There is nothing more instinctive in our blood as humans than the need to explore.This adventuring sensibility has lead mankind to incredible discoveries and inventions both on land and on sea. The latter of which still remains a mystery to be unraveled.Seafaring is all at once exciting, frightening, mystifying, and humbling. What could be more appealing to our sense of exploration than that? No wonder the nautical culture is one of such splendor - it is wonderfully human! To celebrate mankind's journey into the unknown we create monuments; symbols that serve as testaments to our strong accomplishments.For this reason, nautical decor has been around bronze valve stem Manufacturers for as long as boats have tread on water. Models of famous ships adorn many of our homes, bringing a piece of history with it. More to the point, there are several different types of nautical decorations that proudly remind us of our own blazing paths into the history pages.
One such historical nautical decoration is none other than the nautical clock.The need for a reliable nautical clock was increasing during the 18th century, as solar-based clocks proved unreliable as time keepers. John Harrison pointed this out, and set about designing his first sea clocks - the H1, H2, H3, and H4. Harrison’s nautical clocks helped to change the way time was kept aboard ships. As such, brass clocks are a great symbol of the nautical culture.Nautical decor brass clocks are designed to become welcome additions to already extensive nautical collections, and make brilliant aesthetic contributions to one’s home.
Keeping in tune with the symbolic aspect of it all, brass clocks come in many different forms. Aside from the regular (read “boring”) standard clocks, are brass clocks made to mimic portholes. These kinds of brass clocks are novelty styled clocks which are made from solid brass (they better be), and are polished to mirror-like shines (emphasis on the “better be”). Furthermore, such nautical decorations often come with a touch of class, such as being styled with roman numerals on the faceplate. This gives a similar feel to the dashboard of a Bentley adorned by an analog clock. Certainly we can agree that digital is easier to look at, but boy does it look nicer!