An emergency occurred that day. A bird flapped its wings and flew to Safid, the captain of the guard. When he took the letter attached to its leg and read it, his face changed. Safid immediately went to Jenal's tent, and the vice chief, Jahir, was also contacted.

"I wonder what?"

Amir opened the lid of his water bottle and drank the contents before saying. In front of them, he saw Jahir entering Jenal's tent.

"It seems like an emergency call."

When Sabadda said this, Abu and Saman also saw their run to Jenal's tent. Apart from Jenal's tent, Jean received a loaf of bread from a woman baking bread in a communal oven in the village.

"Jean is popular."

Abu said and Saman laughed.

"He's so cute. When exposed to the sun, his cheeks turn red and many people say he looks like a doll."

When Saman said this, Abu laughed. When Jean came to them with bread, Sabadda and Amir also laughed. Sabadda received the bread from Jean, and he randomly divided it into five pieces and distributed them to everyone.

"Freshly baked bread is delicious."

Amir said and Sabadda nodded. When he saw Jean squatting down between Sabadda and Saman and eating bread, Abu laughed and finished eating the bread.

"Sabadda's father is also here."

Amir said and Sabadda nodded. Zaid Tareq was seen entering JenaL's tent with several attendants.

"Isn’t Zaad here?"
"The day before yesterday, he went to the east."
"You met him?"
"Yeah. I was just getting water at that time. We bumped, and then he told me he was going east."

When Abu asked, Sabadda answered.

"Abu's brother came too."
"Brother Alif?"

Amir says and Abu looks at the person who entered the tent. He is the older brother of the first wife and is said to be the next head of the family. Next to him, several other men were also seen entering the tent.

"Maybe something unusual has happened."
"I think so too"

Amir said and Abu nodded. In the first place, the fact that Sabadda's father came all the way meant that it was a true emergency.

"Sabadda, Jean, come!"

Coming out of the tent was Sabadda's brother Salam. Sabadda hurried to the tent, pulling Jean by the hand. Jean, who was eating bread, hurriedly put the rest of the bread in his mouth and mumbled it as he entered the tent. Seeing Jean's face like that, Zaid couldn't help but laugh. When Sabadda noticed, he quickly wiped Jean's face and gave him water from the canteen.

"Sorry, they're on break."
"No problem. The child has an appetite, so that's good."

Jahir said and Zaid shook his head, shifting his gaze from Jean to Jenal.

"From the Tareq family, I send out these two and one Tareq unit. Salam will be heading west from now on, so they can't act together with him."

When Zaid said this, Sabadda and Jean, who didn't know the situation, tilted their heads. However, Zaid's words are absolute. Sabadda looks at them nervously. On the other hand, Jean is looking around at Sabadda and Jahir. Seeing Jean, Jahir smiled and nodded.

"Okay. Both of you, go outside and I'll give you orders later. Eat now. Pack your stuff for four days. This time, use the horses. We'll be leaving in two hours from now."
"Yes, excuse me!"

Sabadda bowed his head and took Jean's hand as he walked outside. Outside, when Amir and the others approached the two, looking concerned, Sabadda relayed Jahir's orders. The five of them moved immediately, eating and packing as instructed. After finishing packing, Jean hurriedly took the potted plant Elatha had given him and gave it to Abu's older sister, Aina, whom he saw. Jean asked her to take care of it, and Aina nodded.

"Jean, be careful."
"Yes, Sister! I'm leaving!"

When Jean said this, Aina nodded while holding a potted plant. The yellow flowers have started to bloom, but even though they bloom beautifully, Jean won't be able to see them bloom. Even though she wants him to come home early, Aina understands there is no such thing as a convenient story.

"Are you ready?"
"Yes, Sir!"

When Jahir appeared, Amir and the others responded loudly. Jean also stood stiffly and looked at Jahir.

"Sabadda and Jean are acting separately. The two of you should join Tareq's unit and follow its commander, Naseem Abbas!"
"Yes, Sir!"

Sabadda and Jean replied.

"The others will now head northwest with me."
"Yes, Sir!"

Amir and the others replied.

"What happened?"

Jean asks Jahir with confused eyes.

"There was news from Nagaref Village northwest of here. We received news that Nagaref Village was being attacked by people from the Kingdom of Tux."

There is a strong possibility that it will be a war. Amir and his friends gasped when they heard this.

"The national army may arrive in a week, but there's also a possibility that they won't, so we can't say anything. We can't expect such a national army, so we will stop their movements and annihilate them if possible. We won't let them go here no matter what. You know, if we lose, the people here will be killed or enslaved."

Everyone's faces turned grim upon hearing Jahir's words.

"Where is the front line now?"
"It's around the south of Nagaref village. The Tux general is General Osmar."

When Abu asked, Jahir answered openly. That means their job is to take General Osmar's head.

"Jean, it's a dangerous job, so don't do anything reckless."
"Yes, Sir."
"Be sure to act under Sabadda."
"Yes, Sir."

Jean nodded. Jahir looked at Sabadda and nodded. Moving with Amir and the others, Jean trotted behind Sabadda to meet up with Tareq's forces. Zaid was there and he talked to his captain, Naseem Abbas. When he saw Jean, Zaid motioned for him to come.

"Are you calling me, Mister Zaid?"
"Call me father."

Zaid said as he stretched out his hand. Then he approached Jean, picked him up, placed him on his arm, and smiled.

"It's war, Jean."
"Yes, Father."
"Aren't you scared?"
"I do not understand."

When Jean answered honestly, Zaid smiled.

"Sahim is in Nagaref Village, but he is stuck. Your job is to find, free, and bring him home. If you can't bring him home, kill him."

When Zaid said this, Sabadda's face became grim. However, Jean just nodded.

"Is that it?"
"Then come back safely."

Jean nodded.

"Do you have any poison?"
"Yes, I do."
"What kind of poison?"
"It’s the Goddess' Smile."
"I see. It's a good poison."

Zaid nodded.

"You can use that poison to kill the enemies. I'll give it to you again when you come back."
"Yes, Father."
"Good boy."

Zaid kissed Jean's forehead and then set him down.

"Yes, Father."
"Good luck."
"Yes. I'm leaving, Father."

When Sabadda bowed his head, Jean also bowed his head in imitation. Zaid smiled and signaled to Naseem Abbas. When Naseem Abbas gave the signal, Sabadda hurriedly secured Jean's luggage to the horse and mounted Jean. And when Sabadda mounted his horse, Zaid wordlessly raised his hand high. The troops immediately set out and left the village of Magraf.

After about half a day of riding, the troops take a break. Jean filled a bucket with water and gave a drink to his horse, and Sabadda brought him food. Jean happily accepted the meal and ate it right away.

"Nice to meet you for the first time, Mister Jean."

The captain, Naseem Abbas, came before Jean and Sabadda with two of his men.

"Nice to meet you, too."

Jean stops his lunch and looks at Naseem.

"I am Naseem Abbas, the commander of this unit. This is Omar Sharif, my deputy, and next to me is Asif Nordin, the doctor of this unit."

When Naseem introduced them, they bowed politely.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Jean Tareq."

Jean introduced himself and bowed politely.

"Excuse me, but Mister Jean is 4 years old now...?"
"Yes, I am."

Doctor Asif Nordin asked, and Jean nodded.

"Captain, are you okay? He's so young, but in case he gets hurt..."
"This is Lord Zaid's order."

When Asif said this, Naseem immediately responded.

"I can understand your feelings of anxiety."

Sabadda said while eating.

"However, I think there will be no problem with Jean. The half-moon sword [Shamshier] on his back is not a decoration."

Sabadda said, Naseem looked at Jean and thought. Naseem thought if the head of the Tareq family had gone out of his way to appoint him, he must be an exceptionally powerful man.

"We will go to Nagaref village and its surrounding area, and Mr. Sabadda and Mr. Jean will separate from us there.''

Sabadda nodded. Jean started eating again and nodded.

"I can't guarantee your safety, but..."
"No problem."

Sabadda responded immediately. Tareq's troops are assassins. Only doctors wear easily recognizable clothing. That's because he wears a badge on his chest.

"When will we arrive at Nagaref village?"
"If we go at our current pace, we'll arrive tomorrow morning."

Jean asked, and Naseem answered politely. He never heard a 4-year-old participate in a most important mission, Naseem thought, looking in disbelief at Jean who was eating the bread deliciously.

"If you don't mind me asking, who contacted us about the Nagaref village being under attack?"

When Jean asked, Naseem hesitated and involuntarily turned his attention to Sabadda. Sabadda nodded, and Naseem turned his attention back to Jean.

"It was from Mister Sahim.”
"Does Brother Sahim always take the bird with him?"
"Yes, he is."
"I see."

Jean nodded.

"Thank you for informing me."
"No problem at all."

Naseem smiled and couldn't help but wipe the crumbs of bread from Jean's face with his fingers.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

Naseem realized what he had done and apologized. Sabadda laughed and shook his head.

"You don't have to apologize, Naseem. Anyone would want to after seeing Jean's face."

Sabadda cleaned Jean's hands and offered him his drink. Jean obediently took the water and gulped it down.

Naseem thought it was just the behavior of a four-year-old child.

"Thank you."

Jan said, and Sabadda and Naseem smiled.

"Mister Jean, we don't need honorifics. We are vassals of the Tareq family."

Jean tilted his head.

"But Captain Naseem is older than me, right?"
"Mother said I should speak respectfully to those older than myself."
"Does that also apply to chamberlains and servants?"
"Of course. If you do it directly for me, I'll thank you. But for the enemy, I think I don't have to do that, right? Haha."
"Mister Jean..."

When Naseem bowed, the two people behind him also bowed. When they returned to their horses, Jean and the others hurriedly prepared and mounted. At night, Sabadda, seeing Jean sleepy, reached out his hand, pulled him out, and put him on his horse. Sabadda attached Jean to his chest and let his horse run.

"We are going to take a little break soon."

As Naseem approached, Sabadda nodded. Naseem couldn't help but smile when he saw Jean sleeping peacefully on Sabadda's chest.

"It looks like he was just a normal child."

Naseem said and Sabadda laughed.

"I think he's a normal kid."
"No way."

Following Naseem's signal, Sabadda stopped his horse and dismounted. Then Naseem spread a thick cloth and signaled to Sabadda. Sabadda nodded, laid Jean down on the cloth, and adjusted his cloak.

"Jean is just a normal kid until he picks up a weapon and fights."

Sabadda stretched and then drank the contents of his water bottle.

"He is a cute little brother, like a doll."
"Yes, indeed."

Naseem nodded.

"Let's have some rest. Wake me up before leave."

Sabadda said, sitting next to Jean and closing his eyes. Seeing this, Naseem bowed his head, then sat down close to him and closed his eyes.