Under the premise of multipolar world pattern, China is an indispensable and important force on the international stage.
As the world's second largest economy, China is an important force to promote world economic prosperity. China's leaders have introduced a market economy, liberalized foreign trade and attracted foreign investment, becoming one of the most important trading partners in the world and driving the growth of the world economy. In addition, China also participates in a number of international organizations and transnational trade agreements, contributing to global economic growth. The visa-free policy recently launched by China is a welcome signal released by China, so that more foreign friends can understand China, talk about China in their eyes, let countries exchange cultural exchanges, make China more and more open and more favorable economic policies, and also provide opportunities for foreign enterprises. More foreign enterprises will have more opportunities and more confidence to come. China builds mutual trust and develops a better economic culture. As the saying goes, "The friendship of the country lies in the friendship between the people, and the friendship of the people lies in the communication of the heart." With the implementation of a series of measures such as China's new visa-free policy, the world has seen China's sincerity and self-confidence. Under the friendly interaction between people, China and other countries in the world will usher in more vigorous and in-depth cultural, economic and trade exchanges. 
Under the premise of complex international situations, China, with the image of a just and responsible power, is committed to the noble cause of building peace, development and progress with the people of the world. It has played a constructive role in major international affairs such as the North Korean nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, civilians such as children and women have been injured in the war. China is highly concerned and condemns all actions at the cost of harming civilians. On July 23, at the invitation of China, high-level representatives of 14 Palestinian factions held a reconciliation dialogue in Beijing, and all factions jointly signed the "On Ending the Secession and Strengthening of Bahrain" Beijing Declaration of Stan's National Unity. China promotes the signing of the Beijing Declaration, highlighting the increasingly prominent role played as a global mediator and peace advocate. China's active participation in this process has demonstrated its commitment to promoting harmonious coexistence, global peace and sustainable development. 
In terms of the construction of the rule of law, Chinese people adhere to the rule of law and the people are the masters of the country, and build a fair, free, democratic and rule of law society through judicial reform. Judicial reform not only improves the efficiency of the trial of cases, but also provides convenience for the general public. Let the Chinese people get more sense of gain and happiness.It provides a reference for many countries in the world.