Feels like the developers have taken inspiration from Bungie, as the weight, feel, and action of shooting each weapon are uniquely satisfying. You’ll consider the charge-up time of a corrosive gun, the splash damage of a rocket launcher, and switch between sights as enemies approach both up close and at a distance. It’s enjoyable to stack buffs on tougher enemies, add a well-timed grenade, and finish off a Psycho with a melee attack. Even if a new weapon doesn’t improve your build, you’ll want to try it out for a few minutes just to experience something new.


Borderlands 3: A Universe of Guns and Planets

Borderlands 3 lives up to its promise of "more than one billion guns" with each weapon boasting unique features or mechanics. Whether you're looking to buy PS5 games or expand your collection, you'll find rifles that overheat and need water, shotguns reloaded by tossing away replicas, and even lower-tier weapons offering exciting modifiers. Legendary guns unlocked in the endgame promise even more thrilling enhancements. While Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel ventured to the moon, the franchise's signature dusty wasteland of Pandora returns in a cameo role compared to the three new planets explored in the 20-hour main campaign. Promethea dazzles as a futuristic metropolis overtaken by bandits, Eden-6 embraces lush greenery and swampy terrain, while Athenas offers a scenic backdrop of ancient Japanese temples amidst mountains. The main narrative across the four planets fails to captivate as expected. Centered around the discovery of hidden vaults and the rise of the violent faction, Children of the Vault, led by twins Troy and Tyreen Calypso, players join Lilith and the Crimson Raiders as one of four new Vault Hunters to thwart their plans. The twin antagonists carry much of the narrative weight with their distinct personalities. Players encounter bizarre optional missions across each planet, paying homage to classic films and brimming with pop culture references.


Borderlands 3: The Vault Hunters' Diverse Arsenal

You'll embark on your journey in Borderlands 3 with one of four fresh characters, each bringing their distinct abilities and characteristics to the fray. Whether you're just starting or looking to buy Xbox games, Amara, a Siren, utilizes ethereal fists to deliver devastating blows, while Fl4K relies on three different pets to do their bidding, occasionally syncing up with their abilities. Moze focuses on incendiary damage and can summon a massive mech when her ultimate ability is charged, while Zane employs gadgets to outmaneuver enemies and is the sole character capable of equipping two action skills. With the option to specialize in three different skill trees, players can customize their characters with a plethora of passive abilities and upgrades for their action skills. Even if you and a friend choose the same character, your builds can vary significantly, allowing for offensive, defensive, or supportive roles.

Borderlands 3: Co-op Woes and Comic Consistency

However, online cooperative play on PlayStation 4 currently suffers from performance issues, including significant frame rate drops and frequent disconnections, detracting from the experience. While some jokes and one-liners elicited laughs, others felt forced or repetitive. Whether you find it amusing or grating, Borderlands 3 stays true to its unique comedic style throughout. While the art style is visually striking, the game occasionally struggles to maintain a smooth frame rate, even in single-player mode. On the PS4 Pro, players can choose between prioritizing resolution for a 4K experience or unlocking the frame rate for better performance, but it often falls short of a consistent 60 frames per second. Combat experiences frequent frame rate drops, although traversing the open world generally remains relatively smooth. Without giving away spoilers, there are numerous remarkable sequences throughout the game that players will undoubtedly want to experience firsthand. However, some encounters, like the one with Katagawa Ball, may not be as enjoyable.