some advice about ‘Overcoming Insecurity’ | 英会話・外国語教室 BRIDGEのスタッフBLOG

英会話・外国語教室 BRIDGEのスタッフBLOG


‘The way to overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.’--Claudia‘Ladybird’Johnson

Hello Everyone! This is Martin with some advice for everyone here at Bridge ESL about overcoming shyness and insecurity.
Throughout my years of teaching experience in Japan, I've encoutered many different types of students but most of them have something in common. They are always very insecure about speaking up in class, especially in English.

In Japanese society, people are traditionally bought up to believe that to be reserved and to keep opinions to one's self shows good manners. I was raised the exact opposite growing up in the United States.
People are taught to strongly express and speak on what's their minds. I would like the students to try to forget that they are in Japan when they are walking into the classroom.
They should focus all their thoughts in English and not be afraid of making mistakes.
Mistakes are a part of everybody life.
They are very essential in the process of learning especially in a foreign language.

Here is some advice about ‘Overcoming Insecurity’that I hope can be of use to you all.

1. Make a real effort to stop worrying about what you think others are thinking about you. In the classroom, the teacher is there help and benefit you. We are not there to judge you.

2. Always think positively. Try not to think that they are not looking down at you but that they are seeing you as an equal.

3. Learn to be sociable. Force yourself to smile and to greet others. Don't forget eye contact, which is a strong sign that you are listening to what the other person has to say.

4. Try to develop a sense of humor about yourself. Don't try ti be serious all the time.
Learning English can be much more fun and easier if you relax in class.

I hope that everyone can learn something from the advice. The next time you come to class please remember to smile and keep your head up high. Best of luck to everyone!