力 正位置

Today's card message:
STRENGTH. - Upright

You can use your inner strength to overcome current challenges and achieve great success and completion. The following actions can be effective for this purpose:

1. Have confidence: Believing in your abilities and tackling difficulties with confidence is crucial.

2. Control emotions: Not being swayed by emotions or impulses and acting calmly and rationally is key to better outcomes.

3. Take steps towards your goal: By accumulating small successes, you can ultimately achieve your big goals.

4. Harmonize with others: By valuing relationships with others and maintaining harmony as you work towards your goals, things will proceed more smoothly.

By taking proactive and confident actions, you can lead yourself to success. It is important to believe in your inner power and actively use it to move forward.


1 自信を持つこと:自分の能力を信じ、困難に対しても自信を持って取り組むことが重要です。

2 感情のコントロール:感情や衝動に流されず、冷静かつ理性的に行動することが、より良い結果を導く鍵です。

3 目標に向かって一歩一歩進むこと:小さな成功を積み重ねることで、最終的に大きな目標を達成することができます。

4 周囲との調和:他人との関係を大切にし、調和を保ちながら目標に向かうことで、より円滑に事が運ぶでしょう。


#Today's card message
#22 Major Arcana