
Darga noticed that voice.

"Miss Rose? Miss Moi, wake up!"

Moi woke up to Darga's voice.

Rose opened her eyes, feeling heavy but hungry. Next to her are Darga and Moi, whose sleeping habits are a little cute. Rose blinked, wondering if she slept with them the previous night.

"Miss Rose! Oh, good! You're finally awake."

Moi cried and hugged Rose. But Rose doesn't know what happened and she looks at her confusedly.

"Are you going to wake up, Miss Rose?"

Darga spoke in a gentle voice.

"Yes. What happened to you all?"

Rose sat on her bed, assisted by Moi.

"No, it's nothing. Please wait a moment. I'll bring you some hot water!"

Moi got up and left the room, quickly bringing hot water and a towel. Darga looked at her with a smile before he left the room and closed the door.

"How are you doing?"

Moi gently wiped Rose's face and body. Rose wanted to wipe herself, but Moi didn't give her the towel.

"It's okay. I'm just a little hungry."
"Ah, that's good. After this, I'll cook."
"Please, thank you."

Seeing Moi's happy reaction, Rose senses something is wrong with her.

"Hey, Moi. Did I do something again?"

Moi didn't answer. She just smiled and prepared her clothes, then helped her change. She combed Rose's hair and cleaned the messy flower petals on her head with her hands.

"Okay, done. Please wait a moment. I'll prepare tea and breakfast."

Moi quickly cleaned up the wash basin, wet towel, and nightgown and left the room. Just as Rose was about to leave, she heard Miraiya's voice. Before she could open the door to the room, it was opened from the other side first.

"Rose, I'm glad you're finally awake♪ I was worried."

Miraiya suddenly hugged Rose. Then she smiled and let Rose go.

"Good morning, Teacher."
"Good morning, Rose. How are you? Are you feeling any pain? How are you feeling?"

When Miraiya asked, Rose tilted her head. The black cat Rinka also came in and gave Rose a cat nose kiss.

"I'm fine. There's no pain. I just..."
"..Just what?"
"Hungry. I'm hungry."
"Ahaha. That's good. Moi is busy cooking in the kitchen right now. I think she'll be able to make a simple breakfast soon. Besides, I haven't done much shopping lately, so please be patient."

Miraiya laughed and looked at Rose.

"Um, Teacher, did I do something?"
"You don't remember anything?"
"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened."
"Well, when you got the first awakening, you released a tremendous amount of energy, and, uh.., you slightly destroyed the mansion."

Rose was shocked, realizing she had done it again. She will be kicked out of here again. Rose looks at Miraiya with worried eyes, thinking she has nowhere else to go.

"I-I'm sorry, Teacher."

Rose cried. She was so worried and there was nothing she could do. Miraiya smiled and gently hugged Rose and stroked her head.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. If I make you cry, Rinka will hate me."

Then Miraiya looked at Rose and smiled widely.

"It's okay. You are not the only one blowing up the mansion. Me, too. We're friends."

Rose blinked when she heard Miraiya say that. It means both of them are bombers.

"When I failed to do some experiments, the roof was blowing. Every time I break it, the villagers fix it, so it's okay. Besides, I won't kick you out. If I do that, Rinka will end up hating me."

The black cat Rinka sat on her bed and snorted.

"Well, Rose has finally woken up today, so after we finish eating breakfast, let's go play somewhere for a while. There's a small lake near here, and it's beautiful. Rinka will go with us."

After hearing Miraiya's words, Rose looked at Rinka. Miraiya dropped Rose off and sat next to her. At the moment, Rinka is currently grooming her fur. She is busy cleaning her fur. Rose, who was watching this, couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, she's already laughing. As expected, Rinka is good at putting a kid in a good mood♪."

Miraiya smiled.

"Yes. I love Rinka♪."

Rose held Rinka and rubbed her face. Miraiya laughed as she saw Rose imitate her and she nodded. Rinka groomed Rose's face as she suddenly hugged her. The roughness of the cat's tongue tickled Rose, making her laugh.

"Rinka, please groom me, too."

Rinka ignored Miraiya's request and left the room. After all, cats are the same in all worlds, Rose thought.

"Well, I have to get ready too. After breakfast, let's meet in front of the mansion."
"Yes, Teacher."

Miraiya left her room and returned to her mansion. Rose left the room and greeted Darga, who was already sitting on the carpet and sat down next to him. Darga brewed a cup of flower tea from the pot and offered it to Rose.

"Please have some tea."
"Thank you."

Rose received some very delicious flower tea and decided to meekly wait for Moi while she was cooking. Darga was already wearing light equipment. Next to him were his swords.

"Darga, I overslept today, so I couldn't run. I'm sorry."
"No problem. Let's start running tomorrow. Little by little, just don't push yourself too hard."

Darga said it gently and drank the tea again.

"You all said I was finally awake, but what did that mean? Did I sleep that long?"
"Well, it's been more than a month. Or maybe two months? I didn't count, but... you were sleeping very soundly."
"Huh? That much?!"

Rose was surprised.

"Yes, but I'm relieved you are back to normal now."

Darga laughed and looked at Rose. Thank goodness, he thought.

"I'm sorry for making you worry."

Rose bowed her head. 

"No problem. This is also my role."
"You are such a great warrior."

Rose felt that he was faithful to his role.

"Hahaha, no, no. I'm just doing what I normally do."

Darga laughed. He is a nice person, Rose thought. He has a good-looking face, but he looks middle-aged. His hair is short and the color is a mixture of yellow and brown. His body is solid and muscular, and his yellow cat ears are unexpectedly cute. His long tail stretches out on the carpet.

"Ah, I almost forget. You received a package from Mr. Yanagi. Wait a minute, I'll get it for you."

Darga stood up and retrieved the luggage from Rose's room. He sat down next to Rose again and handed her the package. Rose opens the package she received from Yanagi and finds a box and a letter inside. Since she is still bad at reading and writing, she decided to read with Darga.

Well, many things happened over there, Rose thought after reading the letter. Thank you, Yanagi. I'll answer the letter later, Rose thought as she reached for the box and opened it. The moment she saw it, she was speechless. It was a rose brooch with the most beautiful sparkle she had ever seen.

"Oh, wow..."
"Wow, with this kind of shine, it's a gigantic Thunderbird stone."
"It's beautiful. Is this stone rare?"
"It's not only rare, it's a precious gem that only comes out once a year. Also, the fact that you got this means that Mr. Yanagi fought the giant Thunderbird. It's 10 times bigger than the Thunderbird we met at Escodria. Ordinary Thunderbird stones don't shine like this."
"A gigantic Thunderbird is more than just ferocious level. I will have difficulty to fight it alone."

Darga said while looking at the brooch.

"Then it's a jewel he got hard."
"Yes. Please cherish it. Let's work together from now on, so you can respond to Mr. Yanagi's feelings for giving you such a gift."
"Yes, I will."

Rose's eyes never left the brooch. She didn't even notice when Moi came.

"Well, what is that?"

Moi, who had brought the food, looked at Rose with interest.

"It was a gift from Brother Yanagi. He wrote in the letter that it was a thunderbird stone that he had taken himself."
"Wow, it's beautiful. Shall I put it on your chest?"
"Please do."

Moi picked it up and attached it to the middle of Rose's chest. "Beautiful", she said with a smile. As expected, this is Keyaki's work, Rose thought.

"Thank you, Moi."
"No, no."

Moi smiled and looked at Rose.

"Well, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. This is all we had, so let's eat together!"
"Yes. Thank you for the meals!"

The three of them started eating the breakfast that Moi had made. It's a thin crepe-like pancake with slices of dried meat, butter, chopped vegetables, and fried eggs. The salty crepes are very delicious. Both Rose and Dalga were munching, sharing the meal. Moi also smiled and ate the food from her plate. Rose thought that this kind of breakfast was good after all.

"Miss Moi’s cooking is delicious, isn't it, Miss Rose."
"Yeah, it's delicious."

Rose also nodded. It was simple and delicious.

"Thank you both..."

Rose could see the redness on Moi's embarrassed face.

"If we don't buy something today, we won't have anything to eat. I asked the villagers to bring it to me regularly, but most of the food was poor quality, so I think I should stop ordering food and cook it myself."

When Moi said that, Darga also nodded.

"I see, I'll tell Miss Miraiya later."
"Please do. Thank you."

Darga laughed and reached for the last crepe left on the plate.

After finishing their delicious meal, Darga and the others got ready and headed to the front of Miraiya's mansion. When they went outside, the villagers were already repairing the mansion. Rose was surprised at how extensive the restoration work was. 

Oh my god. More than half of the mansion was destroyed. Do I have to pay compensation? Rose thought she'd ask Miraiya later.

"Wait a minute~.Okay, everyone, get on the carriage~"

Miraiya came back from the village on a horse-drawn carriage.

"It's inconvenient without a horse-drawn carriage. That's why I bought a horse-drawn carriage."

Rose was surprised again. Darga held Rose and handed her to Moi. Darga drives and Miraiya sits next to him. The black cat Rinka is sitting next to Rose.

They go all the way up from Miraiya's mansion, to a lake on the up of the mountain. The color of the lake was so beautiful. It's very blue and many large trees and plants around it, making it look so beautiful. Rose was surprised to hear that this was also Miraiya's property. Miraiya explained that this private property is fully equipped with magic practice areas.

"Rose, if you want to practice magic, feel free to use the facilities here. You can go with Darga, or just with Rinka. You don't need my permission."
"Yes, Teacher."

Rose nodded.

"Besides, it doesn't matter if you knock down a tree, make a big hole in the ground, or blow away mountains and trees. I've cast a spell to restore it to its original form within a day."

Rose blinked when she heard that.

"Is there such a useful magic?"
"Yes, but you can't do it without practice."

Miraiya said with a smile.

"She told you the truth, hahaha."

Darga is laughing and deftly stopping the carriage. When the carriage stopped, he put Rose on his arm, took Moi's hand, and helped her get off.

Caring for Rose, who is still unsteady on her legs, Darga holds Rose in his arms and enjoys the walk while listening to Miraiya's guidance and stories.

"The place there is suitable for training in earth magic."

Miraiya showed a place surrounded by trees. It has a big circle.

"It's easy to gather the earth's energy there. Rose's vines and whip might also come out."
"Just by come in there?"
"Yes. Do you want to try it?"
"Yes, I do."

Darga dropped Rose off and walked with her to the circle. When she stepped inside, she felt a tremendous power, and it felt like it was coming out of her body.

"Imagine that the feeling is moving all over your body. Try to be conscious of it as if you were feeling your vines."

Miraiya gave detailed instructions, and Moi watched them worriedly. Darga never takes his eyes off Rose. They are probably trying to be ready to take action if something happens.

In an instant, four vines appeared at the same time. It stretches several meters into the air.

"Next, imagine a whip. Make sure you are feeling the energy come out from the palm of your hand."
"Yes, Teacher."

When Rose concentrated on her palm, she felt something warm gather around her.

"Then say the words of the contract."
"What is a contract?"
"Just like Yanagi’s words."

Rose was confused. That spell blew up the mansion. She looks at Darga and asks if he’s okay. Darga and Miraiya are there, and most importantly, there's no roof or walls, so it might be okay, Rose thought.

"Earth! Rose commands you to give me power!"


She can feel a tremendous power from the ground. It entered from her feet, went around her entire body, moved to her palms, and something quickly came out of her palms.

"Now grab it!"

Following Miraiya's instructions, Rose squeezed her strength and gripped tightly.


A dry sound rang out. She can see that the whip is full of thorns. 


Darga is impressed and observes.

"That's a weapon that Rose's mother gave to her. Unlike a knife or dagger, something like this is useful. However, it uses magic, so you have to practice every day. Darga, please teach her how to use that whip, starting tomorrow.''

When Miraiya said this to Darga, he nodded.

"Yes, but I don't have a whip."
"I think there is one in the storage room, but I'll check it later. If it's not there, I'll do something about it."

Miraiya said that while looking at Rose.

"Now then, Rose. Put away that whip."
"Just think or say, "I’ll put it away!", then it will vanish."

Rose did as she was told, and the whip disappeared. However, the vines are still growing.

"Now, close your eyes, relax your hands, and try to feel the energy from the earth. Then imagine healing yourself."

Rose followed the instructions as she was told. Then, she felt the energy of the earth enter her body and feel its power on her skin.

Something warm gathered in her hand. She thought it was heavy with a fluffy energy that felt very gentle.

"Then, raise your hands and cast the spell on yourself. You can use any spell you want in your own words. Just make sure it's easy for you to imagine."

When Miraiya said that, Rose nodded.


She remembered words she had heard in a game a long time ago. It's a memory from her previous life. When she said that magic, she felt her body was surrounded by a surge of power.

Wow! The magic healed her tiredness! She has to try and see if there is a recharge or recast time for this energy. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, not yet, 4 seconds, 5 seconds, it's here!


This time she tried to pass the energy to Darga.

"How about that?"

Rose asked, and Darga nodded.

"That's good. My whole body is surrounded by warm healing magic, Miss Rose."

Rose smiled happily.

"Well done!"

Miraiya smiled and praised her.

"Well, that's all for practice. You're not at your best yet. If you get out of control, it would be trouble. So let's put away the vines and take a quick walk, then go to the rest area."
"Yes, Teacher."

When she stepped outside the circle, her legs became unsteady again. Darga quickly picked Rose up and placed her on his arm. 

When she was in the circle, she felt good. But when she went outside, the fatigue started to take over. There might be an amplifier in that circle, Rose thought.

Miraiya showed her around the training area for other attributes. Anyway, she has to master the four basic attribute magics. First, there was earth magic, then fire attribute magic, then water attribute magic, and finally wind attribute magic. The schedule is strict, requiring all of these to be mastered for one year. She also has to learn how to use a whip, train her physical strength, train to use weapons, combine attribute magic and weapons, and of course practice reading and writing. 

There's no time to be lazy.

"I'll only teach you the basics. All the hints are in the library in the mansion. You can use them as you like. If you don't understand, you can ask. But first, try hard and learn by yourself. Please try it.”

While Miraiya says this, she is smiling.

"Yes, Teacher."

Rose nodded.

"It will be difficult, but all three of you have to work together. Moi will have to prepare lunch for two every day, but please do your best with cooking."
"Yes, Miss Miraiya."

Moi nodded.

"Well then, the rest area is over there, that building with the hexagonal roof. There is recovery magic in there, so your tired body and magic will quickly recover and back to normal. You can use it freely."

Miraiya showed them the practice areas one after another. Rose and the others went around the practice area once and then returned to the carriage. It was quite a distance.

"How was it? Do you think you can do your best starting tomorrow?"
"Yes, I will!"
"That's a good answer. That's great, Rose."

Miraiya patted Rose on the head and laughed. When Darga is holding her, she does look like a small child. Well, she's small anyway, Miraiya thought.

"Okay, let’s have lunch! Let’s go to Escodria!"

Rose and the others who agreed with Miraiya's proposal got on a horse-drawn carriage and headed to town.