The Fed that failed (8) | 英語学習雑感ブログ








Does the Fed have the stomach to inflict such economic pain? Many economists advocate higher inflation, because in the long run interest rates would go up in tandem, lifting them further away from zero, below which they are hard to cut in a crisis. Inflation is already helping the federal government by shrinking the real value of its debts. Around 2025, when the Fed reviews its policymaking framework, it will have the chance to raise the target. There is nothing special about 2%, except the fact that the Fed has promised it in the past.



第1文Does the Fed have the stomach to inflict such economic pain?



この文はそれ自体が疑問文となって疑問を喚起し、その疑問をその後の議論展開によって解消していることがわかるのでtopic sentenceであると判断することができます。


第2文 Many economists advocate higher inflation, because in the long run interest rates would go up in tandem, lifting them further away from zero, below which they are hard to cut in a crisis.

この文はmany economistsがS、advocateがV、higher inflationがO、becauseから文末までがMという構造になっています。



第3文 Inflation is already helping the federal government by shrinking the real value of its debts.




第4文 Around 2025, when the Fed reviews its policymaking framework, it will have the chance to raise the target.

この文はaroundからframeworkまでが副詞句でM、itがS、will haveがV、the chance以下がOという構造になっています。



第5文 There is nothing special about 2%, except the fact that the Fed has promised it in the past.






このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第5文までがそのsupportの一部であると判断することができます。





My word is my bond




Inflation that is stable and modestly above 2% might be tolerable for the real economy, but there is no guarantee the Fed’s stance today can deliver even that. And breaking promises has consequences. It hurts long-term bondholders, including foreign central banks and governments which own $4trn-worth of Treasury bonds. (A decade of 4% inflation instead of 2% would cut the purchasing power of money repaid at the end of that period by 18%.) It might add an inflation risk premium to America’s cost of borrowing. And if even America broke its inflation promises in tough times, investors might worry that other central banks—many of which are looking over their shoulders at indebted governments—would do the same. In the 1980s the recessions brought about by Paul Volcker’s Fed laid the foundations for inflation-targeting regimes worldwide. Every month inflation runs too hot, part of that hard-won credibility ebbs away. 



第1文Inflation that is stable and modestly above 2% might be tolerable for the real economy, but there is no guarantee the Fed’s stance today can deliver even that.




第2文 And breaking promises has consequences.




第3文 It hurts long-term bondholders, including foreign central banks and governments which own $4trn-worth of Treasury bonds.

この文はincluding以下がlong-term bondholdersの例を示す形容詞句になっていることを指摘するだけで充分でしょう。



第4文 (A decade of 4% inflation instead of 2% would cut the purchasing power of money repaid at the end of that period by 18%.)




第5文 It might add an inflation risk premium to America’s cost of borrowing.



第6文 And if even America broke its inflation promises in tough times, investors might worry that other central banks—many of which are looking over their shoulders at indebted governments—would do the same.

この文はifからtimesまでが条件を表す副詞節でM、investorsがS、might worryがV、thatから文末までがOという構造です。



第7文 In the 1980s the recessions brought about by Paul Volcker’s Fed laid the foundations for inflation-targeting regimes worldwide.

この文はinから1980sまでがM、the recessionsからFedまでがS、laidがV、the foundationから文末までがOという構造になっています。



第8文 Every month inflation runs too hot, part of that hard-won credibility ebbs away. 

everyからhotまでが副詞節でM、part of that hard-won credibilityがS、ebbs awayがVという構造です。







ここで第11パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフはsupportの役割に特化しているためにtopic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。

そして、第10パラグラフの第1文をtopic sentenceとする、対応するsupportはここで完結すると判断することができます。




