Hawking: Black Holes Do Exist.(その1) | 英語学習雑感ブログ



Sometimes you just have to wonder whether Stephen Hawking is messing with us. The famously wheelchair-bound physicist earned his scientific reputation starting back in the 1970s with his theoretical ideas about black holes, those cosmic vacuum cleaners with gravity so powerful even light can’t escape, a mysterious singularity at their cores that approaches zero size and infinite density, and the power to pulverize anything that comes within reach. The whole idea might seem nutty, but astronomers have mounds of evidence by now, establishing that black holes really lurk at the cores of galaxies and eat stars for breakfast.

第1文Sometimes you just have to wonder whether Stephen Hawking is messing with us.「スティーブン・ホーキング氏は我々にいたずらをしているのだろうかと,時々思わざるを得ない」。この文は「なぜそう思わざるを得ないのか」という疑問を喚起するのでtopic sentenceの可能性があります。

第2文The famously wheelchair-bound physicist earned his scientific reputation starting back in the 1970s with his theoretical ideas about black holes, those cosmic vacuum cleaners with gravity so powerful even light can’t escape, a mysterious singularity at their cores that approaches zero size and infinite density, and the power to pulverize anything that comes within reach.「絶えず車いすに座っていることがよく知られている物理学者ホーキング氏は,1970年代にブラックホールに関する理論をはじめとして自らの科学的名声を得てきた。このブラックホールというのは,重力を使った宇宙の掃除機のようなもので,あまりにも強力であるために光ですらそこから逃れることができない存在で,その核の部分では,大きさが0,無限大の密度に近づく不思議な特異点で,近くにやってくるものはどのようなものでも粉砕する力を持った存在である」。

第3文The whole idea might seem nutty, but astronomers have mounds of evidence by now, establishing that black holes really lurk at the cores of galaxies and eat stars for breakfast.