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awesome dog video -おもろい



音楽に関しては、最近West Indian GirlとGlass CandyとThe Walkmenのコンサートに行った。全部良いショーだったが別にそれほど興奮はしなかった。恐らく歳をとったせいと、結構色んなロックショーを見たせいと、村上春樹の読みすぎのせいだと思う。バンドのせいではなくて俺自身の問題だ。


それはさておき、The WalkmenのコンサートはCosta Mesaで行われた。連れて行ってくれた友達がナチスの建築家が昔作った建築物に似ていると言っていたが、それは最先端のデザインが施された見た人全てを圧倒できるほど美しいコンサートホールでそのコンサートは行われた。その美しさよりもその建物の隣にあったRichard Serraの巨大な彫刻がありそれに感動した。というか感動せざるを得なかった。



先週の土曜日にも同じSerraの2作品を新しくオープンしたBCAM(Broad Contemporary Art Museum)で見たが、両者とも、あの何も無ければ5秒ほどで何も感じずに素通りしてしまうような巨大で空虚な空間を、一変させていた。両者とも鉄で出来た作品で、例外なく巨大だ。実際の高さは分からないが恐らく3mほどあるだろう。それはもはや鉄ではなく壁である。その錆びた鉄の壁は少し外側に傾いていて、一瞬見ただけでは分からないが穏やかなカーブを描いてリボンのような形を作っている。一つの作品は2枚の鉄の壁が並んでおり、その間を歩けるように設置されている。歩いて見ると、実際に訪れたことは無いので分からないが、富山にある立山の雪壁の間を歩くような体験である。自分が小人になった気分になり、そして歩く先には何があるのだろうという好奇心が生まれ、ワクワクしてしまった。正直このワクワク感が永久に続けばいいのにとさえ思った。恐らく1分ぐらい歩いた気がするが、最後まで歩ききると何も無いので正直がっかりしたが、到達感といったような満足感はあった。








Writing on my blog

Whenever I write on here, I feel guilty because I think my writing is really all about me, not for somebody's entertaiment. Most of blogs I see are about something interesting; music, art, food, fashion, travel, so on and so forth.

so when I am writing, I keep telling myself, "Who gives a fuck about this. I don't. because who cares?"
This actually eliminates my inner filter and write whatever I want.

Which I am doing.

There is no focus but me. You see?

Should I make this useful for somebody?
but even if it is, is it anybody's business?
Not really.

But I think it will be great if this is useful to somebody someday.


ちょうど友達のUmar aka Hi-Fidel aka Frawhawk Two Feathers.が家に遊びに来てました。


日本語でもラップしてるのか話してるのか微妙なぐらいラップのうまいかたいると思うんですけど、その英語と日本語ではやっぱり違うわけですよ。別に俺の中で区別をしてるわけじゃないです。でも日本語だとあまりに話しに聞こえるんでしょう。英語のほうが音楽っぽく聞こえるんですね、俺には。慣れの問題ですかね。良く分かりません。未だに日本語のHip Hopには慣れません。


インターネットのフランスのラジオからZap MamaとRootsが絡んでる曲がかかってます。





Lazy X'mas

X'mas is acutally pretty boring because nothing is open and everybody is pretty much with their families.
For those who don't have family here like me and my roomie, it's just another lazy day.

We got pretty drunk last night in friend's house. so we woke up late, had food, rented movie and maybe we are gonna have a big dinner with some other friends and stuff.

I read about 20 pages of novel and went to dreaming on the couch.


Remembering this past year, I really do not have good memories, really.
I worked a lot but nothing really sustained. Now I am pretty much jobless.
Love wise, it's a joke.
I had a resolution of staying in the US but that has been accomplished acutally but in unwanted manner.

I gotta make up my mind and decide what I want to accomplish next year.
I acutally don't even know where I am gonna be in next two months. So, this has to be resolved b4 anything else. Well, I am gonna call one contact tomorrow and find out what the deal would be, plus have a meeting with another guy soon. So, after that, I will know what I am gonna do.

I rather go back to Japan though because it was comfortable last time I went back and I don't have to worry about papers and driving. That makes lots of differences. I have been trying to find a way to stay in the US, in a very limited way. but it's tough. I am pretty much losing my motivation for that.

I need a change. really.
I gotta decide by the time new year comes.

by the way, these days I have not found any music, art, fashion, party, people, anything I encounter as exciting. I mean there are exciting things. It's LA. it's more of the state of my mind I guess. It's kinda like I ate too much good food and they taste normal kinda thing. Particulary music is boring nowadays. It's all about parties, dancing, and sex. what surprised me the most was LCD soundsystem this year. Hot Chip, mstrkrft, css, mia, midnight juggernauts, grass candy were what I liked like everybody else.

yet, I don't really get too excited about them like I did when I was in school.

Murakami show at MOCA was actually excellent. I like his intention to create art as medium to translate Japanese popular culture to fine art in a large scale. Although he is super commercial, I think that that is part of his strategy to convey that Japanese pop art is all about commercialism. He totally abuses the aspect of Japanese culture and created his kingdom. But it's great I must say. Seeing his works made me feel that being in Japan you can still do stuff that affects the world in a way.

No music this time because I am lazy.

About stuff

I just came home from work with bunch of food to survive for the next 7 days. Nattos, instant noodles, hijiki and stuff. very lazy kinda food.

Everyday at my current job, I see people with full of bills in their pockets, thinking how powerful their wallets are to the whole economy, simultaneously, how different their tastes are. Most of the stuff we sell in the store, I would not buy them because they are not my taste. I do not say they are not cool. It's just that they are not worth paying lots of money for. I understand that they are cool to them because the merchandizes are from Japan, which they are not used to seeing on their second skin. What's crazy to me is they pay something like $80-$150. on those in the US!! That's kind of a lot. It's cool for the store cuz they make money and they are successful. This tells me business is not what you think is cool definitely sells; it's rather easier to make money considering what customers want.

Anyhow, business is actually pretty boring.

I saw a old Japanese lady at the store today. She was born in Japan but has been in the US for a long time. She has two sons that were about 35 or something. We were talking and she mentioned that freedom is what's great about the US. Yeah, kinda, If you had a paper or if you were white , definitely. If you don't, you are quite screwed. Getting a job that gives you paper is such a hustling and expensive process. Even if you had a job that gives you paper, you gotta work like a slave anyway. so, I don't think there is a sort of freedom that the lady mentioned here. It's a great illusion about this country and once you are dillusioned, it hits you really hard.

It's cool to say "Yeah I live in LA." Weather, people, diversity, culture, music, art, geography, and food are great. but maintaining life here is I think a different story for lots of foreigners here, unless you have a well-paying job, which I don't. Maybe it's not all about the money. it's more about life style that matters. I obviously cannot maitain life that is comfortable in LA. at least not right now. Therefore it's a struggle. the question is is it worth it?

Difficult to answer.

I am not black and my situation is not as bad as described in this song but I have to relate to this song:

Living For the City - Stevie Wonder

I guess it's about time for me to get the hell out.

and feeling like shit in the end of the day, this track saves me:

Shadows - Midnight Juggernauts


Merry Chritoris bitches!!

It's a Christmas Eve and I gotta go to work to sell sneakers. Not too much fun.

It was fun yesterday though; went to friend's house to watch soccer game, played soccer, and watched a movie at home but passed out in the middle of it. so I basically don't remember what happned to it.

anyhow, it was nice relaxing day. great escape from my worries.

I just discovered that I had a song that I was dying to listen to:

Ernie Hines - Our Generation

Great song with great lyrics and political message.
it's X'mas and we all should be in peace.
I just hope that our generation can bring that by means of understanding, empathy and compassion.

So get together and celebrate!!


Not sure really

I ate too much at vietnamese restaurant today.
with awesome coffee, appertizer, meats and friends.
You know it's Saturday afternoon.

I was supposed to help my roomie at his gallery. but could't help my temptation of getting noodles cuz noodles are my passion! Definitely so much better than talking piss on airplane.

anyhow, we didn't get noodles instead we got 7 different meat on one dish. they were delicious, exotic, and sexy. Vietnamese, man. they are sweet but hardcore like their french drip coffee with condensed milk. Yeah it's unexpected. Americans had no idea in the 60s for sizzle.

Lazy Lazy lazy lately.
I quit my job cuz people there are total dickhead. I couldn't stand them anymore. after thinking seriously I wanna do after quitting, I just looked for a serious fashion selling job.
Totally failed like teen idols' opening ceremonial pitch before a baseball game.
shit it was pathetic.

then I found one job but it's really far on the other side of town. that's good but they don't pay me for shit.
I mean I know I am full of uncertainty for them but How the fuck am I gonna live with $6.5/hour wage.!!!!

Insane man. I guess I am worth less than a house dog or something.

More importantly, where I am gonna be next a few months?
What the fuck am I gonna do to survive?

I don't wanna be a bum dude.

Brothers talk about struggles and shit like that. and is this difficulty derived from my laziness, my disqualification, or simply my yellow skin? Not sure really

I just wanna simple and stable but a bit fun job that pay me enough.

I am gonna be 29 next year for fuck sake. I am OLD! I need STABILITY definitely not UNCERTAINTY!!

Definitely, this is the consequence of being a student fo too long. but it shouldn't be this tough to make a simple living with a bit of fun you know?

Los Angeles is fun but brutal sometimes.
Everything looks good on the surface but there are some dirty ass shit underneath like flat boys house's garbage can. if you look deep in the dirt, there are some treasures hidden in the middle of it. You really gotta look and talk to people. Like art and music scene.

ahhh fuck this, really fuck this. I am tired of this mess.
If I am barely surviving here, I betta get the fuck outta here b4 it gets too late.

but not sure really.

So this song fits my mood,

Joy Division - Disorder



今、ほんの3ヶ月前に行った、Absurd RecordsでまわしてたEddie RichadsのMixを聞いてます。この人えらいキャリア長いですわ。80年代にテクノがPopに取り入れられはじめてヒットし始めたときからやってるんやからすごいですよね。顔はもろクスリめっちゃやってましたって感じです。

こんなんやったら、一人でずっと動いてられます。実際、俺Partyでそうやったし。一緒にいったJordanもそんな感じやったし。なんかこうゆうのも気持ちいいですわ。基本的にテクノやけど、ダラーっと気持ちよく時間が過ぎます。俺は、最近流行ってる、Nu Rave系も好きやけど、こっちの方がええね。


Absurd Recordings; Eddie Richars

13th Minuteからの徐々に上げていくビートがめっちゃ良いです。



It's been kinda long since I stoped using English 90% of the time a day.
B4 that I was like I spoke Ingles all da time. so it was simply easier to commucate to people that are not Japanese.

now I am in LA and use Japanese all the time, which means I am around Japanese all the time. Honestly, this is really unconfortable. cuz I forgot how to act as a japanese within japanese culture.

When I was in school, I felt my failed duality of ethnic identity, slightly. but I am actually now a total failure. I mean, it's not even dual. I am a japanese but not really. I speak English and act like an american but not really at all.

Keigo and Tateshakai all the crap stress me out. How the fuck can you say one is superior because of age?
This is fucking stupid. There are people who do not have
ability whatsoever but take this for granted.
But the thing is this is what it is in Japanese culture, and it's inescapable.

Some say speaking a language of a culture is to have understanding of the culture but if you don't speak it properly, you are failure. seriously, I now feel that I don't fit in both. Actually, I feel more comfortable being around with people from here.

I can never go back to japan and have a normal like. this is not to say I can have normal life here in the States either. That's my choice so stop bitching and go to bed and get ready for manana.

I should be proud of my heritage more though. Being Japanese is a great thing.
Otherwise, I would not be what I am now.

So, I am gonna listen:
影 By Great 3。 だって たまには疲れるよ


It's a curse.