"Don't spill the milk! Push yourself harder and run!"

Darga's instructions echoed loudly. Darga, who is always kind, is very strict when he is in the position of an instructor. At Miraiya's orders, Rose goes to the village to buy milk and returns to the mansion on top of the mountain. Of course, she may not spill the milk. Also, if she is too slow, she will be late for the training with Miraiya. Therefore, Rose has to run at the same pace as Darga, who runs with her.

According to her fragmentary memories, the person called 'Rose' in her previous life seemed to have good athletic ability, but the current 'Rose' is so small. It means when the average person steps for 1 step, the distance she needs will be 3 or 5 steps. And to keep the same pace as Darga, who is bigger than most people, she has to have more explosive power and rotation in her legs. Although Darga said he is running slow, for Rose, he is still fast. Rose thought she could never catch up at Darga's original speed. Darga is originally a bodyguard and a mercenary, so he is powerful. At the request of the feudal lord, Dalgodas, Darga is now Rose's bodyguard, instructor, and reading-and-writing teacher, and above all, he is her precious "family". 

"Welcome back!"

When Rose finally returns to the mansion, Moi is already waiting in front of the mansion. It is a custom in this country to have breakfast when the sun rises. So, shortly after arriving, Rose put down the milk, took a morning bath, changed her clothes, and ate breakfast together.

Today's breakfast is Moi's special bread. Rose loves this bread. The crispy bread is filled with vegetables and cheese. The salty taste goes well with the vegetable soup.


Best of all, the food tastes even better when shared among three people.

"Okay, drink the milk."

Darga poured milk into Rose's glass. This is also Miraiya's command. Be sure to drink milk every day.

Indeed, Rose noticed she had grown a little taller since she came here. However, even so, it only grows from 40 to 50 centimeters. But she's not sure if she can grow.

"Yes, Miss Rose?"
"I feel like my pants have gotten a little smaller lately. It's become a little harder to run."
"Really? Well, I'll fix it a little bit later. Please stick with what you have for today."
"Okay, thank you."
"No, no."

Moi brewed some flower tea and held it out to Rose and Darga. This flower tea is very delicious. It has a sweetness, a nice aroma, and a comforting taste.

"Thank you for the meal!"

Rose and Darga clasped their hands together and thanked Moi for the meal. Thank you, it was delicious.

"Alright, here's your lunch box. I hope you'll do your best today. Please be careful."

Moi handed the two lunch boxes to Rose and Darga and saw them off to the entrance. Then she takes a horse-drawn carriage to the village to go shopping. Darga and Rose walk to Miraiya's training ground, higher up the mountain than this mansion. Besides, if Rose suddenly runs with a full stomach, she'll vomit. In terms of distance, it's about 3 km.

When they arrived at the training center, magic training began. 

Collect magical powers from the natural world, incorporate them into her body, and apply them as magic. It takes 2-3 hours to repeat this process. This was pretty tough, Rose thought.

If it takes too long to collect magical power, it will take time to apply the next spell. Darga said that the key to success is how to do this faster. Darga can also use magic, so he talks to Rose about practical matters. In Darga's case, his main attack is physical attacks with weapons, and he uses magic as a supplement. The two swords on his waist will turn to fire swords when magic is applied to them.

Rose saw this technique in action at the port of Escodria. When he fought the Thunderbirds, Darga cast a spell on his sword, then made it to fire-attribute magic. This technique is said to be an enchantment. It's a skill that Rose will have to learn eventually.

"You've gotten better lately, Miss Rose."
"Huh? Really?"
"Yes. The rate of magic activation has improved, and the time it takes to get to the next spell has become faster. It's a good progress."
"Oh, alright!"
"Then let's take a little break. Let's have some tea and then practice our weapons again."
"Yes, Sir!"
"That's a good answer."

Rose and Darga go to a rest area to relieve their fatigue. This rest area has healing magic applied to it, so just entering and sitting will recover their fatigue. It also helped their magic recover faster, which was very helpful.

"This tea is delicious."
"Yes. Drinking Miss Moi's tea will make you feel better."
"Yeah, I'm sure about it."

After a while, Rose opened the conversation.

"I think Miss Rose has a talent for magic. I am thinking about teaching you to master higher-level magic attacks from now on."
"Is it difficult to use weapons and magic like you?"
"You can, but the current of you has some disadvantages. If you imitate my fighting style, you will get defeated."
"Yes. Your body is small, so the distance between you and the opponent is far away. On the contrary, my body is relatively big, so my sword can reach the opponent before his sword can reach me. Therefore, most of the battle is determined by this. If you want to go close, you should move faster than you are now, dodging the attacks, and moving far enough so your attacks can reach the opponent."
"It's quite difficult then."
"Yes, it is. However, if you think about it the other way around, by using your natural magical talent and keeping your distance with whips and vines, and then attacking quickly with magic, you'll have a better chance to win the battle."

Rose nodded.

"So, I'm the opposite of you."
"Yes, that's right."
"When Brother Yanagi fought with Thunderbird, he turned into a demon god, used his whip to stop it, and then finished it with a dagger. I wonder if I can do something like that, too?"
"Can Miss Rose become a demon god?"
"No. Brother Yanagi taught me that I can’t become a demon god because I don’t have any of my father’s or mother’s blood in me. This ability of roses and plants was implanted in me when my mother created me. I think I was bloomed from a seed..."

Rose said and Darga tilted his head.

"I don't get it. What do you mean?"
"Umh, it looks like my body was originally a decorative garden doll. That's why this flower is blooming in a strange place, right? That's because my mother planted them. Father captured my soul in the garden and put it in that doll. And with the power of the Dragon God, I was reborn like this.''

Rose casually told Darga her secret. Darga blinked when he heard that fact.

"Is that so? Lord Dargodas didn't tell me anything, so I didn't know much about you. But now, my misgivings have cleared up."

Rose regretted her naivety.

"Then let me answer. It would be impossible for Miss Rose to become a demon god like Mr. Yanagi, immobilize the enemy with a whip, and finish them off with a dagger. That's because Miss Rose is not a demon god. However. If you have that whip full of thorns now, you can block the enemy to a large extent.''

Darga said with a smile. He accepted the fact and tried to answer her question.

"If you want to use a sword or dagger, I can teach you. After practicing with the whip, how about if we practice with the sword or dagger tomorrow?"
"Oh! Is that possible?"
"Yes, of course. But it's tough."
"I'll do my best. Thank you, Instructor Darga!"

Rose bowed her head, and Darga nodded. What a polite kid, he thought.
"Hahaha, that name is refreshing. But to tell you the truth, I'm a strict instructor."
"Yes, Sir!"
"Then let’s practice the whip until lunchtime!"
"Yes, Sir!"
After that, Rose takes a whip from the palm of her hand at the practice area and practices diligently while looking at Darga's example.

Several months have passed since then.

Miraiya told them that Rose's sense of magic has improved and she has reached an intermediate level. She was finally able to treat her whip as a part of herself. She also learned how to use a dagger by the way. Her quickness is still inferior to Darga's, but her legs have gotten faster and she can now jump much higher.

Rose sometimes went for a morning run with her cat, Rinka, to the milk shop, and then raced up the mountain path. But she never wins. This black cat Rinka is fast. She'll be gone before anyone notices. What a quick cat she is, Rose wondered.
After breakfast, they were about to go to the practice range when they bumped into Miraiya, who gave them some advice.

"It's a good idea to combine magic and physical attacks well and match them to the number and movement of the enemies."

I see, Rose thought. 

In short, first, find out how your opponent moves, and then quickly decide which magic suits you best. If the enemy moves quickly, spells that take time will be at a disadvantage. At that time, it is important to keep a distance and block the opponent's movements. Darga also says that it is important that all processes flow from one to the next. Of course, it is important never to allow the opponent to grab the back. For Rose, who is small, it is important to keep her distance more than anything else. But today, Rose thought, it was close-quarters training, she couldn't keep her distance.

"Then today I'll teach you how to recover after being attacked."

Darga is looking at Rose with a serious face.

“First, cover your body with a barrier to avoid injury. Before receiving an attack, and after receiving an attack, be sure to reapply the barrier and repeat. Please adhere to this at all costs. Do you  understand?"
"Yes, Sir!"

Rose nods, creates a barrier around her body, and waits for further instructions.

"Hit me as hard as you can! It doesn't matter where you come from. Please come at me to defeat me as hard as you can. If you can hit me even once, I will treat you to Escodria's venison stew. You can eat until your belly is full!”

Rose suddenly became more motivated, wondering if Darga was being serious.

"However, I will also fight back, so re-upholster your barrier every time you get hit. Otherwise, you will die."

Rose thought Darga wouldn't hurt her, but she changed her mind and thought it would hurt quite a bit when he hit her. That's why she carefully put up a barrier and attacked Darga. However, it was exchanged easily. And his fist came from the side. Rose was thrown several meters away.

Argh! No, it hurts!

But I can't afford to be in pain, Rose thought and put up her barrier and attacked again. This time she received a fist from right in front of her.

Ugh! I can't bear to lose! Venison stew is waiting for you! Rose thought and stood again.

After several hours of training like this, Rose finally gave up. The magic that put up the barrier ran out, and she collapsed.

"Are you alright?"
“No, I'm not.”
“So, are you going to give up the venison stew?”
"I do not want to give up."
"Then, stand up. Breathe evenly and feel the energy around you. While fighting, absorb the energy of nature while moving so that your magical power does not run out. Fight for a better result. However, it is important to replenish your magical power. This is the training for that purpose.''
“Is it okay to do this training after eating lunch?”
“I don’t mind, but you may vomit out everything you eat from your mouth, right?”

Darga said with a laugh.

"Ugh, I don't want that."
"Now, please get ready. When you are ready, please call me again."

I can't bear to lose! For the venison stew! Rose thought.

Ultimately, she couldn't eat venison stew that day, the next day, and the day after.

This life has been going on for several months now. It's been several months since Rose was kicked and punched every day. Today is the day! , and these days continue. Thanks to recovery magic, the wounds and bruises healed quickly, and Moi didn't find out. If she finds any bruises, Darga will be scolded by Moi. Hitting a little girl is a disgusting thing! it seems to be said.

However, in battle, everyone is an enemy, so gender doesn't matter. This is a skill that must be taught to survive. However, the strict Darga is always kind. When he casts recovery magic on Rose, he asks if she is still in pain. 

However, if things continue like this, she will never be able to eat venison stew. Rose, who is small in size, has the challenging task of being able to hit Darga, who is large, with a single blow.

All she has to do is increase her speed, which has been taught by Darga before. 

It's a combat technique in which you dodge your enemy's attacks, get close until your attacks reach you, and then make a single, strong attack with all your might. If that's the case, I might be able to do it if I put magical power into these legs and cast a spell that would make them faster. Depending on how you use your magic, it can be used as a battle support magic. Rose thinks this will work.

Faster, powerful, closer to the last minute, one shot!

"Mr. Darga, today I am going to eat venison stew!"
"Wow, you're very confident. So, let's see how you attack."
"Get ready!"

Rose moved quickly and saw Darga's stance. His legs moved. This is a kick! , Rose quickly lowered her body, touched the ground with one hand to support her balance, and tried to sweep one of the teacher's legs away with his foot... but she couldn't reach him.


At that moment, Rose got kicked away. She was blown several meters away and quickly stood up, using the barrier to absorb natural magic with her entire body while casting a magic spell on her legs that increased her speed.

Once again, she moves towards Darga at a high speed, looking at his stance and moving his hands. This time it's a punch! , she quickly lowered her body and saw a space.

There is a gap in the stomach! , Rose thought, and suddenly she saw the movement of his feet. Unfortunately, Rose had to twist her body to the side as far as she could.

The next attack is coming! She was hit by a strong shock that stopped her from thinking.


Darga kicked her from the side, but she withstood it! She quickly created a barrier with one hand, squeezed out the remaining power, and placed it right next to Darga before it finished spinning. Then, she lowered herself to the ground, put her strength into both legs, and prepared to hit him.


Rose punched him with all her might.


Darga stopped moving.

"What a bummer!"
"You won, Miss Rose. It was a great move. Now, let me treat you to some venison stew. Congratulations."

Rose let out as much joy as she could and started dancing. The venison stew that appeared in her dreams comes to mind.

"Thank you, Sir!"
"No, you did a great job. I was impressed that you were able to do this much. Miss Miraiya will be surprised you can enchant your body."

Darga laughed and nodded. This child is growing up very quickly, he thought.

"Well, that's all for today. Let's take a break and then go home."
"Yes. Um, Sir, does it hurt?"
"It hurt. Miss Rose's punch was no ordinary punch."
"This one has magical power and thorns, so it's stuck quite deep."
"Uh, sorry."
"No problem. Please help me pull it out later."
"Yes, Sir."

Rose got excited during the fight. When she gets excited, thorns come out from all over her body. When Rose noticed her fist, she was covered in thorns like a sea urchin. There's still blood on her fist. It was probably the blood from the wound from when it hit Darga's jaw.


Rose tried casting recovery magic with about half the magic power. The bleeding has stopped, but the thorn is still stuck in Darga's jaw. Rose pulled them out one by one with her tiny fingers. A total of 6 thorns were removed. She carefully checked to see if the thorns still left, and it seemed okay.


This time, the wound was closed.

"Thank you, Miss Rose."
"No, I didn't mean to hurt you."
"No problem. Look, I was kicking and punching you as hard as I could, right? Hahaha."

Darga laughed and nodded.

"Mr. Darga is being very lenient."
"How was it? You seemed to be getting pretty serious, hahaha."

Rose looked at Darga and became suspicious.

"Does your body still hurt, Miss Rose?"
"No, it's okay now."

The recovery magic in this rest area was amazing, Rose thought. After she rested for a while, the pain went away and she felt better.

"Then let's go home!"

Rose screamed out loud.

"That's about it."
"Shall we do it tomorrow? I will ask Miss Miraiya to take a day off tomorrow and go out to eat with Miss Moi. Miss Moi has also been working hard these days to make our lunch boxes, so let's give her a day off.”
"Alright, let's race to the mansion!"
"Huh?! Wait! You're sneaky, Mr. Darga, running first!"

I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s venison stew! Rose laughed and ran.