In the end, Jahir and his disciples spent three days in the village. Until Saman's fever subsided, Sabil took Jean around and bought a lot of clothes and shoes for Jean. At Jean's request, he also bought a camel-shaped toy. When the day came to return to Magraf village, their luggage had increased, so Jahir and Abu exchanged five of the horses they had stolen from the bandits for seven camels.

"Did you forget anything?"

When Jahir asked, everyone checked their luggage and replied "No" in a loud voice.

"Jean, next time you meet, please call me grandpa."
"Yes, Grandpa..."

When Jean said this, Sabil laughed happily.

"Please come again."
"If the teacher says it’s okay, I’ll go."

Jahir smiled bitterly at Jean's answer.

"I go around here sometimes, so why don’t you go with me then?"
"Yes, Sir."

Jahir said and Jean nodded.

"Be well, Jean."
"Grandpa, please stay well."

Jean smiled and bowed her head.

"I received some delicious grapes and dates. Thank you very much."

Jean said, and Sabil hugged him and put him on top of the camel. Jahir also rode his horse and the group slowly headed towards Magraf village.


When Jan called, Jahir, who was riding nearby, answered.

"What's the name of the village Grandpa Sabil’s in?"
"Ograt village."

When Jahir answered, Jean turned around.

"Approximately how many days does it take to get from Ograt Village to Magraf Village?"
"In the current of Magraf Village, it would take about three to four days."
"It's far away."
"There's nothing nearby."

Jahir nodded.

"...but it's not that far away."
"Hmm, I don't understand."

Jean tilted his head.

"That's because Magraf Village will be moving."

When Abu said that, Jean shifted his gaze to Abu.


Abu nodded.

"Magraf Village is a nomadic village, so we move around. We move several times a year to find grass, which is food for our sheep."
"Do we own Oasis as well?"
"We have a small one. We can't live without water, right?"

When Abu explained, Jean was deep in thought.

"Then, is the reason Ograt Village has grown so large because it has a large oasis?"
"That's it."

Abu nodded.

"The current Magraf village is exactly where the oasis is."
"I see."
"Right now, there's a lot of grass growing around the oasis."

Jahir said as he moved forward.

"After a few months, the sheep eat up all the grass, so we move to where grass grows."
“What if other people move in there and claim themselves as the owners?”
"We are the official owners, so we will treat that act as an attack or an insult. If they sincerely apologize and join our village, there will be no questions asked."

Jahir explained carefully.

"Who decided what was official?"
"The king."

Jahir answered.

"Doesn't Archia have a culture like this?"
"No, there isn't."

Jahir mused. This small child from a completely different world may spark a new wave in the future.

"If the village moves, will anyone stay in the oasis?"
"There are some of them stay."

Sabadda replied.

"One of my older brothers is a house-sitter in Magraf Village. Multiple house-sitters are appointed every year. There are also a few elderly people who can't move several times a year, so they stay in Magraf Village.''
"If the villagers move away, won’t it be difficult for those who are left behind?"

Sabadda nodded.

"But they're prepared for that. Besides, we can't leave the oasis behind and move, because someone else will take it."
"What will you do if it is taken?"
"We'll take it back."

Amir answered.

"It means that if we fail to recapture the oasis, Magraf Village will be destroyed."

When Abu said that, Jahir and the others nodded.

Water is scarce in this area, so people are struggling to survive. Even a small oasis is a blessing that provides water all year round, so it's no wonder that people do everything they can to protect it.

"That's why everyone is living in tents."
"Yes. That's because it's easier to move around."

Jahir nodded.

"Of course, there are buildings in the village. Sabadda's family and Abu's family have mansions, and the village head-chief has it, too. But for some reason, the head chief loves to stay in a tent. The only people in the mansion are the head chief's first wife, his unmarried daughters, and some of his grandchildren.''

In other words, the woman Jean met was Jenal's second wife.

"I see, I kind of understand."
"Hahaha, it's okay to take it slow."

Jahir laughed. And so they continued their journey, conversing.

Just before noon on the fourth day after leaving Ograt Village, they arrived at Magraf Village. When Jahir arrived at Magraf Village, he immediately went to report to Jenal. The remaining Amirs unload their belongings from the camels and horses and separate them. At that time, the men who had come to see the new horses and camels also gathered and praised them while helping them.

They said those horses were good.

"Jean, let me carry your luggage!"
"Yes, thank you."
"So, all you have to do is carry a light bag. We'll take care of the heavy stuff."
"Yes, brother."

Jean obediently listened to Abu's instructions and gathered a light bag. On the way, a few girls appeared and took Jean's luggage without permission, and Jean tilted his head.

"Your luggage would be stored in that tent, right?"
"Yes...but I'll handle it..."

Before Jean could say that, the girls were already running and putting their bags into the tent. Inside the tent, several women had already set up new mattresses and blankets. There is a bed for one person, and it is neatly prepared. The walls of the tent were also covered with thick cloth, giving it a very glamorous feel.

"You're Jean, aren't you?"

As one woman said this, Jean stood stiffly in front of her.

"Yes. My name is Jean. Nice to meet you."
"Oh, what a cutie!"

When the woman laughed, the women in the room also laughed and pinched Jean's cheeks.

"I'm Hana, this is Aisha, Hemaima, the one over there is Aina, and the one with your bag is Irsha, Amina, and the one in it now is Amiya."

The woman introduced them all together, and Jean looked at their faces and said her name.

"...Irsha, Amina, and Amiya. Yes, I remember."
"Awww, cute boy!"

The biggest girl hugged Jean and kissed his cheek.

"Can I have you as my younger brother?"
"No, Amina."

Sabadda, who had entered the tent, immediately answered.


When Amina said that, Sabadda put down his things and laughed.

"Because Jean is my younger brother."
"Aaah, you’re so sneaky!"

As Sabadda walks out laughing, Amina sees Jean's troubled face again and she laughs.

"He's really cute. His skin is white and looks like a doll."

Aina said and Amina nodded.

"I'm Aina. I'm Abu's older sister, so if he says something weird, please tell me!"
"What's weird?"

Jean tilted his head.

"Hmm, for example, stealing food..."
"That's terrible, Sis. I won't go that far. I'll just take it with dignity."

When Abu said this, Hana and the others all laughed.

"That's no good! Jean is still young, so he's easily influenced!"
"It's okay. Jean is smart."

Abu put down his luggage and laughed.

"Jean, those bags are your clothes. They were given to you by your grandpa."
"Thank you"
"I'm going to have to carry the beans to the kitchen now, so you can disassemble your things here and put them in the box under that bed."
"Yes, brother."

When Abu left, Jean tried to unpack his belongings. But he couldn't do it well. Then, Hana and her friends helped unwrap it.

"Oh, amazing. This is silk."

When Hana said this, the women touched the clothes all at once. It feels smooth to the touch.

"Is Jean rich?"
"I don’t understand."

Irsha asked, and Jean tilted his head.

"But those clothes are the ones that Grandpa Sabil bought for me."
"Hey, Uncle Sabil? To you? Clothes?"

When Aina asked, Jean laughed.

"Yes, he did."

Jean answered as he folded the silk clothes and put them in the drawer.

"Why? He couldn't have been that kind, right?"

What's more, he's a strict person, Aina said, and the other women nodded.

"Hmm, I don't know."

Jean shook his head.

“But he said he wanted me to be his grandson.”

The women were all surprised.

"So, what did you say?"
"Well, I can't stay in Ograt Village forever, so I just replied that I can't."
"··too good to waste."

Aina said without thinking.

"But, since I properly called Grandpa Sabil "Grandpa", he forgave me.''

When Jean was honest, the women hugged him.

They all said in unison that he was cute.

"Then, from now on, you will call me your sister."
"Oh, can I?"
"I’m sure it’s good!"

When Irsha said this, the girls laughed again. In the end, the girls were the ones who packed up their belongings, and Jean couldn't do anything.

After unpacking, the woman took Jean to the kitchen. When Hana introduced Jean, the women there welcomed him with laughter. Some compared Jean to their children. Some people handed out freshly baked bread, and the kitchen was filled with laughter.

"Oh, you here?"

When Jahir appeared, Jean stood up and nodded.

"We're going to roast the sheep today, so we have to butcher it. Come!"
"Yes, Sir!"

Jean bowed and thanked the women, then followed behind Jahir.

"The sheep is still alive."

Jean was brought to a hill a little far from the village. On that hill, Jenal and the men of the village surround a sheep and watch Jean.


Jahir doesn't turn around and looks at the sheep with his legs tied.

"Kill that sheep."

Jean blinked. The sheep, which can't do anything, cries "Baaa!" begging for life.

"Do it with this."

Jahir handed Jean a large knife. The men around the sheep were silently looking at Jean. Amir and the others were also silently looking at Jean.

"Okay, but I've never killed a sheep before, so please forgive me if I mess up."
"No problem."

Jahir nodded. A small boy holds a large knife and stares at a sheep desperately begging for its life. Jean is squatting down and looking at the sheep.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sheep. It's my teacher's orders, so I have to kill you. I'll do it as soon as possible, so just be patient."

Jean said in a soft voice, hiding his sheepish eyes with his hand. And with one swift stroke, he stabbed the sheep in the neck. Then Jean pulled out the knife and the sheep died. Seeing Jean like that, Jenal and the men nodded silently. Then, without a word, Abu took the knife from Jean's hand and cut off the sheep's head.

"Good job, Jean."

Jahir said and Jean just nodded.

"Jean Prava."

When Jenal called out, the people there suddenly became quiet.

"Yes, Sir."

Jean looked at Jenal and replied.

"From today, we accept you as Jahir Aslan's disciple. Train under him and do your best."
"Thank you, Sir. I'll do my best."

Jean bowed his head.

"Now, let's get ready for the feast!"

When Jenal said this, the men raised their hands and let out loud cries of joy.