The place is a very peaceful area.

As they ventured out from the bustling town for a while, the scenery suddenly changed, and they saw the vastness of nature. She saw a field shaped like a circle. When she asked Yanagi why the field was round, he told me it was the perfect shape for this world. Foods like wheat and corn can also be seen, but there is something different about them. Rose thought the size itself was different, but the color was darker. Rose looks around at the scenery unsure because of her unreliable memory.

To begin with, the world itself is different. She can confirm this. The clouds are whitish in color, but the sun is reddish. Moreover, she heard that it is warm all year round in this country. That means the tree with red leaves in that courtyard originally had red leaves. It was not because it was autumn that it turned red.

However, the names of flowers and trees were the same as in her previous world. She was called Rose, and the pattern on the plate she was given was a rose flower that Rose knew. Anyway, the pattern on that plate was beautiful. She thought it was a good plate, so she must use it carefully.

What surprised her the most was when she visited a residential area. While there were many people shaped like humans. Some persons looked like humans but had ears like animals. Some had small bodies, while others were extremely huge. However, Rose thought it was not her place to care about other people's body size. Maybe she was the smallest one, she thought. She's not even 50 cm tall, so she's definitely small. 

Rose, who can't even wash her own hair, is filled with anxiety just thinking about what will happen next.

She couldn't help it since she was originally a garden doll, but thanks to the Dragon God's divine water, the doll's body became a body with flesh and blood, which she thought was a blessing.

There is a God, after all, that's amazing, thank you, God! , Rose thought secretly.

Even though she is small, she eats and breathes normally. She can enjoy walks with her older brother Yanagi. It's great to be fully satisfied. Being small is inconvenient, but she has to be grateful for being alive.

As they walked, Yanagi explained about the people of this world. To differentiate, humans are called the xxx race. For example, a person with cat ears is a wildcat race. The snake's characteristic scales are said to be from the snake race. There were also other tribes like bears, boars, and rabbits. There are differences between how people look when they are young and how they look as adults. However, the shape of the race is clear.

By the way, Rose's mother, Frey, is a tree spirit race, and her father, Dalgodas, is a demon god. That's why Dalgodas' body is so big, Yanagi explained.

"There is a technique for adjusting the size and shape of your body to make life easier. It's called a "changing" skill or transformation."

Yanagi is about 160 centimeters tall. Rose thought he must be tired since he had to hold her for so long.

“Then, if I learned the technique of adjusting my body, would I be like Yanagi's big brother?”
"Hahaha, you might be able to do it. But there's no easy training, so you might find it difficult. But do your best, Rose!"
"Yes, I will!"

Rose nodded.

"Ah, I almost forgot to say. I want you to stop calling me that big brother."
"Huh? Why?"
"The Dalgodas family is a family of warriors. Father held the rank of an aristocrat, but there are very few aristocrats in this country, so they don't use it much. Besides, Father also dislikes excessive honorific language and behavior.”
"I'm a warrior, too, so I act casually. But I also have to be respectful and treat others.''

Yanagi explained simply.

"It can't be helped because my mother is originally from a noble family, but my father has a personality that doesn't like to behave in a two-sided manner, and if I don't tell him what I'm thinking honestly, I'm getting scolded.''
"I see."

Rose nodded.

“Then, what should I call you?”
"Bro, Brother, I don't care if you call my name. Father said, even if the parents are lords, the children have nothing to do with their parents' titles. Once they step outside the mansion, they are no different from commoners. That's why I'm telling you to change my call's name to suit those around you.''
"Yes, I understand. Brother Yanagi"

Yanagi smiled. He looked very dignified and good-looking, Rose said as she looked at him.

"We're almost there, that's a village of craftsmen."

When Yanagi said this, Rose also looked around. Certainly, the scenery has changed. The farm turned into a factory-like building. There are some houses and tall buildings, and she can hear metal being banged and things being hit, like thumping. And also some smell from the scent of flowers to a weird smell.

When she enters the village, she finds various factories. She could see the craftsmen there working. Some items are completed or freshly made in front of the factory. Armor, weapons, pots, plates, cups, spoons, belts, cloth, and more, and they're all wonderful.

"Rose, we're here."

Yanagi stopped in front of a building. Yanagi dropped Rose off and knocked on the door.

“Hello, Keyaki, are you here?”

Yanagi opened the unlocked door and called out to the person inside. Then she heard a voice from inside. Also the sound of running footsteps.

"Yanagi-bro! Welcome! Oh! Is that Bara?! Wow, you're awake! Good!"

When Rose saw Keyaki, she blinked with her mouth open. Because Keyaki is very big. Speaking of size, he's much bigger than Yanagi. He was also tall, over two meters tall. He suddenly took Rose, picked her up, and hugged her.

Damn, it hurts!

"Huff, huff!"

Rose tried desperately to breathe.

"Let Rose go. You're going to kill her, Keyaki."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was just happy because you finally woke up. Huh? Rose? Isn't it Bara?"

Keyaki put Rose down and laughed. Rose was unsteady, desperately holding Yanagi's legs to catch her breath. Yanagi laughed, too, and patted Rose on the head.

"She wants to be called Rose. Father also allowed it."
"I understand. It's Rose, huh?"

Keyaki nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Rose. I'm your brother. My name is Keyaki. Welcome to my factory."
"Ah, yes. I'm Rose. Nice to meet you."
"Then please come inside. We have delicious tea and sweets."

Keyaki invited me to his workshop.

"Ah, let's go, Rose. You must be tired, too. It's been a long way."
"Oh, yes."

When she enters the factory, there's a spacious space with many metal works on display. Rose wondered if all of these were Keyaki's works.

"Please. Sit here."

Keyaki gestured to the clean carpet. He lined up the cushions and motioned for her to sit on them. Yanagi also took a nearby cushion and sat down next to Rose.

Keyaki grabbed a kettle and a cup from the small kitchen in the back and brewed some tea. It smelled so good, Rose thought. Keyaki offered tea and sweets, placing them on a low table near her.

"Go ahead. It's hot so be careful."
"Yes. I'll have it."

Ah, it smells so nice and delicious, she thought as she drank it slowly. It's more like herbal tea than tea. She used to drink a lot, she thought. However, she couldn't remember what kind of herbal tea it was.

"Good. Please have some sweets."

Rose took one of the baked goods and put it in her mouth. It is a snack with the sweetness of dried fruit.

"Is this what Brother Keyaki made?"
"Huh? That's right about the plate. I made it."
"No, I don't mean the plate, I mean the sweets."
"Oh, no. The sweets are commercial products made by a nearby candy factory. They're cheap, but they're delicious. I love these sweets."

Keyaki replied with a smile.

"It's certainly delicious. I think I'll go buy some later."

Yanagi was eating his baked goods with a delicious look, and she looked satisfied.

"What kind of craftsman is Brother Keyaki?"

When Rose asked, Keyaki smiled.

"I'm a craftsman who makes daily necessities. I like silversmithing and working with metals, and I always work with my master. But today, my master is away, so I'll be home alone. That’s what I’m doing."
"Where is your master? Is he going somewhere?"

Yanagi asked, looking around.

"He told me he went to the mountain, to get some jewel stone. But until now he hasn't returned. It's been three days, so I think it's time to report it to the security guard."
"I see, I'll go to the security guard later. Like before, it'll probably be okay. Your master is strong."
"That's right. But last time, my master picked up some mushrooms in the mountains and ate them, and he got a stomach ache. He was found by a food procurement team that was hunting nearby, And they saved his life."

Hey, don't pick food anywhere like that, Rose thought as she made an astonished face.

"Well, I guess it'll work out somehow. Just because he is a craftsman doesn't mean he can't do martial arts."
"That's right, my master is a level 5 warrior after all."

Keyaki explained while drinking tea.

"Even if you're a craftsman, don't you have to learn martial arts?"

Rose interrupted the conversation.

"It's different depending on the person. Keyaki wasn't good at all. The only technique he can do is the barrier skill."

When Yanagi said that, Keyaki laughed.

"Well, I have to thank my mother for this. My siblings and I have a plant-based barrier activated by the blessings of the tree spirit. You see, Rose also has some. It's some cute pink dot of light. There's a ball around your head, right? It's your protection."

When Rose started looking around, Keyaki was surprised.

"Oh, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?"
"No. There was no mirror in the room."
"Okay, then let me give you this."

Keyaki stood up, took a hand mirror from the shelf, and gave it to Rose. She thought it was small, just the right size.

"I want to give you a present when I return to the mansion. But now that you're here, I'll give it to you. I'm still working on the other things, so I'll bring them to you next time."

Keyaki said that while drinking tea again.

"Wow! Thank you, Brother Keyaki."
"No, no. I'm glad to give you, too."

Keyaki said with a laugh.

"I'm still an apprentice, so I can't make something as beautiful as my master's work. But I'll do my best to make it even better."

Rose looked at her face, nodding. Her blue eyes, white skin, pink lips, curly black hair, and a rose on her head...

Wait.., the flower of the rose?

"Why is there a rose on my head?"

It was Rose who questioned with a strange look on her face.

"Well, it's my mother's hobby. She loves to plant flowers on doll heads."

Yanagi explained while eating the sweets.

“But it’s cute, so isn’t it good?”

Wait, is that normal? Rose thought incredulously.


It's subtle. It's intense and subtle. Rose stares at the flower above her head over and over again.

"By the way, brother. Did you apologize to Rose?"

Keyaki looked at Yanagi with a sharp gaze.

"Ah, not yet."

Yanagi put down the sweets in a hurry, and he looked uncomfortable.

"You have to apologize properly. She has to live with that for the rest of her life. I really feel sorry for her."

When Keyaki said this seriously, Rose started looking around.

"About what?"

She didn't understand what he was talking about.

"I'm sorry, Rose. Seriously, I'm sorry. Father was really angry with me."

Yanagi bowed her head and apologized.

"No, I'm not sure."

Rose said, and Keyaki took the mirror and show face. When she saw herself in the mirror, she saw a strange pattern drawn under her left eye from just around her cheek to near her ear.

Wait, pattern..?

"I scribbled it. It didn't make any sense. I drew it randomly, drew a magic circle like a magician, and then boom, I summoned a demon! It was a children's play."

Yanagi stares at her uncomfortably.

"But I never imagined that that doll would become your vessel."

Oh my... she opened her mouth in shock.

"Father took something nearby to attach your soul to it, and I didn't expect it to be a doll with graffiti on it. Mother desperately tried to erase it, but once your soul was attached to it... Then it was too late for anything."

Rose looked at his face again and touched it with her hand.

"Father said it was enough for you to be satisfied with your five bodies, so Mother had no choice but to give up. That's why Mother didn't give you a mirror. However, I dared to make this mirror and give it to you. You should know about it.”

Keyaki placed her mirror in Rose's hand.


That's why there was no mirror in the room. But sooner or later, she'll find out that she has these strange markings on her face.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I didn't mean any harm. I just wanted to play a random prank."

Yanagi clasped her hands together again and apologized.

"No, it's okay. Don't worry. Now, wherever I go, I'll be with Brother Yanagi."

Rose smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Rose. You're so kind."

Yanagi is looking at Rose with a relieved look.

"I'll always be with you, too. Rose's eyes were made from melted gemstones and glass."
"Huh? Really?"

Keyaki said with a smile.

"It's true. Keyaki is very skillful. Look, Keyaki also made the sheath for my dagger and this decoration. It was also a celebration when I reached level 3. The dagger inside was made by my master at my father's request.”

Yanagi showed her dagger. Rose nodded, saying that it was certainly a fine thing.

"Hey, the master could make weapons. Is he a weapon craftsman?"
"Yes, he is. But I'm not. I like making plates, mirrors, and other practical items more than weapons."
"That's amazing."
"Thank you. Rose, if you have anything you'd like me to make, please say to me."
"Yes, brother!"

Rose felt very happy to have two reliable older brothers. Although Keyaki is big and calm. Yanagi is kind and strong. She didn't know how strong he was, but he seemed strong, she thought.

"Well, if we don't return soon, the maids will make a fuss. Oh, Keyaki, we'll go to the security guard, so it's okay."

Yanagi stood up, took the mirror from Rose's hand, and put it into his pocket.

"I'll keep the mirror. I'll return it when we get to the mansion."
"Yes, brother."

Rose also stood up and nodded.

"Thank you, Keyaki."
"No, no, come visit again."

Rose and the others waved goodbye to Keyaki and headed onto the road lined with many shops. After buying some sweets, they headed to the security guard. At the guard station, Yanagi applied Keyaki's request to search for his master.

On the way back, they took a short detour and could barely see the outer wall. There is a gate that only guards and high-level people can pass through. There is a strict rule that even Level 3 Yanagi has never passed through that gate alone. It is said that the mountain where Keyaki's master went is beyond that gate. As a Level 5, he can leave the gate alone, but he hasn't returned for three days yet.

"Be careful!"

A sudden scream was heard. Yanagi quickly covered Rose's body and checked the surroundings. Then, he heard a screeching sound from above and saw a large bird flying above their head. Apparently, it came from the mountains.

"Oh no, that's a thunderbird!"

Yanagi stares grimly at the large bird flying in a circle above her head.


The green light around Yanagi's body was rapidly moving and starting to glow.

"That's terrible, the thunderbirds are very ferocious. They attack physically and lightning from above, so it's tough unless you're level 5 or above. Rose, I'm going to move under that tree. Make sure you don't fall, so hold me tightly, okay? Hold on!"

Even for a moment, she realized how dangerous this situation was. The bird called the thunderbird, was very large and had sharp claws. The color is bluish and the sparkling feathers are beautiful. However, as its name suggests, it is a unique bird that can shoot lightning.

Yanagi carried Rose on his back as he quickly moved under a large tree, but the thunderbird saw his move.


Lightning struck the ground with a loud sound. It was a close call. If they were a little off, it might have hit them.

I'm scared! Rose screamed loudly and closed her eyes while clinging to Yanagi's back. Yanagi adjusted his position, lowered his body to check his surroundings, and started moving again.

"Let's go, Rose!"

Rose, desperately clinging to his neck, felt him move upwards. When she closed her eyes on the back of Yanagi, who was desperately running...



Rose was thrown away by a loud explosion. This feeling was similar to that time. It was the same feeling she had when she was hit by a blast at that station.

"Rose! Rose! Are you okay!"

She heard something, Rose realized. She thinks it's Yanagi, but she can't move.

"Rose! Rose! Answer me! Stay strong!"

Yanagi seemed to pick up Rose's body and move quickly. She felt the wind. She can hear voices, but can't respond or move her body. She can also hear the sound of bird wings.

Bass! Bass!

She could also hear the voices and footsteps of those who were rushing. But the situation was still not good.

Rose, unable to move at all, became a hindrance to Yanagi.

It would be a shame if I reincarnated here and died as food for birds. I have to wake up! Stay strong, me! , Rose said in her heart desperately to herself.


Lightning hit the tree directly. But she felt that something was different. Nature is well made. In this land overflowing with life, there are ways to survive. Her hands moved with the vibration of lightning.

"Rose, good. Are you okay?"
"Yes, somehow."
"Okay, Rose, stay there and don't move. Stay low and I'll protect you until support arrives!"

A green light appeared from Yanagi's hands.

“Earth, Yanagi commands you, give me power!”

A whip-like object appeared from his palm. It seemed that it was limp and heavy. Yanagi grips the whip firmly in each hand, moves it in a vivid motion, and bangs! A dry sound rang out.

Startled by the sound, the thunderbird moves its wings and tries to attack them again. Yanagi held his two whips at the ready and tried to coordinate his movements with the security guard who had rushed in.


Lightning struck again. Several guards fell. Yanagi exchanged words with him at the last minute, and red blood could be seen from his forehead.

"Don't move, Rose!"

While saying this, Yanagi prepared himself.


He suddenly let out a loud voice and released a red aura filled with tremendous pressure. Rose doesn't know what it is. However, it is so strong that she can feel enormous power. Yanagi's eyes turned from green to red and his fangs sprouted.

Is that what a demon god looks like?

Yanagi threw one whip upwards and hooked it onto the thunderbird that was flying low. Then, the surprised thunderbird went wild, and without hesitation, he jumped onto the thunderbird's back. He tied another whip around the bird's neck. The thunderbird was violently moved and was about to shake off Yanagi. However, the four vines moved and fixed his body. Then Yanagi took the dagger at his waist and stabbed the bird in the neck.

A rain of bright red blood fell from the sky. Then, several high-ranking warriors appeared, mounted on the bird's back, and unleashed powerful techniques, causing the thunderbird to give up its last breath and fall.


Rose saw the falling Yanagi and started running. Deliver it faster, more quickly, without it hitting the ground! And suddenly, a red light emitted from her body, and vines grew around her head. She tried to block Yanagi's body, but one of the guards was faster.

"Brother! Brother!"

After Rose's frantic scream, the thunderbird fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Rose! Are you okay?"
"I'm safe. What about you, brother? Are you okay?"

Rose asked worriedly, and the guard nodded.

"It's okay. I just ran out of energy, don't worry."
"Then it was good!"

The security guard slowly sat Yanagi down, and several medical personnel rushed in.

Rose looked at him closely and saw Yanagi's eyes had returned to green. Those scary fangs of him are gone, too. Is that a changing skill? But it didn't matter, she thought. Anyway, the blood was still flowing from Yanagi's head, and she looked at it with a worried face.

"It's just a scratch. It's okay. I've applied some medicine so it should heal in two or three days."

Medical personnel applied a clean drug cloth to Yanagi's head and secured it in place.

"As expected of Lord Dalgodas's son. That's amazing. You're the first to defeat that big bird at level 3."
"No, I was desperate so..."
"But don't be reckless. I'm sure you'll get a warning, so it's better to be prepared."
"Yes, sorry."
"Well, get some rest tonight. Hey! Somebody, please take these two to the mansion! Please be courteous in the carriage!"

Rose and the others were loaded into a carriage and taken to the mansion. When she got off the carriage, Frey was waiting and looking worried. And when Moi saw Rose in such a cruel state, she started crying.

Frey held Rose and Yanagi, one by one, and said she was glad they were safe. But the moment she saw the Rose vine, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Rose, I'll show you how to put away those protective vines later. It'll be a bit strange if you leave them out."

Rose nodded sharply. She wondered if she was dressed extremely stupid. But for now...

"I'm home."
"Welcome home."