I'd like you to be with me later."

Yanagi said as he took another drink.

"Does that have something to do with the clothes torn apart earlier?"
"Ah. You noticed that well."
"Somehow though."
"As expected, you are level 8. I'm still at a low level, so I can't think about what happened just by looking at torn clothes, but Mr. Darga saw right through it. Thank you for your valuable advice."
"What? This is also my job. You should learn it from now on."
"That's right. I'll take it to heart."

After finishing their delicious meal, Rose and the others went to the fabric store that Moi wanted to go to. She bought quite a long piece of cloth and a lot of thread. She said she wanted to make Rose's workout clothes. She also buys delicious wine and meat with delicious flavors for Miraiya, and the four of them cross the lake by boat.